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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 37


idir_hh said:

The film originally did open with the flashback, it sets up Leia being a jedi as well as subtly emphasising that Luke and Leia are in a way the heart of the film(which was the directors intention) , the planet they trained on is the one Rey is training on, Luke’s search for the wayfinder in the jedi books is the starting point for the crew’s journey, Leia’s involvement in her sons awakening to the light, their lightsabers in the battle against palps and last but not least their ghosts handing Rey the mantle of Skywalker.

That Vader/Kylo fan film could come in to use if needed, maybe a quick flash as Kylo meditates on the helmet, we’ll see.The cantina shots in the Mandalorian will be handy to use also.

These are just concepts and ideas that I’ll be throwing around, if anyone wants to use them, feel free do so.

Okay, the flashback makes sense then.😉
Anout using the fan film, I think that After using it, the part with Vaders voice on the Exegol ("… inside your head") would make more sense even.


szopman said:

idir_hh said:

The film originally did open with the flashback, it sets up Leia being a jedi as well as subtly emphasising that Luke and Leia are in a way the heart of the film(which was the directors intention) , the planet they trained on is the one Rey is training on, Luke’s search for the wayfinder in the jedi books is the starting point for the crew’s journey, Leia’s involvement in her sons awakening to the light, their lightsabers in the battle against palps and last but not least their ghosts handing Rey the mantle of Skywalker.

That Vader/Kylo fan film could come in to use if needed, maybe a quick flash as Kylo meditates on the helmet, we’ll see.The cantina shots in the Mandalorian will be handy to use also.

These are just concepts and ideas that I’ll be throwing around, if anyone wants to use them, feel free do so.

the part with Vaders voice on the Exegol ("… inside your head") would make more sense even.

Yupp exactly what I was thinking.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Saying of which… Chase, if I could send you the clip of Rey standing up to Palpatine’s, could you apply your work to it to depict the spirits of the Jedi subtly powering her up? Unless your source material was fairly high quality. Just no color correction or other adjustment so that whatever settings are ultimately applied can be to most if not all clips added along the way.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Saying of which… Chase, if I could send you the clip of Rey standing up to Palpatine’s, could you apply your work to it to depict the spirits of the Jedi subtly powering her up? Unless your source material was fairly high quality. Just no color correction or other adjustment so that whatever settings are ultimately applied can be to most if not all clips added along the way.

Yep. More than happy to. I have yet to rip the BluRay so I have been doing my ‘practice’ edits on shitty 720p digital download footage. Yuck! 😦
So in this case, yes, you will need to send me the footage first, then allow me to spend a couple more days working on it. Usually I would be able to supply the edit within a day, but currently I’m a little busier than usual…
I am your humble servant and await your PM, Master Hal.

Join us in the OT.com Discord server!


Hal 9000 said:

Awesome. Well, there’s no hurry, and collaborator sounds better than servant.

Lol. Well regardless of what you call us, I sent you a PM, you can reply with the footage whenever you’re ready. I would probably rather start sooner rather than later since I will need quite some time to work on it seeing how hectic these past few days have been…

Join us in the OT.com Discord server!


Have you thought about someone grading this film? Many have complained on how much blue is seen in its look.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


However, this would be a case of changing the film’s original look, whereas in the past you’ve tried to restore the original look.

The Original Trilogy had the problem with the poor color timing on the 2004 DVD and 2011 Blu-ray releases, The Phantom Menace had a strange pink tint in its 2001 DVD release, and was fixed in the Blu-ray release, but had a lot of DVNR issues with its picture. Attack of the Clones had an odd green tint applied to its Blu-ray release, and the rest didn’t have any problems whatsoever.

This color grading attempt for The Rise of Skywalker seems to be in line with how people complained and graded Solo since it had a dark muddy look to it.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I think Hal is justified in wanting to regrade the movie. It has the same problem as Attack of the Clones, where the entire movie has an odd blue-green tint. It is the way it was shown in theaters, but when you look at behind the scenes material the colors are much more natural.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


StarkillerAG said:

I think Hal is justified in wanting to regrade the movie. It has the same problem as Attack of the Clones, where the entire movie has an odd blue-green tint. It is the way it was shown in theaters, but when you look at behind the scenes material the colors are much more natural.

That is true, I just imagine that this would be a hard process.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I’m not the best at color correcting, but I’ve made some attempts to brighten the image and reduce the blue, and it surprisingly looks better.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Whenever I can, I’d like to see if I can add a reaction shot of Kylo right after the board room guy asks “and what does the Emperor ask in return” accompanied by a musical sting to kind of imply why he kills him for asking what seems like a perfectly measured, rational question.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Gotta admit that was the most random reaction … if you can at least do something the audience may unconsciously understand his reaction would help it, even with a music cue or a reaction moment like you suggested. Almost like what Kylo did in TFA with that one officer who had to deliver the “bad news” to Kylo.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Oops. Episode 17, The Core Problem.

I, uh, definitely pirate the show so the numbering for the episodes on my files must have had the premiere as one episode or something.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Hey, Hal! Just thought I’d check in. How’s the project going?

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I’m super busy with work and life, and feel that I have very little real creativity to offer this film.

So, for now I’m sort of stagnate. Like the updated OP says, I’m anticipating being an MC for this one more than ever. I’d like to compile and put out something, partly to round out the whole saga, and I know many here don’t necessarily want to commit to a full edit while they produce wonderful clips and concepts. But that only comes with time and patience.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

I’m super busy with work and life, and feel that I have very little real creativity to offer this film.

