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The Boba Fett movie — Page 2


msycamore said:

What film did you watch?

 I have said this to myself when reading skyjedi's posts about so many movies...

Maul's orange lightsaber, anyone?


msycamore said:

skyjedi2005 said:

Would be interested in finally finding out why Boba Fett and Han Solo hate each other so much and Boba seems to be gunning for Solo.

But even filling in those blanks could be really lame if done prequel style.

Hate each other so much? What film did you watch? Boba Fett wanted to collect a bounty on Han Solo. I doubt Solo even knew who he was, he wasn't even referred to by name by any of the characters in The Empire Strikes Back.

That idea of Fett and Han having a mutual grudge is something from the EU. It's nowhere to be found in the films themselves.

Seeing that sky has spent a great deal of time lately mentioning things which have been rendered non-canon since the PT/Great EU Purge occured, it's funny that he failed to recognize this EUism.


DuracellEnergizer said:

msycamore said:

skyjedi2005 said:

Would be interested in finally finding out why Boba Fett and Han Solo hate each other so much and Boba seems to be gunning for Solo.

But even filling in those blanks could be really lame if done prequel style.

Hate each other so much? What film did you watch? Boba Fett wanted to collect a bounty on Han Solo. I doubt Solo even knew who he was, he wasn't even referred to by name by any of the characters in The Empire Strikes Back.

That idea of Fett and Han having a mutual grudge is something from the EU. It's nowhere to be found in the films themselves.

This. It's Jabba and Han who hate each other in the films, not Boba and Han.

If we never see Boba without his mask, they can avoid telling us whether or not it's the Jango clone.


I’ve said before that I didn’t want a Fett movie because I don’t care about the character at all, but James Mangold is definitely a name I can get excited for. Here’s to hoping it’s even half as good as Logan.



I have thoughts on how a Boba Fett movie could work in this new Solo era but I will save them for spoilers stuff.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

I’m just glad that Josh Trank isn’t making the film.

I haven’t seen Logan yet, but judging from what I’ve heard of it, I’m at least somewhat optimistic about the idea of a Boba Fett film now.

Also shouldn’t the title of this thread be changed?

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Boba Fett, Boba Fett
Oxidizes when he gets wet
Better not give him shit
He just fell into the Sarlacc pit

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


Boba Fett… uh he fell into a hole an died? What an icon.

Mangold though, sounds like a case of creative differences waiting to happen.


James Mangold is a great director. He did have some studio interference on “The Wolverine” and the third act was altered quite a bit. He was going for more of a Japanese neo-noir tone but the studio instead forced a CGI filled ending.

Then Mangold got absolute creative control for Logan and look what we got.

The Boba Fett movie all comes down to whether it feels unique and different to all other Star Wars movies. It is a blank slate and I would love to see something like a gritty western. All in all, I hope Disney just lets Mangold do his thing.

Return of the Jedi: Remastered

Lord of the Rings: The Darth Rush Definitives


now that’s a commment that adds a lot to the discussion


skyjedi2005 said:> Would be interested in finally finding out why Boba Fett and Han Solo hate each other so much and Boba seems to be gunning for Solo.>

Well THAT should’ve been done in Solo rather than have Enfys Nest in there.

Reality sucks, watch movies.


Seems like they’ve hit pause on this and Kenobi after Solo’s underperformance:

Which is probably smart. The truth is probably that movies based on single characters were always going to be something of a tough bet, because there isn’t much of a precedence for this (whereas with superhero solo films those characters already have built in solo recognition). At the very least they need to adjust their expectations going forward - not every movie with the SW name on it will make a billion just because - and scale down these productions if they want to go forward with them at some point.

My wild prediction is that, if we do see these spin-offs resume, they’ll be on Disney’s streaming platform. I think part of the problem is that people just aren’t crazy about one SW theatrical film a year, which probably shouldn’t be a surprise, considering everyone got mad about that when it was announced in 2012/13. Again, the only precedent is really Marvel, and I guess the lesson is that SW is not Marvel, for better or worse.


Collipso said:

definitely for the better, imo.

Glad it was this that got put on hold and not the Johnson/Benioff+Weiss stuff. That stuff is actually (supposedly) taking SW to new places.


Six months after TLJ was pushing it. I just hope the window of opportunity to bring Ewan back as Obi Wan isn’t lost in the process. He seems to be a busy fellow.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

Six months after TLJ was pushing it. I just hope the window of opportunity to bring Ewan back as Obi Wan isn’t lost in the process. He seems to be a busy fellow.

He’s aging pretty well. I think he’s still far off enough from Guinness that we shouldn’t worry.


I like one movie a year but I like movies and like SW. One movie a year really doesn’t seem that overwhelming.


DominicCobb said:

SilverWook said:

Six months after TLJ was pushing it. I just hope the window of opportunity to bring Ewan back as Obi Wan isn’t lost in the process. He seems to be a busy fellow.

He’s aging pretty well. I think he’s still far off enough from Guinness that we shouldn’t worry.

I’m sure he’s fine, I meant scheduling wise. Solo had to replace an actor for the reshoots since they were committed to another project after the initial shoot. Actors can be tied up for years that way.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


TV’s Frink said:

I like one movie a year but I like movies and like SW. One movie a year really doesn’t seem that overwhelming.

I don’t mind it either but for general audiences it’s possibly too much. Most franchises usually have at least a couple years in between installments. Hype for new Star Wars used to be built long waits.


SilverWook said:

DominicCobb said:

SilverWook said:

Six months after TLJ was pushing it. I just hope the window of opportunity to bring Ewan back as Obi Wan isn’t lost in the process. He seems to be a busy fellow.

He’s aging pretty well. I think he’s still far off enough from Guinness that we shouldn’t worry.

I’m sure he’s fine, I meant scheduling wise. Solo had to replace an actor for the reshoots since they were committed to another project after the initial shoot. Actors can be tied up for years that way.

That’s probably less of an issue. With reshoots it can be a problem because of last minute scheduling. One would imagine if a Kenobi movie came to pass there’d be enough lead in time to make sure he could fit it in.