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Jasiek said:

Darth Chronus said:

Jasiek said:

For anyone stuck with the MEGA limit, you can use the free chrome extensions Zen Mate, and change your location to a different country and there goes the limit. Two location changes worked like a charm for me!

Alternatively use 2-3 different Mega accounts.

I used my account and my wife’s.

Resetting your router after every 3 file is another option. It resets the IP Address.

I have a static IP address, and setting up a temp account using something like temp-mail didn’t work for me, so VPN was the only way. But sure, if someone has a dynamic IP than that’s also a viable option!

VPN is best for those with static IP Addresses. How very true.
I hope that you have the movie.
Just unpacking mine on WinRar; another 4 minutes and then I’ll just HDMI it to the TV 😃

Father, Husband, Nerd (of Batman and Star Wars mainly)



Editroid said:

I believe I noticed compression artifacts when watching it on my TV.

Of course you did, as has been stated multiple times already this is the 7 GB re-encode and a full bd-22 version will be available eventually.


Possessed said:

Editroid said:

I believe I noticed compression artifacts when watching it on my TV.

Of course you did, as has been stated multiple times already this is the 7 GB re-encode and a full bd-22 version will be available eventually.

Okay, got it.


Why is the tank Luke is in now colored red?


adywan said:

Editroid said:

adywan said:

Editroid said:

Why isn’t there a surround sound mix?

There is. It’s a 5.1 mix

I played it on VLC, and I only see stereo, left, right, and reverse stereo.

Do you have a 5.1 soundcard? If not then vlc will only play it as stereo

Shows fine as 5.1 for me.


Possessed said:

Editroid said:

I believe I noticed compression artifacts when watching it on my TV.

Of course you did, as has been stated multiple times already this is the 7 GB re-encode and a full bd-22 version will be available eventually.

Yep. Fortunately we probably won’t see too many complaints from the facebook crowd about this, as the general public seems to like 700mb 1080p torrents (“V:10/A:10 only complaint file size too big”)


It’s also on Usenet now. Can’t wait to see it! Thanks Adywan and everyone who worked on this. Been eagerly awaiting this since 2012 when I first discovered ANH:R.


Am - am I dead and gone to heaven!? The day has come!? FANTASTIC!!! I’m going to download it first thing in the morning and watch it!!!

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


Adywan, I must say you have improved so much from your days of the original star wars revisited, not just as a faneditor, but a filmmaker as well. This is 100% the best version of empire strikes back I have seen and the best fanedit I have ever watched. I got really choked up when I saw the in memoriam for your mum and dad, it shows how much time and effort you have put into this project. Thank you so much for your hard work into a project that I hope to god this gets the recognition it deserves. You deserve a long earned break for your troubles. Hell maybe this will be the turning point for disney to give credit where credit is due… Anyways, I wish you the best and hope to see your work again in the future!

Cheers, DH12


Still watching it but I just wanted to say, the improved lip movements for Yoda are fantastic. Makes him seem even more alive. Amazing work.


Darth Chronus said:

ladyferry said:

Darth Chronus said:

ladyferry said:

Darth Chronus said:

Savage said:

Downloaded and on a USB stick.

It will be on the 120" screen tonight!

Thanks again for everything, Ady!

120" nice!

I’m almost on the 6th download file. Figured I would make my wife a Mega account as well so that I can get the rest of the files downloaded as quickly as possible.

Then I’ll put em all in 1 file and get the whole movie.

It’'ll be great watching it on the 65 inch 4K Sony Bravia TV in the living room - but that 120 inch screen sounds incredible 😉

Thank you so much Ady 😃
It was my wife’s birthday yesterday; Empire is her favourite movie - so it’s like a 24th birthday present in a sense 😃

Mr Chronus, howdy! It’s me Michelle …

Hey Michelle!
It’s been ages since I have been on this site. Though I did log in back in July for about 10 mins.
How’s it going? 😃
At least we have been catching up on Instagram.

Hey! ii haven’t been on here for many years, saw the announcement by Ady on CIAbook and then checked on here what was occurring , nothings changed on here.

Hahahahaha CIAbook!

Yeah the Feds are everywhere these days!

Nothing’s changed; you’re right.

Anyway I hope that you are well…oh and guess who’s gonna be a daddy by the end of December? 😉

Gotta go and put on TESB:R on the big 4K TV soon 😃

It’s best to be safe than sorry … congrats on the good news too! See you on CIAbook and be shiny!

I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …


Downloaded, DVD-DL burning at the moment. Gonna watch it after dinner, projected in my lil’ movie room on a 92" screen. It’s been a rather crappy summer for me personally so this is a very refreshing and appreciated moment. I’m gonna savor those two hours of escape like a well-earned mini-vacation. Thank you Adywan!


Watching it now Adywan, thanks for all of your hard work!

Quick question, did anyone document your hard work throughout the project? Looking at it from the outside, the process has been fascinating, so I wasn’t sure if, as you were working you had someone documenting your work.


I don’t know what to say, but well done Ady. Well done everybody that helped Ady. I watched Empire with that childlike wonderment for the first time in a long time. I was 7 years old again. Thank you Ady.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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I think I’m not going to watch this for a couple years just so I can continue to anticipate it.


Downloading one atom at a time. I will watch this somehow. Everyone seems to have much better broadband than me 😄