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4K restoration on Star Wars — Page 209


Faces was technically the last trilogy set I ever bought and the only one I own now.

If we’re talking about within the general timeframe of when they first streeted, '97 SE widescreen vhs was my first and '04 dvd was my last. Never got the GOUT or the blu-rays.

I had recieved the ANH Faces vhs as a Christmas present in '95. Almost ten years later I tracked down that same release of ESB and RotJ at a Record and Tape Traders at the beach. Then I popped in ESB only to discover it had constant static. In retrospect, it might have been the magnetic clamps in my bag that messed with the tape (I’ve since given that bag away since it was a liability). At some point I actually saw a complete '95 Faces box set at the cd cellar and picked that up.

At some point circa 2010 I sold my dvds of I-VI. When my parents sold their house a couple years later, I gave away the '97 set, threw the single '95 tapes in the recycling bin since at least one of them was botched, and held on to the '95 box set.

I think I mainly wanted the complete set for the Maltin interviews. Haven’t watched them in forever thanks to youtube. My Cowclops v2 ld-to-dvd preservations are still my preferred way of watching the OT.


It’s a shame you can’t watch harmys versions then.

Seeing as you don’t own the blurays and all.

Do you even own the films at all?


Possessed said:

It’s a shame you can’t watch harmys versions then.

Seeing as you don’t own the blurays and all.

Do you even own the films at all?

Like I said, I’ve still got the '95 vhs box but my cowclops discs are how I prefer to watch the movies. Yeah, it’s terrible quality, but I downloaded those back in March of '06, before the GOUT was even announced. Maybe I wasn’t totally “in the clear” to begin with since I never owned the '93 ld set (or any other ld release for that matter), but refusing to get the GOUT does not retroactively make me a pirate.


Fang Zei said:

Possessed said:

It’s a shame you can’t watch harmys versions then.

Seeing as you don’t own the blurays and all.

Do you even own the films at all?

Like I said, I’ve still got the '95 vhs box but my cowclops discs are how I prefer to watch the movies. Yeah, it’s terrible quality, but I downloaded those back in March of '06, before the GOUT was even announced. Maybe I wasn’t totally “in the clear” to begin with since I never owned the '93 ld set (or any other ld release for that matter), but refusing to get the GOUT does not retroactively make me a pirate.

I don’t think he was getting at the GOUT, more of how the legalese or whatever surrounding the Despecialized editions state you must own the Blu-rays before downloading the Desp.ed. as they’re the primary source of the edits. Something to do with dodging piracy or whatever.

Heck I don’t even own the blus either, so I shouldn’t be talking 😛

What, a man builds a giant mound of dirt in his house and you aren’t entertained?


I think everyone here has probably spent more money on Star Wars than is necessary over time regardless of format. And we would do it again if they let us.


My dad was at an estate sale about 5 years and found the a used Faces for 25 cents. He got it for the hell of it since he remembered that was the same edition as my first set. It was actually in pretty good shape considering.


Mocata said:

I think everyone here has probably spent more money on Star Wars than is necessary over time regardless of format. And we would do it again if they let us.

We ❤️ Star Wars and give it all the moneys.


Possessed said:

It’s a shame you can’t watch harmys versions then.

Seeing as you don’t own the blurays and all.

Do you even own the films at all?

I think there’s a semantic disconnect here. I have the Blu-rays, but the Star Wars trilogy is not on them. So my last Trilogy set was the Faces set.

Project Threepio (Star Wars OOT subtitles)


Z6PO said:

Mocata said:

I think everyone here has probably spent more money on Star Wars than is necessary over time regardless of format. And we would do it again if they let us.

We ❤️ Star Wars and give it all the moneys.

And this…


As far as this community is concerned, you should own the official retail release of a fan project’s source material if it is possible to do so. Content producers deserve to be compensated, so if you don’t own the retail release (if available), you have no business possessing a fan project. This applies equally to fan edits, custom DVDs and restoration projects.

If a project is sourced from an HDTV broadcast, and that movie has subsequently been made available for purchase on Blu-ray Disc, you are expected to own the BD before obtaining the fan project.


OK first off I own the Blu-ray’s and the GOUT. As well as some other official copies.
I am just wandering what would I have to own to get the team negative1 stuff?
Could you just own the gout or do you need the Blu-ray’s?


I think you’re probably fine with the blu-rays. When in doubt, the current official release is a good rule of thumb. Especially since it’s looking more and more like they’ll just ride out the 2011 discs until they do a 4K release rather than putting out a remastered SE in the meantime.


joefavs said:

I think you’re probably fine with the blu-rays. When in doubt, the current official release is a good rule of thumb. Especially since it’s looking more and more like they’ll just ride out the 2011 discs until they do a 4K release rather than putting out a remastered SE in the meantime.

Yeah, no point encouraging the purchase of discs that will pretty much only benefit ebay sellers asking for way more than they’re worth.


At this point, the GOUT is more of a completionist thing for those that want each version in its highest official quality (ex: me).


Same, I snagged SW at a comic shop for $5 a few weeks ago so I finally ordered the other two at $20 each to round out the set.


Wazzles said:

At this point, the GOUT is more of a completionist thing for those that want each version in its highest official quality (ex: me).

Or for those too cheap/lazy/technically un-savvy to buy the BDs, download the Despecialized Edition, and burn them to discs (ex: me).


