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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread — Page 103


Ronster said:

Remember the force will be with you… Always


There’s the Tantive flying back from it’s mission to tattooine showing up to recieve the plans from the original cut of the film whilst alongside the Devastator.

So…what you’re saying is you believe in the original cut of Rogue One Leia is successful in her mission to bring back General Kenobi from Tatooine.


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No, The Tantive IV diverts from heading towards tattooine and then Recieves the plans and then goes on to tattooine with the plans.

Tattooine is right next to Scariff for a reason.

Or they Simply Recieved the plans at a place near Tattooine it’s just as simple. It’s a transmission and it is a very big Dish on Scariff. People communicate with astronaughts all the time in outerspace.

Perhaps the Devastator showed up rather than the Tantive?

But it is of that effect as proved in the Re-written VR mission as the original ending with the Tantive was re-written.


Did you play the PSVR mission? Because it only involves helping the U-Wing that brings Jyn from the Empire’s prison to Yavin IV. There’s a CR-90 Corvette in the mission but it’s not the Tantive IV.


Yes that is correct In the PSVR mission they go to rescue Jyn from the Planet Wobani but if you look at what is Wobani in the PSVR mission it is actually the planet Lah’Mu so it’s a bit of a mess up there.

But remember it’s only a film and of course only a computer game. But if you re-write things at the last minute this sort of stuff happens.

I have not played it but I watched a demo video of it.

In terms of film editing it smacks of Desperately trying to decrease the running time rather than actually nobody like the content. Especially when you see these pairing down measures.

In terms of the Computer Game it got re-written as you could not Have the x-wing VR mission anymore involving the Tantive IV and receiving the plans and holding off those tie-fighters and the Devastator.


It’s also possible the Tantive had just docked with the Profundity to render aid, and retrieve the plans?

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Where were you in '77?


Anchorhead said:

Warbler said:
basically it was "how dare they show anything that was in the ot movies. How dare they show R2D2 and C3PO. How dare they have Star Destroyers and tie fighters and x-wings and AT-AT and such. They complained about the Vader costume. They thought the characters were flat. They actually thought it should be more PTish. Stupidest review ever imho.

Their reviews accomplish what they’re intended to accomplish; Pages and pages of discussion on nerd boards all over the internet. The film has been out only seven days and we already have two pages of people here droning on and on about their video.

If you dig a movie, you should watch the movie. If you dig a movie and there are other people who slam it with online videos or people on our board slamming it with walls of text, you should watch the movie.

of course you should watch the movie, but there is also nothing wrong with saying you disagree with said review and saying why you disagree with. What they should have been trying accomplish, was the production of a good review of the movie.


ray_afraid said:

Warbler said:

ray_afraid said:

Mithrandir said:

Tired of people pretending to be right just because their opinion is expressed with emphasis, strenght and wit; hardly a case to justify anything.

Tired of people being unable to accept someones differing opinions and pretending there is a right or wrong way to feel about such a subjective subject.

Well you tell me: If we are talking about a movie that takes place just before the events of ANH, should be shocked and appalled if the movie has storm troopers, Star Destroyers, Tie Fighers, X-wings and the like? Shouldn’t such a movies’ universe resemble the universe of ANH?

They werw saying that all the movie had to offer was nostalgia. If you missed thier point, that aint my fault. I’m not even saying I agree with em.

Well, I think it offered more than that. But, if that is what they think, we will just have to disagree with them. I am also not bothered by nostalgia. For this movie it was rather forced. The universe of the this movie had to resemble the universe of ANH.


Nostalgia is somehow becoming a four letter word to certain fans these days. Not sure where that’s coming from. I don’t see this being leveled at Star Trek.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

It’s also possible the Tantive had just docked with the Profundity to render aid, and retrieve the plans?

I don’t think so I mean there is far to much Dialogue about the Tantive not only having a totally separate mission and going somewhere else and nothing to suggest they were going in to battle.

I could imagine the plan’s being transmitted to the tantive (Far away out of firing range) and as say the Death Star monitors that a transmission was being sent off planet because it’s on their own band width and they possibly could struggle to jam it and at that point the decision to fire on the planet is made.(Highest security Priority un-jammable signal)

Just as the plans are being uploaded and just as it completes sending the transmission the deathstar fires on the dish. But Too Late it got through…

Darth Vader then jumps in to the location of where the transmission is sent on the devastator.

Then you have the chase between the Tantive and the Devastator. As it is in the film a chase is not exactly possible until Vader trudges back to his shuttle flys back to the devastator then flys off to get to the Tantive. This does not make sense either.

I Like Raddus and all but I just can’t see any way of reconciling that Raddus and The Tantive IV and crew go together in any way shape or form. He is not important enough.

I can accept it but I know different.

