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Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Cracker of Justice Edit)

MalàStrana said:

The only way I believe it can work would be to slighty delay the invasion:

  • Jedi arrival, they look at the window, small talk, etc.
  • TC14 reports the ambassadors are Jedi
  • communication from the planet
  • the viceroy decides to invade the planet and he orders at the same time to kill the jedi
  • “captain look out”, dioxis scene, etc.

Thats in my view also the best structure, better than both your current one and the original.

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (Cracker of Justice Edit)

I don’t know what it is with the redub, but I cant make it not off-putting. Strange since I want his original voice gone. Dont think its your fault though.

Also interesting: all the JJ redubs I’ve heard so far have been Irish? Whats up with that lol.

Apart from that, good luck! Heres to ever more radical and hopefully successful prequel edits!

Feedback Wanted: So I wanted more Alderaan...

Here is the finished stuff, I’ve put it in a zip with two clips, I’ve included some of the sounds from the trailer. I applied some film grain too and corrected the Empire clip to give it a tad more color.

If anyone desperately wants it in 2:35:1 PM me.

EDIT: I just included the cinematic cropped versions in with the package for those who need it.

Feedback Wanted: So I wanted more Alderaan...

MalàStrana said:

It’s cool, but I don’t really think it could really fit in a movie, at least in its current state (still does look too digital). Maybe with some “grain treatment” it could be used in a fan edit of ANH to show the surface before it gets wiped out.

Yeah, personally I’m going to eventually add film grain as well as a 2:35:1 aspect ratio. In terms of where it could be used, I was actually thinking of the first part being used as a cutscene for one of the deleted scenes (seeds of rebellion) which while officially occurring in Senator Organa’s office on Coruscant, wouldn’t be hard to transport over to his home planet.
Also adds to the whole Alderaan is the home of democracy and the rebellion with the Organa family.

The clip of the early empire could maybe be used near Order 66, or just generally in that last section of Episode 3.

Just my suggestions, if anyone else has some feel free to share

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

Bingowings said:

dkeighobadi said:

By the way that concept art is sorta proof that the people behind TFA weren’t lying on their arses and blatantly making a reboot of A New Hope. They consciously, with EFFORT, decided to go for the look we ended up seeing. Otherwise, if you see what I mean, the concept art would be redundant.

Or they had interesting new ideas but ditched some of them for brand recognition reasons.

Maybe. But at least you can’t brand it laziness, which GL certainly can be branded with.

Feedback Wanted: So I wanted more Alderaan...

So I tried again and I think I’m happy with the result. http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/163947 only thing is I might have gone a bit too mad with the pink tint, but I think it fits the planet’s scenery rather well, as well as of course fitting with the piece of actual Alderaanian footage we get in Ep3, which is at dawn.

You can download it at 1080p (I sharpened it a touch too) here.

Onwards to the other clip…

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

Smithers said:

^ Agreed, I’m hoping the deleted scenes are good and that the VFX are finished

Considering the amount of time and money thrown at the film I would quite frankly be insulted if I saw greenscreen.

On a sidenote, I’ve always wondered why people don’t just edit these scenes themselves. There’s a great opportunity here for people that can do all the greenscreen stuff. People should get these unfinished scenes and finish them, with their own artistic interpretation for the good of the community.

Feedback Wanted: So I wanted more Alderaan...

Forgive me for my uber-noobiness for I am new to all this. I remembered once seeing a really scenic few scenes of Alderaan from a video game trailer (which you can see here). I liked them and thought they may be useful for anyone wanting to include more footage of Alderaan in their fanedits, of which surprisingly little exists.

So I’ve hastily tried to try and make the cgi look a bit more cinematic. I had a quick go and here’s my shot: http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/163917. I know the shadows are too dark before you say. Personally I think the only shots that would fit into current canon would be the peaceful shot and then the shot of the clonetroopers.

Any views/tips welcome 😃

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

So guys, I was watching this clickbait-fest, and this part got me interested, and more importantly, reminded me of this thread.


It seems that some, if not most of these upcoming deleted scenes will be part of this “Leia storyline”, which I feel would if included in an edit, would almost certainly enhance the film.

a) It would give a better context to the political situation. I know what you’re saying, politics and star wars didn’t mesh the last time. But it really is needed, in fact its the largest complaint BY FAR of the movie from what I’ve heard people say. We now understand, clearly, the most protagonistic force in the movie, the Resistance, and Leia’s relationship to it.

b) (and in my opinion the most important) It would give us a sideplot of sorts to focus on. The entire film is utterly focused on Rey. Not even A New Hope was that linear. It branched out. This would give it perfect depth.

c) We also give a shit about the Hosnian system being destroyed, and we are introduced to more characters.

d) MOAR LEIA. Come on, this is a valid point on its own, right?

