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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released) — Page 41


I pretty much forwarded to the changes from the version you have available to see what you have done.

All in all, I like the idea behind those changes. The more I thought about TFA, the whole firing twice didn’t make too much sense. Also, did that mean there were two suns next to the base? Did they need to use that high power laser on a small base when a fleet could take out a small resistance base? (Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed TFA, really did!)

So the idea of the Resistance trying to stop the super weapon BEFORE it fires adds the suspense and the importance.

Anyway I am curious about the “next” version that is being worked on. I am curious about a few things. Would it be feasible to remove the light side of Starkiller base when it fires? It has drained the Sun so I would think there would be no more light for the planet? Unless, is that planet relatively close to multiple suns like Tatooine?

Lastly, is there a way to further tink (somehow) Finn’s line? especially at the end he said “…they’ve done it!” What did they do? If there was a way to change the dialogue with other sources, could it be done to end “…They’ve made it!” or “…They’ve found us!” or something short on those lines? I don’t want to be one of those guys that nit picks every detail, since I am happy with the edit and like the direction.

Anyway, I like the direction of the edit a lot. The good guys won and lost at the same time from their mission. Sets a better mood for the next movie coming up.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Finn’s line will be changed to “They’ve found us!”. 😃

I’m not sure about the sun thing, I think it was discussed but I don’t remember what was said exactly. It might be good to adjust that shot somehow.

Nit picking is fine. Maybe not everything can be changed, but it can be considered.


For V2, the light side of Starkiller Base is darkened and a new Hosnian Destruction sequence is implemented using the full track from the score. SirRidley is finalizing(😉) the Finalizer scene where Finn says ‘They’ve found us!’, as well as re-editing that scene to flow better. In addition, there are a whole bunch of new changes such as R2 looking for the map only after BB8’s suggestion, a stabilized final shot, completely reconstructed sound for the destruction of Starkiller Base, and the addition of a subplot involving Leia and the Republic. Most of these changes are available to view in the Starlight Project, a link to which is available in my signature.

By the way, here’s the Leia Deleted Scene with the aforementioned audio issue fixed:
Dialogue Only:
Music Only:

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Looking good! Can’t wait to see it with the color correction and timecode removal.


I am sorry if this was discussed earlier, this came to my mind the other day after watching the Version 1 cut. Since the base fired its beam, would there be enough of it left to allow the base to be destroyed? Like the original cut, the base turns into a sun, since original it was “full” from draining the sun?

Or is the “new” explanation is it needed to drain the sun to become fully operational to begin shooting stuff?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Perhaps since the solar intake shot has been cut we can infer that it uses its primary weapon as the intake, so it must complete the task of draining the sun before it can fire. Also, if we eventually include scenes to suggest that the base will fire twice, it would be more clear that there is a reserve of solar energy.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


We could pipe in audio from Neil deGrasse Tyson over the First Order’s or Resistance’s intercoms explaining that one star has the power to destroy ten thousand planets.
But yes, the idea is that, apparently, one star does not equal one firing. And as far as this edit goes, there’s nothing to say that it wasn’t built for a single-use against Capital Planet.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

We could pipe in audio from Neil deGrasse Tyson over the First Order’s or Resistance’s intercoms explaining that one star has the power to destroy ten thousand planets.
But yes, the idea is that, apparently, one star does not equal one firing. And as far as this edit goes, there’s nothing to say that it wasn’t built for a single-use against Capital Planet.

That’s all fair enough, since the edits changes any assumptions of a one charge up per fire.

Or like you said, you can easily put in that quote. Maybe get a group of people in First Order troops in a class room with a sign that says “StarKiller Base 101.”

I see no flaw!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I can’t wait to watch TFA restructure, before the release of TLJ. I’ll probably watch fan edits of PT too.


The next question is, will someone try to move KYLO’s scar to match last Jedi?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”



I did another version of the Resistance Briefing scene, further tweaking Leia’s mouth movements (as usual) and giving 3PO this line: “Oh my! Without the Republic fleet, they’re doomed!”

What do you think?

Music: https://mega.nz/#!WUEC0S6J!sL-aB5Qcg7NUSykVcIH-jIA-w6v4HpSHxNNOPPRcRRk

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I would love to give feedback on these, but I rarely get the chance to download and take a look on my computer. If you want more eyes (and ears), Vimeo will get you that.


It’s excellent. This change + the deleted scene + “they have found us” + other little things are really going to give “Restructured” a natural feel, as if the movie has always been intended that way. I’m more than hyped. Guys, you’re good !

Just a remak: would it be possible to make 3PO say “we are doomed” instead of “they are doomed” ?

By the way Sir Ridley, have you been given second thoughts about some changes you want (or don’t want) to implement into your own edit ?


Here 'tis on Vimeo:

Password: TFA

@Mala: The line was originally “Without the Republic fleet, we’re doomed”, but it was replaced with “This is a catastrophe” because the Resistance base is still supposed to be hidden at this point in the edit, and thus not a target for the weapon. One could make the argument (and I think I did) that 3PO’s statement could mean “Without the Republic fleet, we (the Resistance attack ships) are doomed”, but that might be confusing.