So, for now I’m sort of stagnate. Like the updated OP says, I’m anticipating being an MC for this one more than ever. I’d like to compile and put out something, partly to round out the whole saga, and I know many here don’t necessarily want to commit to a full edit while they produce wonderful clips and concepts. But that only comes with time and patience.

Understandable. This is going to be a difficult movie to work on, especially without the usage of deleted scenes. Hopefully they are released soon, but I also believe that us fans can find work around secrets to fixing something such as re-scoring and restructuring.

Enjoy your time, Hal.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


So, I’ve been thinking. I know that in my restructured scene order pitch, I still put Kylo Ren’s mission on Mustafar and finding Palpatine at the beginning, but I was wondering if there may be a way to shift it to much later. Perhaps before the group arrives on Pasaana.

Also, Shadester9 is planning on making his own edit of the trilogy and had an idea of keeping Ben alive. I know this change may go against your philosophy of creating drastic changes within the storytelling of Star Wars, but I still think it was a very poor and complete waste to end his story in the trilogy. His idea was to cut to Rey (the next time we see her) taking off in the X-wing after her and Ben’s kiss, and the final shot shows his TIE fighter in the distance as Rey and BB-8 looks out over the twin suns. Some VFX work will be needed, but it is duable. It may also be possible to add his TIE fighter taking off in the distance during the shot of Rey leaving Exegol.

I also have an idea of making a list of scenes that could be re-scored with certain tracks. As fantastic as John Williams’ score for IX was, I think many of us can acknowledge that there were some moments that missed opportunities for certain cues.

Let me know what you think when you have the time to check it out. Thanks!

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I’m not sure, I’m really not. I don’t savor making big changes to core events like that.
Reordering scenes for better impact, sure! Could you perhaps repost your idea for how they go, now that I am more familiar with the movie?

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

I’m not sure, I’m really not. I don’t savor making big changes to core events like that.
Reordering scenes for better impact, sure! Could you perhaps repost your idea for how they go, now that I am more familiar with the movie?

Sure thing! I may also post another alternate way Kylo Ren’s opening journey can be shifted later in another post. But here is the structure I pitched.

Opening with Kylo Ren and Palpatine

Rey’s Training

Rey & Leia’s Conversation

Light Speed Skipping Sequence

Kylo Ren’s Mask Repaired

Falcon’s Return to Resistance Base

Resistance Discussing Palpatine’s Return

Group Discusses Traveling to Pasaana and Depart

First Order Conference Discussion

Group Arrives on Pasaana

Rey and Kylo Ren’s 1st Force Conversation

Group Meets Lando

Speeder Sequence

Knights of Ren Arrive on Pasaana

Underground Cave Sequence

Rey & Kylo Ren TIE Fighter and Force Lightning Sequence

Rey & Finn Discuss Her Power

Falcon is Boarded the First Order Ship

The Group Mourns Chewie’s Death and Discuss Traveling to Kijimi

First Order Take Chewie Into Custody

Arrival on Kijimi and Encounter with Zorii Bliss

The Group Hacks C-3PO

C-3PO is Shut Down

Kylo Ren is Reported of Activity on Kijimi

Poe & Zorii Talk

C-3PO Translates the Message

The Group Flee and Kylo Ren Arrives

The Group Board the First Order Ship

Rey Mind Tricks the Stormtroopers

Kylo Ren Searches Kijimi

Chewie is Rescued

The Group is Captured

Rey & Kylo Ren’s Force Duel Part 1

Pryde Orders to Kill the Group

Rey & Kylo Ren’s Force Duel Part 2

Hux Reveals Himself

Kylo Ren Offers Rey to Join Him

Pryde Kills Hux

Rey & Finn Discuss Her Lineage

Kylo Ren & Palpatine Talk

The Group Arrive on Endor

Encounter with Jannah

Finn & Jannah Talk

Rey Travels to the Death Star

Finn & Poe Bicker About Rey

Rey Searches the Death Star

Leia Feels Ben

Rey vs. Kylo Ren

The Group Arrive Back to Leia’s Death

(Possibly add in an exterior shot of the planet’s surface as Chewie’s painful growl is echoed. Maybe try adding a cross fade to another shot to simulate the passage of time on the planet to help sink in the impact of Leia’s death. Just an idea.)

C-3PO’s Memory Restored

Finn Talks with D-O

Poe Talks with Leia & Lando

Finn & Poe Discuss What They’ve Learned

Rey & Luke’s Conversation

Ben & Han’s Conversation

Palpatine Promotes Pryde

Resistance Discuss Traveling to Exegol

Poe’s Speech

The Resistance Takes Off

Rey Arrives on Exegol

The Resistance Arrives

The Battle Begins

Ben Arrives and Begins His Search for Rey

Palpatine Offers Rey the Throne

Ground Battle Occurs

Palpatine Allows Rey to Kill Him

Ben vs. The Knights of Ren

Palpatine Comes Back to Power

The Fleet Arrives

Palpatine Releases His Power

Rey Defeats Palpatine

First Order is Defeated

Reylo Moment and Ben’s Death

The Resistance Departs


(Maybe leave it on a black screen to let the music wrap up before transitioning to Tatooine. Maybe even add an FX shot of the Falcon flying towards the planet. Someone could help you out with that.)

Rey on Tatooine

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.