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The Random <em>Star Wars</em> Pics &amp; GIFs Thread

Lord Haseo said:

yhwx said:

Lord Haseo said:

Yep. Have gotten into many a debate with people who either didn’t know the material, bent it to fit their argument and ignored any piece of evidence I brought forward. Literally everything that’s wrong with the internet can be found in a Youtube comment section; especially those regarding TFA.


And let’s not even get on how many people on there believe TFA to be feminist propaganda and will call anyone who even tolerate the ST in anyway “Disney shills”

I’d love to know what these people think feminist propaganda is or why they think it exists.

My guess would be they think feminist propaganda is having a woman be any kind of competent in a TV Show, Movie or Book.

Why the hell would that be some sort of “propaganda”? There’s no obvious incentive for including women characters.

The Random <em>Star Wars</em> Pics &amp; GIFs Thread

Lord Haseo said:

Yep. Have gotten into many a debate with people who either didn’t know the material, bent it to fit their argument and ignored any piece of evidence I brought forward. Literally everything that’s wrong with the internet can be found in a Youtube comment section; especially those regarding TFA.


And let’s not even get on how many people on there believe TFA to be feminist propaganda and will call anyone who even tolerate the ST in anyway “Disney shills”

I’d love to know what these people think feminist propaganda is or why they think it exists.


Bingowings said:

yhwx said:

Bingowings said:

Linux has applications for just about anything. What are you looking for?

Just because Linux has those applications doesn’t mean it’s a viable option to switch. You have to learn all new workflows, applications, conventions, and more. Time and money could be lost in the process.

Most Linux machines take way more work to maintain than a Mac or a PC. To bring up the old adage, Linux is only viable if you don’t value your time.

That is just not true and as Linux is free you know I’m not paid to say this.

Apple users aren’t shy of complaining about Apple. So, Apple doesn’t pay people just to talk nice about them.

As a user and follower of the Apple community, I have heard countless complaints and have many myself.

These arguments have been done to death Windows is dying OS X is tied to overpriced badly made hardware

  1. It’s not overpriced. I’ve gone over this before. The fact is, most Apple hardware is similarly priced to comparable PC hardware. Read my linked posts above for more detail. Apple just doesn’t want to get $2 on everything they make.

  2. Badly made? I assure you that Apple’s hardware is probably the best in the business, especially when compared cheap, plastic PCs. The only hardware maker that is producing products even close to Apple is Microsoft.

  3. I agree with you that Windows is dying.

most users will get by with Chrome.

I agree with you there.

That leaves Linux which is free, adaptable and is easier to run than M$ and as easy to as it’s close cousin OS X. Both are UNIX based.

  1. I personally think that a Windows machine is easier to run than a Linux machine, as Linux was made for this:


Not this:


  1. I assume you mean “as easy to use as it’s close cousin OS X.” I disagree. I think that desktop Linux has not successfully hidden all it’s Unix-ness the way that OS X has.


Oh, come on.

Darth Ignominious (Also Known As: &quot;Darth Id&quot;)

Some earlier posts of the artist formerly known and Darth Id:

Darth Id said:

Hey Zombie:

I’ve lurked OT.com since, oh, before the GOUT was born, but have decided to finally register to give you praise for your new website. It’s fantastic. Your lengthy editorials/essays are goldmines (and your article on the Senator screening in particular is stupendous).

The whole thing has inspired me to buy your book!

Keep up the fabulous work, and here’s hoping it’s as effective as this site has been. (Because this one really has.)

Darth Id said:

I watched ROTS about 2 weeks ago. For all of its thematic merits, it really is an amateurishly executed, juvenile mess of a movie.

Obi Wan: “Anakin! Palpatine is evil!”

Hayden’s non-response: “Don’t make me kill you.”


Darth Id said:

Of course it makes sense.

I’ve thrown away just about every free CD I’ve ever been handed. Only listened to about half of them. Giving it away diminishes the perceived value off the bat. (Case in point: eiyosus has linked to an undoubted boundless universe of free music…that I am in no way whatsoever interested in accessing, because the price ($0) is a reliable signal of the likely value of the content (zilch).)

And besides, production value is important, and if the investment into it has been made, it has to be recouped.

I agree that the age of the U2-type album-oriented megabands is coming to a close, but it doesn’t fill me with exuberant expectation for some liberated future. I fear that it will mean the end of the Album, which is something I cherish. I think the most recent truly great albums, by of Montreal and Mars Volta, were back in 2008. My own current-CD purchases have diminished spectacularly over the last few years, from something in the 30s in 2005 to, I think, 5 in 2010. And this is not because I download. I don’t download.

Some of the formerly great album bands have issued direct statements saying that it’s just not worth it anymore, and many, many budding album bands have simply not sold enough copies of their debut for the label to float a sophomore effort.

Can this happen to movies, too? I really wonder.

