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The Worst Scene/Sequence in Any Star Wars Film — Page 8


It’s like after Attack of the Clones someone reminded George that Star Wars should be kind of shlocky, so he turned it up to 11 and forgot to make it endearing or funny.


ROTS opening isn’t perfect, but it’s a ton of fun and my favorite part of the PT. After that the movie goes downhill, wish they hadn’t wasted EP 1 and 2 on pointless crap and showed the clone wars properly.

TCW has a lot of episodes similar to that scene, if you like the ROTS opening I recommend the show.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


My opinions aren’t that unusual, but here they are.

The Phantom Menace: Taking the submarine into Naboo’s core, it was completely unnecessary to the story.
Attack of the Clones: The romantic subplot, enough said.
Revenge of the Sith: Yoda’s fight with Sheev, it was his fight with Dooku turned up to 11.
Solo: L3’s shenanigans, it’s hard to know if we’re supposed to take her seriously or not.
Rogue One: No one scene really bugs me, but the whole first and second act was a bit too slow.
A New Hope: The sandcrawler scene could be shortened a bit, maybe. Nothing outside of SE crap really sticks out to me.
The Empire Strikes Back: Maybe the space slug trying to eat the Falcoln. Again, nothing really bothers me.
Return of the Jedi: The Ewoks, they should have been Wookiees like the original script said.
The Force Awakens: The rathtar scene. The CGI was Prequel level tbh.
The Last Jedi: The Canto Bight side quest, it felt so forced in.


I’ll take a different direction with this concept, and list the missteps from each installment which were the most inconvenient and/or caused problems for the other movies:

ANH: The Clone Wars, a throwaway reference practically guaranteeing a prequel trilogy filled with faceless cannon-fodder.
ESB: Luke and Leia’s kiss, souring the sibling retcon.
ROTJ: Killing off all the major villains, leaving no substantial threat for future sequels.
TPM: Midichlorians, dissolving much of the mysticism of the Force.
AOTC: The Sandpeople slaughter, ending all sympathy for our protagonist in the middle of the story.
ROTS: The youngling slaughter, turning Anakin from merely unsympathetic to someone that Luke would surely never try to redeem, and by extension poisoning the entire purpose for the prequels.
TFA: Destroying the Republic Capital, ensuring another repeat of Rebels vs Empire.
TLJ: Hyperspace ramming, which in concept is more effective than capital ships, shields, and Death Stars.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I feel like the Death Star existing at all ruins all of Star Wars, from a certain point of view.

The Americans have built (and used) the nuke, what does everyone else do? They build their own, of course! Why doesn’t the Republic start building Death Stars after VI, or, better yet, why doesn’t the Empire build like 20 after their rise to power? Realistically the sequel trilogy should be about two sides having nuclear bombs pointed at each other yelling.

But it’s Star Wars, so it doesn’t need to make realistic, logical sense. The expanded universe tells us all the reasons that this doesn’t happen. Moviegoers don’t get that info, but they don’t care because the story is about the characters.


Also, everything involving slave Leia is gross and I hate it. It almost ruins her character just so George can sell a couple of horny nerds some posters.


snooker said:

I feel like the Death Star existing at all ruins all of Star Wars, from a certain point of view.

The Americans have built (and used) the nuke, what does everyone else do? They build their own, of course! Why doesn’t the Republic start building Death Stars after VI, or, better yet, why doesn’t the Empire build like 20 after their rise to power? Realistically the sequel trilogy should be about two sides having nuclear bombs pointed at each other yelling.

But it’s Star Wars, so it doesn’t need to make realistic, logical sense. The expanded universe tells us all the reasons that this doesn’t happen. Moviegoers don’t get that info, but they don’t care because the story is about the characters.

The Death Star took 20 years to build and was probably manned by hundreds of thousands of crew. It would be unrealistic for the canon New Republic to construct something like that when their constitution limits their military so much.


snooker said:

Also, everything involving slave Leia is gross and I hate it. It almost ruins her character just so George can sell a couple of horny nerds some posters.

If there were any posters back in 1983, I never saw them, and I got a lot of posters that year. I’m surprised the Rolling Stone cover never became a poster.

The only 80’s merchandise Im aware of was one of the Buger King glasses and that was quite tame.

We didn’t even get an action figure until 1997!

Carrie always seemed a good sport about it, showing off a statue in her one woman show. She did joke that she did not give George the merchandising rights to her nether regions.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


snooker said:

I feel like the Death Star existing at all ruins all of Star Wars, from a certain point of view.

