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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

imperialscum said:

Wexter said:

imperialscum said:

Wexter said:
Incredible. You’d really make a brilliant screenwriter.

Indeed. At least compared to ZkinandBonez whose writing principle would be “I will only make this thing for the sake of plot”.

Yeah, plot is always the stoopidest parts of a movie. I am guessing you prefer to go by “I will make this thing because I said so. Trust me, I’m an engineer.”

No I would go by “I will make this as it is required by plot but I will make it logical”.

Then ZkinandBonez said it best. Logic has always played a second fiddle at best in Star Wars. The same goes for “originality”. Those are not the elements that make a great Star Wars movie, unless you consider most of the OT utterly terrible.

The problem is that some people are willing to cut the OT much bigger slack that they are willing to do for TFA. In that case any discussion is pointless.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

imperialscum said:

Wexter said:
Incredible. You’d really make a brilliant screenwriter.

Indeed. At least compared to ZkinandBonez whose writing principle would be “I will only make this thing for the sake of plot”.

Yeah, plot is always the stoopidest parts of a movie. I am guessing you prefer to go by “I will make this thing because I said so. Trust me, I’m an engineer.”

&quot;Star Wars Fans Petition For George Lucas To Come Back And Direct Episode IX&quot; Discussion

imperialscum said:

Taking a few story concepts, such as uptight princess rescue element really isn’t much of a Kurosawa rip-off. It is pretty much an element found in ever third fairytale.

True. But the original SW jumped entire lines of dialogue and pretty much borrowed some characters from The Hidden Fortres, most notably the two droids who are an obvious copy of the two peasants in the original.

Character such as Vader and Tarkin in my opinion relatively very unique. Not to mention all the other relatively unique stuff and concepts such as death star, the force, lightsabres, spaceship designs, stormtroopers designs, creatures, etc. I said “relatively” because one way or another you can find something similar somewhere and start a petty argument.

You bet I could. It would be quite easy, really 😃

On the other hand, TFA directly copied stuff. They didn’t bother to come up with new designs/concepts. We still have the same TIE fighters, X-wings, stormtroopers, etc. We have a bad copy of death star. We have family member plot twist. Etc.

Oh but there is a lot of new designs. All the ships evolved for example. It is a huge flaw of the prequels that we don’t really see predecessors of the OT machinery. Instead there is a completely different set of designs altogether, that looks slicker than the vehicles that are supposed to be 20 years newer. Some nice creatures and sets as well.

I am not fond of the Starkiller, that really makes it feel almost as if they had a checklist of classic OT stuff that they needed to cram into this single film. On the other hand the familly subplot (wouldn’t call it “twist”) seemed quite well done to me and I am sure it will be fleshed out more in the next film.

&quot;Star Wars Fans Petition For George Lucas To Come Back And Direct Episode IX&quot; Discussion

imperialscum said:

Wexter said:

I think I would be fine with the TFA scenario: let George write whatever he wants, ditch it and write something completely different. Is there a petition for that?

Well it might just be better than what it would be ditched for. I can’t help myself but to think that at least Lucas’ outline for TFA was light-years more original than what we got.

Since when do we like our Star Wars original? Star Wars has always been pretty derivative. When it didn’t have the previous instalments to rip off, it ripped off Kurosawa and Flash Gordon. It was always the execution that was important. I agree that TFA may be borrowing a little too much from the previous films, but I appreciate that it does so really well. I read one review complimenting the cast and crew on taking a shitty premise and turning it into a pretty fun movie. And I kind of see that point. With GL you could at best have an alright premise turned into an utter embarasement.

&quot;Star Wars Fans Petition For George Lucas To Come Back And Direct Episode IX&quot; Discussion

pat man said:

He states that he doesn’t have a problem with Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World) as a director, he just feels that he’s not the right person too direct a Star Wars movie.

I have no idea who is or is not the right person to direct Star Wars or pretty much anything else. But it sure as hell ain’t George Lucas.

Supreme Leader Snoke: Origins

joefavs said:

Wexter said:

I think Snoke is either this guy (although I don’t watch the Rebels show, so maybe it’s completely impossible, dunno) or Darth Plagueis (using mainly the OST as evidence).

That guy got killed dead in the season 1 finale. Killed real dead.

OK, so Plagueis it is. Apparentely when Andy Serkis was asked why Snoke needed to be CGI, he said it was because they needed him to have a hollow face. Now we know the character design was only finished quite late in the production, but the hole in his face was firmly set. So it is probably really important for the story. Perhaps Plagueis has been this deformed since his apprentice killed him in his sleep by breaking his face…

Supreme Leader Snoke: Origins

I think Snoke is either this guy (although I don’t watch the Rebels show, so maybe it’s completely impossible, dunno) or Darth Plagueis (using mainly the OST as evidence).

However, since I am not a big fan of the character so far (the name, the design, the role,…) I would love it if Snoke was in fact an illusion created by someone to manipulate the First Order to do the dirty work. There are already rumours that Benicio Del Torro could be playing a Thrawn-like character, so maybe he could be the one pulling the strings? It is very unlikely they would go this route, but it would make for a great twist while fixing one of TFA’s biggest drawbacks.

