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Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread — Page 50


Hal 9000 said:

Deepfake all Final Order crew with Palpatine’s face.

Maybe deepfake them all with Jango’s face. This actually something I think would be cool if it was able to be implemented convincingly, but I doubt it is possible.


Hal 9000 said:

Deepfake all Final Order crew with Palpatine’s face.

Now THIS is the kind of commitment I expect from a top-tier fan edit.


If possible I’m really looking forward to a “NO PALPATINE CUT”, and just have Episode IX be a sort of short Epilogue to the Saga.


Hal 9000 said:

Deepfake all Final Order crew with Palpatine’s face.

Don’t forget Sheev fucks so that crew could turn on each other.

heil Palpatine!


SWOTFAN25 said:

If possible I’m really looking forward to a “NO PALPATINE CUT”, and just have Episode IX be a sort of short Epilogue to the Saga.

You would have a film far, far less than 2 hours and I’m not too interested in that.

heil Palpatine!


Is anyone working on replacing Endor in the planets montage with Coruscant? I know that was an idea passed around.


Here’s my next pass for Kylo on Coruscant, planning on adding a few First Order flags here and there.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Thanks, I’m not planning on doing a full film edit yet, for the moment I’m just visualising ideas.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I would really love to find a way to include reference to a more large-scale stormtrooper uprising, like what happened in the Trevorrow version. But all I can think of now is 1-minute deleted scene from the Last Jedi (a stormtrooper recognizes Finn in an elevator, Finn says “please don’t do this,” and the stormtrooper makes up a cover story, allowing Finn to get away), a 30-second deleted scene from the Force Awakens (where Finn, still in full stormtrooper armor, lets a random civilian go) and possibly repurposing the line “all over the galaxy” from the end of the movie. It would be really hard to make fit but I still think it might be worth it.

Or, failing that, I’d maybe want to find a way to add in the stun-blaster effect (from ANH and TLJ) when they shoot the stormtroopers during the Star Destroyer rescue mission because… seriously… the stormtroopers were all kidnapped and brainwashed as children, and yet the heroes kill SO MANY OF THEM without a second thought. I mean, I know it’s an action movie but SERIOUSLY. They create characters like Finn and Jannah just to show that stormtroopers are people and yet they still treat them as cannon fodder. I can’t be the only one that finds that really uncomfortable, but I haven’t heard anyone else talking about it.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


EddieDean said:


Every soldier in the Final Order is headless

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


RogueLeader said:
. . . . It’s so funny to me because I really felt the romantic vibes in TLJ. . . . But I definitely think if you want to keep the kiss, their feelings for each other need to be set up more.

Never understood why a decent person, as Rey obviously is, would find herself attracted to a mass murderer. That sort of “romantic” subplot makes zero sense to me.

Nonetheless, I did like a lot of the Rey-Ben dynamic in this trilogy. My 3-in-1 mashup will focus on that, but eliminate any hint of romance.


There’s a sort of kindred spirit aspect to them as well, inherent to their dynamic.


Enemies to lovers is a pretty common trope in fairy tales, which Star Wars is one. Lucasfilm’s Strange Magic, which Lucas created the story story for, even has an enemies to lovers plot.

NeverarGreat said:

In TLJ the Rey/Ben dynamic feels very much like Rey is being drawn towards trying to ‘fix’ Ben, which is definitely a thing that can happen in romantic fiction with ‘bad boy’ characters.

Which is why Rey going with Kylo at the end of TLJ wouldn’t have worked. Rey basically decided that if Ben is going to change he has to do it himself. He can change, but she can’t fix him.

Maybe it could’ve been handled better, but TROS at least sticks with that. Rey tells Kylo, “I did want to take your hand. Ben’s hand.” She sees the good in Ben, but she can’t force that good person out of him. After that, Ben has a bit of self-reflection and finally has a change of heart. And although he had some help along the way from Rey and Leia, he made that change on his own.

Again, not saying TROS is Shakespeare, but I think having Ben see his father and allow him to forgive himself was a pretty good way to handle his change. Because if Ben is supposed to be symbolic of a lot of angry young men (and women) out there who are mad at the world, or society, or certain people, the first step towards healing is forgiveness. Either forgiving people who hurt you or forgiving yourself for mistakes you made. Either way, the forgiveness is what allows you to move on and start anew, rather than hold on to those grudges that keep you angry.


We also shouldn’t forget, Adam Driver is quite hot. Who wouldn’t fall for him?

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


RogueLeader said:
Had an image of a pretty cool visual in my head for an alternate moment for the ending scene.
I have mentioned before that instead of having Rey bury the old lightsabers, we could see her build her new one rather than pull it out of nowhere. . . . So imagine we get this sequence of saber parts floating around and coming together.

You should check this out: Hoshino - Star Wars Fan Film (7 min.), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7-n36MBs1A&t=206s

Excellent short film.  There are shots at least in the ballpark of what you’re after.  I really like your idea and will likely do the following: alternate lightsaber construction shots from Hoshino with clips of Rey on Tatooine, culminating with the ignition of her yellow saber.

Also, it’s just occurred to me that Rey igniting her saber would be a good final shot for the movie itself – or just before cutting away to “Broom Boy” as the final shot.


Yup, that is a really cool example of that idea. I’m not familiar with 3D animation myself much to achieve that idea.

Plus, I realized that she has her new lightsaber on her belt for the entire Tatooine scene, so you couldn’t have her build it from scratch unless you erased it from her belt.

Or, we could just see her put the crystal in, and the lightsaber is already assembled for the most part.

It’s a pipe dream idea but I think it would be cool to see.


idir_hh said:

Here’s my next pass for Kylo on Coruscant, planning on adding a few First Order flags here and there.

That’s pretty good and a neat concept. I understand this is only a rough draft, but what’s up with the ships in the background moving in such a “choppy” speed? Is it something with the source?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Good eye, at the moment I’m playing around with backgrounds using Coruscant compilations on Youtube , I’ll be using the original source once I hit the right one.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


For Palpatines broadcast, I think it would neat to use it to further contextualise the events of 7 and 8 as Palpatine arranging for his return, “at last the work of generations is complete, Skywalker is dead! The Republic Destroyed! The great error has been corrected, the day of victory is at hand, the day of revenge, the day of the Sith!”

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

For Palpatines broadcast, I think it would neat to use it to further contextualise the events of 7 and 8 as Palpatine arranging for his return, “at last the work of generations is complete, Skywalker is dead! The Republic Destroyed! The great error has been corrected, the day of victory is at hand, the day of revenge, the day of the Sith!”

Yea, that is the correct idea. If someone can extend this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slsj4YeYaYQ) with “At last the work of generations is complete. The great error has been corrected. Skywalker is dead! The Republic is destroyed! The day of victory is at hand! The day of revenge! The day of the Sith!” similar to your suggestion, it will be perfect. I tried to exted it but I couldn’t mix the sounds very well.
That will make more sense Palpatine is just waiting to officially reveals himself to the galaxy after Luke’s death (Kylo was supposed to kill the Last Jedi, but…).


idir_hh said:

For Palpatines broadcast, I think it would neat to use it to further contextualise the events of 7 and 8 as Palpatine arranging for his return, “at last the work of generations is complete, Skywalker is dead! The Republic Destroyed! The great error has been corrected, the day of victory is at hand, the day of revenge, the day of the Sith!”

Here’s a test for Palpatine’s broadcast.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…