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The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released) — Page 7


In this version, I suppose Phasma is presumed dead after the ship is destroyed. I guess she’s the one character who dies on board. 😃
I wish there was a good way to remove her from the film completely, without removing Finn and Rose’s entire subplot.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Honestly, both times I’ve watched this edit so far, I forgot about Phasma entirely after Holdo’s kamikaze attack - shows just how much of an impression the character leaves! 😉 I feel bad for Gwendoline Christie, she deserved a better part.

Honestly, the Phasma situation is the last major TFA/TLJ issue that I think has yet to be truly solved in any edit. (I’m not counting edits that cut out all of the Finn and Rose Star Destroyer subplot, since that creates more problems than it solves for me.)


nicko1981 said:

Could I please get a link for the 4Gb version?

PM sent!

As for Phasma, I also wish they could have given Gwendoline Christie’s screen-time more meaning. She doesn’t need to be a major character in a story that perhaps already has too many, but I think she could have made an impression similar to what Boba Fett did with his few lines.

Hal, I hadn’t thought of that, but I suppose Phasma is the sole casualty of Holdo’s maneuver (besides Holdo)! However, I have to say I’ve actually gotten a bit tired of having to assume the only way a named character can die is if we see it on-screen. It’s why for 7 seasons now I’m still waiting for Arya’s dancing master to return on Game of Thrones!


I’d say if she somehow resurfaces in IX, this would unambiguously be the way to handle her in this movie.
That being said, I hope she just stays dead. If she could be excused from the execution scene of Finn and Rose, we could assume she died on SKB.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Big Poppa! So glad you’re releasing your first edit! I hope you stick around here awhile. I’m looking forward to when IX is released and we could all share ideas for edits for the whole saga. I’d love a PM for your edit as well!

Wanted to make a few notes on what has been discussed. I think the amount of work needed on the hologram deleted scene should bring into question if it is really necessary, or worth the effort needed. I personally don’t think so, the moment Finn picks up the beacon to Rey is enough I think.

Regarding Phasma, I have said this before and I’m sure it is annoying to those who’ve read it repeatedly, but I still think the best way to improve Phasma’s character is to not have her be the one to take down the shields in TFA. I think that it is what made a lot of people not take her character seriously. If she only appeared briefly in TFA, then her appearance in TLJ and showdown with Finn would feel more appropriate and less of a letdown, because the way she was humiliated in TFA is what lead people to think she would get some payback in TLJ. Just my two cents though.

I think you handled it well in your edit though, because like you said removing it probably helps the pacing. And by not seeing what happened to her, we can either assume she died or was injured if she does show up in IX, unlikely but it’ll allow your edit to hold up regardless.
I think adding the vfx shot off BB-8 really helps make it work too. Solid job on that.


Good to hear from you! Yes, I will be sticking around for episode IX. I really have no idea what will happen, as The Last Jedi didn’t leave me with much to anticipate for the next film other than another confrontation between Rey and Kylo-Ren. So it’s kind of a blank slate for me, which is exciting.

About phasma, she does seem pretty tightly tied into the execution scene. I don’t think you could easily remove those chunks from the build-up to Holdo’s light-speed attack, especially with the climactic music. Although some edits, like Forceghostrecon’s, have completely removed phasma AND the Finn/Rose sideplot entirely. I’d like to see that just to know how the music and pacing can work without phasma, Finn, or Rose and just intercutting between Rey/Kylo and Holdo.


Finished your final version this morning! Wow - such a wonderfully executed edit! My preferred version would probably be a mix between what you’ve done here and Hal’s, but in the end I could throw either edit on and be perfectly content.

On the topic of Phasma (and the Finn/Rose sideplot), a dream of mine would be to somehow include more of Finn’s sideplot without all of the cringey moments (that you have very competently removed!). His character really gets butchered when so much is cut out and I think he deserves more! Finn goes from just caring about himself and Rey and doing whatever he can to save her, to identifying as a rebel, understanding that there’s more to the galaxy than just his self-preservation and Rey, and taking that next step to becoming the hero that Rose thinks he is when they first meet.

