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What 'a Star Wars Story' / anthology / spinoff film would you like to see? — Page 8


TK-949 said:

Also, the Origin Story of Darth Vader would be cool.

Ever heard of Revenge of the Sith? It ain’t perfect, but it gets the job done.


If they do make a Boba Fett movie, they could have him find out that he’s actually not a clone, so he spends the whole movie searching for the identity of his mother.

I think they should really make a comedy movie. Something along the lines of Tag and Bink, if not exactly that, where we follow new characters getting into all sorts of silly situations. Now that Tag and Bink are canon and in a lived-action movie, well who knows?

I’m not against a Yoda movie in principle (though I really don’t see a need for it) so long as it’s not set far in the past so as to preserve that mystery.

I’m not kidding when I say there’s potential in a Jar Jar movie. It would be a comedy for kids, but hopefully aim for something more respectable than your average Despicable Me or Ice Age. The fact that it’s Dinsey we’re talking about makes me think they’d know better than to make such low-brow garbage. That said, they certainly know better than to make a movie starring the most hated character of all time. Personally I don’t think Jar Jar is a fundamentally flawed character. They just need to stay away from toilet humor. George always said that he was based on the antics of Buster Keaton, so try to do something more along those lines. Probably best to give him a competent sidekick like Qui-Go was in TPM to provide a foil.


ray_afraid said:

So, you want a movie about how Darth Vader gets dressed after a bath? And Bobba Fett is involved somehow?
Sounds… great. 😐

I never said that. I was merely passing along the info of how there was a scene of Vader cut out of Rogue One where he is getting his suit put back on. You sound like you need way more sleep or something.


ray_afraid said:

So, you want a movie about how Darth Vader gets dressed after a bath? And Bobba Fett is involved somehow?

Jim Smith said:

I never said that.


Jim Smith said:

An anthology film about Vader would most definitely be an excellent idea and maybe have Boba Fett in it somehow. We could see Vader in all new ways like without his cape on or getting suited up after a dip in the ol’ bacta tank.

Did someone hack your account? 😉

You sound like you need way more sleep or something.

It was a just a joke. Nobody’s insulting you.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


I’d like to see a film dealing with Imperial recruitment, ordinary folk (no BS clones) signing up to make a difference in the galaxy. Seeing them trained as officers, pilots or troopers - like a two hour recruitment/propaganda film.

Seeing the Imperial conditioning/brain-washing used on these individuals, to turn them into a positive force for good. A conditioning that equates (in their diseased minds) the rebels to womp rats - vermin to be exterminated.

I know this sounds grim but I like the idea. Or DISNEY could put an uplifting, positive spin on this and turn it into their STAR WARS take on a TOP GUN-style fantasy.


Slavicuss said:

I’d like to see a film dealing with Imperial recruitment, ordinary folk (no BS clones) signing up to make a difference in the galaxy. Seeing them trained as officers, pilots or troopers - like a two hour recruitment/propaganda film.

Seeing the Imperial conditioning/brain-washing used on these individuals, to turn them into a positive force for good. A conditioning that equates (in their diseased minds) the rebels to womp rats - vermin to be exterminated.

I know this sounds grim but I like the idea. Or DISNEY could put an uplifting, positive spin on this and turn it into their STAR WARS take on a TOP GUN-style fantasy.

The IMPS fanfilms, (an unofficial sequel to TROOPS) are sort of a positive spin on the men and women serving in the Imperial forces.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Slavicuss said:

I’d like to see a film dealing with Imperial recruitment, ordinary folk (no BS clones) signing up to make a difference in the galaxy. Seeing them trained as officers, pilots or troopers - like a two hour recruitment/propaganda film.

Seeing the Imperial conditioning/brain-washing used on these individuals, to turn them into a positive force for good. A conditioning that equates (in their diseased minds) the rebels to womp rats - vermin to be exterminated.

