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Random Thoughts

darth_ender said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

If I recall correctly, he left after having an argument with Warbler and possibly darth ender over his comments on Christianity. It basically boiled down to him saying, "If you can't stand having me here speaking my mind, then I'll spare you by not speaking here at all".

 Well, that makes me sound very petty, so you get *angry wrong buzzer sound*!........................

 Thanks for the info, Ender and Frink.
I read through the links...
sadface. sadheart. *sigh™

Random Thoughts

DuracellEnergizer said:

If I recall correctly, he left after having an argument with Warbler and possibly darth ender over his comments on Christianity. It basically boiled down to him saying, "If you can't stand having me here speaking my mind, then I'll spare you by not speaking here at all".

 That's really too bad. You're right about the place seeming dead without him.

I don't understand why people can't handle people speaking their minds on an open forum. sadface.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Looks like a design for Scorpion from Mortal Kombat!

Like a lot of the new concepts, I kinda like it, kinda don't.
And like a lot of the new concepts, it all depends on how he's portrayed and what he's actually up to in the film.

I like enough of what I've seen to know it's all up to script and direction now...

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

A couple thoughts about the newest clip..

In the shot from Luke's POV after he crashes, the AT-AT looks too far away. Actually, it looks like it's out in the middle of nowhere since we don't see Luke or the speeder to compare it too. Same in the next shot of it approaching Luke's speeder. It still looks like there's plenty of time for Luke to get outta the way. Then, suddenly, it's about the step right on him.
This has always bugged me. It kills any tension the scene could have going for it.

All of your new touches are great though!
Just wondering if those two shots could or will be tinkered with any more.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

dclarkg said:

I guess I'm all in for TFA, I already embraced 2 facts:

1- Nothing will be like the OOT since it was another time where things were different.

2-The PT set a low bar to beat so... maybe JJ will show the love for SW that GL didn't on the PT

 I'm with ya there. 

dclarkg said:

I hope the movie doesn't suck but if it does I'll have many many years to complain about it, in the mean time ignorance is a bliss and I'll enjoy the excitement 100%

The other thing this film has going for it, IMO, is that if it sucks, I really won't care at all.
I've already been saying "I only like the OT" for sixteen years, so I imagine I'll be able to live with that same fact after the ST with no problems.
I do hope the ST will be films I love, but I don't need them to be films I even like.

Random Thoughts

TV's Frink said:

One of my all time favorite shows but I stopped watching the last few seasons.  Happened to coincide with dropping HBO but even so, it was getting a little stale.

Same here.
The season with the Seinfeld reunion was the last one I really loved.
I think the final episode of that one would have made a great finale to the show.

The Phantom Menace - Original Theatrical Cut: (Pan &amp; Scan) VHS Preservation (Released)

darklordoftech said:

ray_afraid said:

I've never read anything about this, but I first noticed it while watchin' the P&S VHS. The jumping the gap shot was in the trailer, I think, and somehow I noticed it was missing.

Just because it was in the trailer doesn't mean that it was in the theatrical cut.

 But it was. So there. : P

The Phantom Menace - Original Theatrical Cut: (Pan &amp; Scan) VHS Preservation (Released)

I think the scene I mentioned had to be cut as there is no way to crop it and still be able to tell what's happinin'.

I've never read anything about this, but I first noticed it while watchin' the P&S VHS. The jumping the gap shot was in the trailer, I think, and somehow I noticed it was missing.

So, yeah, you're preserving a lost cut of the film!

Seems like a more epic task now! ; )

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

RicOlie_2 said:

timdiggerm said:

Ryan McAvoy said:

ImperialFighter said:

The other day I actually paused the teaser at the very last moment of the shot showing the back of the legs of the new Stormtroopers as they are about to disembark down the ramp - turns out that it indeed seems that it's just the colour of the lighting inside the transport they're waiting in that is reflecting the hue on their armour...as the precise moment I paused the end of the shot shows the legs of the Stormtroopers turning to gleaming white after all at that point, as the ramp door opens wider.  It's just that the shot ends abruptly at this point, too quickly for our eyes to catch this last frame.  So I'm satisfied that the blueish/teal look of those particular shots is just due to the colour of the lighting reflecting off their armour after all, rather than due to deliberate colour-meddling.

 This frame...

...incase anybody was wondering. Nice spot, thanks.

This is a very, very good point.

 I wonder if they did that awful blue lighting on purpose, just to play with fans like us. ;)

I had no problem telling that these were reflecting the blue lighting inside the transport.
I'm not saying that to sound snooty or whatever, but it was obviously not done to trick anybody.

I have a buddy who used to think the stormtroopers in the carbon freezing room in ESB were orange.