I would LOVE to:

  • add deleted footage of Canto Bight’s wonderful aliens and costumes to the beginning of its intro sequence, hearkening back to our introduction of the Mos Eisley cantina
  • cut out the Canto Bight prequel-style humour (aka burping CGI alien)
  • Still somehow include the scene where Finn and Rose watch the Fathier race, as that a key moment where Finn sees the extent of damage done by the First Order from a slightly different perspective
  • Completely remove the Fathier chase (as you’ve done), or just heavily reduce it and still have the payoff with Broom Kid
  • Keep the Finn/Phasma fight (“Rebel scum” is Finn finally identifying as a rebel!), AND somehow remove BB-8 in the walker
  • (plus we get to see Phasma die which helps tie up potential lose ends come Ep. IX)

Wow, I apologize for the ramble. It’s a pipe dream, but if possible, it might just be the cherry on top for me.


I haven’t got time to watch the whole flick but I watched most of it, including all the changes. It’s a very nice edit, I guess most ideas work fine, even if I must admit that I don’t agree on the most radical (but for people who can’t stand Leia’s spacewalk, this is the best that can be done).

I particularly love the following changes :

Tweaked Music during Luke’s saber toss so it’s not a joke

Brillant 😃 Tell me, is your audio of this scene compliant with the theatrical cut (and Hal9000’s edit as well) ? I’d like to use your audio alteration on Hal9000 edit.

Cut Luke drinking milk (just that shot, not the scene)

I no longer mind the weird Luke’s drinking milk shot but this is a very fine way ot deal with it. I probably like it best than the theatrical cut of the scene.

Cut Maz’s line about having a physical relationship with the codebreaker

Excellent !

The deleted shuttle scene of Finn and Rose heading back “where we belong” was restored here as well. Not only does it give more resolution to Finn and Rose’s now-trimmed escape, it’s also a callback to the restored deleted scene when Poe gives Finn his jacket.

I fully agree. But I guess it would work better if you had kept the final confrontation with Phasma 😕

I like the following reinsertions as well :

Reinsert Kylo’s line about Rey’s parents in the Jakku desert

Added back Poe’s “A what now?” when talking about the battering ram cannon

Yeah, very good call here ! You remove the lame “Death star” reference while keeping a line that bears no issue on itself.

Reinsert Rey’s triple-tie combo

  • I like this shot, and while it may be a little “too good” on Rey’s part, it works for me as the Falcon’s entrance to Crait.

I think the same after watching this shot again. Besides the shot looks great.

Reinsert Finn’s full effort to sacrifice himself

I don’t really see the benefits of the previous change so it’s cool to add it back.

(this would be very close to be the cutlist of my “perfect edit” mixing yours and Hal’s that I will likely never do 😄 )


AbramPT said:

Wow, I apologize for the ramble. It’s a pipe dream, but if possible, it might just be the cherry on top for me.

Not a ramble, it’s great to hear ideas! For me, the Phasma fight is just not necessary. Finn already bested her and got his revenge in TFA. Their storyline together was more or less complete, and TLJ has the addendum of Phasma nearly getting some revenge of her own, but in the end circumstances prevented it. I think toning down their relationship is appropriate, because we’ve already seen Finn commit, maybe not with a declarative “Rebel scum” line, but by his actions to help Rey, his mirroring Poe’s line about heading back “where we belong”, and his ultimate effort to stop the First Order cannon.

Overall, I was disappointed with Finn in TLJ. He was actually my favorite character. I liked the idea of a storm-trooper who rejected his training, even if it was handled a little simplistically. In TLJ, it just felt to me like Rian Johnson didn’t really care about his character, which is why his story feels like a bit of a rehash from TFA. There are differences, of course, but essentially his arc once again is about committing instead of running, culminating in a showdown with Phasma who represents everything he is running from.

Hal 9000 said:

MalàStrana said:

Brillant 😃 Tell me, is your audio of this scene compliant with the theatrical cut (and Hal9000’s edit as well) ? I’d like to use your audio alteration on Hal9000 edit.

Don’t exert yourself on that one, my friend.

Malà, thanks so much for the feedback! And I’m so glad you liked some the ideas!

Oh, and as Hal said, I think you’re covered for the Luke toss scene! (in other words, yes)


Hal 9000 said:

MalàStrana said:

Brillant 😃 Tell me, is your audio of this scene compliant with the theatrical cut (and Hal9000’s edit as well) ? I’d like to use your audio alteration on Hal9000 edit.

Don’t exert yourself on that one, my friend.

Nice 😉

(looking forward to remuxing the files 😃)


I sense a trap !

(let’s spring the trap ! 😄)


This is exactly I want to see in this movie!
The Finn’s pod-crash scene correction is outstanding!
I would really like to have a 1080p High Quality MKV copy, THX!


