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Which version/release of the Star Wars movies do you watch and why?

belgianwacko said:

but as far as i read it, the changes of the SSE version are beneficial and don’t actually change the movie as such besides keeping some of the better (visual) changes ?

I mostly agree. Like others have said, the color grading is a bit too yellow for my taste. And I prefer the completely theatrical mos eisley entrance. Other than that and a few things, I definitely consider many of the SE changes to be very nice. I just go with Adywans revisited since he deletes the worst changes, keeps the best ones, and then improves on those changes and makes countless improvements himself. It is a damn fine fanedit that is the best version of ANH hands down IMO.

Anakin ghost old vs young

On the whole victory celebration vs Yub Nub debate. I absolutely prefer Victory Celebration and that isn’t the “truth”. If you prefer Yub Nub then fine by you. Every opinion is equally valuable and there is none of this “objective truth” shit. We are talking about art here. Concerning why I prefer the 97 ending:

The cities I believe are warranted because in the 97 SE, there is only ONE planet that we haven’t seen but we can come to assume that in the vastness of this galaxy that it is a big city planet of great importance. And I’m looking at this through the eyes of only the OT. If you watch the full saga, this isn’t even an argument.

The other two cities in the 97 SE are a wonderful addition cause we go back to planets that we saw under imperial control, and to see them liberated makes the ending all the more meaningful and cathartic.

Now onto the music…

Yub Nub is a fine piece of folky music but IMHO it is nowhere near a good song to end a saga on. It lacks an emotional punch that I feel Victory Celebration gives. Victory Celebration is a soaring piece of music that has a sense of relief and finality. It is a truly joyous way to end the saga.

There it is. Hopefully more people can understand where I’m coming from.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

imperialscum said:

Lord Haseo said:

imperialscum said:

Lord Haseo said:

From what I’ve heard Looper is a very interesting movie so if anything we should be getting a “radical” film.

What a naive thinking. It will be Disney/LF who will specify what kind of film it will be.

They wouldn’t hire someone like this if they didn’t want to go in an interesting direction. If they really wanted more of the same they would have probably would have went for a more run of the mill director.

I would not call Kasdan “run-of-the-mill” writer either and yet look at how TFA turned out.

I have long speculated that Kasdan primarily wrote the first third of TFA (my favorite section) and that JJ had far more of an input in the rest of the movie. Again, this is backed by nothing other than the fact that I consider Kasdan to be a far superior writer.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

oojason said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

oojason said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

oojason said:

‘Join Rogue One Director Gareth Edwards for a @Reddit AMA on Monday, March 13th at 1:30pm PDT / 4:30 pm EDT’:-




Someone who does Reddit ask him what what version of Star Wars he saw in 4K!

and does a cut of Rogue One before the re-shoots still exist - and does he think it likely it’ll ever get released?

(or can we pop around his place sometime and watch his pre-re-shoot cut of it?)

Do we even know if there’s a complete cut of some alternate story?

I’m guessing there is a cut of the film that was completed (or near-on completed) - before the re-shoots were ordered.


what is the real blue color of the lightsabers cyan or dark blue?

DuracellEnergizer said:

darthrush said:

My favorite shade of blue is the one when we see Luke ignite his fathers light saber for the first time.

Me too.

Of course, I’m thinking of how it looks on the GOUT and VHS – a vibrant cyan. IIRC, the hue is different on other prints of the movie.

Vibrant cyan is a spot on description of what I love most. The darker saturated blue in the prequel trilogy does not appeal as much to me.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

Today I was thinking about how Return of the Jedi could have been written differently for Han to have a better arc and I had an idea which would be to actually see him and Lando begin to reconcile with one another slowly throughout the movie. Lando would help save Han like in the original but Han would still be somewhat salty towards him. They could have an argument scene where it is obvious that Lando wants to make it up to Han. He could consistently start to rebuild his friendship with him throughout the movie. They would be put as co-pilots of the falcon together in the final battle and they would both combine their skills to take down the death star reactor and you could get a really fulfilling moment where we see them truly happy and finally friends again in the moment of victory and pure joy. So then when we see them embrace during the ending celebration it would really hit you even harder on an emotional level.

Too bad that they automatically are friends when we see them back together in the theatrical cut.

What was George Lucas's worst decision with the Star Wars franchise?

suspiciouscoffee said:

dahmage said:

SilverWook said:

That was Koo Stark, who was almost cast as Princess Leia, and was romantically involved with a prince in real life.

