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Han - Solo Movie ** Spoilers ** — Page 23


LuckyGungan2001 said:

Glover’s awesome, but I feel he is too goofy for the role of Lando, which should be excruciatingly suave.

I’ve only ever seen him in one thing. He over-acted a character that was already unrealistic. Sometimes you work with all you are given. Even if he nailed the character as-written, over the top is still all he’d end up with on screen.

I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. Like Ehrenreich, he has some very big shoes to fill. No need to naysay him a year in advance.

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Anchorhead said:

LuckyGungan2001 said:

Glover’s awesome, but I feel he is too goofy for the role of Lando, which should be excruciatingly suave.

I’ve only ever seen him in one thing. He over-acted a character that was already unrealistic. Sometimes you work with all you are given. Even if he nailed the character as-written, over the top is still all he’d end up with on screen.

I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. Like Ehrenreich, he has some very big shoes to fill. No need to naysay him a year in advance.

I think that with some solid direction, he should be fine. He has a lot of raw talent IMHO


joefavs said:

Meh, the quality of the impression wasn’t what made me cringe so much as his overall vibe. He seemed really unduly pleased with himself. Anyway, to address the difference between impressions and acting, can you imagine if Chris Pine had done a Shatner impression for his Kirk? That’s what Ingruber as Han would amount to.

This Han Solo exists in same timeline as OT and is not a reboot of the entire franchise.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Hardcore Legend said:

joefavs said:

Meh, the quality of the impression wasn’t what made me cringe so much as his overall vibe. He seemed really unduly pleased with himself. Anyway, to address the difference between impressions and acting, can you imagine if Chris Pine had done a Shatner impression for his Kirk? That’s what Ingruber as Han would amount to.

This Han Solo exists in same timeline as OT and is not a reboot of the entire franchise.

So that means that a young version needs to be an imitation?

I’m with joe. No thanks.


DominicCobb said:

Hardcore Legend said:

joefavs said:

Meh, the quality of the impression wasn’t what made me cringe so much as his overall vibe. He seemed really unduly pleased with himself. Anyway, to address the difference between impressions and acting, can you imagine if Chris Pine had done a Shatner impression for his Kirk? That’s what Ingruber as Han would amount to.

This Han Solo exists in same timeline as OT and is not a reboot of the entire franchise.

So that means that a young version needs to be an imitation?

I’m with joe. No thanks.

No, it is a generally bad idea to recast this character period.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Hardcore Legend said:

DominicCobb said:

Hardcore Legend said:

joefavs said:

Meh, the quality of the impression wasn’t what made me cringe so much as his overall vibe. He seemed really unduly pleased with himself. Anyway, to address the difference between impressions and acting, can you imagine if Chris Pine had done a Shatner impression for his Kirk? That’s what Ingruber as Han would amount to.

This Han Solo exists in same timeline as OT and is not a reboot of the entire franchise.

So that means that a young version needs to be an imitation?

I’m with joe. No thanks.

No, it is a generally bad idea to recast this character period.

Whoops my bad. Yeah they should have got Ford to play him with the CGI that de-aged Leia so convincingly.

Or I guess they shouldn’t have made the movie at all because there’s no possibility whatsoever that anyone could ever make a good Han - Solo movie period.


DominicCobb said:

Hardcore Legend said:

DominicCobb said:

Hardcore Legend said:

joefavs said:

Meh, the quality of the impression wasn’t what made me cringe so much as his overall vibe. He seemed really unduly pleased with himself. Anyway, to address the difference between impressions and acting, can you imagine if Chris Pine had done a Shatner impression for his Kirk? That’s what Ingruber as Han would amount to.

This Han Solo exists in same timeline as OT and is not a reboot of the entire franchise.

So that means that a young version needs to be an imitation?

I’m with joe. No thanks.

No, it is a generally bad idea to recast this character period.

Whoops my bad. Yeah they should have got Ford to play him with the CGI that de-aged Leia so convincingly.

Or I guess they shouldn’t have made the movie at all because there’s no possibility whatsoever that anyone could ever make a good Han - Solo movie period.

Not even one in a million?

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


DominicCobb said:

Hardcore Legend said:

DominicCobb said:

Hardcore Legend said:

joefavs said:

Meh, the quality of the impression wasn’t what made me cringe so much as his overall vibe. He seemed really unduly pleased with himself. Anyway, to address the difference between impressions and acting, can you imagine if Chris Pine had done a Shatner impression for his Kirk? That’s what Ingruber as Han would amount to.

This Han Solo exists in same timeline as OT and is not a reboot of the entire franchise.

So that means that a young version needs to be an imitation?

I’m with joe. No thanks.

No, it is a generally bad idea to recast this character period.

Whoops my bad. Yeah they should have got Ford to play him with the CGI that de-aged Leia so convincingly.