Fallenformers said:

This is exactly I want to see in this movie!
The Finn’s pod-crash scene correction is outstanding!
I would really like to have a 1080p High Quality MKV copy, THX!

PM sent!

MalàStrana said:

I sense a trap !

(let’s spring the trap ! 😄)

I would quote Admiral Ackbar, but that seems too easy.



I have an update:

A member over at FE.org pointed out some compression artifacts in the encode of Rekindled in certain places. These occurred in the shadows of high-contrast shots that had a lot of sharp detail (such as explosions during the opening space battle), where the fine grain structure was breaking down.

Fortunately, I went back into the project and I was able to identify the problem. The issues occurred in areas where I was re-encoding Hal’s encode instead of using the raw Blu-Ray source. The extra generation of compression was hurting the grain in visually intense moments. I had only intended to use Hal’s encode directly in places where he had done FX work, but I had left it in other places as well by mistake.

So, I went through the whole project and made sure everything was directly using the raw Blu-ray file, and Hal was kind enough to send me the masters of the FX shots I was missing. I made a new encode yesterday, and the results are a significant improvement in the problem areas. The compression quality of the encode now appears on par with the original Blu-Ray. I have posted the new 34gb encode with the date in the filename (120318). The medium and small encodes will be uploading during the day today so should be ready by the evening.

Here’s a example problem frame with the before and after:





And here’s a frame compare:

While I still believe in the viewing quality of the initial release, providing the best Blu-Ray quality release I can make is important to me, and for those that desire the best possible quality, I would recommend this new encode.

Thank you!



For the record, in my upcoming V2 I identified the cause of that nasty artifacting, so it’s not just from a generational loss.

I used a single color correction setting across the board, and it evidently was very harsh on dark scenes. For V2, I completely left the blacks alone, and only slightly offset the mids and highlights. It’s a bit more yellow than V1, but still a bit less so than the raw BluRay. These settings produce video which seems not to suffer appreciable degradation from the source material. I’m not sure if something was deficient of TLJ’s BluRay. A cynical part of me wonders if it was anemic so as to make the 4K version look better by comparison.

Regardless, it sounds like both edits will be looking as good as possible after sorting this out. Poppa, did you do any color correction at all for yours?

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal, that’s very interesting. I do think doing an encode of an encode of an encode (Blu-ray > Legendary > Rekindled) isn’t ideal and probably produced a good amount of artifacts in mine, but glad to see you’re also looking to make your encode as good as possible! Legendary looks amazing, so I’d be interested to see how much better it can get.

For color correction, I wanted to use yours because it looked great (fixed the green tinge and made the skin tones more natural), so I had already re-created it in Premiere for the initial release. However, my version didn’t adjust the blacks, just shifted the mids and highlights. So, it looks like in the end we’ll both have similar color!

Also, so everyone knows, the new versions are all posted. I didn’t call this a V2 because the content is the same, so I just updated the date in the filenames to the new encode date (120318).

And finally, I submitted the edit to FE.org last week and the project is now listed as “Pending Review,” although I haven’t been contacted for a link yet, so I imagine it will be a while. Thanks to everyone for the suggestion and encouragement to make the submission!


Can someone please PM me links to a download?

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


Hey man, just watched the film and I want to say great work! This really addresses most of my annoyances regarding the The Last Jedi. Thank you putting together such a fine project.

I have found two quirks that I wanted to mention.

The first:

At the beginning of the movie, during the funny exchange between Hux and Poe, is there a video clip missing at 3:58? Hux says, “You and your friends are doomed. We’ll wipe your filth from the galaxy.” In Hal9000’s version, there is a shot of the “loading” bar in Poe’s cockpit and we hear Hux’s voice over the radio briefly. This is also visible in the Vimeo clip you uploaded.

But now, that shot is gone, and yet, the audio remains. We can still hear the sound effect of Poe’s “loading” bar over Hux’s talking. Is the video clip supposed to be re-inserted there? Or did you intentionally take it out? (Personally, I’d keep the shot in, as I believe it gives context as to what is happening in this scene, but obviously, now it’s not there.)

And the second:

Finn & Rose escaping the Star Destroyer feels rather rushed. It’s just a little too fast and seems obvious that something was cut here. I’m not sure how to fix that exactly, but it’s just something I felt that needed mentioning.

“The Ziggy Edit” — A Conceptual Fanedit of Return of the Jedi