Darth Id said:

generalfrevious said:

SW; it’s no longer a movie, it’s a drug.

No, drugs actually make people feel good.

SW is more like…church.

none said:

generalfrevious’ was human centipede raped by Hitler’s childhood who lent it to George Lucas and that became Willow. True Story.

Damn. Well done.

Darth Id said:

This thread reminds me of why I never want to see any further “Star Wars” movies.

I Lucas has ANY input into them, it will turn out that Han is actually Jangle Fart’s long-lost brother, and Lando is Mace Windu’s son, and Emperor Palpatine is the father of everyone with the surname “Antilles” in the entire universe. And it will just shrink and shrink and shrink and shrink and shrink and shrink …

Darth Id said:

The subliminal message is that Georgie-boy is such a piss-poor world-builder that even when he hires a team to design a romantic Venetian/Florentine city with organic, old-world baroque elements, he still has this perverse hang-up that all “vehicles” have to look campy-futuristic. He never considers that maybe the gondolas in space Venice would have the same aesthetic as the city, rather than

O U T E R S P A C E . . .

Darth Id said:

What kind of demented weirdo would call Star Wars “A New Hope”?

If you said to someone, “Hey I watched A New Hope last night,” no one would have any idea WTF you were babbling about–it sounds like some kind of Christian self-help show from a women’s-oriented little-known cable channel.

If on the other hand, you said “Star Wars,” I suspect there’s only one goofball in the world who would pretend not to know what you were talking about…

Darth Id said:


It required some ITT (Intensive Targeted Trolling) but I have finally been readmitted to Warbler’s ignore list.

I only wish I’d realized sooner that I had been expelled from it. Imagine! All those pearly posts, cast before that swine!

Darth Id said:

I do, and my wife puts up with it.

But I’ve caught enough weird pieces of interest that she doesn’t complain.

(Like I saw Zombie84’s real name in the Incredible Hulk credits, and was like, “Hey that camera trainee wrote one of my favorite books of all time!!!” and my wife was like “wat”)

We also both like seeing the "Special Thanks"es at the very end. You see some downright strangeness in that field.

Also, lots of movies have “stingers,” like in Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Pee Wee Vampire still dying or Adventures in Babysitting with the henchman still hanging on the ledge.

I can’t bear the thought of missing one of those.

Darth Id said:

Oh I think you’re just going to have to wait and find out exactly what will happen in the inevitable event the movie reeks.

Darth Id said:

You may disregard it if you are a Jevovah’s Witness, but the rest of you put those hands over your hearts and repeat after me:

I pledge a grievance, to Darth Id, the most wildest guy in the wilderness.
A two-bit republic, Ubiquistan,
with libertines and crusties feral.

Darth Id said:

I have stances?

Frink has morals???

Darth Id said:

Oh I get it: you’re doing your asinine binary shtick again. Your fan club of socks will be titillated to giggly distraction…

The imperialscum &quot;Furiously Doing His Taxes&quot; Thread

Darth Id said:

^^^ If I were a feeling person, I’d feel pangs of guilt at times like this when it becomes clear that the person I’m flaming is genuinely mentally handicapped. It happens not infrequently on this chat-bored…

Wow. This is the epitome of Darth Id right here. Exhibit One: Insulting someone because you think they are “mentally handicapped”. Wow.

Maybe we should create a thread for that.


The imperialscum &quot;Furiously Doing His Taxes&quot; Thread

Darth Id said:

yhwx said:

Impscum hasn’t posted in three days. Interesting.

No. It isn’t.

But you keep trying, frinksock, and eventually you’ll say something interesting. Like the proverbial monkey at a typewriter.

Actually, no. More like the actual monkey, at a computer keyboard.

From the New Oxford American Dictionary:

intersting |ˈint(ə)rəstiNG|


arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention: an interesting debate | it will be very interesting to see what they come up with.

The Random <em>Star Wars</em> Pics &amp; GIFs Thread

DominicCobb said:

yhwx said:

Tyrphanax said:

I’m sure the CGI is better in ROTS than AOTC, I just didn’t know it was that bad.

I was about to mention the CG R2, but after reexamination, it doesn’t seem that bad.

CG R2 is painfully obvious every time he rears (swivels) his ugly head.

Somehow I noticed CG R2 immediately in TFA which I initially thought meant rough CGI but comparing with the PT it’s not even close. TFA looks practically photo real (I think it’s probably just the movement that’s not quite Kenny Baker perfect and thus feeling a bit off and CG).


Still not sure how they pulled off the CG Kylo mask in TFA.

The Random <em>Star Wars</em> Pics &amp; GIFs Thread

Tyrphanax said:

Oh my god, that looks like a Playstation 2 game.

In all fairness, I think that the CGI in Episode III is better than the other two prequels. Digital cinematography advanced to decent.

But, with that said, I din’t know how bad 2005 CG was until I saw this screenshot.

Actually, Pixar movies released before this had better CG.