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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Star Wars Day Force for Change video featuring Daisy, BB-8, some aliens, and what is likely an Episode VIII set. Nothing in here I’d classify as a spoiler, but I don’t want anyone freaking out on me for revealing that Admiral Ackbar is still around, so I’m playing it safe and putting it here.


Game of Thrones (HBO)

I think the Freys are going to get Ramsay after he pretty much put an end to their ambitions in the North this week. I know no one expects Walder Frey to go out of his way to avenge a daughter, but the baby was half Frey and the potential heir to the Warden of the North. I think Roose planned to dispose of Ramsay somewhere down the line and solidify his alliance with the Freys, but that’s all blown to hell now. Walder probably would have let Ramsay just marry another Frey, but now that he’s married to Sansa that’s out.

Most telling SE moment

This is the one I bring up whenever someone tries to make the “George’s vision” argument. His true original vision was . . . a couple of extra rocks? More than anything else (besides maybe the door to Jabba’s Palace), I think this is the best illustration of how George was just changing stuff for the sake of changing it towards the end.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

Mads Mikkelsen let it slip that he’s playing Jyn Erso’s father. https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/725701030810263552

I also got a chuckle out of the fact that he describes the movie as “the very first one, it’s before everything you’ve ever seen in the Star Wars universe.” Sounds like Mads is either unaware of or doesn’t acknowledge the PT, bless him.

Info: Evidence of TFA Changes in Blu-ray?

Yeah, the fact that I’ve only got a 5.1 setup to listen on is enough to make me skittish about critiquing this 7.1 mix before even getting into acoustics. All I’ll say is that the speech is clearer on my 5.1 system in my low-ceilinged basement than it was in the theater. Whether that’s the mix itself or the room I’m in, I don’t know (or frankly care, since I don’t see my home viewing conditions changing dramatically any time soon barring a lottery win).

&quot;Lucasfilm currently has no plans to release the original versions of Star Wars&quot;

generalfrevious said:

timemeddler said:

nice to know they aren’t going after despecialized downloaders as long as is its not for money.

The despecialized editions is a silver lining to all this of course, but it seems like a lot of computer work for the average person.

At least Harmy asks people to buy the official release first.

Eh, screw the average person. I got mine, Jack.

team negative1 - star wars 1977 - 35mm theatrical version (Released)

Very excited to see the new version. I looked at v. 1.0 last night for the first time since the week it came out, and it was much better than I remembered it being. For some reason the flaws were the only things that stayed in my mind, but watching it again they didn’t dominate the experience like I’d thought at first. If a lot of those issues are getting fixed, I could see this becoming my go-to version. Williarob, is there anything to be done at this stage about the weird bleeding effect that goes on with the pill lights on the Death Star and in a few other places, or is that going to be there until you get Poita’s scan?

If George Had Made The Sequel Trilogy...

SilverWook said:

Scott109 said:

doubleofive said:

The Falcon is in the prequels (twice?). It’s been around.

I must have missed it. Do you have photographic evidence?

It’s been said the Falcon is the ship seen in ROTS, (bottom pic) but as there are three such freighters seen in AOTC, they may just be similar ships.

I’m pretty sure some Legends book or other established the ship in ROTS as definitely the Falcon, but I don’t expect it to be addressed explicitly in the new canon.

What is/was the best SW Game ever, on any platform?

The confusingly-titled Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series was always a favorite, though I didn’t love the first one like the other three. I preferred Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader to the original Rogue Squadron. Racer was probably the best thing to come out of TPM. KOTOR, of course, as well as KOTOR II. I liked to explore in Galaxies, but it was not a very good game. The original Battlefront games were fun to play with friends, but the single player left me kind of cold. I feel like I’m forgetting something huge, but I can’t put my finger on it.

&quot;Lucasfilm currently has no plans to release the original versions of Star Wars&quot;

Alderaan said:

Also, if the WSJ is saying “a person familiar with the matter”…that doesn’t mean it was some receptionist or some statement from 10 years ago. It quite clearly means they talked to someone who knows, and that there are no plans to restore the OOT now or any time in the foreseeable future.

There’s nothing clear about it. They don’t give any kind of indication that their source is even someone at Lucasfilm. It’s the journalistic equivalent of “my friend’s friend knows this guy”.