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(Help) Making a custom box set for Harmy's Despecialized Edition trilogy

I’ve been toying with the idea of making another Box set based off the Lord Of The Rings Set. The Box would open like a book.


Open left

Then open right to access the DVD. This set you have to slide out the Blu rays. But I think I would figure some other way.

Currently this is where I’m At with my Box set. Working on the Outer Shell. Doesn’t look like much, but just have to cover it.

Box 1
Box 2
Problem I’ve found is that the edges of the inner box were wearing out(the black), so I sprayed a protective coating, but this made it a little snug, so now I’m thinking of cutting 2 small half circles on either side of outer box, so you can grab the inner box and pull.

If you DIY, take your time, measure, measure, measure.

If it’s not one thing it’s another!

(Help) Making a custom box set for Harmy's Despecialized Edition trilogy

I’ve been working on my Box set for a month now, making changes etc. Currently I have the discs fitting into a box, that Slides into another box. Should have gone with a Book style, like the LOTR set.

Also, in retrospect, I think an even better idea would be to go to a pawn shop & look for a cheap used boxset & just reface it.

Blu-Ray and other HD box size STAR WARS covers

I just have to say I am truly awed by the work in this thread as well as other threads in this forum. It has also lead me to devianart, which also contains some fantastic stuff! I had no idea there was such a devotion to Star Wars covers.

While I love everyone’s work, I somehow feel guilty asking or using them. Instead you all have inspired me to work on creating my own using Photoshop, like I have never used it before! There is definitely a great sense of accomplishment creating your own, personal work vs using someone else’s. NOT that there is anything wrong with that. Some may not have the talent (like me) or the software.

That being said everyone’s work is art that deserves to hang on any Star Wars fan’s wall!

Kudos to everyone

Inside Covers & Inserts

Yes, I have a .txt file and a .doc file of the Despecialized version, but what’s the best way to “share” it?

Basically from Chapter 1-23 are the same as what chapterdb.com has, however Chapters 24 & 25 are the “blended” so I called both of them “The Mellenium Falcon”. From there Chapter 26) Alderaan’s Fate, 27) Lightsaber Training, etc.

Chapter 44/43 depending on how you look @ it(from a different point of view) is NOT Luke & Biggs but Luke & Leia. Then all the same to Ch 50) End titles.

Clear as mud?

Searching ...

Yes the ability to do a basic search of the posts topics/subjects would be great. That way I don’t have to start a new topic or scroll through 125 pages of reply’s to see if anyone has already discussed it.

ie) What to know if anyone has anything to say about the Despecialized Chapters list

Inside Covers & Inserts

Okay I’ve skimmed thru A New Hope & chapters seem to match up with the links oojason provided but a few Changes. I don’t know how to upload a .txt file & certainly don’t want to list 50 Chapter titles here!

I did notice that chapters 24 & 25 blend together? Ch 24 is like 5 secs long? Both Chapters deal with the Millennium Falcon, when Ben & Luke are walking to it. I guess since I never watched the movie with the Chapter Number displayed, never saw this.

I would love to provide the chapter list for A New Hope Despecialized v2.5, but not sure best way to do it? My Photobucket account only supports image files.

Inside Covers & Inserts

Well I have a .txt that lists the chapters for all 3 films, but it’s from the Special Edition’s and Blu-rays, so I know it’s NOT 100% correct (one chapter from A New Hope Jabba The Hutt). So your right, I’m going to have to skip thru and confirm them.

I like your idea of using the Light sabres, good use of continuity throughout the trilogy. I decided to use images from from the beginning & end of each film. So far I’ve done A new Hope insert, but the chapters may not be right.

insert 1!

Blu-Ray and other HD box size STAR WARS covers

-No I used a Color photocopier, only because I had to print onto 11x17 paper
-I used cardstock
-Didn’t back it with anything, but in retrospect, I could have made the box using construction paper or even a cereal box, then glue the heavier cardboard to that.
-I don’t think Staples can print on a heavy cardstock as it doesn’t have enough bend to go thru the copier. There are some heavier paper that can work, but not cardstock.

X-acto blade
Packing tape
Rubber Cement
Wax Paper

-Basically, I started by creating a template using an existing 3 dvd Bourne boxset. This boxset was made of cardstock equal in thickness to a cereal box. This would create a single piece that would be folded to form the box and the wrapping. But since I, wanted a “beefier” box I used a heavier Cardstock.


-Based on this template, I overlaid all the images. Using Photoshop.
-I printed out the template & traced over the cardstock & also made some cut lines for the folds. Unfortunately the cardstock was too thick to make a decent box. The shape was off.


This would have worked with thinner paper.

-The next attempt was to measure the Front/Back/Top/Bottom of the Boxset.
-Cut out all the panels using the thicker cardstock. Assemble the box, taping the corners.
-Decide how you want to wrap the box. I chose to do it with 2 pieces.
-One piece to cover the Front/Top/Back
-One piece to cover the Spine/Bottom.
-Based on this I created a template using the measurements to accomplish this.
-Glue the printed sides to the box. I suggest using Rubber Cement. And use it the correct way! Wax Paper is the KEY. Wax paper will NOT stick to dry Rubber Cement.
-Work on one side @ a time.
-Put RC on both sides, BOX & WRAP, let it dry.
-Put a couple of pieces wax paper between the two, line up the image on the Box, slowly pull out one piece of Wax paper.
-Once secure, pull out the other piece. At the very least try having some wax paper on hand to keep the two separated. Once the two dry sections touch, they’re glued!

Good luck!

Blu-Ray and other HD box size STAR WARS covers

I just completed my own covers of Harmy’s three Despecialized films, plus a Box Set. And I was pretty happy with the results…that was until I saw FrankT’s work & phildesfr’s work! Well done! Fantastic work. A nod to the old with recognition to the New, Despecialized versions.

I joined this Forum just to post this comment. Your work sir/madam? is amazing!