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Help: looking for... Special Editions minus controversial/stupid changes?

Earl said:

darthrush said:

I might be one of the few people in this universe who actually likes non purist additions by adywan like the emperors theme on the Death Star or the new music for obi vs Vader.

And by the end of the week, I’ll throw up my edit. I think of it more like a hybrid though, borrowing the best elements of all edits for a seamlessly improved experience like what the recent AOTC Sanded Down edit was.

My main problem with Revisited wasn’t the added music, but the fact that no physical editing to the Darth v Obi fight itself was done. Prowse and Guinness had to work with very fragile props and so the scene suffered from that. It still baffles me to this day Lucas had no motivation to edit the fight in a way that would at least improve the choreography. If I had the software and time, that scene would at the top of my list to fix.

That’s so weird cause when I watched it I swore it was edited for improved choreography also but It’s probably all in my head haha

Help: looking for... Special Editions minus controversial/stupid changes?

I might be one of the few people in this universe who actually likes non purist additions by adywan like the emperors theme on the Death Star or the new music for obi vs Vader.

And by the end of the week, I’ll throw up my edit. I think of it more like a hybrid though, borrowing the best elements of all edits for a seamlessly improved experience like what the recent AOTC Sanded Down edit was.

Help: looking for... Special Editions minus controversial/stupid changes?

Yah. Kk650s color choices are too yellow but I love his choices for what to keep on ESB.

Then for ANH, I do Hal9000’s custom SE.

For Jedi, I like Q2’s the best.

These are simply for semi-specialized but my favorite versions to watch hands down are:

Episode 4- ANH Revisted
Episode 5- DE 2.0/kk650 hybrid
Episode 6- my own fan edit

Harmy's Despecialized Star Wars 1977 - Color Adjustment Project for v2.7 (released)

Concerning colors, I agree with towne mostly. Star Wars 2.5 skin tones felt very off and I love Townes improvements. And empire 2.0, my oh my, has got to be my favorite color wise of harmys current releases. I absolutely love his color choices there. I think his Jedi colors are a bit too green and could use some more blueish cool tone. But obviously everyone else hates that, so I appreciate Jedi 2.5 as it is.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Just saw Civil War. This film was HEAVY so I’ll need to have about 2 or 3 more viewings for a better opinion of the film but here are my intial Non-spoiler thoughts:

-Tony’s early motivations are established very well, filled with emotion.
-Vision/Wanda dynamic is powerful.
-Ant Man is great.
-Spider-Man is Spectacular!
-Black Panther is quite the badass.
-The airport scene does not dissapoint.
-The shift from political to personal motives is incredibly powerful.

So yah, no rating yet, hoping to see this a couple more times.

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

Hal 9000 said:

In case anyone could be prompted to come up with genius ideas, the weak point in my proposal is still Finn’s change of heart and return to Maz’s castle. As it stands, minus FX work, he sees the TIEs approaching, and then we next see him in the basement. Missing is some sort of telegraphing that he wants to head back.

Maybe you could pair his reaction to ties with him saying “it’s the first order” to Han instead of “it was the first order”. You’d have to work with the audio a lot.

Smithers' Prequel Fanedits (a Work In Progress)

Smithers said:

Sorry for not uploading anything for May the Fourth. I ran into a huge technical error and almost lost the entire edit but thanks to some users on the lwks forum, I’m back up and running!

I’m getting ready to upload some samples of Darth Maul’s redubs. The quality of many scenes can be changed with some very well written dialogue from the clone wars show. I’m throwing in as much Maul dialogue as possible, It’ll show that he’s intelligent and strong with the force.

The bit about using the clone wars dialogue to completely redefine the character in episode 3 is so cool! Keep up the good ideas!

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

LuckyGungan2001 said:

Scott109 said:

Dueling with a life-long friend is a more emotionally grueling experience than dueling with a long-lost father with whom you have never had a relationship.

They were friends? It never seemed that way.

In proper Fanedited form they feel like friends. Reducing the banter and whining in episode 2 helps immensely.


Darth Lucas said:

Smithers said:

TV’s Frink said:

Smithers said:

You really have musical timing down! Stay tuned, my music free tracks are coming along, you’ll be able to synchronize it to the original movie so you should be able to just drop it into your edit.

