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Han - Solo Movie ** Spoilers ** — Page 94


The soundtrack seems a lot more interesting listening to it on its own this morning than it did in the theater last night. I think it must have seemed so boring because of how it was mixed in the film.


I read Tag and Bink would have a cameo in this. If they were in it, I missed them.


I think they were supposed to be those two troopers talking while Chewie tries to kill Han.


joefavs said:

The soundtrack seems a lot more interesting listening to it on its own this morning than it did in the theater last night. I think it must have seemed so boring because of how it was mixed in the film.

Just listening to it on Spotify at the moment and was thinking exactly the same thing!


The soundtrack makes it feel like a pirate movie, and it’s perfect.


I’m getting some strong James Horner Star Trek vibes whenever Powell drops a slowed down Rebel fanfare, particularly in “L3 and the Millennium Falcon”.

Also, I really enjoy the swoony old Hollywood thing that “Lando’s Closet” has going on.


DominicCobb said:

So what did people catch in terms of EU references? The film was chock full. I counted a reference to possibly each of the Smith Lando novels (mentions of Oseon, a “Starcave,” and being inside a temple which I can only assume is a nod to the first book), yet I didn’t notice any reference to the Daley books, oddly enough. Beckett killed Aurra Sing apparently. There were a few other good ones I’m forgetting.

Dryden is eating Colo Claw Fish in that one scene. Qi’Ra mentions she learned Teras Kasi from Dryden, but I guess she was lying since it was obviously Maul who trained her.

Oh, and I love how we’ve arrived at that point in our pop culture where we get to hear Woody Harrelson pronounce “Glee Anselm” in his own special way multiple times throughout a movie.


By the way, did anyone catch what Lando said about the temple? Seems like the perfect place for a “Sharu” name drop.


Tag & Bink in the visual guide. Looks like they were definitely officers and must have been cut.


So what were the names of all the planets visited in this movie?

I feel like I can only remember half of them:

(where did we meet Lando?)
Beach Planet
Forest Planet at the very end


The beach planet was Savareen. The forest planet wasn’t named in the film, but I’ve seen it suggested that it might be Batuu, the planet where the upcoming Disney park is set.


Fang Zei said:

So what were the names of all the planets visited in this movie?

I feel like I can only remember half of them:

(where did we meet Lando?)
Beach Planet
Forest Planet at the very end

I believe Lando’s first appearance was on the same planet as the train heist.


Does anyone else get the feeling that this film will serve as an introduction/segue to the upcoming Boba Fett / Bounty Hunters movie? Even though I knew Maul was going to show up in advance, I was still surprised at how much of him they revealed. I figured they’d only show him wit his hood on, and that’s it. Fan will recognize him, casual viewers won’t. But no, he pulled out his lightsaber and everything. I find it weird that Lucasfilm will just drop that scene ad just expect peope to google how Maul is alive. Plus, the whole Qi-Ra subplot wasn’t resolved, so I have a feeling that Crimson Dawn might be a big part of the upcoming Boba Fett movie. And since Han and Fett have knew each other prior to ANH, they might bring back Alden Ehrenreich as well.

As for my opinion of the movie itself; I don’t really have much more to add than what’s already been said here. It was quite fun. A few oddities here and there, but it worked just fine. L3 got a bit too close to Jar Jar territory for me, but she never crossed the line and she ended up being a somewhat small character. Ehenreich worked fine for me. I saw more of Ford in him towards the end of the film, which makes sense as he’s more cynical towards the end (e.g more like ANH Han). If she returns I think he’ll be more Ford-like then. And I’m overall impressed by how much depth they added to his characters. I was surprised by just how sympathetic and engaging (to me at least) the Han/Qi-Ra subplot was.

I do think it’s funny how they made L3 the reason for Threepio’s comment in ESB about the Falcon’s computer having a weird personality. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen some many EU references in a movie before. Even the Pykes showed up, and I find it amusing that they mentioned Teräs Käsi, considering how generally negative opinions are about that game(though I guess that might be part of the joke). (Did anyone else get the impression that the EU stuff might be Jon Kasdan’s work?)