Remember once you go Light Speed you never get caught.


Ronster said:

Then you have the chase between the Tantive and the Devastator. As it is in the film a chase is not exactly possible until Vader trudges back to his shuttle flys back to the devastator then flys off to get to the Tantive. This does not make sense either.

How does that not make sense. Would you have liked to see him teleported to the bridge of his ship?

Forum Moderator

Ok make up a story about how Vader knows where the Tantive is going…

A transmission is potentially trackable and traceable.

Hyperspace jumps need to be plotted and calculated and every possible course would have to be considered.

“They could be on the other side of the galaxy by now.”

Nobody ever get’s caught jumping away. You might get caught coming out of hyperspace near a deathstar that’s about as far as it’s ever gone. This would totally mess up the end of Empire Strikes Back.

I want to add I really like the movie but I want to see a version that was untainted by re-shoots or any re-editing.


This movie had its flaws (characters could be a little more developed), but some of you are being way too harsh. Don’t get me wrong - I appreciate a good lively discussion. But it’s like some people want to cut it apart in whatever way they can.

FWIW, I enjoyed the movie, even more so on my second viewing. I do wonder what the original cut would have been, and if I would have liked it more. But we got a good Star Wars movie, which captures the spirit of the original Star Wars better than any movie has in a long time.

I haven’t really seen much mention of this, but this movie really brings back the Force as a tool for the everyman, not just the members of the midichlorian club. Chirrut isn’t a Jedi, but the Force “flows through him” and “controls his actions.” I bet this is a big part of the Star Wars philosophy that Disney wants to project - and I have absolutely no problem with that.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


Midichlorians? We don’t need no stinking Midichlorians! 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Erikstormtrooper said:
I haven’t really seen much mention of this, but this movie really brings back the Force as a tool for the everyman, not just the members of the midichlorian club. Chirrut isn’t a Jedi, but the Force “flows through him” and “controls his actions.” I bet this is a big part of the Star Wars philosophy that Disney wants to project - and I have absolutely no problem with that.

I’m waiting for the inevitable throw away line in Episode VIII: “Ah, the Jedi used to think Midichlorian’s controlled your Force sensitivity, but they were wrong. Modern science proved otherwise!” (in a Rich Evan’s voice, no less)

“That said, there is nothing wrong with mocking prequel lovers and belittling their bad taste.” - Alderaan, 2017

MGGA (Make GOUT Great Again):


While I think such a line may be spoken at some point, I don’t think it’ll be in VIII. I think they’ll wait several more years, when the prequels are insignificant specks in the massive catalog of films.



We’ll have a Jar Jar cameo before they ever mention Midis again. 😉

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Erikstormtrooper said:

This movie had its flaws (characters could be a little more developed), but some of you are being way too harsh.

Welcome to this place.


But what is this place?

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


JawsTDS said:

Erikstormtrooper said:
I haven’t really seen much mention of this, but this movie really brings back the Force as a tool for the everyman, not just the members of the midichlorian club. Chirrut isn’t a Jedi, but the Force “flows through him” and “controls his actions.” I bet this is a big part of the Star Wars philosophy that Disney wants to project - and I have absolutely no problem with that.

I’m waiting for the inevitable throw away line in Episode VIII: “Ah, the Jedi used to think Midichlorian’s controlled your Force sensitivity, but they were wrong. Modern science proved otherwise!” (in a Rich Evan’s voice, no less)

suspiciouscoffee said:

While I think such a line may be spoken at some point, I don’t think it’ll be in VIII. I think they’ll wait several more years, when the prequels are insignificant specks in the massive catalog of films.

And contradict all the stuff they revealed about midi-chlorians in TCW? Doubtful.


They revealed stuff about the meaty chlorine in TCW? Man, I’ve really forgotten a lot of that show since I first watched it (as the episodes came out). Come to think of it, I don’t think I even watched all of the last season or two.



SilverWook said:

All these internet Siskel and Ebert wannabees really aren’t worth the time.

Sorry our opinion isn’t worth as much as yours or the next guy’s, Wook.


SilverWook said:

It’s also possible the Tantive had just docked with the Profundity to render aid, and retrieve the plans?

It’s also possible that a bad script written in the 2010s has no bearing on the inherent plot of a 1977 film. Just watch the originals and enjoy them for what they are. These new films are their own thing, and they don’t necessarily have to all match perfect with each other.


suspiciouscoffee said:

They revealed stuff about the meaty chlorine in TCW? Man, I’ve really forgotten a lot of that show since I first watched it (as the episodes came out). Come to think of it, I don’t think I even watched all of the last season or two.

Yep. It all happened in the final season, when Yoda travelled to their home planet and encountered a bunch of weird entities straight out of Majora’s Mask.