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

ben_danger said:

An unrelated idea - was have Han call out to Kylo Ren whilst he carries off Rey. I thought this might start Kylo Ren’s doubt and fretting as oppose to reveal it rather flatly with Snoke.

While this has pros, which you’ve listed in terms of it improving the Snoke conversation, it also has cons. I like the fact Han is slightly uneasy about calling his name, even with the relative safety of a retreating first order and arriving resistance force. It adds even more weight when he decided to call out to Kylo later when Han’s much more vulnerable.
Just my opinion…

Get ready for "Star Wars - Shroud of the Sith", a radical fan edit of "The Phantom Menace"

darthrush said:

I have actually grown to appreciate Dookus character more than Maul by a long shot. Dooku is somewhat of foreshadowing to the possible issues Anakin takes up with the order. I find rotoscoping his saber green or purple and removing the Darth Tyranus title would seal the deal for Dookus character really put to perfection as a intellectual rebellious Jedi who has noble goals with dark logistics of doing so. Figuring out a way to put Dooku in the funeral sounds very difficult but if executed correctly, I believe that would be absolutely fantastic. You have some great ideas for his edit!

Well you see, do some digging and he’s a fascinating, if not the most fascinating Sith of the franchise. Just a massive letdown in the movies. Isn’t Dooku however supposed to be Palpatine’s apprentice, after Maul’s death? That would probably mean he couldn’t just be there on his own, he’d need to be there, maybe after the funeral, with Sheev, or rather, Darth Sidious. Yes, he’s actively looking to rebel against the Jedi, but just him overlooking the characters at the end would suggest he’s been involved in this for far longer.

EDIT: I mean, I just looked up Dooku on wookiepedia, and this gave me a lot of insight, as to both the character behind the films as well as him possibly being in the first film.

“Even though I knew that the Senate was corrupt, the Council was fallible, and Jedi training methods far from perfect, I remained with the Jedi Order for twelve years after Galidraan. Why? Because I still believed that I could accomplish some good as a Jedi. I thought I could bring about some positive changes, right certain wrongs, and do better than maintain the status quo. In short, I was an utter fool.”

After the battles of Galidraan and Baltizaar, Dooku became increasingly withdrawn from the Jedi Order. He refused to accept any more missions from the Jedi Council[23] and became concerned about prophecies he felt were coming true about dark times unfolding across the galaxy. While he discussed his concerns with many of the Order’s most prominent Jedi Masters, his friend Sifo-Dyas was his closest confidant.[25]

Dooku’s growing disenchantment with the Jedi way was sensed by Senator Palpatine, who had been watching Dooku for some time and had plans that required someone with Dooku’s reputation, skills, and financial resources. Palpatine was secretly the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, and even before the Battle of Naboo in 32 BBY he had held several meetings with Dooku to feel out his opinions and cultivate him as an ally. Dooku’s behavior and beliefs as a Jedi had previously been within the scope of Jedi orthodoxy.[1] However, Dooku flirted with the belief that the dark side of the Force could be called upon without personal corruption as his discontent with the Jedi Order grew.[26]
Dooku made several public condemnations of the Senate after the death of his former Padawan Qui-Gon Jinn in a duel with the Sith Lord Darth Maul. This Dathomirian Zabrak was the apprentice of Darth Sidious, raised as a weapon to combat the Jedi Order. Maul’s victory was short-lived, however, as Jinn’s apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated the Sith Lord by cutting him in half at the waist with Jinn’s own lightsaber.[3] Shortly thereafter, Dooku resigned from the Jedi Order, retired to Serenno, and claimed his family title of Count, left vacant by the death of his brother, while his nephew, Adan, and his sister in law went into self-exile on Alderaan.[7] He neither gave a reason for his decision to leave the Jedi in his public announcement nor did he provide one when summoned before the Jedi Council to explain his actions.

Considering his fall was a big blow to the Old Jedi Order, we really should see him as significant character, and not a stereotypically evil and arrogant villain who is killed at the very start of the second film he is featured in.

So, yah, bring on those changes, I think this would fit really nicely with the whole “The Jedi have become the one thing they’ve sworn to destroy” thing. Maybe have him, dunno, seeing QGJ’s body, sighing and leaving to go into self-exile. Then it would actually be dramatic to see him the next time when he’s turned, albeit ambiguously of course. That would present further problems because we would need to be introduced to him earlier in Episode 1 or at least hear his name so we’re like “Oh is that that dude?”

