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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS ** — Page 136


lovelikewinter said:

There were Rey figures out before the movie. They just sold out and there was a glut of C-listers everywhere. What happened was some Feminist website saw the Target 12" 5 pack and bitched about it. The news picked it up and started the “Where’s Rey?” crap. It was very lame.

This post was lame.


This whole feminist BS is just that.
There were Padme toys everywhere when I was a kid. Hell, I had Padme, I had Leia, I had Zam Wessel (and her speeder), and I THINK I had Aayla Secura.

This controversy/revolution thing with Rey is pretty delusional.


PTOTST in that order said:

This whole feminist BS is just that.
There were Padme toys everywhere when I was a kid. Hell, I had Padme, I had Leia, I had Zam Wessel (and her speeder), and I THINK I had Aayla Secura.

This controversy/revolution thing with Rey is pretty delusional.

Well I’m convinced.


CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

I think it’s probably more that the Rey toys were… popular?

Nuh-huh, Hasbro is actually just a big evil misogynistic empire out to get women, dinnityaknow?

Hasbro had as little clue about Rey being the force sensitive protagonist as the public did, obviously they’re going to produce more Finn merch if they think he’s the Jedi of the film.
The obsession with everything needing to be some ‘offensive’ conspiracy theory is ridiculous.

The stupidity of calling the lack of Rey toys sexist was only surpassed in stupidity by the racist comments floating around about John Boyega at the time; I’d say that was far more pressing of an issue than a mound of cheap plastic.


I think the toy “controversy” has been laid to rest. Can we get back to the movie itself now?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Alderaan said:

Lord Haseo said:

Alderaan said:
The nonsense with him and Leia and their “son” was just a waste of time.

I’m going to regret asking this but why did you put quotes around the word “son”?

He’s only their son because they said so. Otherwise, there is no history between them.

By that logic I could say “There’s no history between Obi-Wan and Vader because we didn’t see it before STAR WARS.” which makes absolutely no sense.

The writing was lazy and there is so much **** going on, so much meaningless **** crammed into the movie, that no relationships were formed.

The whole movie was filled with junk like that. Lazy writing. No real time or energy devoted to properly establish or progress relationships, except maybe for Rey/Han and Rey/Finn.

Come on man…

And hey, Finn and Poe are supposed to be friends.

Poe didn’t call Finn buddy until they saw each other at the Resistance HQ. Essentially the entire time they spent together in the first act didn’t mention them being friends at all. They just click. I look forward to seeing their bromance continue.

What, they didn’t really spend time together in the movie? Well that’s ok, we’ll just go back and edit in a shot of Poe from his X-wing, blasting a bad guy who was threatening Finn, and then have Finn look up at the sky and thank him, as if the two can see each other, so you’ll more readily make the connection and believe these two guys are pals.

Finn said “That’s one hell of a pilot”. How does that signify he knows that was Poe?

Hell, even Leia didn’t have time to mourn with Chewie

They fucked up with that.


Lord Haseo said:

imperialscum said:

Lord Haseo said:

lovelikewinter said:

How was the ending of TFA bad? The final scene with her and Luke was amazing.

It left me with a burning itch to know how their first conversation played out. I think that’s the sign of a good ending but some prefer immediate gratification and that’s fine too.

The whole story is effectively unrelated to Luke. If it was done correctly, Luke’s disappearance would be the central driving force of the plot.

But it was. Your lying isn’t going to change the nature of the matter.

It was not. The film just pretends it to be, while in practice it is a random mess full of unrelated stuff. TFA has by far the worst plot of all SW films. Well if you can even call this messy shit a “plot”.

The plot should have slowly built up the suspense with clues and mysteries regarding his disappearance. Something like that would make the last scene meaningful and make the audience burning with anticipation. As it is now, it is just some random unrelated scene. Truly a horrible ending to a horrible storyline.

That’s one way they could have done it but it definitely isn’t the only viable option of making a plot revolving around finding Luke work. Get your head out of your ass.

Maybe but a random crap wrapped by a header and footer is not a viable option.

Take a look at KOTOR how this kind of thing (mystery, suspense, etc.) is done properly.

A plot twist and finding a character at the end of a story are two different things man.

I did not mean the reveal itself but the way the plot is done before the reveal and how it builds up the mystery and gradually gives more and more clues. They could have made Raven a different person that you find in the end and the existing plot would work just as well.



imperialscum said:

Lord Haseo said:

imperialscum said:

Lord Haseo said:

lovelikewinter said:

How was the ending of TFA bad? The final scene with her and Luke was amazing.

