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Rogue One * Spoilers * Thread — Page 64


personally for me I think it was the best Star Wars film since EMPIRE, My jaw dropped at the sight of Tarkin and Leia, it was like seeing the 1st Dinosaur appear in Jurassic Park on the big screen for the very first time.
I enjoyed The force awakens but there were a few moments I winced at some of the decisions in that movie, I didn’t feel that with this movie. I didn’t notice his name in the credits, but did Jeremy Bulloch make a cameo as an Imperial officer towards the end? I’m really looking forward to catching more easter eggs with repeated viewings


DominicCobb said:

they easily could have cut Cassian and Bodhi’s first scenes which would have really simplified it.

With my fanediting hat on, that definitely occurred to me at first but then later in the movie you realise that the Cassian scene (where he murders an informant) was really needed to make the audience believe that he was a killer fully capable of assassinating Galen if he’d chosen to do so. Bodhi’s intro was less essential.

DominicCobb said:

Just thinking, this is the fourth Star Wars prequel and the first that doesn’t manage to totally fuck up any aspect of the continuity.

Too true. There was nothing that made me feel like it wasn’t what could have happened before ANH.

DominicCobb said:

Only thing I can think of is Vader saying “beamed” though I’m sure there’s an explanation.

You mean he says “beamed” in ANH but it’s not beamed in R1? I forget what exactly happened in the chaos of the battle. Jyn “beamed” the plans to the fleet and then it was later on a disc.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


Tobar said:

This thread is depressing.

I absolutely LOVED this film. It had EVERYTHING I wanted from it. Just spectacular. Puts Abrams to absolute shame.

100% agreed, though I quite like The Force Awakens

Not enough people read the EU.


Bobo Jameson said:

Someone on here talked about there being mentioning or a reference to the Whills in this movie. Tell us about them?

Indeed, there is! Two of the characters - Chirrut Imwe (the blind monk) and Baze Malbus (the “heavy weapons”) are Guardians of the (temple of the) Whills.

Whether that makes them actual Whills or just Guardians was not stated explicitly, at least I did not catch it. Both were believers in the Force. Chirrut actually appeared to be Force-sensitive but he was definitely not a Jedi. As to the Whills, I think the context implied they were venerating the Force and their temple on Jeddha was a source of knowledge. I would have imagined it being a library and them being librarians/monks but not Jedi proper. Jeddha is also a major source of Kyber crystals.

The Empire early on thrashed the temple and scattered the Whills. The Guardians were described as disgruntled protectors, with “nothing left to protect anymore.”

Chirrut and Baze were both some of the spotlights of the movie - great actor performance, great dialogue and combat skills from both.


darthrush said:

Just got back and… VADER!!!

I could have so many more thoughts to give when I’m calmer but right now I just gotta say that the last scene with Vader had me in pure ecstasy. It was just incredible. I don’t give a shit that it was fan service. What’s wrong with Lucasfilm serving me up a scene of Vader in his prime whooping Rebel ass?

More thoughts will come later, but that was hands down one of the best Star Wars scenes for me of all time.

Yeah I’m kind of sick of hearing the term “fan service” too. It’s kind of ironic that the term “fan service” sounds and is dorkier than the fans these anti-fanboy jerks are trying to harpoon.


Burdokva said:

Bobo Jameson said:

Someone on here talked about there being mentioning or a reference to the Whills in this movie. Tell us about them?

Indeed, there is! Two of the characters - Chirrut Imwe (the blind monk) and Baze Malbus (the “heavy weapons”) are Guardians of the (temple of the) Whills.

Whether that makes them actual Whills or just Guardians was not stated explicitly, at least I did not catch it. Both were believers in the Force. Chirrut actually appeared to be Force-sensitive but he was definitely not a Jedi. As to the Whills, I think the context implied they were venerating the Force and their temple on Jeddha was a source of knowledge. I would have imagined it being a library and them being librarians/monks but not Jedi proper. Jeddha is also a major source of Kyber crystals.

The Empire early on thrashed the temple and scattered the Whills. The Guardians were described as disgruntled protectors, with “nothing left to protect anymore.”

Chirrut and Baze were both some of the spotlights of the movie - great actor performance, great dialogue and combat skills from both.

Thank you for the explanation. 😃


Tobar said:

This thread is depressing.

I absolutely LOVED this film. It had EVERYTHING I wanted from it. Just spectacular. Puts Abrams to absolute shame.

Why is it depressing? Pretty much everyone here liked it.

Some are just pointing out what elements of the film they didn’t like, or thought could have been better/different.
However the overall consensus of RO so far is pretty positive.

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ZkinandBonez said:

However the overall consensus of RO so far is pretty positive.

Considering how much TFA was praised, it’s predictable.

