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"17 images that will ruin your childhood" article at cracked.com (OT related)

skyjedi2005 said:

Quackula said:

skyjedi2005 said:

They totally missed the boat on that one.  No prequel images, no jar jar, no hayden, no nuked fridge and shia in indiana jones, or aliens.  What were they thinking.

I didn't know that the Star Wars prequels and Indy 4 were part of your childhood...

I disagree i think they would be very relevent conisdering the oot is buried, star wars has been sullied and destroyed.  Lucas has tarnished his legacy.


The page was on images that would destroy your childhood pretty much the same as Indiana Jones IV and the Prequels.  Not the behind the scenes stuff like the Rinzler book that made me love the oot version of empire even more and made me even angrier that it is ruined by Lucas and not restored.


Okay, I still don't get whether you're for real, or just trolling for everyone's entertainment, but the article's theme clearly, unambiguously was behind-the-scenes facts, not shitty sequels.

There are enough other cracked articles for that. Also for "almost classics" ruined by some shitty element, like T2 by the kid, and so on. Go browse that website. Stop demanding prequels bashing from any article you read - for that, go watch the RedLetter Media reviews.


I don't know how about you, but if anything is capable of "disillusioning" me on the perception of some movie, it's indeed stuff like the actor being a complete dick (i.e. Charlie Sheen) or the image of the Rancor with a pole up his ass - not some stupid movie that came 20 years later.

Qui-Gon is back

Alexrd said:

G-Canon are only the movies. Not the TV series. And I agree with Bingowings, each person decides what's their canon.

And may I ask how is George destroying his own continuity?

Hate being a smartass and all, but deciding what "your canon" is is stupid - there is no canon, only different pieces of fiction (different instances of a franchise as well as different scenes in one movie) that are supposed or not supposed to add up, and can be consistent or inconsistent. Anything above that is giving the nature of fictional reality too much credit.



As for Lucas destroying his own continuity, meh - they already did that with all those universe-shrinking retcons in the OT.

C-3P0 at Owen's farm, and Padmé dying at childbirth, are two parts of "continuity destruction" in the PT in relation to the OT.

Not watching the series, btw :D

Qui-Gon is back

Tallguy said:

Yoda's lines to Obi-Wan at the end of ROTS was the biggest "Oh, wait!  I forgot to ever explain like the FIRST mystery that was ever in Star Wars and now the movies are over!  Um, ok, here's a speech!"

I had NO idea what the hell he was talking about.  I had to have it EXPLAINED to me.  (And I followed all three Pirates of the Caribbean movies without missing a beat.  Did you catch that Will is killed with the sword that he made at the beginning of P1?)

So if Clone Wars screws that up, I'm all for it!


Rejected Prequel Titles

Bingowings said:

The lady in the photo above has got to be a Martian with those illuminated antenna growing out of her head.

I have no idea why... but somehow, just about everything in that picture looks... wrong.

For example, that one chick to the left, further to the left... she has like a green tree-looking afro above her head, and some kind of a giant pearl chaplet growing out of her forehead... my god... like all of that... it... didn't belong here, in this reality.

This is what celebrations would look like if the Body Snatchers took over... *shudder*

I disagree with you on the antenna thing, though, that much rather looks like a creepy eldritch starship in the form of a street lamp, hovering up in the alien sky...

Rejected Prequel Titles

I've seen another movie of his, "Bless the Child" with Kim Basinger, and that one sucked even more than EpIII... I mean, the characters weren't complete bores and had motivations and all, but BOY is it stupid.

I mean, dunno, watching EpIII was kinda fun and didn't make me cringe the whole t-


Uncanny Valley, for sure :D

Interesting Tidbit from lucas before episode 1 started filming that gave a hint that the pt films were not given the care needed to be great

This is stupid. One of the both logically stupidest and stylistically unbearable elements of the Phantom Menace were Jar Jar and the Gungans.

Just everything about them sucks, how the Jedi follow a retard under water instead of hiding inside one of those vehicles, and keep dragging him around everywhere, how Jar Jar's antics end up being the reason why Anakin gets to know Qui-Gon and gets them all in his home, how the Gungans all of a sudden have a huge army that ends up saving the day, and this is revealed in a casual conversation at the exactly right moment. Even how Obi-Wan is rendered a complete dick at his indifference towards a guy who just agreed to help them getting tortured into madness or whatever.

They even ruined Brian fucking Blessed - ironic how it was another extraordinarily silly role in a campy comedic sci fi movie that made him immortal.

