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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released) — Page 20


I like Hal’s latest idea for the crawl best, because the first paragraph really can’t get any more middle-groundy, and if you gotta have some little breadcrumb about the superweapon, this is it.



Both of the last two appeal to me.

I hated the Starkiller Base from the beginning and only allowed it to grow on me from subsequent viewings. It’s kind of the bad guy version of deus ex machina.

https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/deus ex machina

Far too convenient and contrived when just thrown into the second act without any indication that it was coming. I was thoroughly disappointed with it. I truly believe it needs to be mentioned early on, or else I find it a cheap plot device.


NeverarGreat said:

I’ve tweaked the levels of the sound effects and edited the Starkiller implosion. I think it’s rather an improvement, hopefully it is to everyone’s liking:
Password: sound

NOT BAD. It’s nothing if not seamless. Even if only tiny snippets of the original explosion foley can be salvaged from the fully baked soundtrack, even that would be great. I’m thinking about how the Phantom Editor subtly weaved together original vocals and his own voice for Zam Wessel as she was giving her last words.
Don’t get me wrong; as it is now, it’s perfectly usable. I was leaning toward not going with that idea (and sticking with stitched together music and leaving the existing effects in place), but you sold me.

JEDIT: It’s only after doing a direct comparison to the original that I notice what you mean by removing cheers. I thought you clipped a shot, but no, you replaced the audio seamlessly and I didn’t have a clue. 😃

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

lol, maybe the crawl should be mostly, “They’ve somehow built a hyperlightspeed weapon built within a planet itself. Not a laser canon, but something on a scale difficult to describe. Not another Death Star, but STARKILLER BASE. IT’S BIG.”

Nice to see that someone took out the cheers when they arrive. Hal, would you be interested in my Hologram Snoke for your edit? I also have Kylo hooded and helmeted in every scene that I use.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


DigMod said:

Nice to see that someone took out the cheers when they arrive. Hal, would you be interested in my Hologram Snoke for your edit? I also have Kylo hooded and helmeted in every scene that I use.

Psssst… the Rathtar scene… give him the Rathtar scene too. 😉


bromeo said:
Psssst… the Rathtar scene… give him the Rathtar scene too. 😉

HA! I’m not sure Hal wants to change that much of the movie from what I’ve read. I’ll be releasing soon so you can get your minuscule portion of rathtar elsewhere 😉

The hologram seems to be inline with these recent additions to the edit though.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


Haha, well, I plan to stick to the plan by limiting this edit to the Starkiller Base subplot restructuring. That’s not to say I can’t dub off my own side copy with a few other tweaks, though.
If you wouldn’t mind posting clips of the two Snoke hologram scenes with helmeted Ren, I can look them over and see whether the way in which you repeat shots would work for my second Snoke scene. (I.e., if your second Snoke scene only works by reusing shots from the first scene that I’m already moving to that scene… that wouldn’t work.) Unless it’s seamless and awesome, even in the order I have things, I would really prefer to have him unmasked there.
And the Snoke hologram thing, cool as it is, doesn’t really belong in this particular edit either.

JEDIT: Like the rest of the world, I wouldn’t mind seeing what you cooked up for the rathtar scene, even if I wouldn’t be incorporating it myself.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

NeverarGreat said:

I’ve tweaked the levels of the sound effects and edited the Starkiller implosion. I think it’s rather an improvement, hopefully it is to everyone’s liking:
Password: sound

NOT BAD. It’s nothing if not seamless. Even if only tiny snippets of the original explosion foley can be salvaged from the fully baked soundtrack, even that would be great. I’m thinking about how the Phantom Editor subtly weaved together original vocals and his own voice for Zam Wessel as she was giving her last words.
Don’t get me wrong; as it is now, it’s perfectly usable. I was leaning toward not going with that idea (and sticking with stitched together music and leaving the existing effects in place), but you sold me.

JEDIT: It’s only after doing a direct comparison to the original that I notice what you mean by removing cheers. I thought you clipped a shot, but no, you replaced the audio seamlessly and I didn’t have a clue. 😃

Thanks, I’m glad it works! I played around with the 5.1 audio for the implosion in Audacity for a while, and if there’s a way to extract any of the explosions from the music without making sound like it’s underwater, it’s beyond my abilities. Some of the sound effects earlier in the scene benefit from being between musical notes, hence why I was able to keep them, but here the music saturates the effects.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

Thanks, I’m glad it works! I played around with the 5.1 audio for the implosion in Audacity for a while, and if there’s a way to extract any of the explosions from the music without making sound like it’s underwater, it’s beyond my abilities. Some of the sound effects earlier in the scene benefit from being between musical notes, hence why I was able to keep them, but here the music saturates the effects.

And, hey, it’s pretty great. In the interest of making it even better…
Could there be a ramp clattering and steam release sounds dropped in as Rey and Chewie head into the Falcon, perhaps? Also, and this might just be how it has to be to work, the music does a sing-song refrain of itself after the wipe back to the Resistance base, the second half of which is gone now. The second half of the sing-song thing occurs right after the first shot. Hope that makes sense.