(and it’s depressing, yep. Still haven’t seen it, hope it’s better than the awful episode 7…)

(but it’s remarkable how well so called SW fans can accept anything thanks to huge “OT” bits wrapped everywhere. Even CGI Leia seems alright for fans… really depressing…)


I saw this with a lot of friends at the Science Museum London on 70mm. Good news for those of you who can’t make it to an IMAX, it’s totally unnecessary. Unlike the 35mm of TFA, the Alexa 65 footage doesn’t blow up that big. It’s fuzzy and very brown for the most part and the blacks are grey, not black. If you want to see 7 thrilling mins of “Dunkirk” though then go for it 😃
My friend Sarah (who has never seen a Star Wars film, and who insisted on calling Darth Vader “Dark Vader”) liked it a lot. When I told her the Han Solo movie would come out between 8 and 9, she asked me if Han Solo was a secret number. So I think if she liked it you can safely say it wasn’t just fan service. She’s 27 and fully lucid btw.
I was dying of a cold most of the way through and cursing whenever there were bright lights or loud noises, so I think my opinion of the film is fairly skewed. I thought it was fine, but never got gripped or involved, and personally, if bringing old characters back with CGI is going to be a thing now, I will avoid like the plague. Those scenes with Cushing played like the cut scenes of the most expensive video game ever, and the action didn’t exactly contradict that feeling either. It’s fine, it’s OK, I like Gareth Edwards and wish him well. But people saying this is better than Jedi, check yourself before you wreck yourself. Now I’m off to drink my body weight in honey and lemon. Happy festivities to everyone


Thought the cgi was outstanding, save Moff Tarkin being too tall. Still cool to see him strutting around the Death Star.


Ryan McAvoy said:

DominicCobb said:

they easily could have cut Cassian and Bodhi’s first scenes which would have really simplified it.

With my fanediting hat on, that definitely occurred to me at first but then later in the movie you realise that the Cassian scene (where he murders an informant) was really needed to make the audience believe that he was a killer fully capable of assassinating Galen if he’d chosen to do so. Bodhi’s intro was less essential.

Hmm, I suppose so, though I think simply knowing he’s a Rebel who’s ready to follow orders and do whatever’s necessary is enough. He doesn’t seem to show any reservations when he’s given the task.

DominicCobb said:

Only thing I can think of is Vader saying “beamed” though I’m sure there’s an explanation.

You mean he says “beamed” in ANH but it’s not beamed in R1? I forget what exactly happened in the chaos of the battle. Jyn “beamed” the plans to the fleet and then it was later on a disc.

Yeah but the plans weren’t beamed to the Tantive, it was beamed to another ship and then put on a different disk and handed off to someone on the Tantive (while Darth Vader was massacring) and then the Tantive flew away, at least that’s what it looked like to me. I suppose a possible explanation is Vader didn’t realize that and just assumed incorrectly that they were beamed directly to the Tantive?


What I find pretty interesting is it seems like in a lot of cases people disappointed by TFA are really loving this and maybe a little vice versa. I guess that’s just the nature of Star Wars, that people look for different things in it. So I’m glad then that now we have both. I still think that this was maybe too soon for a standalone but otherwise I’m quite happy with the overall direction Disney has taken the franchise.


I am noticing a lot of negative comments across the net about the image quality, specifically the movie being too dark and a bit washed out.

I saw it in IMAX 3D and it looked very well. Colour palette as rich and definitely not too dark. In fact, it was one of the best lit 3D movies I’ve seen.

I am going to see it again with another group of friends in REAL 2D or 3D… wondering if I’ll notice quality issues? The Arena REAL cinema screens in my city are definitely underlit, although I suspect that’s on part of the cinema chain trying to save $$$…


It’s what I wanted it to be; a gritty, ground-level look at the Rebellion. A bit slow to start, but once it got moving it rolled right where I wanted it to go. It did feel like a big budget fan film, but there’s not necessarily anything wrong with that. The cameos were an interesting mix of prequel cast, (usually creepy) CGI, and Adywan-style reused shots, most of which worked.

The plot did what it was supposed to, but I do wish that we got to know the characters a bit more. They were mostly “that guy” and “the other guy”. I also wish it delved a bit deeper into the “bad/good guys on both sides” aspect they referenced but didn’t follow up on. There were a lot of shout outs and references I appreciated. I loved the subtle ones, like using the exact shame shots of people preparing to fire the DS laser both times (which the filmmakers do in ANH and RotJ). It was also great to have some subtle “Rebels” references, which begs some questions about how that series is going to end. It also explained some things, like why there aren’t any capital ships at Yavin. I was going to be upset at the new ship and trooper designs, but if you think about it, none of those ships would have been useful in the other movies. It was great to see Y-wings doing actual bombing runs and TIE Bombers being used as troop transports, and Vader do his thing again/for the first time.

The thing people must remember is that Star Wars (as a franchise) is re-defining what makes a “Star Wars” movie. Previously, it was easy: the movies were the story of Skywalkers saving the universe, going through the Hero’s Journey and making choices. This is what united them, and will continue to unite the Episodes.

Then take a look at the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A half dozen different genres united because they just so happen to take place in the same timeline. What unites them is just the setting really.

Now the Star Wars franchise is expanding the universe, making “Star Wars” a setting and not just the Skywalker/Hero’s Journey arc, which is hard for some people to grasp. This is why they started with Episode VII and why JJ played it so safe. It was easing us into this change of concept. Eventually, we’ll move into the franchise mindset (admittedly easier for those who’ve been consuming the books/cartoons). Will we lose something special? Maybe. But we just might get something even better.