The Americans have built (and used) the nuke, what does everyone else do? They build their own, of course! Why doesn’t the Republic start building Death Stars after VI, or, better yet, why doesn’t the Empire build like 20 after their rise to power? Realistically the sequel trilogy should be about two sides having nuclear bombs pointed at each other yelling.

But it’s Star Wars, so it doesn’t need to make realistic, logical sense. The expanded universe tells us all the reasons that this doesn’t happen. Moviegoers don’t get that info, but they don’t care because the story is about the characters.

The Death Star is widely associated as a symbol of tyranny and mass genoicde. The rebellion fought to prevent those weapons from ever being constructed, so it stands to reason the republic wouldn’t even consider building another superweapon. Doing so would cause mass riots.

The Atomic Bomb is different because it has never been used by bad people. It’s two proper uses were the lesser of two evils at a time of world war. But if North Korea started decimating cities with no weapons, I’d bet the entire world would illegalize nukes once North Korea’s dealt with.

TLDR: The Empire abused the Death Star to promote fear and evil, while the US used nukes to end a war which Japan was clearly losing but refused to surrender.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


OutboundFlight said:

snooker said:

I feel like the Death Star existing at all ruins all of Star Wars, from a certain point of view.

The Americans have built (and used) the nuke, what does everyone else do? They build their own, of course! Why doesn’t the Republic start building Death Stars after VI, or, better yet, why doesn’t the Empire build like 20 after their rise to power? Realistically the sequel trilogy should be about two sides having nuclear bombs pointed at each other yelling.

But it’s Star Wars, so it doesn’t need to make realistic, logical sense. The expanded universe tells us all the reasons that this doesn’t happen. Moviegoers don’t get that info, but they don’t care because the story is about the characters.

The Atomic Bomb is different because it has never been used by bad people. It’s two proper uses were the lesser of two evils at a time of world war. But if North Korea started decimating cities with no weapons, I’d bet the entire world would illegalize nukes once North Korea’s dealt with.

My sweet summer child…


SW (1977) - Hanill’s line delivery of wanting to go to the Tosche Station.
ESB (1980) - Leia kissing Luke.
RotJ (1983) - The Yub Nub song (one of the only changes in the SE that I like).
SW SE (1997) - Tie between added cgi in Mos Eisley and Greedo shooting first.
ESB SE (1997) - Luke yelling as he falls.
RotJ SE (1997) - The Jedi Rocks song.
TPM - Anakin accidentally activating the Naboo star fighter.
AotC - The droid factory sequence.
RotS - Tie between “so love has blinded you?” and Padmé giving birth.
SW DVD (2004) - The accidental green lightsaber.
ESB DVD (2004) - Vader saying “how is that possible?” when told that Luke is Anakin’s son.
RotJ DVD (2004) - Still Jedi Rocks.
SW Blu-Ray (2011) - Kenobi’s altered Krayt Dragon call.
ESB Blu-Ray (2011) - Still the altered Vader dialogue.
RotJ Blu-Ray (2011) - Tie between Sebulba cameo and Wickett blinking.
TFA - Finn drinking elephant water.
R1 - Cassian and Jyn’s speech as they’re heading into Scariff.
TLJ - Finn going “stop enjoying this!” while Rose is laughing.
Solo - L3’s introduction.



snooker said:

OutboundFlight said:

snooker said:

I feel like the Death Star existing at all ruins all of Star Wars, from a certain point of view.

The Americans have built (and used) the nuke, what does everyone else do? They build their own, of course! Why doesn’t the Republic start building Death Stars after VI, or, better yet, why doesn’t the Empire build like 20 after their rise to power? Realistically the sequel trilogy should be about two sides having nuclear bombs pointed at each other yelling.

But it’s Star Wars, so it doesn’t need to make realistic, logical sense. The expanded universe tells us all the reasons that this doesn’t happen. Moviegoers don’t get that info, but they don’t care because the story is about the characters.

The Atomic Bomb is different because it has never been used by bad people. It’s two proper uses were the lesser of two evils at a time of world war. But if North Korea started decimating cities with no weapons, I’d bet the entire world would illegalize nukes once North Korea’s dealt with.

My sweet summer child…

Geneva Convention?