DAMN, you guys are awesome, coming out of the woodwork to spruce this thing up. I feel like I should be able to draw on a metaphor from fiction about this, something about people showing up out of nowhere to repair a broken house or something. I only embarked on this project because I wanted the end result to exist. Despite what you might infer about me from my behavior, editing is painful for me to do at times! I’m like Captain Kirk from that episode where his inner aggressive, decisive side was separated in a transporter accident. You all are my Spock and Bones.

My stance on revising fan edits.


DigMod said:

Hal 9000 said:
And the Snoke hologram thing, cool as it is, doesn’t really belong in this particular edit either.

^fair enough 😃

I wasn’t a big fan of having an unprecendentedly convincing hologram just for the sake of a very mild surprise at the end of it’s very first scene, either. But, in this project, it wouldn’t really be on target.
I’m trying very hard to buckle down and let TFA:R be a stairstep DOWN from having to edit new Star Wars movies as soon as they come out, and never really have the sort of enjoyment of them that I want because of it. A tradition since 2002.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

DAMN, you guys are awesome, coming out of the woodwork to spruce this thing up. I feel like I should be able to draw on a metaphor from fiction about this, something about people showing up out of nowhere to repair a broken house or something.

It’s like some sort of alliance or something. Yeah, wish I could think of an example from fiction.


Hal 9000 said:

NeverarGreat said:

Thanks, I’m glad it works! I played around with the 5.1 audio for the implosion in Audacity for a while, and if there’s a way to extract any of the explosions from the music without making sound like it’s underwater, it’s beyond my abilities. Some of the sound effects earlier in the scene benefit from being between musical notes, hence why I was able to keep them, but here the music saturates the effects.

And, hey, it’s pretty great. In the interest of making it even better…
Could there be a ramp clattering and steam release sounds dropped in as Rey and Chewie head into the Falcon, perhaps? Also, and this might just be how it has to be to work, the music does a sing-song refrain of itself after the wipe back to the Resistance base, the second half of which is gone now. The second half of the sing-song thing occurs right after the first shot. Hope that makes sense.

DAMN, you guys are awesome, coming out of the woodwork to spruce this thing up. I feel like I should be able to draw on a metaphor from fiction about this, something about people showing up out of nowhere to repair a broken house or something. I only embarked on this project because I wanted the end result to exist. Despite what you might infer about me from my behavior, editing is painful for me to do at times! I’m like Captain Kirk from that episode where his inner aggressive, decisive side was separated in a transporter accident. You all are my Spock and Bones.

You know, I just noticed the ramp sound effect in the original after rendering the latest version, so I’ll see if it can be put back in. As for the refrain, I think I know what you’re talking about, but I’m pretty sure all the notes are there. I shortened the first shot of the Resistance base but the second shot is the same length, and I overlaid the music over that so nothing should be missing.

Totally understand about the editing fatigue. I am doing this now because I need a break from the Technicolor project, but also because it’s a brilliant idea that makes the film better 😃

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

I’ve tweaked the levels of the sound effects and edited the Starkiller implosion. I think it’s rather an improvement, hopefully it is to everyone’s liking:
Password: sound

Very nice and you’re very close. But you’re just missing some small details that really sell it. The explosion sounds fine to me, but the stuff before it is not yet there.

Best thing to do would be to go back and watch that sequence again, really listen to exactly what sounds are being used. Here’s some discrepancies I noticed:

  • the added whistling wind sound is a bit overrepresented in your mix
  • actually I think both your new SFX and music might be a bit louder than the existing film mix
  • I think you can probably do a bit of a crossfade when Rey cries over Finn between the existing music and the new (rather than simply dropping out the existing music entirely)
  • you’re missing subtle background rumble of destruction while Rey is with Finn
  • missing the sound as Rey drops on Finn
  • could probably bring in the Falcon sound a little more clearly when the lights appear
  • missing slight sounds of Rey crying when she spots the Falcon
  • bit of a rough audio edit when we cut to the closeup of the cockpit
  • missing a slight sound when Rey gets up (the shot of Finn before she grabs the saber)
  • when they’re running to the Falcon, missing the sound of the Falcon door opening (and then the hiss when they’re boarding)
  • missing the sound of the Falcon revving up when Finn is placed on the med bed
  • also notice in the film how the sounds of the destruction of the planet slowly start to become louder as the Falcon takes off - rather than begin loud immediately at the start of the shot
  • also the explosion sounds are sort of overpowering the music here, careful with that (explosions were definitely secondary to the music in the film’s mix)

Some of these are probably harder than others but I do believe this is what it’ll take for it to sound legit (to my ears anyway). Good thing is you’re already very close to being there.


For sure. I’ve tried my hand at this sort of thing before and it’s a major pain in my ass (I have a ROTS edit that has been in the can for months now besides SFX replacement which is taking me forever because I hate it).

The bitch of sound work is nobody notices it if it’s good. But when it’s not the best or is missing something, no matter who you are, you’re going to notice it and feel like something’s off.