Get ready for "Star Wars - Shroud of the Sith", a radical fan edit of "The Phantom Menace"

I’ve always been confused as to why Dooku, turned, or even appeared in the films. Simply boggled my mind, like General Grievous. If he was so disillusioned with the Jedi Order, and then so angry at QGJ’s death, why would he join his killers?

Also worth pointing out that, while Darth Plagueis is somewhat considered a character, the book is not canonical.

Get ready for "Star Wars - Shroud of the Sith", a radical fan edit of "The Phantom Menace"

Wow, finally, an edit that actually addresses all of the problems! I’m torn between this and this now, although yours will obviously require little to no editing to suit my tastes.

Will you be making Episodes two and three? Would be nice, especially to continue all the work you’ve been doing on Jar Jar and the Neimoidians etc

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

Lord Haseo said:

dkeighobadi said:

Also, I love how Han has accepted the force, which he didn’t even do in Return of the Jedi. He’s been on a long journey, and he’s experienced a lot.

In no way do I see that as fan service; I just see that as the evolution of the character.

I don’t either. It was a separate point. I agree with you 😉.

I think there should have been a second reason that she uses as her buffer even though he real reason for wanting to stay is in case her family returns. Something like debt. It worked well in Path of Destruction and I think it would have fit in well here.

I actually like this. Naivity being her biggest hindrance. That can be explored in many ways later on. It does, now that I think about it, fit her character, or rather, the character we want to be presented with. I also like her using a buffer. Makes things a tad darker, she’s insecure about something, themes of deceit, links to the prequel trilogy and possible leanings to the dark side? Apparently Episode 8 is going to be be darker anyways…
As you’ve shown, plenty of room for manoeuvre, even for the supposedly “monotone” Rey.

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

Lord Haseo said:

Interesting parallel…though wanting to stay to help your family’s farm and staying just in case your family comes back for you are kind of different…BUT both can be boiled down to a strong sense of family value. Interesting parallel indeed.

True, of course. Nice little antithesis going on there. Just to clarify, I don’t dislike repetition for repetition’s sake. Mirroring can be useful, poetic almost. But I feel maybe it’s a bit too deliberate in TFA.
Also, I’d like to say the to all those complaining of the fan service, most of it I find to be totally applicable. A long time has passed in the universe, there are going to be these elements. I find it even enriches the story. Also, I love how Han has accepted the force, which he didn’t even do in Return of the Jedi. He’s been on a long journey, and he’s experienced a lot. Stuff like this I loved in Ep7 which you simply do not get in the prequels.

To be honest I can’t think of what anyone would want to stay on a Planet like that where there are hundreds of thousands if not MILLIONS of exponentially better worlds out there. But if you have a better reason please do share it.

I don’t know, I’m not a scriptwriter. Maybe something more sentimental (I know, more sentimental than family). But yeah, maybe even tie it in to, gasp, a weakness of Rey’s! Y’know, something that’ll hold her back, because atm there are no constraints on her and it therefore feels somewhat artificial.

And the “it’ll be explained in the later movies” excuse does not hold, it needs to be a movie in its own right (character-wise, plot wise its sound), just like A New Hope was.

To be fair ANH absolutely had to be a single contained story with no allusions to a sequel only because there was no guarantee that there would be a sequel much less an entire Saga. So by that basis I think it’s unfair to compare the too in that regard.

Correct in that it is not a fair comparison. But you know what I mean (I hope, no pun intended).

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

Honestly, I’ve consistently tried to criticise the plot of TFA, but in my honest opinion its just so intrinsicly right, everything is just, right, for me. I don’t know how to explain it other than for me, it makes perfect sense.

Nobody here, however, is saying it cannot be improved upon with a bit of tinkering…

Literally the only significant problem I can find in the ENTIRE movie, is that the more I think and research, the more it seems like they’ve mirrored episode 4 too much. When LordHaseo said this for example, Rey desperately wants to be reunited with her family and at this point in borders on denial and when she touches Luke’s lighsaber and has her vision she wants no part in it largely because she was terrified of Kylo Ren. I immediately thought of Luke and how at first he too didn’t want to leave, which I had even forgot about. The point being is that this in particular is totally unnecessary. She could have a different but equally valid reason to stay. The thinking here to me is a little closed. And the “it’ll be explained in the later movies” excuse does not hold, it needs to be a movie in its own right (character-wise, plot wise its sound), just like A New Hope was. This was the only other problem I had with the film. It’s probably the poorest if you’re new to the franchise, with the possible exception of Ep 1 or 2.

But other than that, and especially these surging criticisms of the film-making, cinematography, score (say what you want, I adored it), or consistently dull lines? Honestly. It’s just invalid.