I am the least tech savvy person around and the DEED Facebook page has damn how-to right on the top. Just do it. The endless speculation is just embarrassing at this stage.


joefavs said:

I think you’re probably fine with the blu-rays. When in doubt, the current official release is a good rule of thumb. Especially since it’s looking more and more like they’ll just ride out the 2011 discs until they do a 4K release rather than putting out a remastered SE in the meantime.

This is why all signs point to 2020.

Since the new format only just launched last year, they weren’t going to release a catalogue title as big as Star Wars until several years in anyway. But that will only be an added bonus to the fact that 2020 is when they completely get the rights back to Empire, Jedi, and the prequels.

But the other factor might be whenever they choose to go on hiatus:

“There seems to be a plan for a hiatus on Star Wars movies – a plan that will happen after a few years after the end of the Sequel Trilogy.”


Now, the way that’s worded, does it mean “several years after the end of the sequel trilogy” or does it mean “several years from now, which will be after the end of the sequel trilogy”?

They don’t want the grand debut of Star Wars on a new format distracting from the latest new Star Wars movie or the home video release thereof. That’s why I don’t see anything happening over the next couple years other than reissues of the 2011 discs. If 2020 and 2021 still hold new Star Wars movies, I could only see the 4k release happening within that stretch if a long-enough window presents itself. For example, if they move back to December for the 2020 movie it would give them a year and a half between movies and they could put out the 4k OT in the Fall of 2020.


Another thing I was thinking in regards to 2020:

With the Avatar sequels set to at least slightly renew some interest in the 3D format, I wonder if Lucasfilm/Disney/Fox will release a stereo conversion of the OT during that stretch of time.

Apparently the first two sequels will be released during December of 2020 and 2021 (scratch what I said earlier about Star Wars possibly moving back to December for 2020 because that ain’t happening), then the latter two sequels will be released in 2024 and 2025.

I could totally see them planning an OT/Saga 3D release for 2022 and putting together a trailer to put in front of Avatar 3 in December of '21.


I bit the bullet and contacted everyone I know at Disney, that is in any way related to film restoration. The answer every time wasn’t a ‘can’t say’ or ‘no comment’ but more a baffled “Original Versions? No, no-one is assigned to anything like that” or variations on that theme.
I don’t think they have any plans at all for an original release, or at least nothing in the next five years, things could always change, but nothing appears to be even vaguely on the drawing board.

With that in mind, and the awful feeling in my gut that the SE of Star Wars has now been around for longer than the time between the first screening of Star Wars in 1977 and the Special Edition of ANH being released, I am putting together a team of professional restoration people from companies I work for and have worked for in the past, to restore the damn thing from the available prints, in 4K at a much higher quality level than we have been able to do before. The fan base has achieved amazing things, but so much more can be done now.
Starting with Empire as it is the one about to disappear due to print fade, and then Star Wars, and finally Jedi.
There are places in the world where the Star Wars copyright runs out within the next decade, I feel it is important that a proper, professional restoration takes place now, and is held until the copyright expires, to ensure that the original theatrical versions are not lost. Also that the originals are available, and restored for anyone studying film history, or researchers to be able to use as a definitive version, representative of the films as they were in 1977, 1980 and 1983.
I know many love the Special Editions, and I don’t begrudge their existence, but film history is also important to preserve.

I also have a personal health deadline that is approaching slowly, and I want to ensure this gets done, even if I can’t continue. I have registered an official archive, which lets us hold prints and restore them, I am getting some help to get the online side of things up and running, but hopefully by the end of next month, we will have it all up and running.
More news soon.

Donations welcome: paypal.me/poit
Help get The Original Trilogy preserved!


Damn that is both disappointing to hear, but also very exciting to hear about your networking with other professionals, and your plans. I tip my hat to you.


poita said:

I bit the bullet and contacted everyone I know at Disney, that is in any way related to film restoration. The answer every time wasn’t a ‘can’t say’ or ‘no comment’ but more a baffled “Original Versions? No, no-one is assigned to anything like that” or variations on that theme.
I don’t think they have any plans at all for an original release, or at least nothing in the next five years, things could always change, but nothing appears to be even vaguely on the drawing board.

With that in mind, and the awful feeling in my gut that the SE of Star Wars has now been around for longer than the time between the first screening of Star Wars in 1977 and the Special Edition of ANH being released, I am putting together a team of professional restoration people from companies I work for and have worked for in the past, to restore the damn thing from the available prints, in 4K at a much higher quality level than we have been able to do before. The fan base has achieved amazing things, but so much more can be done now.
Starting with Empire as it is the one about to disappear due to print fade, and then Star Wars, and finally Jedi.
There are places in the world where the Star Wars copyright runs out within the next decade, I feel it is important that a proper, professional restoration takes place now, and is held until the copyright expires, to ensure that the original theatrical versions are not lost. Also that the originals are available, and restored for anyone studying film history, or researchers to be able to use as a definitive version, representative of the films as they were in 1977, 1980 and 1983.
I know many love the Special Editions, and I don’t begrudge their existence, but film history is also important to preserve.

I also have a personal health deadline that is approaching slowly, and I want to ensure this gets done, even if I can’t continue. I have registered an official archive, which lets us hold prints and restore them, I am getting some help to get the online side of things up and running, but hopefully by the end of next month, we will have it all up and running.
More news soon.

Thank you!