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Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


Burdokva said:

I am noticing a lot of negative comments across the net about the image quality, specifically the movie being too dark and a bit washed out.

I saw it in IMAX 3D and it looked very well. Colour palette as rich and definitely not too dark. In fact, it was one of the best lit 3D movies I’ve seen.

I am going to see it again with another group of friends in REAL 2D or 3D… wondering if I’ll notice quality issues? The Arena REAL cinema screens in my city are definitely underlit, although I suspect that’s on part of the cinema chain trying to save $$$…

Like I said in my post, the theater I saw it at dropped the ball. If it was amateur hour during the premiere of a freakin’ Star Wars movie then I’m guessing it’s always amateur hour there. That’s what I get for seeing it at a theater I’d never been to. Only saw it there because my friend works five minutes away and has a ridiculously long commute he was at least able to alleviate by skipping rush hour.

To those of you lucky few who live near a 70mm Imax location and were able to see it that way, I am peanut butter and jealous.


doubleofive said:

Now the Star Wars franchise is expanding the universe, making “Star Wars” a setting

This has always been my view of the franchise. I’ve never understood people who hold such an incredibly narrow understanding(Jedi, Hero’s Journey, Skywalkers) of it.

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doubleofive said:

A bit slow to start, but once it got moving it rolled right where I wanted it to go.

It’s funny how mostly everyone seems to agree on this. I do wonder though when people thought it started to get going. Personally I only really got tripped up (as I said before) by Cassian and Bodhi’s first scenes, figured everything out in the Yavin briefing, and finally got really into it once they were on Jedha. But I’ve heard some people say they didn’t get into until Eadu which I think is interesting. I wonder if it’s because I read Catalyst and more or less completely understood right out of the gate the Erso/Krennic conflict and Death Star engineering backstory.

It did feel like a big budget fan film, but there’s not necessarily anything wrong with that.

You know, when I first heard this I sort of scoffed it off, but it does make sense. Usually I think of that claim as a negative one (most fan films I’ve seen are not great), but in some ways it applies, and not in necessarily bad ways. The fan film kind of reverence for the source material is there but thankfully not overly so.

I loved the subtle ones, like using the exact shame shots of people preparing to fire the DS laser both times (which the filmmakers do in ANH and RotJ).

Haha yes! Loved that little touch.

Now the Star Wars franchise is expanding the universe, making “Star Wars” a setting and not just the Skywalker/Hero’s Journey arc, which is hard for some people to grasp. This is why they started with Episode VII and why JJ played it so safe. It was easing us into this change of concept. Eventually, we’ll move into the franchise mindset (admittedly easier for those who’ve been consuming the books/cartoons).

Yeah, honestly in so many ways Rogue One is really the first EU movie. Which is pretty cool.

Tobar said:

doubleofive said:

Now the Star Wars franchise is expanding the universe, making “Star Wars” a setting

This has always been my view of the franchise. I’ve never understood people who hold such an incredibly narrow understanding(Jedi, Hero’s Journey, Skywalkers) of it.

I guess it depends what you mean by franchise. The larger franchise, absolutely I agree. Goddam would it be boring if every single book/cartoon/video game was just another Skywalker story. But when it comes to the main storyline I definitely feel personally that it’s not Star Wars without those very aspects.


DominicCobb said:

doubleofive said:

A bit slow to start, but once it got moving it rolled right where I wanted it to go.

It’s funny how mostly everyone seems to agree on this. I do wonder though when people thought it started to get going. Personally I only really got tripped up (as I said before) by Cassian and Bodhi’s first scenes, figured everything out in the Yavin briefing, and finally got really into it once they were on Jedha. But I’ve heard some people say they didn’t get into until Eadu which I think is interesting. I wonder if it’s because I read Catalyst and more or less completely understood right out of the gate the Erso/Krennic conflict and Death Star engineering backstory.

For me it was Jedha or a little bit after, yeah.

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To me it felt a lot like Star Wars as I remember it, which is an adventure movie in space, during a war.

I’m very happy with this movie, to me it is the living proof that Star Wars doesn’t need plot twists, cliffhangers, mistery boxes, supersecrecy or whatever to be awesome and enjoyable. It’s just a fun ride, sit, chill and enjoy, even if you know exactly where it is going to go.

It felt so good to be back again in OT’s timeframe that most of the stylistical choices taken, such as first person fighter shots, etc, didn’t even bother me.

Apart from what I’ve already listed as flaws for this almost flawlest movie, I’d say the only real missed oportunity was to make a better use of the rebel fanfarre.


Anyone else think Jyn’s theme was a little too close to the Trek score?


joefavs said:

Anyone else think Jyn’s theme was a little too close to the Trek score?

Just picked up the soundtrack, will have to listen and find out.


DominicCobb said:

Yeah, honestly in so many ways Rogue One is really the first EU movie. Which is pretty cool.

Never any love for the classics:

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Well… the less said about those the better. I think technically E.T. was also more or less canon via some now Legends stuff.

Either way this is the first theatrical live action EU movie. So there.