They also made up the main bulk of complicated animated creatures, and provided for an additional elaborated battle scene.


Then, the podrace is another turd because it makes no sense and feels out of place plotwise - and yet, how many dollars did THAT one take to animate, huh?

The space battle is entirely pointless, too - the droid control ship is a hysterical plot device shoehorned into the plot without any logic whatsoever. Yet, the space battle...


Hm, dunno, would the amount of toys made from those creatures, ships and action sequences, make up for all the additional effort and money that went into putting those on film?

I really dunno man.

How come nobody stopped George Lucas from creating the bad films he created?

TV's Frink said:

twooffour said:

TV's Frink said:

Ghostbusters said:

Screw you guys I thought it was funny. I thought the "creative adjective" would be more amusing than "bad".

Yes, child molestation is hilarious.




Yes, Louis CK is hilarious.

And George Carlin is right.

Are we supposed to know that Palpatine = Sidious/The Emperor?

rpvee said:

It should also be noted that John Williams gave us perhaps the clearest giveaway.  He used the Emperor's Theme during all of Sidious' scenes in Menace and Clones.  Emperor = Palpatine, Emperor's Theme = Sidious, therefore, Palpatine = Sidious.  And also the fact that the celebration music at the end of Menace is the Emperor's Theme in happy-mode.

Holy shit! I still hate that piece, but now it gets an additional meta layer at least... thanks! :D

RedLetterMedia's Revenge of Nadine [TPM 108 pg Resp. [RotS Review+RotS Preview+ST'09 Reveiw+Next Review Teaser+2002 Interview+AotC OutTakes+Noooooo! Doc.+SW Examiner Rebuttal+AotC Review+TPM Review]

The chase scene up to that point was primarily from Obi-Wan's perspective. And he's nearly killed, and definitely scared of Anakin's recklessness. 

Now, onto Anakin's feat where he made his big jump onto the assassin's speeder. As I pointed out before, Anakin took a short cut, stopped at a spot where he knew the assassin would fly under, looked downward and timed his jump for a good 12 seconds before jumping down, and still had to actively glide and adjust his course on the way down. Of course it didn't nearly kill him; he knew what he was doing and had ample time to prepare that move.

No, the danger comes immediately after Anakin grabbed onto the speeder. Within seconds, he goes from completely sure of himself to losing control of the situation. Anakin barely holds on, grunting in exertion. The assassin nearly flips him off, before pulling out a gun and shooting at him. Barely holding onto a speeding vehicle while being shot at - that's considered "danger" in just about every other action movie.

I pointed out in that previous thread that Anakin was actually in more danger than Peter Parker was during that chase scene in Spider-Man, one of AOTC's contemporaries and regarded as a very good film. I've never seen anyone saying that Peter wasn't in enough danger while chasing down the thief's car.


Okay, okay... I said I'd stop... pick apart at will :DDD


Spider Man wasn't in danger from that thief guy... Obi Wan looked so scared...

RedLetterMedia's Revenge of Nadine [TPM 108 pg Resp. [RotS Review+RotS Preview+ST'09 Reveiw+Next Review Teaser+2002 Interview+AotC OutTakes+Noooooo! Doc.+SW Examiner Rebuttal+AotC Review+TPM Review]

One remark about ROTS raised there by another user I'd like to comment on, though:

The fact that Anakin's concern for the clone is the only time we see how anyone feels about the clones. Technically, it's true... but...

that's the problem! It's part of the storytelling's fault that we never get to see that, so that little piece of "characterization" already feels shoehorned into the movie, like to get a "check" on a list or something.

Add to that Anakin's generally not all too noble behavior in II (he didn't do anything that awesome apart from trying to rescue his friends, and certainly nothing to help a clone soldier), now we've got this bit in the opening of III... to never come up again... yea right, BACKTRACKING.

RLM is 100% right there, and adding those elaborations was completely unneeded.


Just like Anakin spewing off techno babble and "spinning" technically doesn't speak against his piloting abilities, but it's just cheap, artificial and silly the way it's done.

"Stop feeding us this pig slop" :DDD

Oh man, the pig... the pig...

