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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Mrebo said:

Trump will eventually leave office. Trump is trying to solve the illegal immigration issue. Is there a better way? What is it?

hah, really? The better way is what were were doing for the past several years before Sessions announced that they were going to separate families as a ‘deterrent’ (which past experience shows probably isn’t effective). Basically, use discretion and try not to separate families.

Look, laws exist and need to be followed, but there is ALWAYS discretion involved in how we enforce laws. and choosing to be a maximum power asshole about prosecution to the fullest extent of the law (And then throwing up your hands and saying ‘my hands are tied!’) isn’t the way to do anything.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Mrebo said:

dahmage, you say that Obama wasn’t in love with enforcing immigration law but Trump is.

not exactly, i said Obama wasn’t in love with the way he was enforcing immigration law (in this specific instance we are talking about family detention centers). Trump is in love with the way he is enforcing it.

both of them were engaged in bad policy (family detention in this specific instance), as Jay said, but they were NOT both equal because Obama didn’t love it, and Trump does. and Trump is doing it way more.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

So yesterday the “man in the oval office” decided he could do something after saying he couldn’t do something. Executive order: https://www.npr.org/2018/06/20/622095441/trump-executive-order-on-family-separation-what-it-does-and-doesnt-do

but despite that i am sure Trump and cronies will laud this as a good thing, and blame any resistance to it as more of what some admins around here call “Democrats’ intellectual dishonesty”, this is a bad thing.

Pennsylvania has had a family detention center for a long time, and it is a TERRIBLE thing. We have been trying to get it closed for years: http://paimmigrant.org/campaign-to-shut-down-berks/

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Jay said:


It was bad policy when Obama and the Democrats supported it and it’s bad policy now, but it’s a travesty now because the media tells you it is and there are elections in a few months.

Jay, i can see some differences:

  1. as you like to remind us (and pretend you are the only one who realizes), Governing involves hard choices. Presidents can’t make everything ‘good’.
  2. It sure seems like Obama wasn’t in love with what he was doing. Trump on the other hand is.

do you see the difference?

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Jay said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Seperations are new.

This is incorrect. They’ve increased, but if you look at pics from prior administrations, there are kids being held without their parents present. It’s unlikely we’ll ever have accurate numbers for how many.

It’s bad policy all around regardless.

Dahmaged angry this post

And here we are again with the ‘Trump is just like everybody else’

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

chyron8472 said:

Jay said:

chyron8472 said:

Jay said:

he’s applying the same rules as previous administrations is disingenuous.

I’m going to have to say “citation needed” on this.

I’m not getting into the back-and-forth article posting that often passes for debate in this thread. You can read up on it if you care to.

So what you’re saying is you prefer to make uncited claims and have the people in the conversation go research your possible sources themselves before they validate what you said.

…How is that better than citing your source when making your argument?
Not sure I could have gotten away with that in school, with a Works Cited page that says “Go look it up yourself.”

Dahmaged liked this post

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

SilverWook said:

I’m uneasy with seeing kids in what looks like a scene out of some apocalyptic tale, (I’m sure Walmart is thrilled one of their former locations is associated with this) and repulsed by people throwing out bible verses as a defense of their policy. No matter who did it before, it’s on Trumpy’s watch now. Guess he finally found an Obama legacy he doesn’t want to undo?

And that Fox news minion who made the summer camp comparison is either delusional or a first class witch, spelled with a b.

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Star Wars Episode VII, VIII, IX George Lucas original story outline, scripts, treatments or his ideas

MalàStrana said:

TV’s Frink said:

MalàStrana said:

It’s important because on the Solo thread Jason made it impossible to talk about the movie with the perspective of the way it was produced by Kennedy (next step: we won’t talk about the screenwriter or the director of a movie because it’s not relevant ?You know, directors and screenwriter don’t take every single decision on a movie either…). I think it’s good to clear that.

That’s a question for Jason…although I think it’s a very silly question.

Frink, I know you want badly to give your opinion about anytthing going on, but you’re missing the target so much that I won’t waste time replying to you on this matter.

why be so selective about how you choose to waste your time?