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

Does anyone else get the feeling that this film will serve as an introduction/segue to the upcoming Boba Fett / Bounty Hunters movie? Even though I knew Maul was going to show up in advance, I was still surprised at how much of him they revealed. I figured they’d only show him wit his hood on, and that’s it. Fan will recognize him, casual viewers won’t. But no, he pulled out his lightsaber and everything. I find it weird that Lucasfilm will just drop that scene ad just expect peope to google how Maul is alive. Plus, the whole Qi-Ra subplot wasn’t resolved, so I have a feeling that Crimson Dawn might be a big part of the upcoming Boba Fett movie. And since Han and Fett have knew each other prior to ANH, they might bring back Alden Ehrenreich as well.

As for my opinion of the movie itself; I don’t really have much more to add than what’s already been said here. It was quite fun. A few oddities here and there, but it worked just fine. L3 got a bit too close to Jar Jar territory for me, but she never crossed the line and she ended up being a somewhat small character. Ehenreich worked fine for me. I saw more of Ford in him towards the end of the film, which makes sense as he’s more cynical towards the end (e.g more like ANH Han). If she returns I think he’ll be more Ford-like then. And I’m overall impressed by how much depth they added to his characters. I was surprised by just how sympathetic and engaging (to me at least) the Han/Qi-Ra subplot was.

I do think it’s funny how they made L3 the reason for Threepio’s comment in ESB about the Falcon’s computer having a weird personality. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen some many EU references in a movie before. Even the Pykes showed up, and I find it amusing that they mentioned Teräs Käsi, considering how generally negative opinions are about that game(though I guess that might be part of the joke). (Did anyone else get the impression that the EU stuff might be Jon Kasdan’s work?)

I suspect they’ll fold this into the Boba Fett movie.

It’s sorta reminding me how X-Men Origins: Magneto simply became X-Men: First Class.


God I really hope Maul is for the Fett film only and not a potential Solo sequel. I really don’t need to see Han square off against Darth Maul.


It would work out really well canonically to have Maul in the Boba Fett film. In the Clone Wars series he built a small criminal empire, ruled Mandalore briefly, then lost it all. The in Rebels, 15-ish years later, he has pretty much nothing and eventually dies a few years prior to ANH. With all of this in mind, there’s a 15 year period where we up until now had no clue what Maul was up to. Now we know he’s the leader of Crimson Dawn, but roughly five years after Solo he’s lost it all again. The Boba Fett films could show us how Maul lost Crimson Dawn. And as for more casual viewers, there could be a brief mention of his survival (skipping the details; Madalore, his brother, Dathomir, etc.) and he could have a “conclusion” of sorts. A defeat which implies that there’s more for him to do (e.g. plot of Rebels), but enough to satisfy people who doesn’t bother with the EU.

Either that, or Lucasfilm simply doesn’t care and just wants everyone to watch everything. I dunno.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

And since Han and Fett have knew each other prior to ANH, they might bring back Alden Ehrenreich as well.

I keep hearing fans say this and state it as a matter of fact. That there’s some great rivalry between the two or whatever. But there’s no evidence of that at all in either ESB or ROTJ. Just going off the films alone it would seem Boba Fett was just doing the job he was hired to. Heck, and while it’s canonicity is questionable, his very first appearance clearly depicts Han as having no idea who Boba Fett is.

ZkinandBonez said:

I find it amusing that they mentioned Teräs Käsi, considering how generally negative opinions are about that game(though I guess that might be part of the joke). (Did anyone else get the impression that the EU stuff might be Jon Kasdan’s work?)

Teräs Käsi as a martial art has spread out quite a bit into other projects since its initial introduction. Though it did get a laugh out of me in the theater. And yeah, I think all the EU stuff was Jon mixed with some consultation with the Story Group.

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I believe the Han/Fett rivalry was set up in the (no longer canon) Han Solo Trilogy by A. C. Crispin. I don’t hate the idea of bringing that back, but you’re definitely correct to say it currently has no basis in canon material.

Anyway, I’d like to see the “Boba Fett movie” actually turn out to be something like The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, where he’s a major player but not the sole focus. There’d definitely be room for Alden’s Han and/or Donald’s Lando in something like that.


Tobar said:

ZkinandBonez said:

And since Han and Fett have knew each other prior to ANH, they might bring back Alden Ehrenreich as well.

