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Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released) — Page 33


Hi Hal9000, and congratulations on your incredible work!

I’m a Star Wars fan since 1977, and I’d like to introduce my beloved GF to the whole Star Wars saga in real “theater” conditions (we are lucky to have a home cinema, and we are in lockdown, so…). Since the original movies hold some big inconsistencies that you accurately described, your edits sound better for a first-time viewer (that is the most important point for me: to be able to watch them as “real movies” without ever noticing that they’re fan edits, except for the credits of course).

Here are some quick questions (sorry that I didn’t go through the almost 800 previous comments).

  1. What viewing order would you recommend with your edits? With the original movies I was leaning towards Machete order, but do your edits allow for a real Ep.1–>Ep.9 chronological order? And would you leave Ep.1 “to be viewed separately” like Machete, or would you include it in the whole “saga marathon”?

  2. Same question for the two SW stories: how would you include them in your viewing order?

  3. I’m assuming, maybe wrongly, that all your 720p/1080p edits are x264. Will you consider x265 10bit in order to reduce size without losing quality?

Thanks again!!!


Hi, thanks for the interest. Sounds like you’ll be in for a treat.

As far as viewing order, my edits don’t modify this aspect of the prequels, so whatever personal calculus you would do would apply to these as well. Personally, I recommend release order for a true first-timer, as that’s the most organic presentation of the drama. However, chronological order also works.
If you’re going release order for a first timer, I would just run through the ‘saga’ films first. (You could lead with Rogue One, but ANH is the perfect introduction.)
If you’re doing chronological, I’d put Rogue One before 3 and 4 but skip Solo. (Maybe include the Clone Wars Microseries between 2 and 3 if you like that; part one right after 2 and part two right before 3.)
I’ve done machete order before but I honestly would prefer not to break up the trilogy structure or skip 1. However, whatever viewing order you like should work as well with my edits as with the official versions.

My primary source for these are the commercial BluRays and HDTV captures beaten into shape by schorman13. So. X264 is where they come from and the best output abandoned-in-2011 software can deliver. At this point my project files for the prequels are a smoldering heap that used to be a house; any valuables left inside are beyond my reach now. I’d have to recreate the visual sequence and align all clips from scratch, and there’s no reason for me to do anything like that. The PT is complete and I’m satisfied with that.
I don’t really know much about how x265 differs, but my output should be about as good as the input and that’ll have to do for posterity. Considering several scenes in the PT are sourced from deleted scenes from the DVD releases, I’d say that’s even a good thing to prevent the disparity from being overwhelming.

All films (except Solo and TROS) have finished edits that are watchable. ROTJ is available as a perfectly serviceable workprint, to be filled in with its primary video source sometime soon once I get the new discs. And of course TROS will be a project.

I envy your home theater; I’d like to view these with some friends and family at some point after they’re utterly complete in a nice environment. I hope you enjoy these, and will report back with your thoughts. Even if they aren’t open to new changes at this point, I enjoy tossing things around and interacting with them as complete works.

EDIT: Oh, and if I were going to watch Solo I would pick up DigMod’s edit “The Coaxium Heist.” (My quick edit of Rogue One is merely a partial version of his.)

My stance on revising fan edits.


Wow, such a nice reply! I really appreciate. THANK YOU.

Duly noted your info about the viewing order, I’ll have to think this through before the big moment.

Thank you so much for even recommending other people’s edits! Such honesty is truly amazing. So I take it that I should try to get:

  • Your edits for Ep.1-9 (well, those that are available of course)
  • DigMod’s edits for Solo and Rogue One

Totally understand the x264 part, makes sense, no worries at all. FYI and for hypothetical future releases, x265 aka HEVC allows for 35-45% of size reduction without any visual loss, both in objective and subjective tests. More info is available online.

May the Editing Force Be with You! (“I have a good feeling about this”… 😉 )


Could I please get a link?

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


With the new release of the prequel trilogy in UHD, is there any possibility of a 4K release of the Hal 9000 prequel edits?


TK-423 said:

With the new release of the prequel trilogy in UHD, is there any possibility of a 4K release of the Hal 9000 prequel edits?

Hal has said this many times before, he can’t do anything in 4K. He just doesn’t have the hardware to do it.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

TK-423 said:

With the new release of the prequel trilogy in UHD, is there any possibility of a 4K release of the Hal 9000 prequel edits?

Hal has said this many times before, he can’t do anything in 4K. He just doesn’t have the hardware to do it.

Thanks for the prompt answer, sorry for the repeated question.


Minor bump.
I used to get the commentary tracks from the downloads on Google drive (which is what I want, I like the commentary!) but I just downloaded Episode 1 again after having to delete my original file, but the commentary track is no longer present.

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Hal 9000 said:

Which version?

Any of the digital versions, 720, 1080 and the tiny encode. I don’t know how to select which track I want when I download the files, that’s why it was just luck that I used to always end up with getting the commentary track. Now it no longer does that.

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All the tracks are contained within the same file. You have to select which one you want within your media player.


Hi Hal 9000, I’ve read so many positive reviews of your edits. Would you mind PM’ing me a link?


Hi Hal! Just discovered all of this today. Could I get a PM for your edits too?