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Lucasfilm's movie plans post Ep. IX — Page 5


ChainsawAsh said:

As much as I love Star Wars, this basically confirms that they butchered the ending of one of my favorite TV series because they got bored and wanted to speed it along so they could go play Star Wars instead.

In all fairness I really doubt that’s true. The pair have been talking about the silly “exactly 73 hours” thing for a long time, most likely far before they were approached by LFL.


Eh, that’s fair, but they definitely got sick of the show after they passed the books and put an artificial cap on it so they could move on to other things instead of letting the story dictate the length of the show, whether that meant handing over the reigns to someone else or sticking it out as long as it took.


ChainsawAsh said:

Eh, that’s fair, but they definitely got sick of the show after they passed the books and put an artificial cap on it so they could move on to other things instead of letting the story dictate the length of the show, whether that meant handing over the reigns to someone else or sticking it out as long as it took.

Well I still doubt your premise (re: the artificial cap because they just wanted to move on, not the artificial cap itself) is true but either way we can agree that the last two seasons are rushed and messy as hell.


So are the films coming out from 2022 onwards with the Game of Thrones writers? People seem to be upset about them, but I don’t have any knowledge of the series at all. The release dates and the actual movies on the current schedule is so vague.

Edit: Right so it is theirs. Six movies with no information… I don’t know how many of them will actually become reality.


Mocata said:

So are the films coming out from 2022 onwards with the Game of Thrones writers? People seem to be upset about them, but I don’t have any knowledge of the series at all. The release dates and the actual movies on the current schedule is so vague.

Edit: Right so it is theirs. Six movies with no information… I don’t know how many of them will actually become reality.

Well, not exactly.

Rian had originally been announced, less then a month before TLJ’s release, as writing a trilogy, and the GoT guys were announced only a month or two later as writing and producing “a series of Star Wars films.”

Then Kathleen Kennedy apparently said at Celebration last month (and I heard this second-hand so apologies if I have this wrong) that Rian and the GoT guys have been talking to each other.

Then we got the announcement just last week of the release dates for three untitled Star Wars films and got confirmation only within the last day or so that the GoT guys are working on the first of these three films.

Everything else seems up in the air at the moment.


My prediction is the Old Republic by GoT. Jedi Empire vs Sith Empire. They could make a saga of six just like Lucas had his saga of six.

Rian Johnson, on the other hand, can create something completely different, with little ties to the Skywalker Saga.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


I doubt they’ll go with anything “The Old Republic” theme. It’s a lose-lose situation.


Omni said:

I doubt they’ll go with anything “The Old Republic” theme. It’s a lose-lose situation.

If anything I’d think the opposite. It’s the easiest way to get far away from the main saga while still being an easily understandable and somewhat familiar era.


It’s only lose-lose if they do Revan, same as a Mass Effect movie that does Shepard. Old Republic era overall would be fine.


ChainsawAsh said:

It’s only lose-lose if they do Revan, same as a Mass Effect movie that does Shepard. Old Republic era overall would be fine.

I doubt they’d do a direct adaptation anyway. And even if they did the games aren’t canon anymore so they’re free to define it how they want (the people who’d be bothered would be a minority).


Just how far, if at all, has the nu-canon delved into the pre-TPM era?

Do we even have a vague idea of what it looked like from TCW/Rebels and the new books/comics/games or would the filmmakers have pretty much a blank slate to tell whatever story they want?


Fang Zei said:

Just how far, if at all, has the nu-canon delved into the pre-TPM era?

Do we even have a vague idea of what it looked like from TCW/Rebels and the new books/comics/games or would the filmmakers have pretty much a blank slate to tell whatever story they want?

Might as well be a blank slate.


DominicCobb said:

ChainsawAsh said:

It’s only lose-lose if they do Revan, same as a Mass Effect movie that does Shepard. Old Republic era overall would be fine.

I doubt they’d do a direct adaptation anyway. And even if they did the games aren’t canon anymore so they’re free to define it how they want (the people who’d be bothered would be a minority).

Well, of course, but Revan was a player-insert character, so everyone has their own view of what “their” Revan is. That’s why the TOR additions to Revan’s character were so poorly received. Any adaptation of the character will face the same issue, whether it’s adapting the same story as KOTOR or telling a new one.