I know this sounds grim but I like the idea. Or DISNEY could put an uplifting, positive spin on this and turn it into their STAR WARS take on a TOP GUN-style fantasy.

Quoth the Gumble, “I like it!”


The solo campaign in the new Star Wars Battlefront II game makes for a pretty good direct sequel to ROTJ !


How about a Darth Maul movie, with Palpatine in a small role?

I would honestly want that over a Yoda film. It could be set say 5-10 years before The Phantom Menace. Bring back Ray Park as Darth Maul and Peter Serafinowicz as the voice of Maul, due to Ray park’s age you would need a stunt double for sure.


I’d like to see the film we thought we might get with the ST, a story about Luke set 10 years before the start of TFA. Luke uncovers a group of villains from the unknown regions of space. He (with the help of his young apprentice, Chewbacca and R2D2 in the 3rd act) are able to defeat the well armed group but something begins to change in his apprentice.

Or something involving Luke (played by Mark) set sometime between the OT and ST.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Hardcore Legend said:

I’d like to see the film we thought we might get with the ST, a story about Luke set 10 years before the start of TFA. Luke uncovers a group of villains from the unknown regions of space. He (with the help of his young apprentice, Chewbacca and R2D2 in the 3rd act) are able to defeat the well armed group but something begins to change in his apprentice.

Or something involving Luke (played by Mark) set sometime between the OT and ST.

I second this, I would love to see something set before the Force Awakens, with his green Jedi lightsaber tearing s*** up. The end of the movie could be him flying in his X-wing to Ach-to, climbing the Jedi steps and at the top he’s looking out into horizon waiting for Rey (Iris out)

Mark Hamill should do this.


CarboniteSolo said:

Hardcore Legend said:

I’d like to see the film we thought we might get with the ST, a story about Luke set 10 years before the start of TFA. Luke uncovers a group of villains from the unknown regions of space. He (with the help of his young apprentice, Chewbacca and R2D2 in the 3rd act) are able to defeat the well armed group but something begins to change in his apprentice.

Or something involving Luke (played by Mark) set sometime between the OT and ST.

I second this, I would love to see something set before the Force Awakens, with his green Jedi lightsaber tearing s*** up. The end of the movie could be him flying in his X-wing to Ach-to, climbing the Jedi steps and at the top he’s looking out into horizon waiting for Rey (Iris out)

Mark Hamill should do this.

I feel like this is a film you could just print money from. All the nostalgia. All the focus on the OT fan favorites but in a new story. You could even use it to give Snoke a back story.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

This is the only spinoff I have any interest left in seeing:

Of course, I know a faithful adaptation of Tales of the Jedi will never happen. TOTJ is too aesthetically divergent from the OT, with too many competent male characters, to ever make it into a Kennedyfilm production unmolested.


I cannot tell if that last post was was couched in enough irony to keep Duracell from sucking now. Anyway, I’d like to see James McAvoy as Luke and that one Stranger Things kid as Ben Solo in this hypothetical interquel.


joefavs said:

I cannot tell if that last post was was couched in enough irony to keep Duracell from sucking now.

Doesn’t seem so, unfortunately.

Anyway, I’d like to see James McAvoy as Luke and that one Stranger Things kid as Ben Solo in this hypothetical interquel.

Finn Wolfhard? I buy it. Not sure you could recast Luke.


joefavs said:

I cannot tell if that last post was was couched in enough irony to keep Duracell from sucking now.

Just so there’s no misunderstanding, I like strong women, and I support non-radical feminism. When I write female characters, I always try to avoid stereotypical mannerisms and strive to make them intelligent and strong. I wouldn’t want to be in a romantic relationship with any woman who was an airhead or a pushover.

What I don’t like are female characters – or really, characters in general – who have little to no flaws and are nearly perfect at what they do without any rationale behind their perfection. I also don’t like it when characters I’ve loved for close to two decades are eviscerated to prop such characters up.