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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread — Page 79


Tyrphanax said:
The overarching point of the film was to explain how the plans got from the Empire to the Rebels (unless I watched the wrong movie or something), not to explain that the Death Star was sabotaged. No?

So the entire point of the movie was to explain stuff in another film?


Alderaan said:

Tyrphanax said:
The overarching point of the film was to explain how the plans got from the Empire to the Rebels (unless I watched the wrong movie or something), not to explain that the Death Star was sabotaged. No?

So the entire point of the movie was to explain stuff in another film?

I mean… yeah? I figured that would be pretty obvious from the plot that it wasn’t a character film and was an event film, but I guess it wasn’t, haha.

Like I’ve said a few times, this wasn’t Saving Private Ryan, it was Black Hawk Down. Characters were secondary to the events. They were there and they fulfilled their purposes to advance the story (sacrifice for a larger cause), but I never really expected it to focus on them.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


ZkinandBonez said:

Can someone explain to me what’s wrong with Vader’s dialogue? (Not counting that James Earl Jones sounds older, or the voice modulation.) I can’t remember his dialogue word for word (I might have forgotten some odd lines), but as I was watching the film I thought it was fine. I especially thought his “don’t choke on your aspirations” line was spot on.

I’ve read elsewhere that some people feel that Vader isn’t supposed to say snarky things like that, which I don’t get at all. The OT had several moments of Vader being snarky and intimidating at the same time.

I disagree. That line was totally out of character for Vader. Quippy Vader is not. Im quickly going though my head as I type this and I cannot recall one line from Vader in the OT where he quipped. He was always business. Help me jog my memory.


Tyrphanax said:

Alderaan said:

Tyrphanax said:
The overarching point of the film was to explain how the plans got from the Empire to the Rebels (unless I watched the wrong movie or something), not to explain that the Death Star was sabotaged. No?

So the entire point of the movie was to explain stuff in another film?

I mean… yeah? I figured that would be pretty obvious from the plot that it wasn’t a character film and was an event film, but I guess it wasn’t, haha.

Like I’ve said a few times, this wasn’t Saving Private Ryan, it was Black Hawk Down. Characters were secondary to the events. They were there and they fulfilled their purposes to advance the story (sacrifice for a larger cause), but I never really expected it to focus on them.

Well, if your idea of a movie is exposition on top of exposition and then some battles thrown in for toys and action figures, I guess we have stumbled upon our fundamental differences in taste when it comes to films and filmmaking.


FanFiltration said:

For some reason I did not like the bottom part of Darth Vader’s mask. It looked like a flexible rubber pull over to me. And Vader’s walking stride (gate) was noticeably different. Also the voice seems to have been processed quite differently as well.

I agree with your observation of his mask and thought it stuck out like a sore thumb. But, after pulling up some images from the OT, it seems very similar to this go around. I think what was going on in the OT is how he wore his cape. If you look at a few different scenes, often times his cape was covering a good portion of his chin/neck. Also, I think lighting had a lot to do with it. Im with you though, it still bugged me.


I think the camera angles were off in the scenes with Vader and he didn’t look as imposing as a result.


BobaJett said:

I disagree. That line was totally out of character for Vader. Quippy Vader is not. Im quickly going though my head as I type this and I cannot recall one line from Vader in the OT where he quipped. He was always business. Help me jog my memory.

“Apology accepted, Captain Needa.”


Alderaan said:

Tarkin was completely unnecessary and a real blemish on the film. Leia could have been done with a hologram, but honestly I didn’t mind her at all.

Is your opinion swayed by the fact that you didnt care for the CGI likeness or because you genuinly feel he wasnt needed to connect the two movies? Me personally, I kind of liked it. I think its neat that we have the abilioty to bring someone back from the dead. Granted, they shouldve used different lighting and perhaps even applied some type of blur filter to not make it quite so obvious. But dont you think we needed to see a bit of Tarkin seeing as that he was assigned to the DS?


Vader has a sense of humor for sure, but I don’t think he really goes for puns. Certainly not with that delivery.


joefavs said:

BobaJett said:

I disagree. That line was totally out of character for Vader. Quippy Vader is not. Im quickly going though my head as I type this and I cannot recall one line from Vader in the OT where he quipped. He was always business. Help me jog my memory.

“Apology accepted, Captain Needa.”