You magnificent bastard.


I may do this for the PT as well if anyone wants me to

Yes. Yes. Yes. Please. I would kiss you if this wasn’t the Internet. You are the answer to an editors prayers.

Forgot to add that this would be a blessing to all Faneditors. I wouldn’t desire OT as much as PT and TFA though. The two films I feel could use a better soundtrack is TFA and AoTC. Thanks again for attempting this!!! As DL said, you would be the answer to every Faneditors prayers 😃


That_OT_Ruler said:

I should’ve mentioned I didn’t put the music in yet for the Han exposition scene. That clip was to show off I removed the “bypassing the compressor” part and Chewie being injured. As for the colors in the finale, I may tone them down a bit, as I was messing around with it, and liked the stylized colors I got.

Your removal of the music is pretty good. Once you rescore the scenes It’ll be unnoticeable. Great Work!

Star Wars Episode III: Labyrinth Of Evil (Released)

Smithers said:

Hal 9000 said:

Happy MT4thBWY Day, or whatever it is. In its honor, I put together a teaser trailer for my PT edits.


Cool! Could we get your color-corrected versions of the other boleyn girl footage? Thanks!

Look no further than Hal’s fan edit care package. It’s pretty awesome materials for fanedits 😃

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

xxtelecine 7xx said:

adywan said:

towne32 said:

It will be sad to lose you.

However, I have definitely been thinking the same thing, lately. Though it’s not related to the specific incident you describe, TFA brought in a huge influx of trolls and bigots. The latter have been especially loud in recent times, as they feel that they are standing up for themselves as the ‘anti-PC’, when 2+ years ago we would have just called them regular assholes (most of us still do). I still really like talking about the technical stuff with everyone here, but there’s no doubt that it’s becoming an increasingly unpleasant place. If I don’t leave, or at least take a break, I’ll probably see myself banned for a response of mine.

That’s partly the reason i need to take a step back away from this site. I’ve got a lot going on at the moment which is causing me a lot of stress. I have some serious financial problems that i can’t see being able to sort out any time soon. Then there is the added pressure of finishing the edit. People have waited way too long for me to finish this and i don’t want to keep disappointing them, especially when its so close to being finished. It is all getting on top of me. Coming here used to be a way for me to de-stress. To have fun and discuss topics with like minded people. But that seems to have gone lately. It’s one big argument after another and not in the fun way. I’m finding that its all just got too much for me and that i have started to find the slightest thing is making me feel angry and aggressive towards certain people. That is not me and i really don’t mean to be that way. The last time i felt this way was when my parents died and i snapped at the slightest thing and fell out with people who really didn’t deserve to be spoken to like i did at the time. If i don’t leave now i could end up saying or doing something i regret. Maybe if i can sort out the problems in my life i can go back to the way i was and not let all the crap happening here get to me so much. But something needed to be done.

But the last thing i want is for people to leave this site just because i’m stepping back. Hopefully the crap will stop. I love this site. i have had many great times here with everyone. A few bad apples wouldn’t usually make me feel the need to leave, but it has become just too much. Jay and all the mods here have always been nothing but fair and i apologise for my recent outburst. Something needed to be said though. But today will be my last day here. At least for the foreseeable future. I’d rather remember this site for all the good times and great people than for the crap thats been going on lately. It has nothing to do with newbies coming to the site, but more about the attitudes. we have had new members coming thoughout my time here and 99% of the time they have been welcomed with open arms. But now it seems like a majority of the latest influx is only here to be assholes. At least, in the past, when someone had gone too far with something they have said, they have apologised and let things move on. Hell, there have been many fallings out yet most seem to be able to be resolved quite quickly and things just moved on. now it seems that its one fight after another that just escalates and never dies. Not the best place for me to be right now.

so, i’m going to step back, finish this bottle of Southern Comfort and prey to vader ( i’m not religious 😉 ) that i can sort this financial shit out sooner rather than later and start feeling myself once again ( and not in an imperialscum doing his taxes sort of way 😉 )


I already am working on some compositing for HAL 9000 for his TFA Cut.

What is Hal9000 gonna be doing for his edit?