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The Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie. Or is it?

In my opinion all three are basically equally great. A comparison between them seems ridiculous since each has different role in terms of trilogy. Obviously Empire has the most characterization but that is purely because of the storyline. The main purpose of the middle chapter storyline is to develop the characters introduced in the first and to complicate things which offers drama.

I believe Lucas can be blamed for Han and Leia characters in Jedi. I think he should NOT have concluded the romance subplot in Empire which greatly depleted their potential for Jedi. I think Han should be frozen without the love proclamation (I know fans are very fond of Ford's "I know" but still). That would leave some tension for Jedi.

Star Wars Trilogy 1997 Special Edition DVDs?

peter_pan said:


Although I love the 97 version for its place in history and my memory I must remind with you about the 97 versions being 'honest'. Although the 2004 n 2011 have additional changes and color and sound fuck ups, there was still bad Dino's and a certain green alien who is now quicker on the draw than Clint. lets not even get into the Jabba scene.

I did not forget about Greedo. It is a stupid change but for some reason I can "tolerate" it compared to the ghost scene change.

As for Jabba, I don't have the slightest problem with that scene. Unlike some of the fans who are just against any kind of CGI (kinda dumb imo), I don't find CGI problematic at all. If CGI is used for a good purpose and mainly to augment the real set scenes, then I am completely fine with it.