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Star Wars Episode IX (was) to be directed by Colin Trevorrow - DUEL OF THE FATES RIP — Page 6


I expect the latter. A Martha moment to get the Luke/Leia style twist in there perhaps.


I don’t even care anymore. I’ll still go see IX in cinemas and keep the ticket stub. If I want to watch it again I’ll just rent the Blu-ray disc from OG Netflix.


I don’t even know if I want to bother seeing SW in cinemas anymore. Why pay for mediocrity?

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


Well, it was nice hoping it’s going to be someone capable of telling/wrapping a decent story up for what little that lasted.

Frankly, I’m not sure I prefer Abrams over Trevorrow at this point. I feel properly deflated.


JJ Abrams… if he doesn’t write the script at least he will get the job done. I find his TFA visually uninteresting, so I just hope he can work on that for IX. Even bad SW are visually interesting in my opinion (I-II-R1) except TFA that I find flat (with a few good shots here and there, but it’s not enough).


Ugh. Well, I had already pretty much written off the sequel trilogy after Abrams’ Episode VII anyway. So, might as well let him go down with the ship…I guess…


ATMachine said:

I don’t even know if I want to bother seeing SW in cinemas anymore. Why pay for mediocrity?

TFA had a real story…while return of the jedi had nothing but pretty explosions and a unearned ending

So if you think it is medicore than it must be great


Since Colin Trevorrow’s story pitch was so Leia-centric, I guess it’s not surprising that after Carrie Fisher’s death Lucasfilm brought JJ back. With TFA Abrams proved he can do a SW film where one of the three OT leads is absent for the whole thing.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


ATMachine said:

Since Colin Trevorrow’s story pitch was so Leia-centric, I guess it’s not surprising that after Carrie Fisher’s death Lucasfilm brought JJ back. With TFA Abrams proved he can do a SW film where one of the three OT leads is absent for the whole thing.

I doubt that had anything to do with it.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


So do I, but Carrie Fisher told me that’d be a good joke.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


DominicCobb said:

I’m already anticipating a repeat of the reaction to the OT - 1 is the audience favorite, 2 is the fan favorite, and 3 is mostly regarded as the least favorite)

Many will disagree but I think we’re seeing this prediction coming true.


With all these significant leaks about Trevorrow’s Episode IX, maybe it’s more proper to keep the discussion to a thread specifically for it (maybe a new thread should be made?).

I’m starting to see randos on the internet with access to script pages, I think it’s probably only a matter of time until the full script is readily available (or at least I’m hoping). Here’s some of the pages:

Finn talks with a stormtrooper (great moment):

Kylo and Tor Vallum:

Leia and R2:

Rey and Poe kissing (dumb):

Hux trying to use the force:

Han and Ben (but it’s a flashback):

Rey vs. Kylo (featuring Kylo’s death)(stupid):

I’m really curious to see what else is revealed but I will say the Kylo stuff is definitely a sour note. Basically he just keeps getting more and more eviler until at literally the very last second he decides to stop. Doesn’t seem to have the same follow through as the other characters (although I’m not sure what Poe is up to), and I definitely get the sense that Trevorrow and Connelly are the kind of fans who think Kylo is a little punk bitch who should be more badass like Vader or some shit. He even gets a brand new helmet (which I’d argue is worse character regression than repairing his old one).


Art is subjective. You might think some of this is stupid, I happen to think it’s a masterpiece.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

Art is subjective. You might think some of this is stupid, I happen to think it’s a masterpiece.

I agree. I personally like Trevorrow’s script, except for Rey kissing Poe. I’m not really a Reylo, so the idea of Ben being mostly evil before the voice of Leia convinces him to sacrifice himself isn’t a big turn-off for me. I actually prefer Trevorrow’s take on Ben’s redemption to JJ’s version. It isn’t “dumb” or “stupid” for me. If Trevorrow’s script was the version that was produced, I think I would be mostly happy with the sequel trilogy.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


idir_hh said:

Art is subjective. You might think some of this is stupid, I happen to think it’s a masterpiece.

The grass is always greener, but “masterpiece” seems a tad strong for a partial screenplay of a film that was never made. There is some good stuff in there, though. I rather liked Trevorrow’s version of Ben’s redemption. I think J.J.s version was good too. Both seem a bit abrupt though.


pleasehello said:

idir_hh said:

Art is subjective. You might think some of this is stupid, I happen to think it’s a masterpiece.