It left me with a burning itch to know how their first conversation played out. I think that’s the sign of a good ending but some prefer immediate gratification and that’s fine too.

The whole story is effectively unrelated to Luke. If it was done correctly, Luke’s disappearance would be the central driving force of the plot.

But it was. Your lying isn’t going to change the nature of the matter.

It was not. The film just pretends it to be, while in practice it is a random mess full of unrelated stuff. TFA has by far the worst plot of all SW films. Well if you can even call this messy shit a “plot”.

The plot should have slowly built up the suspense with clues and mysteries regarding his disappearance. Something like that would make the last scene meaningful and make the audience burning with anticipation. As it is now, it is just some random unrelated scene. Truly a horrible ending to a horrible storyline.

That’s one way they could have done it but it definitely isn’t the only viable option of making a plot revolving around finding Luke work. Get your head out of your ass.

Maybe but a random crap wrapped by a header and footer is not a viable option.

I’m not even going to do this. Just like the people who say Kylo whined in the film you’re dead wrong. This is not even an opinion based conversation; you’re just wrong. You can keep lying if it makes you feel but I’m not going to entertain that type of behavior.

I did not mean the reveal itself but the way the plot is done before the reveal and how it builds up the mystery and gradually gives more and more clues. They could have made Raven a different person that you find in the end and the existing plot would work just as well.

A Star Wars detective film is a nice idea but depending on the execution it could end up being better or worse than what we got. I don’t see it as being inherently better but if you do that’s fine; we’ll just have to agree to disagree as usual. I think the best way they could have done with a story revolving around finding Luke is to have both The Resistance and The First Order have a piece of the map but have a 3rd party have the last piece and the film would be a race to see who gets to this 3rd part first. Instead of clues to where Luke is we would be getting clues to where this 3rd party is while getting information about Luke in general.

KOTOR and TFA are very different stories. Just because the KOTOR plot twist can bend both ways so to speak doesn’t mean TFA’s ending can bend the same way. Nor should it because different elements in different stories can mesh in one way but not in other ways.


Lord Haseo said:
A Star Wars detective film is a nice idea but depending on the execution it could end up being better or worse than what we got. I don’t see it as being inherently better but if you do that’s fine; we’ll just have to agree to disagree as usual. I think the best way they could have done with a story revolving around finding Luke is to have both The Resistance and The First Order have a piece of the map but have a 3rd party have the last piece and the film would be a race to see who gets to this 3rd part first. Instead of clues to where Luke is we would be getting clues to where this 3rd party is while getting information about Luke in general.

That plot device was common during the cartoons from the 80’s. Both the Good & Bad guys had a piece of map/weapon/item; meanwhile a third party had the final part of the mcguffin, and there’d be fight for it.
G.I. Joe did that a lot, heck, they even had a weapon called “The Mcguffin Device”.
If I saw that in Star Wars, it may make me think of those cartoons.


Lord Haseo said:

imperialscum said:

Lord Haseo said:

imperialscum said:

Lord Haseo said:

lovelikewinter said:

How was the ending of TFA bad? The final scene with her and Luke was amazing.

It left me with a burning itch to know how their first conversation played out. I think that’s the sign of a good ending but some prefer immediate gratification and that’s fine too.

The whole story is effectively unrelated to Luke. If it was done correctly, Luke’s disappearance would be the central driving force of the plot.

But it was. Your lying isn’t going to change the nature of the matter.

It was not. The film just pretends it to be, while in practice it is a random mess full of unrelated stuff. TFA has by far the worst plot of all SW films. Well if you can even call this messy shit a “plot”.

The plot should have slowly built up the suspense with clues and mysteries regarding his disappearance. Something like that would make the last scene meaningful and make the audience burning with anticipation. As it is now, it is just some random unrelated scene. Truly a horrible ending to a horrible storyline.

That’s one way they could have done it but it definitely isn’t the only viable option of making a plot revolving around finding Luke work. Get your head out of your ass.

Maybe but a random crap wrapped by a header and footer is not a viable option.

I’m not even going to do this. Just like the people who say Kylo whined in the film you’re dead wrong. This is not even an opinion based conversation; you’re just wrong. You can keep lying if it makes you feel but I’m not going to entertain that type of behavior.

Your resistance to the truth is completely futile.

I did not mean the reveal itself but the way the plot is done before the reveal and how it builds up the mystery and gradually gives more and more clues. They could have made Raven a different person that you find in the end and the existing plot would work just as well.

