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Ideas Wanted for... Eliminating the Map MacGuffin in TFA


Hi, gang. I’m planning a TFA-TLJ mashup, but I want an alternate reason for Kylo, Poe, and Rey to all be on Jakku at the beginning. I never liked the notion of a secret map to Luke. Any suggestions? Could it be as simple as both the First Order and the Resistance actively seeking Force-users?

Thanks in advance.


Erm, not sure on the possibilities with the given footage, but I guess it would be possible to trim here and there to make it appear Kylo had been sent to track “The resistance’s top pilot” Poe down(?)

That probably screws you later when (like the DS plans in R2) the McGuffin becomes BB-8 though.


You would still need some sort of MacGuffin to give BB-8 so the First Order has a reason to want him captured. I don’t see how you could eliminate the MacGuffin aspect entirely.


Could work if you just cut the reveal of R2 having the rest of the map, which would make it a red herring MacGuffin. Then Rey uses the force to locate Ahch-To.


Thanks, all of you! You guys all zeroed in the key thing: what to do with BB-8. The larger issue is that, in these films, Luke has purposely hidden away on Ahch-To; I don’t want “my” Luke behaving that way, if I can avoid it. But secondly, even if we grant that premise insofar as Luke’s character development goes - who made the map and why??? Even in TFA’s own context that doesn’t make sense.

Hmm, what if either (a) BB-8 simply escapes, with the goal of hooking back up with the Resistance and reporting on the failed mission; or (b) Poe sends BB-8 to find the local Jakku Force-user?


My understanding is that it is a map based on Luke’s last known locations, and that data was split between what the Church of the Force knew and what the empire knew.

EFIT: So I thought that the crawl could be edited to remove references to a map and instead say that the old ally has data on Luke’s last known location. We could infer then that BB-8 isn’t carrying a map, but that data, which is only being called a map cus it’s easier?


I don’t know, how did Luke get to the island? He needed a map, right? The only thing that doesn’t make sense is that he doesn’t have R2 with him, or deleted the map from his data. I think it can be inferred he used R2 to find Ahch-To, put that data on his X-Wing, tried to wipe it from R2, and went on his way.


My assumption is that he stopped at Jedi temples and sacred sites and meditated until he found out where to go next. After watching Clone Wars & Rebels that seems like a fairly strong assumption.


I think I’ve got it! Yeah, BB-8’s still carrying a map, but it’s simply a map Poe’s been using to track and catalogue Force-users. If he’s working undercover in First Order territory to find Force-users and get them to the Resistance, then BB-8 could store his data for that mission. This way I could retain mentions of a “map” in TFA, but cut mentions of Luke himself being connected to said map.

This, then, shapes a new opening crawl: something to the effect of "The New Republic seeks to spirit Force-users out of First Order territory. Covert operatve Dameron Poe finds himself on Jakku at the same time as Imperial agents in pursuit of a young woman said by locals to possess ‘magical powers.’ "

Not necessarily worded that way, but you get the drift.


I’d say have it be a map to the first Jedi Temple, which Luke had been looking for when he disappeared. That way instead of the map literally being a record of Luke’s journey, the map leads to the place where the Resistance had logically deduced Luke would be.


Anakin Starkiller said:

I’d say have it be a map to the first Jedi Temple, which Luke had been looking for when he disappeared. That way instead of the map literally being a record of Luke’s journey, the map leads to the place where the Resistance had logically deduced Luke would be.

Since that’s what it is, that’s a good thought!

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Anakin Starkiller said:

I’d say have it be a map to the first Jedi Temple, which Luke had been looking for when he disappeared. That way instead of the map literally being a record of Luke’s journey, the map leads to the place where the Resistance had logically deduced Luke would be.

They explain that in the force


doubleofive said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

I’d say have it be a map to the first Jedi Temple, which Luke had been looking for when he disappeared. That way instead of the map literally being a record of Luke’s journey, the map leads to the place where the Resistance had logically deduced Luke would be.

Since that’s what it is, that’s a good thought!



Anakin Starkiller said:

I’d say have it be a map to the first Jedi Temple, which Luke had been looking for when he disappeared. That way instead of the map literally being a record of Luke’s journey, the map leads to the place where the Resistance had logically deduced Luke would be.

In defense of AS, I think what he means is that a possible TFA reedit should only mention the temple, rather than have the map lead people to Luke himself.