RedLetterMedia's Revenge of Nadine [TPM 108 pg Resp. [RotS Review+RotS Preview+ST'09 Reveiw+Next Review Teaser+2002 Interview+AotC OutTakes+Noooooo! Doc.+SW Examiner Rebuttal+AotC Review+TPM Review]

Quackula said:

twooffour said:

I have...  NO WORDS.


seems to me that you have plenty... ;)

But seriously, he makes plenty of fair assessments in his rebuttal, but this guy seems like he's really off his rocker. RLM obviously was just having some fun with the nitpicking and whatnot, but this guy is just purely and inappropriately pissed off.

"Fanboy Idiocy" indeed...


I agree - in fact, in a somewhat cynical light, one could say that while RLM can somewhat hide behind their humorous, and self-ironic attitude accompanying all their nitpicks (rightful and fallacious alike) and insults towards the characters and the makers (why is is that no single "idiot" or "fuck you" directed at Lucas anywhere in RLM's work comes off as an actual insult?), this mental case of a nut is, on the other hand, easily opening himself up for ridicule and scorn going beyond actual fallacies made in his arguments :D

Now I have to be fair and say that the obnoxious, offensive stupidity of dude's posts there still doesn't prevent a number of visibly turned off opponents post really stupid character assassination attacks at him, of which he can actually fend many off (like I would), and that's even kinda fun to read.


But then, oh man, I'm just reading further into the thread, and after some guy breaks it all down for him, humbly adding that it's just "his own interpretation of the part in the review" (while actually, it's not, it's what said in the review), Raynor STILL doesn't get it (ACCORDING TO THE MOVIE, THE SHIP COULD BREEZE THROUGH THE BLOCKADE AS SOON AS THE SHIELDS WERE FIXED YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT), and then jumps on those "interpretation" remarks with a gleeful dumb face.

Then, he was begging people to retell him points from the ROTS review he didn't watch, and after people calling him out on that, he quotes those parts and responds to something else. Also has been given what he asked for like 3 pages ago, and still blatantly claims that "no one's done this so far".

Just for the record, I'm NOT going to come back here all 5 minutes to share my newest impressions of that mess, this is the last time for now, but MAN... this is kinda really fun! :DD

RedLetterMedia's Revenge of Nadine [TPM 108 pg Resp. [RotS Review+RotS Preview+ST'09 Reveiw+Next Review Teaser+2002 Interview+AotC OutTakes+Noooooo! Doc.+SW Examiner Rebuttal+AotC Review+TPM Review]

Hey, I know I'm not contributing anything new to this topic right now, and it's a bit early for me to post this...

but before going through the 108 page rebuttal for real, I'm taking a peek at the thread where it originated...


and I must say, HOLY FUCKSHIT, that dude's a douchebag. Whoever's been impressed with the relatively toned down tone of the PDF file and its disclaimers in the intro, should take a look at the VITRIOL DRIPPING HAAATTEEE in the posts of "Jim Raynor"... I mean, holy fuck, that guy does hate Stoklasa's guts!

While I kinda like how he fends off some of the more stupid, hypocritical attacks thrown at him with logic, almost each single point he brings up against the review there (at least in the first few pages) are complete bullshit and made of nothing but misreadings and fallacies.

Like, he mentions that bit with the ship breezing through the blockade like 10 times, and boy, does he get EVERY LAST SENTENCE utterly WRONG!!

No, the point is that shields or not, the ship should NOT be able to breeze through the blockade - what he accuses RLM of (complaining about characters getting worried about the shield because with shield they could breeze through the blockade)... IS WHAT THE MOVIE IS GUILTY OF!!! :DDDD

"false dilemma based bitching against one innocuous line about a ship being a "sitting duck," without shields, claiming that if it did have shields up then it should be able to "breeze" through a blockade."

Then, um, in the movie the SHIELD GENERATOR IS HIT, not the shield taken down by continuous laser firing like in Star Trek. And they actually don't get significantly hit, or hit at all, by the blockade ships during that time period. I mean, just what an idiot.


Then, he's talking about how the new ROTS review "ignited" his "desinterest" in finishing his rebuttal, yet he doesn't watch it and asks other users about the points raised there.

Then, he insists how everybody is wrong and no, RLM indeed focuses largely on "nitpicks" rather than "language of cinema" - which is somewhat true for the TPM review, but that other stuff makes up HALF of the entire ROTS review.

The latest review also rectifies some faults in the previous reviews, like "smearing" Lucas or launching character assassinations against him - all that stuff is now thrown aside, George is given a fair "benefit of the doubt", and no real negative judgment or personal insult is made against him during the entire review.

But why should this rebuttal guy bother to watch it, better just ask the people around him to retell the points.



