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What are you reading?

joefavs said:

I believe the backlash against Card has more to do with comments that he’s made in the media recently than with any particular work of his.

I assume you mean homophobic comments. Yeah, it sucks that he feels that way but I never saw reason to attack his old works over it. Percy Grainger (the composer) was quite bonkers, but he made some good music. I say this as a (closeted IRL) bisexual.

If George Had Made The Sequel Trilogy...

Scott109 said:

Density said:

Imagine TFA, but with Jaden Smith cast as Finn and Miley Cyrus’s little sister cast as Rey.

Also imagine lots more plot holes, replace all the good humor with cringe inducing toddler potty humor, and eliminate any traces of darkness for the majority of the film except have a drastic shift in tone towards the end in which Kylo Ren goes on a child-slaughtering rampage and is then burned in a graphic sequence. Only to be recovered by Snoke and become Darth Vader II.

I did not think that any of the humor in The Force Awakens was funny in the slightest other than the following quote from the film:

REY: I’ve never seen a resistance fighter before.
FINN: Well, this is what we look like. Some of us. Others look different.

The rest of the jokes were so terrible they were cringeworthy - not nearly as bad as the slapstick Jar Jar Binks humor in The Force Awakens, but cringeworthy nonetheless. The humor in any other Star Wars movie was way better.

POE: “Who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?”

That line was great. Poe’s a confident Resistance fighter. He doesn’t have any respect for the First Order, and making snide remarks to their leader makes for a good moment to really show it.

FINN: “We’ll use the Force”
HAN: “That’s not how the Force works!”

That line was awesome!

HAN: “Is there a garbage chute…or trash compactor?”

Honestly, I kinda agree. I mean I didn’t think it was awful, just felt weird.

REY: This is the ship that made the Kessel Run in fourteen parsecs?
SOLO: TWELVE! (Mumbling in irritation) fourteen…

The last quote in particular is a terrible joke which makes absolutely no sense. A parsec is a unit of space, not a unit of time. Saying “this is the ship that made the Kessel Run in fourteen parsecs” is as stupid as saying “this is the athlete who is so fast he finished the race in five miles.” J. J. Abrams just had to reference the most cringeworthy line of the Original Trilogy.


Rey should not have any idea who Han Solo is or what the Millenium Falcon is. Han Solo was not a general in the Original Trilogy; he was merely a common smuggler who became a part of the Rebel Alliance.

When Rey meets Han, she doesn’t know about his partnership with the Rebellion and only knows him for smuggling.

Everybody calls the Millenium Falcon a piece of garbage, so why would it be famous throughout the galaxy? This scene made me cringe at so many levels.

They’ve probably heard of the Falcon and just don’t know what it looks like. I doubt it’s the kinda thing most people would just have pictures of downloaded to their droids.

What is wrong with... <strong>Attack of the Clones</strong>? - a general discussion thread

moviefreakedmind said:

Apparently midichlorians are hereditary given that Qui Gon asked Anakin’s mother who the father was. I doubt George had any intention of having love be illegal for jedi until writing Episode II.


Rick: Hey Georgie, we’re filming in a few days. How goes the script writing?

George: Oh, well gee golly, I haven’t written it ye-- I MEAN not the final draft since I wrote it back in 1975 with the rest, of course.

RM: Are you okay, daddy?

GL: Fine, honey, I’m fine. Anyway, uh, just go on to the set and I’ll meet you there.

Exit Rick

GL: Okay, um, okay…

GL gets an idea. He removes the swiss cheese from a nearby sandwich and throws it on top of an erotic novel he left open. The words “Sex” and “Illegal” poke through the holes in the cheese.

GL: Haha! I’m a genius.

GL powers up his computer, ready to type his magnum opus.

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Trooperman37 said:

DominicCobb said:

Honestly have no idea which side people are on with this hand holding thing but I’d like to just mention something people tend to forget which is Rey’s a loner, or at least fancies herself one. I figure that has more to do with the “don’t hold my hand” than anything else.

Watching J.J.'s film my interpretation was that this was funny that a white girl wouldn’t want a black guy to keep bugging her. It was a throwback. Not PC. I thought it was hilarious.

Yeah, let’s end the forced Star-Bussing! It’s Communism!

Last movie seen

LuckyGungan2001 said:

moviefreakedmind said:

LuckyGungan2001 said:

This is the End (2013): 7/10

A lot of the jokes didn’t hit home, and at times it felt as if the actors were making themselves out to be these really great people, but I quite enjoyed the film anyway.

The World is not Enough (1999): 7/10

Call me crazy, but I quite liked it. Sure Christmas Jones was an absolutely terrible love interest, and the plot was pretty muddy, but on the other hand we have the excellent music and action, and the great villains.

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999): 5/10

Meh, it could be much, much worse (Think: Attack of the Clones).

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015): 7/10

I like it even more this time. The story, while copied pretty much beat for beat from A New Hope, worked, and the characters are fun and memorable.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982): 9/10

Very fun, all the actors were great, music was great, villain was absolutely brilliant, a little overacting here and there, but extremely great.

Goldfinger (1964): 9/10

Take notes MCU; this is how you make a fun filled romp.

Casino Royale (2006): 9/10

Take notes DCCU; this is how you make a gritty reboot.

I absolutely LOVE the World is Not Enough!

I’ve seen people rank it behind Tomorrow Never Dies and Die Another Day, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why.

I actually like Tomorrow Never Dies. I think it and TWINE are both underrated.

Random Thoughts

I sometimes wonder how different my life would be if one event had never occurred. When I was in elementary school, most kids were growing out of fantasy worlds like Star Wars and focusing more on sports, since every child in this town is indoctrinated into believing that sports are the only thing that matters in the world. I began to think that maybe I should too. I had a casual interest in sports at the time and played little league baseball and pee wee football, so I wondered if I should give up those childish fictional stories. Then one day at recess I came across one kid pretending he was Indiana Jones, so I joined him as [insert Indiana Jones side character here] and we had much fun. I was reassured that it was okay to enjoy these things that the other kids seemed to grow out of. Fast forward many many years and here I am still just as big a fan of geeky stuff as I was then.

If that event would not have occurred, perhaps I would have gone on to be more successful in the sporting games and less of a disappointment to my father. Maybe I would be more well-liked today, and more confident. Maybe I wouldn’t be facing a constant stream of rejection from those whom I hold and/or held romantic affection for.

Maybe it’s just late and I should go to sleep instead of overthinking stuff like this.

What are you reading?

Speaker For The Dead by Orson Scott Card. Read it a few years back and loved it. However, nowadays I’m seeing a lot of people online saying it’s “sexist” or that “Ender is Hitler”. This isn’t a new thing, but it’s something I’ve only recently really noticed or paid attention to. Anyway, I’m going to read Speaker again to see for myself if any of these seemingly ludicrous claims actually hold any water.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

SilverWook said:

adywan said:

Pictures and video from the Ep8 set during princes William and Harry’s visit today. Looks like we’re getting A-wings 😃


They got Wookiee hugs! It’s good to be the future king! 😉

I wonder if BB-8 is totally remote controlled now, as he was sort of a rod puppet in TFA.

They used both RC and “rod puppetry” in TFA did they not?

Man of Steel - Your thoughts

HansiG said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Oh, wait – I forgot we’re talking about the movie. Sorry, still don’t want to see it.

You’re better off not seeing it. MoS is absolute trash. BvS at least has the benefit of being over-the-top absurd, but that’s the only thing it’s got going for it.

Both of them are trash.
Here’s hope for Suicide Squad

If the trailers are anything to go off of, Will Smith will ruin it singlehandedly