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Your thoughts on the Episode IX title - 'The Rise Of Skywalker' — Page 2


I’m not saying I think The Rise of Skywalker is a good title, but it’s way better than AOTC.

As far as the titles go, to my mind:

  1. The Empire Strikes Back
  2. The Last Jedi
  3. Revenge of the Sith
  4. The Force Awakens
  5. Solo
  6. Return of the Jedi
  7. Rogue One
  8. The Phantom Menace
  9. The Rise of Skywalker
  10. A New Hope
  11. Attack of the Clones

ChainsawAsh said:

I’m not saying I think The Rise of Skywalker is a good title, but it’s way better than AOTC.

As far as the titles go, to my mind:

  1. The Empire Strikes Back
  2. The Last Jedi
  3. Revenge of the Sith
  4. The Force Awakens
  5. Solo
  6. Return of the Jedi
  7. Rogue One
  8. The Phantom Menace
  9. The Rise of Skywalker
  10. A New Hope
  11. Attack of the Clones

You forgot the best title… STAR WARS

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


My initial reaction to the title was “oof that’s weird… but it’ll probably grow on me.” Which is usually how it works. I certainly had initially negative reactions when I first learned of the ANH, TPM, and AOTC titles. In fact, ROTS is probably the only one that made me excited (the rest neutral). All have grown on me over time and I really kinda like them all now in their own way (well, maybe not AOTC).

Even now with TROS after a few hours I don’t feel so bad about it. The weirdest aspect is the grammar of it I think, it’s weird having “Skywalker” singular like that, but the idea of what that choice means really intruigues me. Ultimately too I like that they worked that name in (with this supposedly being the “end of the saga” and all).


“Skywalker” as non plural feels very palpatine. I hear his voice when I read the title.


The saga titles haven’t sounded Star Warsy to me since The Force Awakens, and it’s only by chance they picked that one. The Last Jedi is derivative of Return of the Jedi, and The Rise of Skywalker refers to an individual. Those things just feel wrong to me.

The trailer was good, though, and thank god they did one of the only things I hoped they’d do but didn’t think they’d have the courage to do.


Anakin Starkiller said:

The saga titles haven’t sounded Star Warsy to me since The Force Awakens … The Last Jedi is derivative of Return of the Jedi

So ROTJ isn’t “Star Warsy” either?

The Rise of Skywalker refers to an individual

You mean like The Phantom Menace?

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


I honestly think this is the only title I actually dislike. A couple of the other ones are kind of bland, but this one really does rub me the wrong way like none of the other ones do. It’s like something some random idiot on Reddit would come up with.


If a particular theory that’s cropped up turns out to be true, and it’s executed well, the title might be looked on more favorably after the movie is released.


I gotta agree with Chainsawash …I think Attack Of The Clones is the worst title hands down , when I first heard it I thought it was a joke and could not be real , but it was . Invoked memories of bad B movies like attack of the killer tomatoes .Hey , there is an edit title Frink would have loved …Attack of the killler clone tomatoes ! lol . As for the Rise of Skywalker …meh. It could be worse . It makes you wonder what it means and provides a hook , but I think it should have been thought out more if only for the life the film will have after the theaters on whatever media people will re watch it on .And I have already started hearing the inevitable jokes about little blue pills making Skywalker rise …



“It’s time for the Jedi to end…” maybe the title means that a force sensitive person will no longer be called a Jedi, they’ll be called a Skywalker?

The previous film opened the door to the galaxy being filled with a new generation of force sensitive, perhaps Rey and the Resistance choose the title ‘Skywalker’ to denote them as a homage to Luke?


It’s both a weirdly specific reference to something that should not be used in a title, and another “Rise of” title that should not be used at all any more.


Matt.F said:

“It’s time for the Jedi to end…” maybe the title means that a force sensitive person will no longer be called a Jedi, they’ll be called a Skywalker?

The previous film opened the door to the galaxy being filled with a new generation of force sensitive, perhaps Rey and the Resistance choose the title ‘Skywalker’ to denote them as a homage to Luke?

Yeah, this is the theory I was talking about earlier.


dahmage said:

“Skywalker” as non plural feels very palpatine. I hear his voice when I read the title.

He’ll have to wait on international translations to know if it’s singular or plural. That’s being said, I considerer they made a mistake with TLJ translated in plural in french, whereas Rian explained it was meant to be singular.

L’apogée de Skywalker

ou bien

L’apogée des Skywalker


Oh yeah I forgot in English plural forms exist for names.

Then L’apogée de Skywalker it shall be ?

(there are many way to translate “rise”…)


You mean like The Phantom Menace?

That’s a lot more vague.

I’m pretty sure Attack of the Clones is supposed to evoke B-movies. It’s a fine title. The only problem with it is it doesn’t reflect the actual film, as the clones never attack anything, but they do fight, which is pretty close.

Then L’apogée de Skywalker it shall be ?

What the fuck is an apogée? Then again, I actually can’t think of any French word for rise. Let’s see what Google says. Hausse, montée, relèvement, naissance- wait seriously? How do you translate rise to birth, Google? Then there’s crue, which is another word I’ve never heard of.


joefavs said:

I honestly think this is the only title I actually dislike. A couple of the other ones are kind of bland, but this one really does rub me the wrong way like none of the other ones do. It’s like something some random idiot on Reddit would come up with.

If I had to nitpick, I’d say it has the potential to sound dated several years from now. It’s been trendy to put Rise in the title of films of late and this now joins them.

That said, I’ve never been a big fan of most of them. For me, Star Wars as a title is the gold standard in the genre. I think Rogue One and Solo worked nicely also. They fit their focused stories very well.

Forum Moderator

Anakin Starkiller said:
What the fuck is an apogée?

Apogee is the most that something can advance. It’s typically used to describe an orbit (planet, moon, ship, satellite) at its farthest out. I guess it works for this too.

Forum Moderator

T3: Rise of the machines was translated as Le soulèvement des machines, which was a good translation for this context. Dark Knight Rises was translated… Dark Knight Rises 😄

In this context Apogée is a good title. It seems it exists in english as well (Apogee… probably of french origin ?), would have been even nicer to use it for the original title : The Skywalker Apogee 😃

The Rise of… is too common for a Saga such as Star Wars.


Anakin Starkiller said:

The saga titles haven’t sounded Star Warsy to me since The Force Awakens, and it’s only by chance they picked that one. The Last Jedi is derivative of Return of the Jedi,

Is it though?

and The Rise of Skywalker refers to an individual.

Does it though?


Might refer to a family…

(just saying: so far Shmi, Anakin, Leia, Luke, Ben… family you can extend to Padmé, Owen, Beru…)

(it is time… for the Skywalker Saga to end)


MalàStrana said:

Might refer to a family…

(just saying: so far Shmi, Anakin, Leia, Luke, Ben… family you can extend to Padmé, Owen, Beru…)

(it is time… for the Skywalker Saga to end)

Yeah I mean, it would be a surprise if it was referring to an individual honestly. What individual? More obviously the family and their legacy.


The Skywalker twins reunited in the Force…