A Star Wars detective film is a nice idea but depending on the execution it could end up being better or worse than what we got. I don’t see it as being inherently better but if you do that’s fine; we’ll just have to agree to disagree as usual. I think the best way they could have done with a story revolving around finding Luke is to have both The Resistance and The First Order have a piece of the map but have a 3rd party have the last piece and the film would be a race to see who gets to this 3rd part first. Instead of clues to where Luke is we would be getting clues to where this 3rd party is while getting information about Luke in general.

If the story is about finding something/someone, it is inherently a detective story. The objective of TFA plot was finding Luke, yet the actual plot does not reflect that at all. As I said, TFA plot is just full of random shit unrelated to the plot objective. Any plot that would take its objective as a central driving force would be fine. In terms of plot construction, you really could do any worse than how it is now.

KOTOR and TFA are very different stories. Just because the KOTOR plot twist can bend both ways so to speak doesn’t mean TFA’s ending can bend the same way. Nor should it because different elements in different stories can mesh in one way but not in other ways.

Both are essentially supposed to be stories about finding something/someone. KOTOR reflects that in its plot perfectly, while TFA plot is full of random shit unrelated to the main point of the story.



imperialscum said:
Both are suppose to be stories about finding something/someone. KOTOR reflects that in its plot perfectly, while TFA plot is full of random shit unrelated to the main point of the story.

They’re still different stories…just because Shutter Island and The Empire Strikes both have plot twists doesn’t mean that the story elements are interchangeable. This fact doesn’t make any of those films poorly written.


Lord Haseo said:

imperialscum said:
Both are suppose to be stories about finding something/someone. KOTOR reflects that in its plot perfectly, while TFA plot is full of random shit unrelated to the main point of the story.

They’re still different stories…just because Shutter Island and The Empire Strikes both have plot twists doesn’t mean that the story elements are interchangeable. This fact doesn’t make any of those films poorly written.

Plot twist is not a plot objective. Plot twist is just a plot element. Plot objective is essentially the most important thing as it defines the plot. If plot objective is finding something/someone, it basically defines that the plot will be a detective/mystery.

Shutter Island and The Empire Strikes Back have completely different plot objectives and therefore plots. Based on that, one is a mystery while the other is an adventure. They are essentially completely different plots, regardless of how many plot elements (twists, etc.) they might have in common. Both are well-written because their plots reflect their plot objectives.

When it comes to TFA, the plot objective is finding someone (detective/mystery). Yet the plot does not reflect that because one third of it goes on about family issues (soap opera), one the third of it goes on about destroying a super weapon (kind of an adventure), and the rest goes on about other random shit unrelated to the plot objective (daily life of Rey, etc.). This a prime example of horribly written/constructed plot.



TV’s Frink said:

Lord Haseo said:

I’m not even going to do this.

You gave yourself good advice, now you should follow it.

The KOTOR comparison is interesting but the rest of his post/argument is not worth discussing. Though you could say that about the KOTOR comparison as it is just as asinine and ultimately makes him look like a hypocrite.


For someone who supposedly hates rehashes so much impscum sure does love rehashing his bullshit over and over again.


DominicCobb said:

For someone who supposedly hates rehashes so much impscum sure does love rehashing his bullshit over and over again.

This post is a rehash, but it’s also the truth.

Ceci n’est pas une signature.


DominicCobb said:

For someone who supposedly hates rehashes so much impscum sure does love rehashing his bullshit over and over again.

The truth is not rehashed, it is restated.



imperialscum said:

DominicCobb said:

For someone who supposedly hates rehashes so much impscum sure does love rehashing his bullshit over and over again.

The truth is not rehashed, it is restated.

Let me restate it then: you’re a load of bullshit.


Play nice, kids.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.
I didn’t care for it, but it didn’t wound me. I was disappointed, but so what? It didn’t erase movies I like so that it can exist. It doesn’t force it’s way onto my tv screen. In fact, TFA has stayed out of my way since I left the theater, but it’s there if I ever want it. Good boy!

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.
I didn’t care for it, but it didn’t wound me. I was disappointed, but so what? It didn’t erase movies I like so that it can exist. It doesn’t force it’s way onto my tv screen. In fact, TFA has stayed out of my way since I left the theater, but it’s there if I ever want it. Good boy!

I do not really care about the film. However, if someone claims it is well-written, I do feel like I need point out the fact that its plot is horrible.