Alderaan said:

Oh God, I’m watching RLM now. I said the same thing about the opening scene when it happened during the movie. Why the hell does the Imperial land a mile away?

What I’ve wondered is why didn’t Director Krennic and the Death Troopers just land on the top of Galen Erso’s house.


BobaJett said:

FanFiltration said:

For some reason I did not like the bottom part of Darth Vader’s mask. It looked like a flexible rubber pull over to me. And Vader’s walking stride (gate) was noticeably different. Also the voice seems to have been processed quite differently as well.

I agree with your observation of his mask and thought it stuck out like a sore thumb. But, after pulling up some images from the OT, it seems very similar to this go around. I think what was going on in the OT is how he wore his cape. If you look at a few different scenes, often times his cape was covering a good portion of his chin/neck. Also, I think lighting had a lot to do with it. Im with you though, it still bugged me.

In the original Star Wars Vader’s helmet goes from down over the top part of his eye goggles when he’s talking to Leia on the Tantive IV to way further back on his forehead when he’s in his TIE Fighter later on.


I have really enjoyed the last two movies but they’ve also made me hate coming here, so…draw?


I just got back from my second viewing, and I noticed something interesting, I don’t think anyone else has pointed it out yet. When Jyn first sees Chirrut (Donnie Yen) outside the temple, he can be heard saying “May the force of others be with you”. I’m pretty sure this is a reference to the first draft of Star Wars, where the saying “May the Force be with you” was originally “May the Force of others be with you”. This also goes along with the fact that they are the “Guardians of the Whills” which is also a reference to the title of the first draft of Star Wars.


Alderaan said:

Tyrphanax said:

Alderaan said:

Tyrphanax said:
The overarching point of the film was to explain how the plans got from the Empire to the Rebels (unless I watched the wrong movie or something), not to explain that the Death Star was sabotaged. No?

So the entire point of the movie was to explain stuff in another film?

I mean… yeah? I figured that would be pretty obvious from the plot that it wasn’t a character film and was an event film, but I guess it wasn’t, haha.

Like I’ve said a few times, this wasn’t Saving Private Ryan, it was Black Hawk Down. Characters were secondary to the events. They were there and they fulfilled their purposes to advance the story (sacrifice for a larger cause), but I never really expected it to focus on them.

Well, if your idea of a movie is exposition on top of exposition and then some battles thrown in for toys and action figures, I guess we have stumbled upon our fundamental differences in taste when it comes to films and filmmaking.

See, I didn’t feel that way at all about the film. I wasn’t bored once while watching, I didn’t feel like the exposition was heavy-handed, and I thought it did a great job of expanding the story we already know.

I mean these aren’t going to be quirky indie films anymore. They’re built to sell, but as long as they’re good (and so far, they are) I don’t care, haha.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Booman said:

I just got back from my second viewing, and I noticed something interesting, I don’t think anyone else has pointed it out yet. When Jyn first sees Chirrut (Donnie Yen) outside the temple, he can be heard saying “May the force of others be with you”. I’m pretty sure this is a reference to the first draft of Star Wars, where the saying “May the Force be with you” was originally “May the Force of others be with you”. This also goes along with the fact that they are the “Guardians of the Whills” which is also a reference to the title of the first draft of Star Wars.

Yeah, I noticed it and a couple other people have mentioned it. Very neat little nod for nerds like us.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Well, it’s more than a nod. The film was made to be compliant with multiple SW canons, after all.

At least, if you don’t care about little things like the hair or eye color of recast roles.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


Alderaan said:

Oh God, I’m watching RLM now. I said the same thing about the opening scene when it happened during the movie. Why the hell does the Imperial land a mile away?



Two questions:

  1. The lava planet where Vader’s castle resides… did it say Mustafar at any point?

  2. Any idea who Vader’s hooded receptionist was? Someone from the EU?


joefavs said:

BobaJett said:

I disagree. That line was totally out of character for Vader. Quippy Vader is not. Im quickly going though my head as I type this and I cannot recall one line from Vader in the OT where he quipped. He was always business. Help me jog my memory.

“Apology accepted, Captain Needa.”

“I find your lack of faith disturbing”


bromeo said:

Two questions:

  1. The lava planet where Vader’s castle resides… did it say Mustafar at any point?

  2. Any idea who Vader’s hooded receptionist was? Someone from the EU?

  1. No.

  2. No idea. Interesting question!

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”