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Boycott Special Edition DVD's - I know you can do it — Page 3


Originally posted by: Mr.Coffee

this is the line i was thinking along, an intensive sticker campain in an attempt to dent sales a tiny bit, it would only have to be a bit, coupled with a massive boycott to get noticed. the txt could be worked out here so they all read the same, then we hit our home town stores starwars displays. they could say somthing like: George lucas changed these on glue. or WARNING contains scenes of extream modification, and list the problems in tiny print. then stick them on the shops display cutouts they always have. ie in the middle of Darth vaders face.

Here is what I have on my stickers...

W A R N I N G !
This DVD set is being miss-represented. It is NOT the original trilogy version. It is not even the 1997 special editions. It is a new ALTERED version. George Lucas has ruined it even more beyond belief. I think you should know what you are buying. Please visit originaltrilogy.com, and voice your concerns to Foxvideo/Lucasfilm Ltd.

I think that by taking the negativity out of your people will be more inclined to listen/read the message you are making in your stickers.
Green is as Green does
Do you have any suggestions of what it might say?
Basically, make it sound unbaised. Remove the "....Lucas has ruined...." part.

Made for IE Forum's Episode III theme month - May 2005.

"As a person who works hard for your money (so hard for it, honey -- you can leave that part out if you so choose), I am sure you would like to know what it is you are spending your hard-earned cash on by purchasing this DVD set. If you are old enough to remember the original Star Wars movies that were released in 1977, 1980, and 1983, be aware that this set is not those same movies. If you remember the 1997 release of the Special Editions of the films, well, those are not contained in this set either. If you would like to know what you are purchasing, please spend a little time perusing the information contained on the homepage and in the forums on www.originaltrilogy.com. Many changes were made to the original Star Wars films for this DVD box set release and it is only fair that you know what you are buying."

And you can get a little humorous with a closing line that true fans would recognize by saying...

"Many a Bothan spy died to bring us this information."
"You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is 'Never get involved in a land war in Asia'."
--Vizzini (Wallace Shawn), The Princess Bride
Kevin A
Webmaster/Primary Cynic
Oh, wow.

They sure were not kidding when they said the movies would look like they were made yestarday.

That is great, great, great picture quality. Wow. I am impressed with the remastering.

It is very tempting.

I was looking at the unmasking scene (now with no eyebrows, crap) and it seemed fitting.
Imagine me as Luke, and dying Anakin as the original trilogy.

ANAKIN: Now... go, my son. Leave me. (Buy the September DVDs)
LUKE: I'll not leave you here, I've got to save you.
ANAKIN: You already have, Luke. (Bootleg Backup/TR47 DVDrs)
ANAKIN: You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister, you were right. (The originals are the best. that will never change.)
LUKE: Father... *he crys lightly*

I then went to the ghost scene, to further carry on the fitting-ness.
Luke looks over at the ghosts of the original versions, and smiles. They are still there after all.

But when I saw Hayden there, I shut off RealPlayer and the temptation was gone in an instant.

The quality is DAMN good, but is it really worth the changes??? Gah! Somebody help me!!!

My stance on revising fan edits.

Don't give in to hate (DVD's) That leads to the Dark Side!
Actually, I guess that is what an OT-SE hybrid is the answer.

Someone on these boards has to attempt this. Master the DVDs to hard drive. Do the same for the TR47 discs.

Keep it on the DVD version, except when an unbearable change comes in.
Such as new Mos Eisley, Greedo, Jabba Scene*, Wampa, Cloud City intro, Original Chase ending pacing, Jabba's Dance number, shots with sarlacc in it, the ghost shots, and original Ewok singing.

*Actually, that doesn't necessarily need the TR47 version, since it's just cutting something out. But it might be good to change to TR47 for the shots immediatley before and after, so it doesn't "jump" awkwardly.

The ultimate answer to the question.... DVD quality for the most part, with no unbearable changes.

After I saw the new DVD ROTJ rip, I just can't believe how much better the quality is.
Being the technical junkie I am, I find it very hard to resist.
But I must.

Please help me.

My stance on revising fan edits.


YOU must do it!

“My skill are no longer as Mad as the once were” RiK

Or we could forget it and get on with our lives.

But then this wonderful website would likely fall into disuse, so never mind.

Keep SE hating. This is the closest thing I have to a social life.


forget the SE hating...
our would has enough hate in it...


cue the music "why cant we be friends... why cant we be friends....."
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
Whatever. As long as the forum still works I'll be satisfied.


as will i...

"everybody get together try to love Han shooting first..... right now....."

"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."
What does it look like when Han shoots first? I mean what does Greedo do with that gun he's pointing at Han??? It seems sort of unrealistic that Greedo wouldn't have just shot him.


Han knows Greedo is going to shoot him!!!!!
thats why he takes his gun out about half way through the conversation....
Greedo trys to bargin with Han and when Han realizes that nothing he says is going to get him out of the situation he decides to take action...

now from a story telling point of view it wouldnt make sense for Greedo to just shoot out of nowhere..
Lucas was taking ideas from old Western movies and whatnot when he made this...

so he gives us a confrontation, we know our character is doomed.... and instead of having it over in 1 second he makes is suspensful...
words are exchange, and right before Greedo fries Han.... Han fires and ultimatly the crowd cheers!

It's perfect!!!
"Never. I'll never turn to the darkside. You've failed your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me."