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Yoda and Palpatine NEVER should have been given lightsabers. — Page 5


I am conflicted

on one hand giving palpatine no lightsaber makes palpatine seem like a dark wizard…and fantasy inspired star wars is the best star wars ever

on the other hand giving palpatine no lightsaber would open a pandoras box of force unleashed-esque force abilities that would get ridiculous


They gave Count Dooku a lightsaber and a ridiculous force battle with Yoda.

and please use punctuation and capitalization


Lord Tobias said:

I am conflicted

on one hand giving palpatine no lightsaber makes palpatine seem like a dark wizard…and fantasy inspired star wars is the best star wars ever

on the other hand giving palpatine no lightsaber would open a pandoras box of force unleashed-esque force abilities that would get ridiculous

Nothing is ridiculous when it comes to The Force. If destroying a planet is nothing compared to the power of The Force then everything in the Force Unleashed is essentially child’s play. KOTOR II would be a better example, but then again there should still be more powerful Force Abilities if what Lord Vader is to be taken at his word.


Yeah but he couldn’t even conjure up the stolen data tapes.


Not even The Force is immune to plot contrivances.


In an ideal PT Maul shouldn’t have used light sabers either and Dooku shouldn’t have used force lightning.

The way it is now is so inconsistent with the OT. Vader and Dooku are fallen Yedi. Why would Dooku be able to use force lightning when Vader obviously couldn’t in the OT (and RO)? Despite the facts that there was more time between the PT and the OT than between TPM and AOTC and Vader beeing the chosen one and Dooku not.

“People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians”

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” --George Lucas on March 3, 1988


Amano said:

In an ideal PT Maul shouldn’t have used light sabers either and Dooku shouldn’t have used force lightning.

The way it is now is so inconsistent with the OT. Vader and Dooku are fallen Yedi. Why would Dooku be able to use force lightning when Vader obviously couldn’t in the OT (and RO)? Despite the facts that there was more time between the PT and the OT than between TPM and AOTC and Vader beeing the chosen one and Dooku not.

In the books this is explained by saying Vader can’t do lightning because it requires organic hands. I don’t care about the books much I read them all once and thought it was a valid explanation.


Most do. It would be weird if Vader could conjure Force Lightning but is rendered useless when someone uses it on him. Doesn’t make much sense to me.


Amano said:

In an ideal PT Maul shouldn’t have used light sabers either and Dooku shouldn’t have used force lightning.

The way it is now is so inconsistent with the OT. Vader and Dooku are fallen Yedi. Why would Dooku be able to use force lightning when Vader obviously couldn’t in the OT (and RO)? Despite the facts that there was more time between the PT and the OT than between TPM and AOTC and Vader beeing the chosen one and Dooku not.

Vader can’t use force lightning because it would fry his suit. That’s literally what killed him.


By that logic, force lightening should kill the user no matter what. Makes more sense that the Emperor is the only one powerful enough to weild it, which makes him getting deformed by it in III even more stupid.

TV’s Frink said:

I would put this in my sig if I weren’t so lazy.


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Makes more sense that the beings like the Emperor are the only ones powerful enough to weild it, which makes him getting deformed by it in III even more stupid.



Yoda and Palps should’ve rubbed their lightsabers together a little more Forcefully.


Yoda/Palps frottage scene when

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Not an image I wanted to imagine but here we are anyway

Use the Force, Joh Yowza.


Not the image you wanted, but the image you needed.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


While I agree with the thread title, I can’t deny the fact that the Yoda vs Palpatine duel in RotS is a guilty pleasure of mine! 😛

That being said, I absolutely hated the Yoda vs Dooku duel in AotC, and the Palpatine vs Windu/Council duel in RotS.



Might as well say they shouldn’t talk either and just go around communicating through the Force.


Rodney-2187 said:

Might as well say they shouldn’t talk either and just go around communicating through the Force.

I agree.

Of course, that’s because Yoda should have already been off the Jedi Council and in exile since before the prequels, and Palpatine shouldn’t have been revealed as a Sith Lord at all, instead being merely a politician working in the background and using his proxies to turn Anakin and destroy the Jedi.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


rocknroll41 said:

While I agree with the thread title, I can’t deny the fact that the Yoda vs Palpatine duel in RotS is a guilty pleasure of mine! 😛

That being said, I absolutely hated the Yoda vs Dooku duel in AotC, and the Palpatine vs Windu/Council duel in RotS.

The Council duel is hilariously bad.


i’m one of those people who said Lucas should have stuck to his original concept of Palpatine and Yoda not having lightsabers. At the same time i love the line from Palpatine to Yoda. I’ve been waiting for this moment a long time my little green friend. And how Ian plays it to the hilt.