Or I guess they shouldn’t have made the movie at all because there’s no possibility whatsoever that anyone could ever make a good Han - Solo movie period.

Good, glad we agree. Although, no one de-aged Leia. That bit is confusing.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Glad to see people on this forum as open minded and unliteral as ever.


I want Star Wars to go on forever. I want to see kids light up as the Millennium Falcon goes into hyperspace. That means characters are going to need recasting. Some will be good, and some will be bad, but the show must go on. Han Solo is right up there with Robin Hood and King Arthur as far as I’m concerned. The tales will keep on being told.


rodneyfaile said:

I want to see kids light up as the Millennium Falcon goes into hyperspace. That means characters are going to need recasting.

They can watch the original movies…


rodneyfaile said:

I want Star Wars to go on forever. I want to see kids light up as the Millennium Falcon goes into hyperspace. That means characters are going to need recasting. Some will be good, and some will be bad, but the show must go on. Han Solo is right up there with Robin Hood and King Arthur as far as I’m concerned. The tales will keep on being told.

I get what you are saying but just tell someone else’s story.

I’m not 100% opposed to this film, I will see it and enjoy it I’m sure. Just like I enjoy eating raw cookie dough. Not a particularly good idea.

This film supposedly takes place over a 6 year span. That’s like, really weird. Basically like cutting Luke’s story in the OT into 1 two hour film.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Hardcore Legend said:

rodneyfaile said:

I want Star Wars to go on forever. I want to see kids light up as the Millennium Falcon goes into hyperspace. That means characters are going to need recasting. Some will be good, and some will be bad, but the show must go on. Han Solo is right up there with Robin Hood and King Arthur as far as I’m concerned. The tales will keep on being told.

I get what you are saying but just tell someone else’s story.

I’m not 100% opposed to this film, I will see it and enjoy it I’m sure.

that is pretty much my opinion on this. I hope that the rest of the star wars stories they come up with all feature new characters…


Rogue one & the sequels are pretty much new characters !


MalàStrana said:

rodneyfaile said:

I want to see kids light up as the Millennium Falcon goes into hyperspace. That means characters are going to need recasting.

They can watch the original movies…

People will always want more. The storytelling should be able to go beyond the span of one actor’s career. James Bond is still going. Han Solo can too.



I want Disney to make more money! I love Star Wars! The new Star Wars movies are perfect! Everyone NEEDS to see these new movies at least 9 or 10 times. TRUST ME. They are that good! Thank you Disney and thank you Star Wars!


Hardcore Legend said:
This film supposedly takes place over a 6 year span. That’s like, really weird. Basically like cutting Luke’s story in the OT into 1 two hour film.

Not exactly. Han Solo is an already established character. We know how he turns out because of the OT/TFA. It’s not like he’s some new character that needs more movies to grow attached to.
What it may suffer from is perhaps being bogged down in laying out details/information that we, most fans, are familiar with in order to appeal to newer viewers.

The Rise of Failures


rodneyfaile said:

MalàStrana said:

rodneyfaile said:

I want to see kids light up as the Millennium Falcon goes into hyperspace. That means characters are going to need recasting.

They can watch the original movies…

People will always want more. The storytelling should be able to go beyond the span of one actor’s career. James Bond is still going. Han Solo can too.

But the James Bond franchise gets rebooted and reimaged all the time. The timeline is mangled and moved around. Is that the direction people want for Star Wars?

I’m not trying to rail against this film, I just think recasting the character in a window of 10 years before we see the character again sets a weird precedent. Are we all ok with a future film in which someone else plays Luke in between the OT and the ST? Or a new actress playing Leia in the next trilogy film?

I don’t know how I feel about that.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

joefavs said:

He seemed really unduly pleased with himself.

Sounds just like… Han?
- “Sometimes I even amaze myself!”

Hardcore Legend said:

But the James Bond franchise

…started as books.
And Robin Hood and King Arthur started as legends… faceless.

I’ll repeat what I’ve said already in this thread: did you guys really enjoy Young Indiana Jones Chronicles that much?

I saw the original theatrical release of the Old Trilogy on the big screen and I'm proud of it...
How did I accomplish that (considering my age) is my secret...

The Young Indiana Jones Chronicals is awesome. The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones is what you want to stay away from.

If you don’t like seeing anyone but Harrison Ford as Han Solo, all you have to do is don’t watch. I plan on enjoying it myself.

I am worried what another Indiana Jones movie will be like with Harrison Ford.


Tobar said:

Hardcore Legend said:

I’m not trying to rail against this film, I just think recasting the character in a window of 10 years before we see the character again sets a weird precedent. Are we all ok with a future film in which someone else plays Luke in between the OT and the ST?

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1992)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

Not a fan.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......