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Project #4K77 — Page 6

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Wow, back when I first really started paying attention to OT.com, we didn’t even have access to film prints. Now we’re doing a near-professional digital restoration of them. It’s insane.


You ain’t whistling Dixie. When I started out, even the idea of an amateur scan of a 35 in 272i would have been laughable.

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


This scan has very great dynamic range and level of details.
For the pictures I’ve posted I’ve applied this easy curve (but in linear space) to reduce the brightness



then I tried to reduce the reds:


Molly said:

You ain’t whistling Dixie. When I started out, even the idea of an amateur scan of a 35 in 272i would have been laughable.

It was just a few years ago that people here relentlessly ridiculed the very idea of a 35mm scan.


Back in my day we had TR-47 discs and we liked it. Kids today don’t know how good they have it.


Mackey256 said:

Back in my day we had TR-47 discs and we liked it. Kids today don’t know how good they have it.

As a young lad, those discs brought me here. Good times…

“Stargazing wizards, stare into the night,
Hurricanes and blizzards, here comes the final fight”


For me it was ISOs of DrGonzo.

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


towne32 said:

Molly said:

You ain’t whistling Dixie. When I started out, even the idea of an amateur scan of a 35 in 272i would have been laughable.

It was just a few years ago that people here relentlessly ridiculed the very idea of a 35mm scan.

Ah, how times change! Seems like we can do anything if we put our minds to it.

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


Here’s an update on the color grading to remove the remaining green/yellow cast:


We need more reels! 😃

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


Ah Yes DrDre! This is what we love to see. I still prefer the other less purple Artoo panels from your earlier grading, but that’s to be determined by personal grades and adjustments. As an official release of #4K77 if that’s how they looked, then that’s how they should be. Great work on removing the color casting! In a scene full of white walls and gray floors it helps a lot!

DrDre said:

Here’s an update on the color grading to remove the remaining green/yellow cast:

It doesn’t hurt to offer help, but it always hurts to disregard those that do.


Ah, Star Wars has never looked better!

Ol’ George has the GOUT, I see.


It is striking me as almost a little harsher (hard to put my finger on a good descriptive word…). I dunno, maybe there’s too much green/yellow removed now.

Perhaps if the brightness adjustment age described were applied, it might look more inviting.


yoda-sama said:

It is striking me as almost a little harsher (hard to put my finger on a good descriptive word…). I dunno, maybe there’s too much green/yellow removed now.

Perhaps if the brightness adjustment age described were applied, it might look more inviting.

I will add some of it back, as it’s missing some warmth, and looking too neutral. The brightess adjustment would make it look too much like the bluray, which is just not what the 70s prints indicate it should look like.


yoda-sama said:

It is striking me as almost a little harsher (hard to put my finger on a good descriptive word…). I dunno, maybe there’s too much green/yellow removed now.

Perhaps if the brightness adjustment age described were applied, it might look more inviting.

Perhaps it now looks a bit to bright and lacks some warmth from the screenshots posted in page 3.
On the other hand, I’m no fan of yellow/green tints either (though the ones in page 3 didn’t look too bad
in this regard…) 😃

Not sure how well I can trust my old Samsung monitor either when it comes to the judgements of subtle
color nuances… Anyway keep up what you’re doing! 😃

“Stargazing wizards, stare into the night,
Hurricanes and blizzards, here comes the final fight”


DrDre said:

I will add some of it back, as it’s missing some warmth, and looking too neutral. The brightess adjustment would make it look too much like the bluray, which is just not what the 70s prints indicate it should look like.

Yes, this is what I had in mind, missing some warmth and too neutral. Glad to see you agree, as it just felt too cold (as in unfeeling) to me; but that is not to take away from the incredible work you did at eradicating those hues, it is a great accomplishment, even if it is too much in the end, it is amazing to see this source can be adjusted to that point.


DrDre said:

yoda-sama said:

It is striking me as almost a little harsher (hard to put my finger on a good descriptive word…). I dunno, maybe there’s too much green/yellow removed now.

Perhaps if the brightness adjustment age described were applied, it might look more inviting.

I will add some of it back, as it’s missing some warmth, and looking too neutral. The brightess adjustment would make it look too much like the bluray, which is just not what the 70s prints indicate it should look like.

Ah, that’s the best way to descibe it; it needed a bit more 70s! 😉
Looking forward to the next set of screen-grabs!

“Stargazing wizards, stare into the night,
Hurricanes and blizzards, here comes the final fight”


Just from what I’ve seen so far, it looks sexy AF! And I like the idea of a de-noised version, your method seems to be a nice balance in filtering out the grain without removing tons of detail.

Whether this is truly more detail or not (due to being sourced from theater prints), the colors look infinitely better and there’s this increased clarity to the image.

Count me as very intrigued.


I think you nailed those colors Dr. Dre!


I remember on one of Verta’s legacy vids he showed a closeup of the door before it exploded for Vaders entrance and showed alot of fine detail and Dynamic range on the dodoorin comparison to the bluray where this detail was scrubbed.
Is there anyway you could show some of that to us?
Also I’m excited at the prospect of Adywan being able to use 4k footage.


Your regrades look really great


I hate all hashtags.

Also some puppies. But only the really mean ones.