I keep hearing fans say this and state it as a matter of fact. That there’s some great rivalry between the two or whatever. But there’s no evidence of that at all in either ESB or ROTJ. Just going off the films alone it would seem Boba Fett was just doing the job he was hired to. Heck, and while it’s canonicity is questionable, his very first appearance clearly depicts Han as having no idea who Boba Fett is.

Yeah I don’t get that. Whether or not Han knew Boba Fett isn’t clear in the films.

ZkinandBonez said:

I find it amusing that they mentioned Teräs Käsi, considering how generally negative opinions are about that game(though I guess that might be part of the joke). (Did anyone else get the impression that the EU stuff might be Jon Kasdan’s work?)

Teräs Käsi as a martial art has spread out quite a bit into other projects since its initial introduction. Though it did get a laugh out of me in the theater. And yeah, I think all the EU stuff was Jon mixed with some consultation with the Story Group.

Jon seems to be something of an EU fan. It also seems like he (and Lord/Miller and the cast) did a lot of research via Wookieepedia, in addition to consultation with the story group. So it seems like a combination of things.

These spin-off movies 100% feel like live action Expanded Universe movies. I felt it after Rogue One, I definitely feel it now after Solo.


joefavs said:

Anyway, I’d like to see the “Boba Fett movie” actually turn out to be something like The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, where he’s a major player but not the sole focus. There’d definitely be room for Alden’s Han and/or Donald’s Lando in something like that.

I agree. He’s actually tricky when you think about the logistics of making him the central character. Not many people are going to want to see him take off his helmet and have a deep, introspective character arc. The other thing too is who plays him? Considering these films have actually been pretty slavish to the PT era castings, I’m inclined to say Daniel Logan. But he doesn’t have very many credits to his name, which could raise some flags in regards to whether he should be leading a massive blockbuster film.

I could see it as more an ensemble bounty hunter film, with potentially an entirely new character being the actual POV.


A No Country For Old Men thing could be fun, where a younger bounty hunter starts impersonating Boba Fett unaware that he survived the Sarlaac and the real Fett eventually hunts him down.


Tobar said:

ZkinandBonez said:

And since Han and Fett have knew each other prior to ANH, they might bring back Alden Ehrenreich as well.

I keep hearing fans say this and state it as a matter of fact. That there’s some great rivalry between the two or whatever. But there’s no evidence of that at all in either ESB or ROTJ. Just going off the films alone it would seem Boba Fett was just doing the job he was hired to. Heck, and while it’s canonicity is questionable, his very first appearance clearly depicts Han as having no idea who Boba Fett is.

Well, the OT never specifically states how Han got the Falcon either, other than that he “won it” from Lando. Yet certain details of the game has become part of a general consensus of sort. Same goes for the Kessel Run, or how Han saved Chewie from slavery. The OT never gave any details, yet since the 90’s SW fans have just known how these things happened. And from what I’ve gathered the movie didn’t stray too far away from the Legends versions either. Likewise, I don’t thin that the new EU will stray away from the idea that they both knew each other prior to ANH.

(Plus, as much as I love *The Faithful Wookiee" cartoon, it’s canonicity was vague back in the day, and just plain irrelevant nowadays.)

Tobar said:

ZkinandBonez said:

I find it amusing that they mentioned Teräs Käsi, considering how generally negative opinions are about that game(though I guess that might be part of the joke). (Did anyone else get the impression that the EU stuff might be Jon Kasdan’s work?)

Teräs Käsi as a martial art has spread out quite a bit into other projects since its initial introduction. Though it did get a laugh out of me in the theater. And yeah, I think all the EU stuff was Jon mixed with some consultation with the Story Group.

Yeah, I know. I’ve already come across Teräs Käsi is several Legends books I’ve read, I just find it amusing to think that someone unfamiliar with Legends might now google it and end up learning about, maybe even playing, that weird game.

Over-all I enjoyed every obscure EU and Legends easter-egg in this movie.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I’d lay odds that they remake that game for modern systems now. Hopefully with better player control.

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Where were you in '77?


I really liked it, reminded me of a book or game from the 90’s EU. Surprised by the number of TCW references.