This version makes clear that the Resistance knows that the First Order is targeting the Republic, and also suggests that under other circumstances, the Resistance would have the backing of the entire Republic fleet. Since there’s so little mention of the Republic in the original film, I worry about taking out any more. ‘It’s the Republic! The First Order, they’ve done it’, and ‘Finn’s familiar with the weapon system that destroyed the Hosnian System, he worked on the base’ were always going to be gone, so these lines are an endangered species of sorts.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Honestly, that’s near close to seamless. Only thing that feels missing is BB-8 foley. I will say 3PO’s line still sounds a bit like “we’re doomed” to my ears, but I think either word works.

Now you just have to put the other clips on Vimeo so I can give more of this kind of perfect, stellar feedback.


The one awkward thing there that stands out for me is the re-editing of the Kor Sella scene. Any particular reason for that?


That’s good (the briefing scene)! I see some small issues. It needs BB-8 foley, “any word from the republic” sounds a little odd around the “the” (perhaps someone could record a new line?) and the shot of Leia saying “no” could perhaps be better (maybe slightly animate the mouth to an O shape) but otherwise it seems like a good way to do it.

The deleted scene works great! Needs some work in the audio department (and visual, of course) but I like what you’ve done.


DominicCobb said:

The one awkward thing there that stands out for me is the re-editing of the Kor Sella scene. Any particular reason for that?

The original editing of the scene had Kor Sella smiling in reaction to Leia’s line ‘Not all the senators think I’m insane’. While that may be a humorous exaggeration, it doesn’t seem like a joke. After her reaction, Leia then says ‘…or maybe they do. I don’t care.’. This seems like the punchline to me, which is why I put her reaction here. It also gives the scene some room to breathe, otherwise it would cut too fast back to Finn and Poe. Of course, this change meant that I had to find some other reaction shot of Kor Sella to place between Leia’s lines, so I took the only moment where she wasn’t talking and slowed it down as much as I dared.

Sir Ridley said:

That’s good (the briefing scene)! I see some small issues. It needs BB-8 foley, “any word from the republic” sounds a little odd around the “the” (perhaps someone could record a new line?) and the shot of Leia saying “no” could perhaps be better (maybe slightly animate the mouth to an O shape) but otherwise it seems like a good way to do it.

Thanks. I remember that Snap’s line was a combination of two other lines, making it very tricky so not sure there’s much else to be wrung from it. As for any remaining audio issues in these scenes, I’m hoping Hal works some magic on them before it’s all said and done 😉

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

DominicCobb said:

The one awkward thing there that stands out for me is the re-editing of the Kor Sella scene. Any particular reason for that?

The original editing of the scene had Kor Sella smiling in reaction to Leia’s line ‘Not all the senators think I’m insane’. While that may be a humorous exaggeration, it doesn’t seem like a joke. After her reaction, Leia then says ‘…or maybe they do. I don’t care.’. This seems like the punchline to me, which is why I put her reaction here. It also gives the scene some room to breathe, otherwise it would cut too fast back to Finn and Poe. Of course, this change meant that I had to find some other shot of Kor Sella between Leia’s lines, so I took the only moment where she wasn’t talking and slowed it down as much as I dared.

Yeah, this is good. I’m not fully convinced by the new little reaction you made, I might tweak it a bit when I put in my FX parts. But putting Kor Sellas smile at the end is definitely the right thing to do.

MalàStrana said:

By the way Sir Ridley, have you been given second thoughts about some changes you want (or don’t want) to implement into your own edit ?

My plan hasn’t really changed. I will use most changes from Restructured v2, whatever they turn out to be in the end, perhaps apart from the changes to the Starkiller explosion scene. In v2 the plan seems to be to cut out Poe’s happy line but somehow keep the score intact by reediting and remaking parts of the sound mix. I’m happy with my simpler solution of cutting Poe’s line and sacrificing a bit of the score. And besides the v2 changes I will add my own changes, listed in my project thread. I will keep my thread updated if there’s any news!


Both of these edits are great. The only things that stood out to me were the missing BB-8 foley during and the “They’re charging the weapon now.” line in the briefing as well as the missing foley in the wide shot of the base. The latter wasn’t really a big deal and any foley in this scene should definetly be very quiet but the troops running towards the camera in the end felt really weird without any sound to accompany them.


NeverarGreat said:

Here 'tis on Vimeo:

Password: TFA

@Mala: The line was originally “Without the Republic fleet, we’re doomed”, but it was replaced with “This is a catastrophe” because the Resistance base is still supposed to be hidden at this point in the edit, and thus not a target for the weapon. One could make the argument (and I think I did) that 3PO’s statement could mean “Without the Republic fleet, we (the Resistance attack ships) are doomed”, but that might be confusing.

This version makes clear that the Resistance knows that the First Order is targeting the Republic, and also suggests that under other circumstances, the Resistance would have the backing of the entire Republic fleet. Since there’s so little mention of the Republic in the original film, I worry about taking out any more. ‘It’s the Republic! The First Order, they’ve done it’, and ‘Finn’s familiar with the weapon system that destroyed the Hosnian System, he worked on the base’ were always going to be gone, so these lines are an endangered species of sorts.

That’s looking really good, it’s nearly flawless I think.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”