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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread — Page 76


So as far as the CGI Tarkin and Leia go – the Rogue One team actually did recast those roles, and not with nobodies: they had English stage actor Guy Henry as Tarkin and Norwegian actress Ingvild Deila (seen in Avengers 2) as Leia. It’s just they then poured CGI all over them to resemble Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher circa 1976.

I’m certain an alternate cut of Rogue One exists which uses the original performances by these actors. It’s just currently in the Disney vault, along with the R-rated animated Willow trilogy and other things hidden in the time capsule created by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


Check this shot out.

Who is the hooded figure on the right?

is this a scene with Vanee at Bast Castle?


Are you sure that dark shadow’s not just the outer edge of the door or something?

Personally, I’m much more interested in the weird cloth-looking … thing … on the left. Though that might also be the outer edge of the door. Or something.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


It’s another shot from the sizzle reel.

The cloaked figure briefly comes in to frame right at the end.

I like the Vanee character being like the janitor and the Emperors little spy too. Giving a disgruntled look at Vader in ROTJ at the soon to be outsider. You can tell he was speaking in the Emperors ear about Vader softening and the alarm bells were ringing about how he was changing.

Like a little tell tale or something who suspects something fishy about Vader. It’s such a brilliant connection.

No idea if it’s a door or what?

It might be Vader’s Garments that is probably his cape…think I can see his gloves too.

Vanee must have went to get Vaders Gear after he get’s him out the Liquid Chamber or Bacta Tank.

I wonder if the Death troopers are something weird like Dead Troops that are brought back to life that would be an interesting connection to what is going on in the scene here.


Thanks for the pointer to the sizzle reel. Around 1:06 in it you can see Guy Henry on set as Tarkin - in full costume, no less:

He’s the dark-haired guy, second to the right, in the large group of officers milling about at left.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


Tyrphanax said:

Tobar said:

The unseen Star Wars archive footage used in Rogue One

“We went to Skywalker ranch, and there’s the archives there,” Edwards told RadioTimes.com.
“And as we’re walking around, and doing all the cool things and looking at the Millennium Falcon and trying on Han Solo’s jacket and things like that, in the back at the bottom was all these cans of film. And we said ‘what are they?’ and they said ‘Oh, it’s Star Wars.’

“And you go… ‘has someone gone through all this? And it’s like ‘not really, they’re not fully like digitised at all.’”
Sensing an opportunity, Edwards got his hands on the film negatives, and realised he had the perfect chance for a subtle homage in his hands.

“We got the neg documents and found the clips from A New Hope that hadn’t been used,” he recalled. “And there’s pilot photography and lines that were never featured in A New Hope."

Now that’s cool. And also a bit sad that they’re not “fully digitized.”

Wonder what cool stuff is on those reels…

Same here.


Tobar said:

Yeah but the point is the big stink they made about him. He was the Constable Zuvio of Rogue One.

It still pisses me off that we didn’t get to see Constable Zuvio in The Force Awakens. 😦


For some reason I did not like the bottom part of Darth Vader’s mask. It looked like a flexible rubber pull over to me. And Vader’s walking stride (gate) was noticeably different. Also the voice seems to have been processed quite differently as well.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


ATMachine said:

you can see Guy Henry on set as Tarkin - in full costume, no less

I assume that they did Tarkin by filming Guy Henry, in full costume, acting as Tarkin, then replaced his head in post.

I thought the film was great. The third act, as finally released, appears to be a bit of ROTJ-fan-editor’s wishes, in as much as we got ships crashing into the shield, commandos doing stuff and good fighters & capital ship action.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


TV’s Frink said:

laserdisc said:

So here I am in the spoiler thread, without having seen the movie. Why? I’ve decided I’m not going to watch it at all, ever. Or any spin off. I think I’m just “getting too old for this sort of thing.” I saw ANH in the cinema in 1977. I hope the movie is a success though. I will be watching the main releases. I just hope these spin offs don’t dilute the main movies for folk.

May I ask how old you are? I’m 43 and I really enjoyed it. It didn’t dilute anything, if anything it enhanced the OT.

