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4K restoration on Star Wars — Page 263


Is it really? I’m not saying that it isn’t impressive, but it’s not something that would be acceptable if it were released on an official blu-ray disc.

The Person in Question


Maybe not for those films, but it seems to me up to the quality of something Olive Films would put out on disc. Not to mention far beyond the crap Mill Creek puts out all the time.


Okay, wow. I didn’t know that. I’ll have to look into it then. The only fan preservations I’ve seen are the Despecialized Editions.

The Person in Question


If that’s the case then I think that we’ll probably see an official sale of the original versions at some point, even if it isn’t soon. I think a big motivation for selling the GOUT discs was to beat the bootleg market.

The Person in Question


Collipso said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Okay, wow. I didn’t know that. I’ll have to look into it then. The only fan preservations I’ve seen are the Despecialized Editions.


this is 4K83’s trailer, if you haven’t seen it yet. it only utilizes footage from the project.

Yeah if the colors were a bit better (mainly just referring to that “decades-old-film” green/brown cast that I’m sure could be fixed) I’d say that looks Good enough for an official release, or at the very least good enough to make a completely seamless despecialized.


No offense, but if we had a Blu-ray that looked like that, people here would be absolutely livid.


Yeah, WTH is with the greens? Did they match the colors to a film print without considering that the print aged and likely no longer reflected the colors of its original projection?

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


I was only referring to the cleanliness and sharpness and detail, which are impressive. I’m sure the collars could be fixed.


well the goal of the project was to match the look of a projected technicolor print and i think they did that just right.


But did they match how a brand new print projected would look, or how this print looked projected, though with the dirt cleaned?

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


Guys, the trailer doesn’t have final color grading. It’s mostly to show off the cleanup work that’s been done, which if I’m not mistaken is also not quite done.

If it’s anything like 4K77, it’ll be ready to go in a couple weeks as far as cleanup and stuff goes, then everyone will argue about the color for six more months before it finally is released.


ChainsawAsh said:

Guys, the trailer doesn’t have final color grading. It’s mostly to show off the cleanup work that’s been done, which if I’m not mistaken is also not quite done.

If it’s anything like 4K77, it’ll be ready to go in a couple weeks as far as cleanup and stuff goes, then everyone will argue about the color for six more months before it finally is released.

you forgot that we will also argue about the colors for six months after the release as well.


they don’t have access to any new prints, and i don’t actually think they exist. it’s not that hard to get rid of fading, though, especially because technicolor prints do not fade, iirc. this particular print was very blue, but from several other color references (return of the puggo, harmy’s grindhouse, etc) ROTJ seems to be very blue in general.

the colors have been tweaked even more since that trailer. it’s a bit less green, a bit less blue and a bit more saturated in general, i think. we’ll see. that trailer was done 1 month ago, a lot has changed since.


dahmage said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Guys, the trailer doesn’t have final color grading. It’s mostly to show off the cleanup work that’s been done, which if I’m not mistaken is also not quite done.

If it’s anything like 4K77, it’ll be ready to go in a couple weeks as far as cleanup and stuff goes, then everyone will argue about the color for six more months before it finally is released.

you forgot that we will also argue about the colors for six months after the release as well.

Yep, that too.


dahmage said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Guys, the trailer doesn’t have final color grading. It’s mostly to show off the cleanup work that’s been done, which if I’m not mistaken is also not quite done.

If it’s anything like 4K77, it’ll be ready to go in a couple weeks as far as cleanup and stuff goes, then everyone will argue about the color for six more months before it finally is released.

you forgot that we will also argue about the colors for six months after the release as well.

Or for those with uncalibrated monitors and a lack of good sense, forever.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

dahmage said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Guys, the trailer doesn’t have final color grading. It’s mostly to show off the cleanup work that’s been done, which if I’m not mistaken is also not quite done.

If it’s anything like 4K77, it’ll be ready to go in a couple weeks as far as cleanup and stuff goes, then everyone will argue about the color for six more months before it finally is released.

you forgot that we will also argue about the colors for six months after the release as well.

Or for those with uncalibrated monitors and a lack of good sense, forever.

It’s funny and sad.


I had a dream last night that the trilogy in 4K showed up totally out of the blue on archive.org. Waking up was rough.


With the Fox/Disney merger possibly being finalized this month, is it likely we’ll see the announcement of a 4K release?

*edit: just noticed this being discussed on the Fox/Disney thread, but still think it’s worth discussing in this particular thread.


We are still waiting for UHD releases of The Force Awakens and Rogue One, when you would think that would have been a no brainer, so…


Honestly, I can’t really see a 4K release of the OT or PT happening anytime this year. With Episode IX releasing this December, and a possible Home Video release next April, it could be possible that a UHD release of the entire saga might be planned to coincide with it’s release at that time.