I have...  NO WORDS. Already now, I'm dead sure that 50% of his rebuttal is going to be absolute crap. Oh boy, do I hope he corrected some of his incredible bullshit further down the line... But don't worry, I'm getting to it when I'm getting to it :P

How come nobody stopped George Lucas from creating the bad films he created?

Diego said:

In my opinion, Episodes II & III, suffered a loss in quality in both performance, dialogue and direction compared to Episode I. Not that Ep. I was that great to begin with though. Maybe it was the exagerated use of blue screen.


Padme wasn't COMPLETELY monotone in those two movies, as she was in I, McGregor was kinda alive and sarcastic and pretty much the same (a nice, even if terribly understated performance by him overall), other than that, um... who else made it into the sequels anyway?

CGI Yoda was obviously leaps above that silly puppet from I (and even more expressive than the puppet from the OT, although the performance itself was too kitschy and over-expressive, like "look, I'm smart and think a lot", and the voice acting too much of an annoying cartoon saying clichéd lines in backwards grammer), and Sam Jackson had exactly two memorable moments in I and III:

In I he kinda looked gloomily at Yoda, in III, his angry face at Palpatine. Also, at one point in I, he inexplicably gives off that glare of threat from Jackie Brown, where he tells Melanie to go answer the phone :DD

Everything else looked like he was on sometiens during shooting.

How come nobody stopped George Lucas from creating the bad films he created?

Ghostbusters said:

One thing that surprised me about the prequels was how bad Ian McDiarmid performance was in in AOTC. I remember the first time I saw him in that I was like, that's it, what happened to the snaky performance he had in TPM? So much character of him in that movie compared to AOTC. He just seemed to be standing around stiff saying a few lines. In ROTS he was better, but still was missing something.

I don't care what people say about Liam Neison, I thought he did a great job in the TPM and comes off as one of the few people to pull off a believable and convincing performance in the prequels.


Interesting observation - in TPM, he seemed to play the role of a snaky, greedy politician trying to conceal his ulterior motives.

A role that made sense in the context of the movie, maybe, but considering the unreveal that he's actually Sidious, the fact that he couldn't "act" well enough in real life to conceal his obvious personal excitement at being elected. And then of course his "oooh, and of course I promise I'm going to help you with that crisis of yours" face when Padme looks unimpressed and almost disapproving.


In AOTC, whenever he expressed something, you could feel the phoniness in his face and voice, obviously but subtly. Which was nice.

I'd say his performance there was on par with Christopher Lee's. Not a complete monotone cardboard cutout, and "convincing" and somewhat charismatic in their own way, but not remarkably alive and memorable, either.

How come nobody stopped George Lucas from creating the bad films he created?

Diego said:

I wonder about the "I wish I could wish a wish to wish my feelings away" or whatever it was in AOTC. English is not my first language and it sounded wrong from the first time I heard it. It looks like probably no one read the script.


I love how, in German, it's translated as "ich wünschte, ich könnte meine gefühle einfach wegwischen", "weg-wischen" meaning "wipe away / off".

When I first heard the English version, I first just chuckled at how, in English, both "wünschen" (=wish) and "wischen" just happened to be the same word and it sounded funny this way - then I looked up, and was shocked to find out that "wish away", indeed, can't mean "wipe off"... but literally... WISH away... like in some fairytale of whatever.

They... he.. REALLY wrote that line into the script!!

How come nobody stopped George Lucas from creating the bad films he created?

Ghostbusters said:

Screw you guys I thought it was funny. I thought the "creative adjective" would be more amusing than "bad".

Now you guys are probably going to go on and on and on about me being a troll.

Save your breath.

I really want to know though how such awful things like the "I love you dialog" in ROTS got to screen? Or how Anakin's motivation to the dark side was not questioned by anyone? Did anybody object anything to George Lucas in the prequels?


If I dare say so, I found his transition to the dark side probably the most interesting thing about the series - a pity it was executed to sloppily.

The guy was obsessed with saving his beloved - which is completely relatable - and had fantasized about being some awesome uber superman all his life, while being annoyed at everyone else for "holding him back", or mistrusting / disrespecting him.

The dude sure had some issues, and as soon as the appropriate circumstances, he grabbed the chance and willingly convinced himself that the Jedi were trying to take over (his sensation before that they didn't trust him, and took questionable political steps) to justify his actions to himself.

Basically, he accepts everything that looks like it could save his wife, denying rational arguments against its authenticity, and simultaneously using this "necessity" as an excuse to follow his ambitions at the same time, further lying to himself to dismiss everything that speaks against him going down that path.