The grass is always greener, but “masterpiece” seems a tad strong for a partial screenplay of a film that was never made.

Yeah I don’t get how you can call 5 pages of a first draft script of an unproduced script a “masterpiece.” That’s more than a little silly.

There is some good stuff in there, though. I rather liked Trevorrow’s version of Ben’s redemption. I think J.J.s version was good too. Both seem a bit abrupt though.

I struggle to see how Trevorrow’s is better in any way. Ben’s turn is already abrupt in TROS, but here it’s almost comically so. Essentially it happens the same way - Kylo’s about to kill Rey but Leia contacts him and turns his heart, then Ben gives Rey his lifeforce to survive sacrificing himself - except all mashed together in a couple minutes. You’re missing him reconciling with the murder of his father, and trying to make amends in any sort of way (facing Palpatine). Honestly, it might even be a stretch to call it redemption at all. He just decides not to kill Rey, which isn’t terribly impressive, and then sacrifices himself to save her, which is only necessary because he himself had been killing her. Hardly a selfless act of atonement.

The reason Kylo sucks so much in what we’ve seen and know about Trevorrow’s script is because it’s a complete evaporation of his character progression. He’s back to being the Vader wannabe from TFA, he just happens to be more successful at it. He’s become one dimensional, without a care for the complications developed in the previous installments. Which is to say nothing of his relationship with Rey. I don’t care if they didn’t go romance or not, but obviously TLJ set up a much more complex relationship between the two than good guy bad guy (which TROS continued), and they seem to have completely dropped that here.


DominicCobb said:

pleasehello said:

idir_hh said:

Art is subjective. You might think some of this is stupid, I happen to think it’s a masterpiece.

The grass is always greener, but “masterpiece” seems a tad strong for a partial screenplay of a film that was never made.

Yeah I don’t get how you can call 5 pages of a first draft script of an unproduced script a “masterpiece.” That’s more than a little silly.

Robert meyer Burnett read out most of the script on his YouTube channel and based on that script I think we would have gotten a film worthy of the Star Wars name.
The world building, the drama, the lore, the classic comedy and the politics, it’s all in there for me.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

DominicCobb said:

pleasehello said:

idir_hh said:

Art is subjective. You might think some of this is stupid, I happen to think it’s a masterpiece.

The grass is always greener, but “masterpiece” seems a tad strong for a partial screenplay of a film that was never made.

Yeah I don’t get how you can call 5 pages of a first draft script of an unproduced script a “masterpiece.” That’s more than a little silly.

Robert meyer Burnett read out most of the script on his YouTube channel and based on that script I think we would have gotten a film worthy of the Star Wars name.
The world building, the drama, the lore, the classic comedy and the politics, it’s all in there for me.

Personally I’m waiting to get my hands on the script myself.


Regarding the script screenshots that just leaked:

I like Leia’s role better, but obviously the change in her role from this draft to the final cut was dictated by tragic circumstances that nobody is to blame for.

Regarding all of the other characters:

I prefer the roles of Rey, Poe, Kylo, Hux, Force ghosts, and Sith in the film we actually got, whereas I prefer the roles of most of the other characters like Finn, Chewy, the droids, etc., in this draft.

I also prefer the aesthetics from the concept art of this draft, when compared to the look of the film we actually got.

Regarding the time jump: 9 or 10 years (as it is in this draft) is too much. For this version in particular, a jump of 2-5 years would’ve been a nice sweet spot, me thinks.

So, ultimately, more of a hybrid between the two visions would’ve been the ideal.



DominicCobb said:

idir_hh said:

DominicCobb said:

pleasehello said:

idir_hh said:

Art is subjective. You might think some of this is stupid, I happen to think it’s a masterpiece.

The grass is always greener, but “masterpiece” seems a tad strong for a partial screenplay of a film that was never made.

Yeah I don’t get how you can call 5 pages of a first draft script of an unproduced script a “masterpiece.” That’s more than a little silly.

Robert meyer Burnett read out most of the script on his YouTube channel and based on that script I think we would have gotten a film worthy of the Star Wars name.
The world building, the drama, the lore, the classic comedy and the politics, it’s all in there for me.

Personally I’m waiting to get my hands on the script myself.

Maybe there’s a chance it gets adapted into a novel.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…