Man, soon many hijack popups visiting that site on mobile, not cool. (Not blaming you SilverWook)

Works fine for me on mobile.


Info Wanted: The go to definitive prequel cuts?

ImperialFighter said:

Hal 9000 said:

Fun fact: I’d been drinking when I recorded Episode III’s commentary track, and have heard that same critique of it from a few people.

This just became be a future must-listen for me sometime, as there’s plenty of ROTS moments to drunkenly complain about as far as I’m concerned. 😉

I consider Hal’s drunken state a luxury during his ep.3 commentary. He completely dissects the storytelling flaws of the theatrical cut which make you appreciate the changes even more.

The Place to Go for Emotional Support

Tyrphanax said:

darthrush said:

I had been really into a girl for about a month. We went out a lot of dates and we really liked each other. Eventually she started having some family issues and started getting some really awful depression. I could tell her life was spiraling out of control. She talked to a therapist and decided it is best for her to not have a relationship with anyone right now. The saddest thing is that I completely understand and this is the right thing for her to do but I really liked her a lot. This hurt a lot 😦 I feel really hopeless and depressed

Try to take comfort in the fact that she’s doing what she feels is best for her right now. Respecting her and her choices is a great thing to do, and maybe when she’s feeling better you guys can rekindle something.

Breakups are tough, so just hang in there and try to find some joy in a hobby or school or work or whatever you get up to. Take the time to find yourself a bit.


Best and worst Green Goblin design?

Jeebus said:

ray_afraid said:

Jeebus said:

That Goblin design nearly kills the film for me. Why hide Willem Dafoe behind a Power Rangers mask? It’s also just silly from a story point of view. I dig the movie other than that though.

I just like his portrayal of the character.

I actually like the suit too unlike most people. I surprisingly find it to be somewhat menacing.

Rogue One * <em>Spoilers</em> * Thread

doubleofive said:

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

oojason said:

The video from the ‘How It Should Have Ended’ people for Rogue One:-


That was really bad. I guess because Rogue One was . . . really good.

That was really bad, even for them. “Just shoot them” is really lazy, and they use it multiple times.

I was surprised at how un-funny this video was.

Last movie seen

suspiciouscoffee said:

darthrush said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Arrival (2016)


I cannot tell you how happy I am to read this 😃 It truly is a great film. My second favorite of 2016.

IMO, It is as close to a perfect movie as I’ve seen released in recent years. After thinking about it all night, I can only think of one very, very minor problem I had.

Spoilers I guess

The brief shot where she hallucinates the heptapod being in the room with her was a bit wonky.

Agreed. It shows how good it is though since that is the one gripe you can think of LOL 😉

Han - Solo Movie ** Spoilers **

Judge said:

I’m a bit worried about this movie for a number of reasons. Actually, worried is the wrong word. I’m far too jaded about Star Wars to worry about anything these days.

For one, I get the feeling that this film will totally ruin Han’s arc in ANH. He goes from “cynical smuggler who cares only about himself” to “rogue who sacrifices his own interests to save his friends” in the course of the film. That’s his character. If they try and make Han out to be a good guy in the standalone movie (which they will; this is Disney we’re talking about here) it will spoil his character progression. This will make his whole subplot in ANH completely pointless.

Secondly, Emilia Clarke. I am not being at all hyperbolic when I say she is the worst actress who has ever lived. Obviously it doesn’t help that her character on Game of Thrones is very boring and poorly written, but she manages to somehow make Daenerys even worse through her portrayal. Her delivery of the dialogue is just cringeworthy (e.g. “WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS?!”) - I’m predicting she will give Hayden a run for his money as the most wooden and monotonous portrayal of a character in a Star Wars movie.

Moreover I’m sure this movie will continue with Disney’s trend of shoving in as much yawn-inducing, eye-roll worthy fanservice as they possibly can. Anyone wanna throw out any guesses of what this might include? I’m gonna say Lando will lose the Falcon to Han and say something like “promise me she won’t get a scratch”, then look directly at the camera.

I do share your concerns of his arc being ruined. Yet another reason why this was a poor idea for a stand alone in my opinion.

What was George Lucas's worst decision with the Star Wars franchise?

TV’s Frink said:

Lord Haseo said:

Not watching the OT before writing the PT.

Lol, true, but I think his worst decision with the PT was not letting someone else direct it. He’s a big picture story guy, but he’s no good with actors or dialogue.

This is absolutely spot on. To this day I will defend that the general story of the prequels is really strong but the execution was so awful. If he chose skilled directors then I think the prequel trilogy would have been loads better.