Maul- A Star Wars Story


that jump n’ run scene (plattformer scene) in episode 2 in the droid factory…


OutboundFlight said:

snooker said:

OutboundFlight said:

snooker said:

I feel like the Death Star existing at all ruins all of Star Wars, from a certain point of view.

The Americans have built (and used) the nuke, what does everyone else do? They build their own, of course! Why doesn’t the Republic start building Death Stars after VI, or, better yet, why doesn’t the Empire build like 20 after their rise to power? Realistically the sequel trilogy should be about two sides having nuclear bombs pointed at each other yelling.

But it’s Star Wars, so it doesn’t need to make realistic, logical sense. The expanded universe tells us all the reasons that this doesn’t happen. Moviegoers don’t get that info, but they don’t care because the story is about the characters.

The Atomic Bomb is different because it has never been used by bad people. It’s two proper uses were the lesser of two evils at a time of world war. But if North Korea started decimating cities with no weapons, I’d bet the entire world would illegalize nukes once North Korea’s dealt with.

My sweet summer child…

Geneva Convention?

There is good evidence the bombs did not have to be dropped and that the US did so to let the USSR know they had them.


Creox said:

OutboundFlight said:

snooker said:

OutboundFlight said:

snooker said:

I feel like the Death Star existing at all ruins all of Star Wars, from a certain point of view.

The Americans have built (and used) the nuke, what does everyone else do? They build their own, of course! Why doesn’t the Republic start building Death Stars after VI, or, better yet, why doesn’t the Empire build like 20 after their rise to power? Realistically the sequel trilogy should be about two sides having nuclear bombs pointed at each other yelling.

But it’s Star Wars, so it doesn’t need to make realistic, logical sense. The expanded universe tells us all the reasons that this doesn’t happen. Moviegoers don’t get that info, but they don’t care because the story is about the characters.

The Atomic Bomb is different because it has never been used by bad people. It’s two proper uses were the lesser of two evils at a time of world war. But if North Korea started decimating cities with no weapons, I’d bet the entire world would illegalize nukes once North Korea’s dealt with.

My sweet summer child…

Geneva Convention?

There is good evidence the bombs did not have to be dropped and that the US did so to let the USSR know they had them.

I agree that the U.S had an ulterior motive for using the bombs. But it’s not like Operation Downfall was a great looking alternative, and that’s what it would come to if much of the Japanese army leadership had their way.


Anakin Starkiller said:

What’s wrong with Ewoks blinking?

Because the CGI effect is awful, and makes Wicket horrifying?

Some of the original Ewok masks did blink. Hard to see in the movie, but it’s there.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Zachary VIII said:

Creox said:

OutboundFlight said:

snooker said:

OutboundFlight said:

snooker said:

I feel like the Death Star existing at all ruins all of Star Wars, from a certain point of view.

The Americans have built (and used) the nuke, what does everyone else do? They build their own, of course! Why doesn’t the Republic start building Death Stars after VI, or, better yet, why doesn’t the Empire build like 20 after their rise to power? Realistically the sequel trilogy should be about two sides having nuclear bombs pointed at each other yelling.

But it’s Star Wars, so it doesn’t need to make realistic, logical sense. The expanded universe tells us all the reasons that this doesn’t happen. Moviegoers don’t get that info, but they don’t care because the story is about the characters.

The Atomic Bomb is different because it has never been used by bad people. It’s two proper uses were the lesser of two evils at a time of world war. But if North Korea started decimating cities with no weapons, I’d bet the entire world would illegalize nukes once North Korea’s dealt with.

My sweet summer child…

Geneva Convention?

There is good evidence the bombs did not have to be dropped and that the US did so to let the USSR know they had them.

I agree that the U.S had an ulterior motive for using the bombs. But it’s not like Operation Downfall was a great looking alternative, and that’s what it would come to if much of the Japanese army leadership had their way.

And let’s not derail the thread by getting too deep into real world historical debates.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


DuracellEnergizer said:

SilverWook said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

What’s wrong with Ewoks blinking?

Because the CGI effect is awful, and makes Wicket horrifying?

Ewoks should be horrifying.

I thought Teebo was scary looking.

He looks like he would happily skin you alive, eat your liver, and wear your face as a hat. I don’t think we see much of him after our heroes get captured, which makes me wonder if Lucas shunted him into the background for being less cute and more fierce. And in the Ewoks cartoon, he got the cute makeover, and looks nothing like he did in ROTJ.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Star Wars’ lore is so vast that I can already bet there’s a name for that creature which ended up as Teebo’s helmet.