That’s a huge problem with video game movies in general since the way the player views the character is slightly based on the players choices in gameplay or story development depending on the style of game.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


One thing about the Old Republic era I’d like for them to “fix” is to create a substantial gap in technology. They don’t have to ruin the feel of SW, but the ships could be smaller and hyperspace much slower. Space, in general, would feel more dangerous. Although the Jedi and Sith would be greater in number, there would be less republic and empire. If that makes sense.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


ChainsawAsh said:

DominicCobb said:

ChainsawAsh said:

It’s only lose-lose if they do Revan, same as a Mass Effect movie that does Shepard. Old Republic era overall would be fine.

I doubt they’d do a direct adaptation anyway. And even if they did the games aren’t canon anymore so they’re free to define it how they want (the people who’d be bothered would be a minority).

Well, of course, but Revan was a player-insert character, so everyone has their own view of what “their” Revan is. That’s why the TOR additions to Revan’s character were so poorly received. Any adaptation of the character will face the same issue, whether it’s adapting the same story as KOTOR or telling a new one.

I just mean the amount of people who have played the game and have strong feelings about the character two decades later is number that pales immensely in comparison to the size of the general target audience for Star Wars films.


I haven’t seen or read GoT, but could someone draw a rough analogy using Star Wars to describe what about the show seems to have gone wrong? No spoilers, so the analogy should be indirect. (I.e., not just swapping character names.)

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’m not really pissed about this past season like a lot of people are, but I think a lot of people feel that David Benioff & D.B. Weiss (D&D) rushed the ending. HBO were going to give them 10 seasons of 10 episodes, but D&D just wanted to do 8 Seasons, and the last two seasons were 7 and 6 episodes respectively.

To a lot of people, it seems they just were ready to be done, and the quality of writing reflects that. Certain plot devices seem to contradict the “rules” established in earlier seasons. Characters jump around the world quickly, characters don’t really suffer consequences for their decisions (i.e. plot armor), and a lot of characters feel, well, out of character based off their portrayals in earlier seasons, and it doesn’t feel like they naturally progresssed to that point within the story.

It also feels like they made some story decisions based off shock factor or wanting to surprise the audience rather than what was set up in the story. Yes, there were shocking moments in earlier seasons, but usually those moments were set up by character’s actions that, in retrospect, led to those consequences. With the past two or so seasons, it seems they’ve defended their writing decisions by citing earlier moments they claimed to be foreshadowing, but many of those moments were often brief and at best are recontextualized as foreshadowing, if that makes sense.

To be fair, D&D have added a lot of good things to the story as well, especially in earlier seasons when working more off of G.R.R. Martin’s books (the show grew to be so popular for a reason and D&D definitely deserve credit for that too), but the seasonal transition from direct adaption to original work feels apparent in retrospect. I think fans feel like D&D sort of gave up towards the end because they were ready to move on, and some fans feel disappointed because they’ve invested so much time into this story. So I think people feel like they can’t trust them to tell a story and commit to it, from beginning to end. To be fair, I think D&D signed up thinking Martin would have completed series before they caught up with him, so they weren’t expecting to have less content to adapt by the end of it.

I do think, at the very least, since D&D are doing a trilogy, you’re talking about 6-8 hours of content rather than 8 Seasons and 75~ episodes of content like GOT. D&D could map out the trilogy before the first one even starts shooting if they wanted to. The first episode of the trilogy could start out well, but maybe some fans are worried that they’ll get them invested and then sort of drop the ball before it’s over.


OutboundFlight said:

One thing about the Old Republic era I’d like for them to “fix” is to create a substantial gap in technology. They don’t have to ruin the feel of SW, but the ships could be smaller and hyperspace much slower. Space, in general, would feel more dangerous. Although the Jedi and Sith would be greater in number, there would be less republic and empire. If that makes sense.

Couldn’t’ve said it better myself. It needs to look ancient.


Might be an opportunity to really go for a Flash Gordon look. I’d love to see Sith wearing a forerunner of Vader’s armor.

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Why not? It’s lifted right out of the comics.

And I’m all for smaller ships. 😃

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SilverWook said:

I’d love to see Sith wearing a forerunner of Vader’s armor.

I’d be great to see the Sith armor from Tales of the Jedi recanonized.

It would be a nice little explanation for why Palpatine chose such a specific design for Vader.

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Hal 9000 said:

I haven’t seen or read GoT, but could someone draw a rough analogy using Star Wars to describe what about the show seems to have gone wrong? No spoilers, so the analogy should be indirect. (I.e., not just swapping character names.)

This season of GOT, especially the last few episodes, is the last +/- 20 minutes of Revenge Of The Sith. Issues developed over 8 seasons dealt with in seconds, people acting out-of-character out of the blue as the show is out of time, instead of allowing character changes to happen organically. Hard to say more without spoilers.

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