Circumstances aside, that's how real people behave - applying wilful ignorance, biases and logical fallacies out of laziness, or to justify their actions and further their goals.

Christensen's acting even manages to convey this in the second half of the movie - not only do I much prefer him as an angry ham to the woodenness and awkwardness he had offered priorly, he actually looks and sounds like he's lying to himself and trying to hard to believe his own BS himself. Although he also looks stoned during those scenes. 

However, the prequels:

- didn't establish his concern for his mother (plus that they left here there withuot any reason) before getting his dreams all of a sudden, and after the awkward scene where he rants at Padme, again fails to establish any change in character; also didn't establish concern for Padme until he got his dreams.

The dreams were plot devices in both cases and introduced too abruptly - the wooden acting by the protagonist didn't help.

- didn't establish him as a ticking time bomb who could quickly commit a slaughter if "necessary" - or attempted to do so poorly, as killing a bunch of always chaotic evil monsters in vengeance still has a way to go until reaching the "killing children you know personally after getting an order".

-didn't establish his friendship with Palpatine enough, doing nothing more than giving them one scene together per movie, and having him defend Palpatine in one piece of background dialogue while an evil assassin robot hovers towards a window.

Thus, his readiness to choose Palpatine over Sam Jackson, his resentment towards having to spy on his "friend" resulting in a distrust of and disdain towards the Jedi order, and his willingness to accept Palpatine's lies feeding these sentiments and ambitions to rule an Empire, doesn't end up being believable.

-made the transition way too abrupt, and Anakin's jump over the moral horizon way too sudden and easy.

The plot holes (like Anakin cutting off Windu's arm instead of deflecting the lightsaber - although maybe that was his subconscious, too? doubtfully so; order 66 and the whole clone thing, of course) didn't help.

Like, Anakin might've believed that the Jedi made up an excuse to remove the chancellor from office, but the fact that they had been actively looking for the awful, evil Sith Lord all this time, against "you're not sure of their intentions"? Or did he think the Jedi already knew he was, and had planned this step for a long time?

Why did he believe they were also trying to TAKE OVER THE SENATE?


All of this could've been justified in a much more thorough, and thought-out character study. The way it ended up, it looked like the writer just didn't bother, and we're left to impose "interesting psychological analyses" on the cliff notes of the script, complete with obvious, expository dialog and lazy acting, all the while these elements in the actual movie look more like plot holes and bad characterization than anything else.


How come nobody stopped George Lucas from creating the bad films he created?

TV's Frink said:

twooffour said:

Yea, but come on - you're seriously acting as if the prequels were the only bad films ever released to cinema. Just how many movies in cinematic history have TRULY bad effects, horrific acting and asinine plots? How comes you can view them all on DVDs, or on Youtube / the internet?

btw, I sort of halfheartedly defend the prequels, but you can't compare the PT to Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot when it comes to disappointment.

Don't know that movie, but yea, sure I realize the difference between the prequels and Troll 2. 

The thing is, the very reason this particular bad - mediocre series of movies ended up so disappointing, is exactly the same reason why they ended up being so famous and financially successful, and as such, wouldn't give any producer or quality nazi to prevent them from release, especially if said dude had a palantir to see into the future ;)

How come nobody stopped George Lucas from creating the bad films he created?

[Actually, playin devil's advocate and all, calling the films "child(hood?) molestations" is a fun exaggeration of the common silly "prequels ruined my childhood" complaint - if it's meant seriously, it sucks, but come on... bad adaptations are constantly referred to as "abominations" and "raping the originals" and what not, and mostly it's all tongue-in-cheek.]

Yea, but come on - you're seriously acting as if the prequels were the only bad films ever released to cinema. Just how many movies in cinematic history have TRULY bad effects, horrific acting and asinine plots? How comes you can view them all on DVDs, or on Youtube / the internet?

The CGI isn't even that horrible, SOME of the environments (Kamino and Jedi temple, mostly) and creatures look "kinda fake", but still safely on the (stylized?) photorealism side.

Neeson, McGregor and Lee are all fairly decent, and nowhere as bad as Portman, or the Anakins in I and II.


And you know why the films weren't prevent from being released by some space cinema police? FUCKING MONEY. All of them were very successful financially, so one after the other was made and then sold on DVD.

The audiences are at fault - but not really, because no viewer has any obligation to specifically boycott movies.