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Anime talk

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

But you’re right, I should have said “no one who is a thinking person would ask this.”

Yes, they would. That is the definition of critical thought.

Sorry, I should have said “no one who understands film would ask this.”

Yes, they would. Have you ever seen a review of a film?

Have you ever heard an album?

Yes, I have.

I mean as an audio experience, not a visual one.

Yes, and I have enjoyed many audio experiences.

But none related to anime I’m sure.

I’m sure there’s some good anime soundtracks out there.

(P.S.: this discussion may have to continue a bit later in the afternoon)

Anime talk

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

But you’re right, I should have said “no one who is a thinking person would ask this.”

Yes, they would. That is the definition of critical thought.

Sorry, I should have said “no one who understands film would ask this.”

Yes, they would. Have you ever seen a review of a film?

Have you ever heard an album?

Yes, I have.

I mean as an audio experience, not a visual one.

Yes, and I have enjoyed many audio experiences.

Anime talk

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

But you’re right, I should have said “no one who is a thinking person would ask this.”

Yes, they would. That is the definition of critical thought.

Sorry, I should have said “no one who understands film would ask this.”

Yes, they would. Have you ever seen a review of a film?

Have you ever heard an album?

Yes, I have.

Anime talk

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

But herein lies the question: Why do you think it’s so objectively terrible? Nothing is so perfect that it can’t be complained about.

I have no opinion about it - there’s no “why I think it’s objectively terrible.” That’s what makes it objectively terrible, rather than subjectively terrible.

Why are the prequels such objectively bad movies?

No one who saw them would ask this.

Yes, many have. It’s important to understand what’s wrong with something before just saying ‘it’s bad.’ Besides, it was a rhetorical question.

Anime talk

TV’s Frink said:

yhwx said:

But herein lies the question: Why do you think it’s so objectively terrible? Nothing is so perfect that it can’t be complained about.

I have no opinion about it - there’s no “why I think it’s objectively terrible.” That’s what makes it objectively terrible, rather than subjectively terrible.

Why are the prequels such objectively bad movies?

How much time does each movie cover?

DuracellEnergizer said:

JohnySasaki said:

can i have invite to myspleen please?

Why hasn’t this sock-bitch been banned yet?

Form 51AB hasn’t been filled out yet.

yotsuya said:

In TESB the issue is different. The Falcon’s hyperdrive is out and they have to take the long way. That changes any trip from hours or days into weeks at the least. And that is just to get to a neighboring system. From a storytelling perspective, the time is irrelevant. It is enough time for you to believe that Luke and Leia are in love and that Yoda has trained Luke to be a quasi-Jedi (the way I look at it is that Yoda trained him in the skills he needed, but Luke hadn’t passed the tests to confirm he had learned the most important lessons - that he came back from confronting Vader proved he had taken in Yoda’s training). It really is however long you as the viewer thinks it needs to be to accomplish those two things. For me, that is about 2-3 months. The story skips to the arrival at Bespin and Luke’s vision so how long it took is never addressed. I think with Lucas’ idea that 3 years happen between ANH and TESB and 1 year between TESB and ROTJ that a longer time for the events in TESB fits better, but that is me.

Such a short timescale for training a Jedi would betray the prequels because Jedi training then is more like school. But that isn’t new.