However, if no one has any objections (and I’m very open to them), I’ll pursue the “covert agents tracking down Force-users” angle.


Did I misinterpret something in the film?, because AFAICT, the map is based on Luke’s location, not the temple’s. My proposition is that it should instead be a map to a place where they think Luke could be. That way it’s not like he deliberately left a trail of breadcrumbs for them.


Kylo mentions that the First Order also has a part of the same map “obtained from the archives of the Empire”. So unless ol’ Sheev was searching for future Luke, it was for the temple.


Map of galaxy
Map of the galaxy
It looks to me that R2 had downloaded a map of the galaxy. I didn’t get the impression that the map was leading to anything in particular. There is an orange line there, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that the map was specifically one to the Jedi temple. It could just be that R2 was highlighting the only known hyperspace route into the uncharted region.

The best I can come up with is that the Empire was trying to map the galaxy and hadn’t gotten around to mapping that last section at the time of ANH. Then Luke goes and finds the Jedi temple and leaves the newly discovered piece with Lor San Tekka, or Tekka manages to reconstruct a map to the temple from esoteric religious sources.

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I find it difficult to accept that such a huge chunk of the galaxy would be completely unknown for the Empire, or anyone in the galaxy, for that matter. Even if every particular system was not charted in that region, they should have a rough outline from scans, telescopes etc.

For me, two tweaks would alleviate the map issue.

  1. R2’s map would be a roughly COMPLETE MAP of the galaxy with no “hole” in it. The region highlighted in BB8’s map bit would provide greater detail in that specific region, including the final section of the orange “route” to Luke, but the surrounding area wouldn’t be completely blank.

  2. C-3PO’s line, “it matches no charted system on record” is modified to “it matches no charted systems on record”, because the obtained map clearly shows a multitude of star systems, in fact, a whole region of the galaxy, not just a single one.

In my head canon, the orange “route” is a map compiled from Luke’s rumored or reported locations and/or the known locations of notable Jedi sites, and that is the “map”, not just the location of a specific star system in the galaxy.


To be fair, in both Canon and in Legends there is an entire half-ish side of the galaxy which is not mapped and known as wild space. It’s a weird thing which needs better explanation in the overall lore of Star Wars, and I am not even sure how the mapguffin actually fits in with the current Star Wars map we know. Some Internet research is in order.


This isn’t bad, actually. Although I’m pretty sure at this point that I’ll be eliminating the entire “map-to-Luke” thing anyhow. Instead I’ll make it sort of a “NOC list” of reported Force-users/-sensitives that both the Resistance and the First Order are racing to track down. The FO’s intent is to either recruit them - or eliminate them. This will allow me to retain some of the mentions of a “map,” but just drop the “Luke-has-disappeared” angle, which I always thought was stupid (and becomes 100x stupider in TLJ).

Dr. Krogshöj said:

I find it difficult to accept that such a huge chunk of the galaxy would be completely unknown for the Empire, or anyone in the galaxy, for that matter. Even if every particular system was not charted in that region, they should have a rough outline from scans, telescopes etc.

For me, two tweaks would alleviate the map issue.

  1. R2’s map would be a roughly COMPLETE MAP of the galaxy with no “hole” in it. The region highlighted in BB8’s map bit would provide greater detail in that specific region, including the final section of the orange “route” to Luke, but the surrounding area wouldn’t be completely blank.

  2. C-3PO’s line, “it matches no charted system on record” is modified to “it matches no charted systems on record”, because the obtained map clearly shows a multitude of star systems, in fact, a whole region of the galaxy, not just a single one.

In my head canon, the orange “route” is a map compiled from Luke’s rumored or reported locations and/or the known locations of notable Jedi sites, and that is the “map”, not just the location of a specific star system in the galaxy.


Instead I’ll make it sort of a “NOC list” of reported Force-users/-sensitives that both the Resistance and the First Order are racing to track down.

That sounds kind of like an arc in TCW where they had a holocron listing all the Force-sensitive children in the Galaxy.


Anakin Starkiller said:

Instead I’ll make it sort of a “NOC list” of reported Force-users/-sensitives that both the Resistance and the First Order are racing to track down.

That sounds kind of like an arc in TCW where they had a holocron listing all the Force-sensitive children in the Galaxy.

Well, then, I’m in good company!