Password: sound

Okay, I’ve addressed the following issues:

  • I think you can probably do a bit of a crossfade when Rey cries over Finn between the existing music and the new (rather than simply dropping out the existing music entirely)
  • missing the sound as Rey drops on Finn
  • bit of a rough audio edit when we cut to the closeup of the cockpit
  • when they’re running to the Falcon, missing the sound of the Falcon door opening (and then the hiss when they’re boarding)
  • missing the sound of the Falcon revving up when Finn is placed on the med bed
  • also notice in the film how the sounds of the destruction of the planet slowly start to become louder as the Falcon takes off - rather than begin loud immediately at the start of the shot
  • also the explosion sounds are sort of overpowering the music here, careful with that (explosions were definitely secondary to the music in the film’s mix)

The Falcon ramp sound doesn’t make much sense in its original placement, since I doubt Chewie would take the time to close the door behind him just to open it up moments later - after all, time is of the essence. I’ve placed it inside the Falcon, so presumably Rey is closing the door behind her. Since she is now at the door, it doesn’t make sense to have the Falcon revving sound since nobody is in the cockpit.
I’ll probably try to incorporate a bit more of your suggestions before final render as well.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Lot better. I say still be careful with the levels on the destruction before they leave the planet (sounds like it might be clipping?), little loud.

I’d still advocate strongly for the original placement of the Falcon door sound. Sounds like that don’t necessarily make sense when you think about them, but that’s how sound mixers work. I’ve seen the film about ten times and never once questioned why Chewie didn’t leave the door open, because it just sounded right in the moment. And then, when I watched your version, the silence of them running to the Falcon felt uncomfortable. Sound mixing is very much based on feelings rather than rational thought (same reason Indiana Jones’s revolver sounds like a rifle). At the end of the day, in my mind, these people who made the mix are professionals who know this kind of work far better than I do. I personally think it’s better to refer to their judgement rather than second guess it.


Since I just noticed the sound on the last few viewings, I have the opposite reaction. It seems out of place to me.

I wonder if the uncomfortableness comes from there being only a wind sound and music in that place instead of sounds of planetary cataclysm. Perhaps a strong steam exhaust effect would also help. It aint over yet. 😃

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


These things work on a somewhat subconscious level. I think in telling yourself it doesn’t make logical sense it has now stuck out where it shouldn’t (I believe if one combed the sound mixes of any film with a fine tooth comb they would find plenty of stuff like this). When you’re watching the film, it’s so quick, you’re not deeply analyzing like that. You’re thinking, okay, they’ve got to get onto the Falcon. So in a quick shot you see them running and hear the Falcon opening. You know they have to get to it and the door has to open, so the film supplies you with that - in the moment you’re not thinking of the order it has to happen, you’re just feeling the scene being pushed forward.

That’s absolutely what the uncomfortableness comes from. The door opening is one solution and destruction effects could be another, either way you’re pushing the immediacy of the moment forward (which is lacking with the sparse sounds of wind music only).

As for the revving of the engine, that’s more of a J cut than anything else. We aren’t necessarily supposed to think that Rey is turning on the Falcon in that moment - it’s more the sounds of the next shot coming in early as a means of transition.

And then there’s the hiss of the Falcon when they board which is just there to give it a sonic presence (and match with the air exhaust).


Hal 9000 said:

I’ll be releasing a balls to the wall version encoded at maximum settings with uncompressed audio output.

Since you mention it and that they are now 1000% finished, would you also do the same with your PT ? (by the way the new crawls really look nice; new texts are also an improvement, it’s subtle yet better; good call about the colors that aren’t the same, I don’t remember if it was the case for the theatrical versions).


That’s great work with the sound!

My only issues were that the Falcon seems too loud the first time it appears, overpowering the music while I feel it shouldn’t. And the collapse of the planet should become louder and not stay at a constant level for at least the big sequence of the Falcon leaving the planet but maybe it could even be subtly heard earlier.


DominicCobb said:

One last suggestion:

Episode VII

Luke Skywalker has vanished. In his absence, the sinister FIRST ORDER has risen from the ashes of the Empire.

Failing to convince the New Republic of this emerging threat, General Leia Organa mobilizes a brave RESISTANCE as the First Order prepares a secret weapon that will secure their return to power.

Desperate for her brother’s help, Leia has sent her most trusted pilot on a daring mission to Jakku, where a clue has been discovered to Luke’s whereabouts…

Best one yet. I’d replace ‘prepares a secret weapon’ with ‘completes a secret weapon’, implying that (1) its threat looms over the plot, and (2) that it’s only recently been completed, so unlikely to be known yet.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


I don’t think the “will secure their return” sounds that great. I would also keep “fallen Empire” (why ? Because it’s cool, it’s kinda “the fall of the roman empire”, I just like the way it sounds). Also, capitalize NEW REPUBLIC since FIRST ORDER is capitalized (and I assume the remain of the NEW REPUBLIC is going to be quite important in VIII-TLF).

Luke Skywalker has vanished. In his absence, the sinister FIRST ORDER has risen from the ashes of the fallen Empire.

Failing to convince the NEW REPUBLIC of this threat, General Leia Organa gathered allies for a brave RESISTANCE while the First Order secretly completes a dreadful new weapon.

No suggestion for the third paragraph.