HAN SOLO: The Redemption That Saved The Galaxy

SpilkaBilka said:


Han was never cold-blooded and firing on Greedo first doesn’t make him cold-blooded either. It was self-defense. Greedo was pointing a gun at him and essentially said, “I’m going to kill you.”


When you’re looking down the barrel of somebody’s gun, you have to use any means necessary to get out of that situation with your life. How was this ever even a controversy?

If anything makes Han even remotely cold-blooded, it would be his cynical remark towards the bartender. But the act itself would be perfectly alright in most civilized countries. He’d probably only have to visit a space-police station to fill out a report, but I guess that is a Special Edition addition we will never see…

Ranking the Star Wars films

joefavs said:

  1. The Empire Strikes Back
  2. Star Wars/A New Hope
  3. The Force Awakens
  4. Return of the Jedi
  5. The Phantom Menace
  6. Revenge of the Sith
  7. Attack of the Clones

Of course, I haven’t lived with TFA nearly long enough to be sure about its placement yet, but (as I’ve said elsewhere) I think that for all its faults, its spark and vitality give it an edge over ROTJ. And ROTS and AOTC are so close that the distinction is pretty meaningless, except AOTC had the droid factory scene and subsequent 3PO/battle droid mashup debacle (which I consider to be the point when GL completely abandoned all pretense of even trying to make proper Star Wars movies), so it gets the bottom slot officially.


The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

TV’s Frink said:

Wexter said:

Alderaan said:

I already told you.

  1. You can go back and make Kylo’s character weak, and have him masquerade and pretend to be stronger than he really is, and that’s fine. Rey can beat him that way because he’s just a wannabe.

  2. You can make Kylo’s character strong, but then Rey can’t beat him at the end because she’s not strong enough herself. She needs to be saved somehow.

  3. You can make the story self-contained, and have Rey’s character grow in a believable manner, to the point she is strong enough to beat an already strong Kylo at the end of the movie.

The original Star Wars was a combination of #2 and #3. Our perception of Luke’s strength and abilities grew over the course of the film, to the point where he was able to pilot his X-wing down the trench and fire the shot that blew up the Death Star. But he was also saved by Han, otherwise Vader would have killed him.

What you cannot do is have an inconsistent story and ending. You can’t have Kylo be a badass, and Rey is untrained, and then she wins at the end for no reason other than someone decided “welp, it would be better if the good guys win”. The good guys winning is fine, but you have to go back and do the hard work in the other 90% of the story to make it believable. You need Story A to go with ending A. You can’t put story B and Ending A together and make it work.

I don’t see it as inconsistent and I am probably going to leave this discussion, as it is not getting anywhere and you seem to be ignoring my two main points:

  1. The ability to do cool magic tricks don’t necessarily mean the character is really all that powerful fighter.
  2. Even a powerful fighter can be defeated after he takes an arrow to the knee.


I think I have found my new signature 😃

What didn't you like about TFA? <em>SPOILERS</em>

SilverWook said:

Wexter said:

SilverWook said:

Interesting idea, but I can’t recall any indication in the script or the novel that Artoo was piloting the pod.

Don’t know about the script or the novel, but this was established in the radio drama. It actually does a good job at evading some of the plot problems (another being R2 sabotaging Skippy on the sandcrawler), while possibly introducing others.

Brian Daley really thought out all the angles. 😃

Absolutely! The guy was a genius. Probably a much better writer that Lucas. On the other hand he did have seven hours to tell the story, while Lucas only had two. 😃

The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS **

Alderaan said:

I already told you.

  1. You can go back and make Kylo’s character weak, and have him masquerade and pretend to be stronger than he really is, and that’s fine. Rey can beat him that way because he’s just a wannabe.

  2. You can make Kylo’s character strong, but then Rey can’t beat him at the end because she’s not strong enough herself. She needs to be saved somehow.

  3. You can make the story self-contained, and have Rey’s character grow in a believable manner, to the point she is strong enough to beat an already strong Kylo at the end of the movie.

The original Star Wars was a combination of #2 and #3. Our perception of Luke’s strength and abilities grew over the course of the film, to the point where he was able to pilot his X-wing down the trench and fire the shot that blew up the Death Star. But he was also saved by Han, otherwise Vader would have killed him.

What you cannot do is have an inconsistent story and ending. You can’t have Kylo be a badass, and Rey is untrained, and then she wins at the end for no reason other than someone decided “welp, it would be better if the good guys win”. The good guys winning is fine, but you have to go back and do the hard work in the other 90% of the story to make it believable. You need Story A to go with ending A. You can’t put story B and Ending A together and make it work.

I don’t see it as inconsistent and I am probably going to leave this discussion, as it is not getting anywhere and you seem to be ignoring my two main points:

  1. The ability to do cool magic tricks don’t necessarily mean the character is really all that powerful fighter.
  2. Even a powerful fighter can be defeated after he takes an arrow to the knee.
What didn't you like about TFA? <em>SPOILERS</em>

Lord Haseo said:

Wexter said:

SilverWook said:

Interesting idea, but I can’t recall any indication in the script or the novel that Artoo was piloting the pod.

Don’t know about the script or the novel

The Script has no mention of R2 piloting the Escape Pod. That Smoking Lizard’s rationalization.

I know, I just wanted to share this bit of information to show that SL didn’t possibly make that rationalization up by himself.