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Goldeneye - 35mm Scan and Preservation (a WIP)


I have committed to purchasing a lovely-looking 35mm print of Goldeneye. Currently working on organizing a scan of the print to be made, after which I plan to release the scan via the usual channels. Thanks to Williarob for helping me set up the situation and contact the scanner. I am accepting donations, total cost to purchase the print with shipping is about $270, not sure on scanning costs just yet. If you’re willing to donate, please PM me! I’d appreciate it 😃

Images of the print, from the ebay listing: https://imgur.com/a/vvYpay3

UPDATE: The print has been scanned and the first preview is available to donors. I am happy to pay for things if it comes to it, but I am still accepting donations if anyone wants to contribute. Thanks everyone for your interest and support!

Funding progress: $470 of $470 - The project is now FULLY FUNDED. Thank you all so much! Donations are now closed.

Generous donors who are awesome:

Dr. Cooper


You’ll need Resilio Sync to use it.

“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein


This project really needs to come to full fruition. GoldenEye is the worst-looking of all the James Bond Blu-ray transfers (pretty much all of the Pierce Brosnan era movies, for that matter, but GoldenEye tops them in its sheer awfulness). Anyone who can please donate.


That’s awesome man! Wish you the best for this project!


Sounds great! 😃
Just because I’m curious: Is this one of the Russian prints that showed up more often lately or is it an English print?


It’s located in Russia, so almost certainly a Russian print.

“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein


The scanner will be on vacation until August 13, at which point the ball will get rolling. I’m excited, everyone!

“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein


This sounds great! I’m sorry I can’t financially contribute, as I have my own projects, but this should be a great scanning project.

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


Good news, everyone! We will have the English DTS Theatrical audio available for this release, thanks to a user who has offered to supply it.

“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein


Great to hear we’re getting theatrical DTS with this one 😃


Oh Wow, sounds very good! All the best to the project 😃


This one should be cool to see, actually! I remember seeing GoldenEye in cinemas back in late '95 and being shocked to actually notice the boom mic creeping in during certain shots. The one I remember most of all was when the girl is supposedly inspecting computer equipment she wants to buy, as a means of looking up Boris. From further memory, I think it also occurs during Bond’s early scenes with M, when they see the EMP blast going off on the screens. Curiously, with both the original widescreen laserdisc release and all DVD and HD issues the movie appears to be quite tightly cropped and re-framed, perhaps to hide this issue.


anamorphous2351 said:

This one should be cool to see, actually! I remember seeing GoldenEye in cinemas back in late '95 and being shocked to actually notice the boom mic creeping in during certain shots. The one I remember most of all was when the girl is supposedly inspecting computer equipment she wants to buy, as a means of looking up Boris. From further memory, I think it also occurs during Bond’s early scenes with M, when they see the EMP blast going off on the screens. Curiously, with both the original widescreen laserdisc release and all DVD and HD issues the movie appears to be quite tightly cropped and re-framed, perhaps to hide this issue.

IIRC they discussed this on the 50th anniversary box set’s special feature about the restoration, though I think they were giving examples from several of the films, not just Goldeneye (or maybe not even Goldeneye at all). There is one movie where the entire camera and crew are visible in a reflection during a fight scene. Not sure which movie it was; I think one of the earlier ones. IIRC they digitally removed the error in the Blu-ray (Despecialized Bond, anyone?).

“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein


Colson said:

anamorphous2351 said:

This one should be cool to see, actually! I remember seeing GoldenEye in cinemas back in late '95 and being shocked to actually notice the boom mic creeping in during certain shots. The one I remember most of all was when the girl is supposedly inspecting computer equipment she wants to buy, as a means of looking up Boris. From further memory, I think it also occurs during Bond’s early scenes with M, when they see the EMP blast going off on the screens. Curiously, with both the original widescreen laserdisc release and all DVD and HD issues the movie appears to be quite tightly cropped and re-framed, perhaps to hide this issue.

IIRC they discussed this on the 50th anniversary box set’s special feature about the restoration, though I think they were giving examples from several of the films, not just Goldeneye (or maybe not even Goldeneye at all). There is one movie where the entire camera and crew are visible in a reflection during a fight scene. Not sure which movie it was; I think one of the earlier ones. IIRC they digitally removed the error in the Blu-ray (Despecialized Bond, anyone?).

The film was The Man with the Golden Gun and EON chose NOT to fix it digitally. The mirror is knocked during the fight with the belly dancer and the entire crew becomes visible for less than a second. It’s one of those things you’d never notice until somebody points it out, and then you look for it every time you watch.


Those of you who don’t have the box set can watch the special feature about the restoration here:


Donations always welcome: Paypal | Bitcoin: bc1qzr9ejyfpzm9ea2dglfegxzt59tys3uwmj26ytj


Williarob said:

Colson said:

anamorphous2351 said:

This one should be cool to see, actually! I remember seeing GoldenEye in cinemas back in late '95 and being shocked to actually notice the boom mic creeping in during certain shots. The one I remember most of all was when the girl is supposedly inspecting computer equipment she wants to buy, as a means of looking up Boris. From further memory, I think it also occurs during Bond’s early scenes with M, when they see the EMP blast going off on the screens. Curiously, with both the original widescreen laserdisc release and all DVD and HD issues the movie appears to be quite tightly cropped and re-framed, perhaps to hide this issue.

IIRC they discussed this on the 50th anniversary box set’s special feature about the restoration, though I think they were giving examples from several of the films, not just Goldeneye (or maybe not even Goldeneye at all). There is one movie where the entire camera and crew are visible in a reflection during a fight scene. Not sure which movie it was; I think one of the earlier ones. IIRC they digitally removed the error in the Blu-ray (Despecialized Bond, anyone?).

The film was The Man with the Golden Gun and EON chose NOT to fix it digitally. The mirror is knocked during the fight with the belly dancer and the entire crew becomes visible for less than a second. It’s one of those things you’d never notice until somebody points it out, and then you look for it every time you watch.

Those of you who don’t have the box set can watch the special feature about the restoration here:


Ah, nice. Thanks for finding that, Williarob. It’s been years since I watched the special feature and the film so it makes sense that I forgot 😃 In the feature, they don’t reveal whether they chose to fix it or leave it, saying you’ll have to watch the movie to find out.

“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein


just wondering, but will there be an audio option not encoded in dts for people like myself who are unable to play it back?


Boabio Arboab o said:

just wondering, but will there be an audio option not encoded in dts for people like myself who are unable to play it back?

I am looking into other audio options as well; look for updates on that in the near future.

“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein


Boabio Arboab o said:

just wondering, but will there be an audio option not encoded in dts for people like myself who are unable to play it back?

Well no one can play back cinema dts it has to be transcoded.

Converting cinema DTS to AC-3 at 640kbps should be perceptually lossless as cinema DTS is 882kbps using an older less efficient codec.

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


Really looking forward to seeing this.

Has anyone checked out the 4K restoration that’s currently available on iTunes?


LHSmarchingredcoat said:

I will gladly donate to this project! Where can I?

PM me, if you would. Thank you!

“You don’t really mean you’ll kill me, do you?” - Juror 8
“Silence, Earthling! My name is Darth Vader. I am an extra-terrestrial from the planet Vulcan!” - Calvin “Marty” Klein


Cant wait for this 😄 wish i could donate

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though


This will be brilliant really looking forward to seeing how it looks