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Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 113


According to the leaks that should be the inside of Kylo’s Star Destroyer, but it’s true that the white color gives it a Rebel vibe.

The classic Death Star vertical strip lights give it away.

Is the secret Empire hidden inside an iceberg?


I’ve already lightly read into supposed leaks, and assuming they’re right, yeah it doesn’t really do it for me. Still, I’ve not the slightest clue what direction this movie is going. I want to believe LucasFilm wants to give this ST a solid, satisfying ending. And part of me is irked by the feeling that maybe it’s going to be a half-assed effort. It will be an effort nonetheless, but not a great one.
As much as I liked TLJ for specific parts here and there, I’m still disappointed in it as a middle act. I don’t think Rian really gave much thought into how the next director could further the story. And so then we’re left with whatever leftovers available to forge… Well whatever those leaks are saying.

The Rise of Failures


If those leaks are even close to right, let me just say “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Like, if the basic plot is what I think it’s going to be (and the trailer seems to suggest it is), this could well be the worst Star Wars movie of all-time. Yes, worse than the prequels.


Density said:

If those leaks are even close to right, let me just say “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Like, if the basic plot is what I think it’s going to be (and the trailer seems to suggest it is), this could well be the worst Star Wars movie of all-time. Yes, worse than the prequels.

A plot does not a movie make. For my money, the plot of any given Star Wars movie is usually one of its least interesting or important aspects.

The plots of episodes II and III are pretty grounded and potentially interesting on paper, but were executed in the worst and most boring way possible. The plot leaks of Ep. IX sound pretty dumb on paper, but could be executed in a way that has emotional resonance.


In my experience with the last two films, the plot leaks are sketchy and incomplete. So I don’t expect this film to be any different. It may be something like the leaks indicate, but there is likely to be a lot that hasn’t been leaked that we don’t know about yet. And that could be the difference from something that sound iffy to something incredible.


Imagine a film set in post-Nazi Germany that asks the question, “How do the people affected by Hitler heal and how can we reconcile with one another after having been so polarized?”

Now imagine a film in which a revived cyber-zombie Hitler threatens world domination.

I’m hoping this comparison doesn’t end up applying to IX, but that’s the sort of thing that concerns me.

My stance on revising fan edits.


The general plot to Avengers: Endgame leaked before the movie was released and it was both dismissed as being too ridiculous to be true, while others felt that if the leaks were true it would be a terrible movie. The leaks did turn out to be pretty accurate overall. yet now Endgame is considered one of the best films in the MCU. I think most films would/could sound pretty boring and/or strange when all you have are simple scene summaries without any of the dialogue, performances, music, cinematography, etc. to make them engaging. Plus, the people who leaks movie plots don’t usually have the full scripts at hand, but have found ways to “peak” into the production, and that’s definitely bound to strip away a lot of nuances and important details.

Also, its completely possible that fake leaks can end up being accurate by accident. There’s only so many tings you can logically do with an established franchise, and I think people have guessed the plots of SW movies pretty well in the past.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Hal 9000 said:

Imagine a film set in post-Nazi Germany that asks the question, “How do the people affected by Hitler heal and how can we reconcile with one another after having been so polarized?”

Now imagine a film in which a revived cyber-zombie Hitler threatens world domination.

I’m hoping this comparison doesn’t end up applying to IX, but that’s the sort of thing that concerns me.

It seems like Palpatine’s return is on your mind as much as it is on mine. This is also my concern.

I was hoping IX would focus completely on Kylo Ren, the Knights of Ren, and the First Order as the villains of the film, and it would focus on the idea of reunification, and if it is possible for two divided sides to come back together through peace rather the total destruction of the enemy. This would have set it apart from ROTJ by showing why the Sequel Trilogy was a necessary end to this saga about war.
Kylo Ren’s redemption, Stormtrooper liberation, there were a few plot threads that could’ve led down this path.

We might just have to look at Sidious as more as a symbol for evil, or the shadow-self, rather than a metaphor for specific evil people. Mecha-hitler will never be a thing, presumably, but there have been and will be people who will embody the evil that Hitler was. You could just see it as an extension of the idea of fascism returning to the world.


For the comparison to really work, you’d have to have a Neo-Nazi leader who assumes total power in Germany and then is suddenly assassinated when one of his deputies takes power in a coup. Then Zombie Hitler shows up.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


RogueLeader said:

Hal 9000 said:

Imagine a film set in post-Nazi Germany that asks the question, “How do the people affected by Hitler heal and how can we reconcile with one another after having been so polarized?”

Now imagine a film in which a revived cyber-zombie Hitler threatens world domination.

I’m hoping this comparison doesn’t end up applying to IX, but that’s the sort of thing that concerns me.

It seems like Palpatine’s return is on your mind as much as it is on mine. This is also my concern.

I was hoping IX would focus completely on Kylo Ren, the Knights of Ren, and the First Order as the villains of the film, and it would focus on the idea of reunification, and if it is possible for two divided sides to come back together through peace rather the total destruction of the enemy. This would have set it apart from ROTJ by showing why the Sequel Trilogy was a necessary end to this saga about war.
Kylo Ren’s redemption, Stormtrooper liberation, there were a few plot threads that could’ve led down this path.

We might just have to look at Sidious as more as a symbol for evil, or the shadow-self, rather than a metaphor for specific evil people. Mecha-hitler will never be a thing, presumably, but there have been and will be people who will embody the evil that Hitler was. You could just see it as an extension of the idea of fascism returning to the world.

Comparing Palpatine to Hitler is a bit too on the nose for me. I always saw him as more of a Sauron-esque type of character, which I why I didn’t mind his return in Dark Empire and why I’m not against him returning in TROS. He’s supposed to be the embodiment of evil, so it makes sense to me that he would return in some way. They could still do a poor job of it of course, but the concept makes a lot of sense to me.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


It makes sense … in a small way. Which is that to have these sequels it makes sense to have the threat linger on. But I get the feeling that it’s really just a ribbon to tie on this so they can say it really is 9 movies in one saga. Plus at the same time allowing JJ to bring in the things he likes. What could go wrong cough Khan


I think RogueLeader hits the nail on the head by saying that figuratively reckoning with what is left of Palpatine makes the sequel trilogy feel merited compared to dealing with a literal, physical return.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Thanks, Hal. I’m sure there will be a way it can be spun to make sense narratively, but its effectiveness won’t be clear until we actually see how exactly the movie pulls it off.

On an unrelated note, I was trying to get cleaner audio of C-3PO saying his line from the trailer, but I’m having trouble with it. Does anyone think they could do a better job of it?
I do know in this TV spot, 3PO actually says, “I’m taking one last look, at my friends.”


The Force-ghost Luke pep talk is going to wreck me even more than the Force-ghost Yoda pep talk did, isn’t it?


Except Luke will have a tan and be wearing a Mickey Mouse hat. 😉

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Where were you in '77?


“This makes Attack of the Clones look like Citizen Kane” 😃


“The prequels were tone poems they weren’t about acting or dialogue or logic” LOL


Physical as a visible spirit/vision or actually just alive though? Hmm…


Mocata said:

Physical as a visible spirit/vision or actually just alive though? Hmm…

In the trailer, where Rey is standing on a stone surface with Palpatine in the left side of the frame, he looks like he is attached to some kind of moving chair. If he was a spirit/vision he wouldn’t have to be physically attached to anything, that seems to imply that his body is weak but real. And in the last few frames of the shot his fingers are visible, and they look normal (if that means anything).


But is it in the same system as Endor? How far could that wreckage travel in three decades?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?