I’m 47. But jaded, obviously! I know somebody in real life who enjoyed it too, so maybe I’ll watch it on blu ray. We’ll see…


Saw it last night with the girlfriend, who has never seen any Star Wars film before. Not even TFA last year. Report to follow…


ZkinandBonez said:

Ronster said:

Did anyone see this pilot? I don’t remember her… Was she in the film?

Well, I can’t say that I remember this woman specifically, but I do remember there being a female X-Wing pilot in the battle over Scarif.

This character appears in two photos in The Official Collectors Edition magazine.
I looked out for her on my second viewing of the film and could see no sign of her even as background crowd.


Wolfman said:

ZkinandBonez said:

Ronster said:

Did anyone see this pilot? I don’t remember her… Was she in the film?

Well, I can’t say that I remember this woman specifically, but I do remember there being a female X-Wing pilot in the battle over Scarif.

This character appears in two photos in The Official Collectors Edition magazine.
I looked out for her on my second viewing of the film and could see no sign of her even as background crowd.

There’s another cut of this movie somewhere that is completely different. She must be in it.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


According to Pablo Hidalgo the RO “ending never changed”;

A bit odd, considering all the trailer shots suggesting a very different ending, but I’m guessing that he’s simply referring to the overall fates of the characters.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


OK like I said the girlfriend has never seen any Star Wars movie before. Her reaction was WTF is going on? Truth be told, there is just too much **** going on in the movie and almost none of it is important. So yeah I think her assessment was pretty spot on.

The film starts with about ten different scene changes, and for some reason all of them need superimposed titles. That’s the first indication one gets that the script sucks. I don’t remember any superimposed titles in the OT, do you? When did “Dagobah” or “Yavin” or “Alderaan” or “Tatooine” or “Bespin” ever flash on screen? Well the answer is never, because the stories were told in a way that the viewer was never confused and never needed to read the movie like it’s some kind of travel brochure. All of these scenes are just expository **** thrown against the wall because the script sucks bad.

Once that awful beginning was out of the way, I guess I did find myself trying to discern more between the good aspects of the film and the bad. Throwbacks like Mon Mothma and Bail Organa were perfectly appropriate, well cast, and made the film better. Others like CGI Tarkin and the droids reminded me of the RLM joke that Lucas nearly threw in baby Han at the end of the PT just for the **** of it. Do we really need another droid ripping off Empire dialogue, or chess board holograms lifted out of ANH?

Anyway, as the story progresses, we get to know our protagonist, Jyn Erso. Honestly I don’t mind this character. She’s derivative and not terribly interesting, but she’s pretty much the only likeable person in the movie, so I can get behind her. The real problem is that I don’t give a damn about any of her sidekicks. The old black mentor type guy, who cares about that dude? He’s like the general grievous of Rogue One. The Alliance good/bad guy she dies with, what was his story? He’s just some scruffy nerfherder that kills people on orders and then doesn’t kill someone else on orders because the plot got in the way? At least the Imperials were cast better in Rogue One than TFA (General Hux, I’m looking at you) but these guys are still cartoon characters and nothing like the nuanced stage acting we used to get from people like Kenneth Colley.

Oh well, back to the plot. There was actually one invaluable novelty contained within Rogue One, and it was the idea that someone intentionally designed a flaw into the Death Star in order to aid the alliance. What a concept! That single idea could have made this entire movie, and by made the entire movie, I mean it could have been the unifying force that tied together every other scene and character and motivation the same way Vader’s confession did in Empire Strikes Back. Literally the entire rest of the script should have been designed in order to build to THAT revelation, and undoubtedly, THAT revelation, and Jyn meeting her father, should all have come at the climax of the story.

But that doesn’t happen. None of that was fleshed out.

In fact, in the middle of my first viewing, having not read any spoilers, I immediately noted to myself that the movie was already over at that point. Sure, I could tell the filmmakers were setting up some kind of contrived, nonsensical space battle, just for ****s and giggles, but the movie was already over. If I hadn’t been with my girlfriend, I would have walked out. They buried the ****ing climax in the middle of the second act!!!

