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4K restoration on Star Wars — Page 254


Collipso said:

ElectroDroid said:

Non star-wars-news junkie here. So was there actually a 4K restoration that took place? I assume this thread was based on some sort of speculative news article.

Nope. There is one going on but it’s not official.



Reliance MediaWorks said they restored the trilogy in 4k. Nothing was ever confirmed, denied, or released.

The Person in Question


Yes, 28 Days Later was shot on standard definition PAL DV and heavily modified in post (watch the deleted scenes from the DVD and they look like someone’s home movie).

Only the ending where they’re in the cottage was shot in 35mm.

What’s the internal temperature of a TaunTaun? Luke warm.


moviefreakedmind said:

Reliance MediaWorks said they restored the trilogy in 4k. Nothing was ever confirmed, denied, or released.

They obviously have done something… There is probably some sort of pseudo edit that needs to be reperformed or perhaps not?

Does it state that the version was a scan of the 97 version or from original negatives?

Gareth Edwards saw it and said “It looked different”

I would actually rather Gareth Edwards oversee a release! But i think he is out really, pushed out. But at least on the same page and normal response from him.


Ronster said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I would actually rather Gareth Edwards oversee a release! But i think he is out really, pushed out. But at least on the same page and normal response from him.

I’ve been VERY satisfied with the Star Wars Blu-Rays Disney have been putting out. In terms of picture and sound quality, they’ve been excellent thus far.


Ronster said:

I would actually rather Gareth Edwards oversee a release! But i think he is out really, pushed out. But at least on the same page and normal response from him.

What do you mean by that?

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


Well… Normally whenever a restoration is done a director is consulted.

Perhaps there is a general acceptance even if it is the special edition that it now looks different.

So is George to sit there pouring over the new Master and quality checking it or somone else? He is getting on a bit now and he may have given up creative input or even advisory position even though he was the director.

What ever version it is. Somone has to meticulously sign off on it. If they are happy or not but even just let it go and say ok this is the final master.

Perhaps it is in a bit of Limbo and is accepted that it needs more work.

A lot of the other clips on their show reel look good or more right than the star wars ones. The Empire Clip looks quite good and raiders of the lost ark.

Somone has to over see these projects don’t they?

I mean to say something looks different but better is ok i think but to look different and worse will not wash.

And being the same or very similar would tick the box.

It would probably rest on John Knowle somewhat… But he is busy with all the new films no doubt.

If they were not making six new films we would have seen it by now.

It was probably only a scan clean up and general grade possibly?


Do you mean John Knoll ? The guy who sold the idea of the Special Editions to George Lucas ?!


Z6PO said:

Do you mean John Knoll ? The guy who sold the idea of the Special Editions to George Lucas ?!

Yes. But that does not mean we won’t see the original version. He no doubt has a lot of respect still for the original film because he was the one also playing that nice extended scene in the deathstar conference room. And talking about Peter Cushings acting being good.

He may realise now you can not beat the real thing…


ray_afraid said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Reliance MediaWorks said they restored the trilogy in 4k. Nothing was ever confirmed, denied, or released.

Mike Verta use some of the Reliance footage in a “Reality Check” video. It looked awful. Especially compared to his work on Legacy.

I remember the color correction looking slightly different than his in three one-second-long, low-resolution clips. I wouldn’t call that awful. Also, unless Mike Verta’s restoration is released in a format that I can see, then I can’t consider it any better than any other restoration. If no one can see it, then it might as well not exist. That’s how I feel about Reliance and that’s how I feel about Legacy.

The Person in Question


Sorry, I meant what do you mean Edwards being pushed out.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


Also who knows if they had even gone through a final color pass yet. (Furthermore, would that step be done by Reliance or by Lucasfilm?)

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


Ronster said:

Z6PO said:

Do you mean John Knoll ? The guy who sold the idea of the Special Editions to George Lucas ?!

Yes. But that does not mean we won’t see the original version. He no doubt has a lot of respect still for the original film because he was the one also playing that nice extended scene in the deathstar conference room. And talking about Peter Cushings acting being good.

He may realise now you can not beat the real thing…

You’re right, John Knoll is not responsible for the disappearance of the originals.


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Also who knows if they had even gone through a final color pass yet. (Furthermore, would that step be done by Reliance or by Lucasfilm?)

Obviously Lucusfilm have no need to farm out color grading and recomps that would all be done in house. So reliance probably only scanned the film.

This is i would imagine not the run of the mill case because Lucufilm is a massive VFX house but happen to also have their own films which is unique in todays world.


I don’t think they will release anything until after Episode IX discs have been out for a while and they can get everyone to buy all nine movies again in one box set. So maybe 2021 at the earliest.


LexX said:

Sorry, I meant what do you mean Edwards being pushed out.

I’m waiting on this too. Ronster says things all of the time that are either misunderstandings or crazy speculation.


I don’t even know what it could mean. He was hired to direct one movie. And it’s done. It would be odd if he did have any influence.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


TV’s Frink said:

LexX said:

Sorry, I meant what do you mean Edwards being pushed out.

I’m waiting on this too. Ronster says things all of the time that are either misunderstandings or crazy speculation.

Read it again. 😃 He was chucked off RO. I think he is a good director perhaps he is too experimental for big budget blockbusters but he does not go too over the top and even though he even aspires on VFX based stuff he does try to tone it down to be real and gritty. Which is perfect for Star Wars.

He was chucked off but he was kept around for PR. But he still did a great job even though all the clamour about saving the film he did do excellently i think.

He got the tone right where as the reshoots did not.

I think he really understood something about the original fims that say JJ abrams did not.

But JJ had a different job to start a new trilogy but he set a different tone. Which is reasonable I suppose.


Lol whatever man. Where do yo even come up with this junk?


Nowhere… Just forget about it. Gareth Edwards is actually a rubbish director but I personally liked his films.

Probably the big joke is a huge CGI VFX house releasing a film with any real models left in it…

“Just look at what we can do now” again.


Ronster said:

Well… Normally whenever a restoration is done a director is consulted.

Yeah: THE director, i.e. Lucas. Case dismissed.


Ronster said:
It would probably rest on John Knowle somewhat… But he is busy with all the new films no doubt.

He just was credited for an idea he pitched to Lucas during AotC production and which eventually got adapted by Disney. The guy is not a screenwriter. Not sure he’s involved with the new movies (according to his wiki page, not the best source I know).


He did the concept for Rogue One. He wrote the initial basic draft. And he headed up the VFX but he did it well. And he was supervisor of the project.

But Edwards would have also had a say in production. It was the closest yet to the right tone overall the right look and grit.


MalàStrana said:

Ronster said:

Well… Normally whenever a restoration is done a director is consulted.

Yeah: THE director, i.e. Lucas. Case dismissed.

Ok then you will never see the OT again.