The whole last act was just derivative spectacle to fill screen time. Was that Jyn and her paramour climbing some records thing, or Luke and Leia swinging from a grappling hook? I mean, I don’t even want to get into denigrating the Chinese guy and his friend, that’s too easy. At least Vader’s last scene was really great, but everything else with him and CGI Tarkin looked like it was made by amateurs filming their own Youtube videos.

Well, I’m probably being too harsh here. I will say that Rogue One does not offend me. It’s the first Star Wars movie since 1983 that I don’t despise with a burning and seething passion. I just find it to be a poorly made and boring movie.

Boring…yes, I’d say that’s the final verdict.


DominicCobb said:

ZkinandBonez said:

According to Pablo Hidalgo the RO “ending never changed”;

A bit odd, considering all the trailer shots suggesting a very different ending, but I’m guessing that he’s simply referring to the overall fates of the characters.

Act 3 =/= ending. I assume he means the last five minutes or so.

Yeah, everyone running from one building to the other still puts them in the right places to be where they are at the end.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Yeah I don’t see any changes to the very end of the story.

Just got back from the second viewing I once again thoroughly enjoyed it and I can’t remember the last time I went to cinema twice to see a film.

I think it’s still a great film, but that’s it for me now until the Blu-ray comes out. Noticed the flaws much more on second viewing.

Personally I think Vader is the worst handled character in the film. Tarkin and Leia are much better. He sounds and looks completely wrong more so than any other character in the film and the shocking part is it’s a man in a suit and James Earl Jones doing the voice so how they screwed that up I’ll never understand it.

But the voice and I imagine the red eyes that are like he’s been swimming in some kind of bong… It’s poor effort and it needs to be fixed. (It’s good at the end though!!!)

The other thing I noticed is the inter-cutting in act 3 is perhaps worse than act 1 as sequences are left dangling while we cut to somewhere else.

But I have to say I still really like it even though it is flawed. There is a better movie in there somewhere so although Gareth Edwards alluded to not going back to do anything with it i.e. no extended cut and so on.

I would really like him to sort something out. Give the man another Star Wars movie!!!


There’s only one line that Vader says that’s off but the rest of the lines James read sounded just like Vader. Maybe my 3rd viewing will lead me to believe differently.


It could be simply that Vader would not say what he actually says in Rogue One and he also would not say it in that particular manner even. Barring the actual voice (Equalization and modulation)

I think his Lines need to be completely re-written but there is a fat chance of that ever happening. It will fall to a fan edit job most likely to fix his dialogue.

Vader is written much more accurately in that Rebels Cartoon I feel.


If it sounded remotely like that I think it would be fine with it (even this is not quite written right but it obliterates Rogue One Vader)


I think the unfortunate truth is that JEJ’s voice is not what it once was. This is pretty evident in most of his Rebels appearances as well.


Can someone explain to me what’s wrong with Vader’s dialogue? (Not counting that James Earl Jones sounds older, or the voice modulation.) I can’t remember his dialogue word for word (I might have forgotten some odd lines), but as I was watching the film I thought it was fine. I especially thought his “don’t choke on your aspirations” line was spot on.

I’ve read elsewhere that some people feel that Vader isn’t supposed to say snarky things like that, which I don’t get at all. The OT had several moments of Vader being snarky and intimidating at the same time.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


I personally am fine with the “don’t choke” comment that one is ok. It’s blunt and true to Vader.

But a lot of his other lines he just is not written Blunt enough I feel.

Even Later on when he say’s “prepare a boarding party” if you compare that to the empire strikes back “prepare a boarding party” then it’s like chalk and cheese.

Probably age as DC put’s it

It just does not have enough urgency or omph in it. I don’t think I am alone in this feeling but it does not break the film at all. It just sounds like another Vader.

Speed of Delivery is possibly another factor. I would not be surprised if his voice was sped up when they did it in the original.


I thought Vader was fine, apart from the fact that he wasn’t able to get aboard the Tantive IV. he was able to do that in the OT…


dahmage said:

I thought Vader was fine, apart from the fact that he wasn’t able to get aboard the Tantive IV. he was able to do that in the OT…

I think it’s important to note that Vader also doesn’t care about the Death Star as has been established in Star Wars and was re-established in Rogue One. Maybe it was less that he couldn’t get to the Rebel and more that he wasn’t too bothered about it.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)