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Ranking the Star Wars films

StarkillerAG said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

It’s nice to see a TLJ hater who doesn’t blow things out of proportion, personally attack Kathleen Kennedy or start namecalling the director. Lots of people, including one on this site, could learn from you. Then again, you’re new, so for all I know it could rapidly degenerate, but so far so good.

It won’t, I promise. I don’t blame Kathleen, Rian, or any one person for “ruining” the movie. I have the same opinion about people who blame Lucas for “ruining” the prequels. He made the franchise you love, show a little respect.

I do blame both of them:

  • Kathleen for not better managing the new sequel trilogy and franchise overall, not having a cohesive plan for the movies in making them actually work as a proper trilogy or tie in respectfully to the existing saga.

  • Rian for using the first draft of his script (while tossing out JJ’s story treatments for 8 and 9) and purposefully making a movie that would make half the audience love it and the other half hate it (ie. if not purposefully then unwittingly dividing the fanbase). The messages, tone and body language I get from him when dealing with the fans and original cast (such as Mark Hamill) is that of dismissive entitlement and a man on a ego ride because he’s been allowed to make a STAR WARS movie. He didn’t care what happened in TFA apart from carrying over the characters in name and simply pursued his own vision and ideas (ie. essentially a fan fiction on the level of some of the wackier EU books) regardless of how well it meshed with the pre-existing story , openly mocking fans (“Your Snoke theory sucks”) for simply theorising on events and questions setup by TFA, to which his answer was effectively “nothing”. He didn’t ruin the movie, he made a bad movie that significantly lowered the quality of the one that came before, character assassinated one of the biggest and most popular characters from the OT and in pop culture and threw insults at fans who dared criticise the mess he made.

In regards to Lucas:

  • He didn’t “ruin” the PT but he did have some odd ideas and creative decisions that resulted in a lot of cheese and cringe. Thankfully the efforts of many fan editors really help to make the awesome parts of these movies shine and become pretty enjoyable again for adult viewing.

  • He HAS ruined the OT in many of the retrospective changes made that not only change elements of the story but also undermine, diminish or outright replace the original ground breaking effects and work of people that worked on the movies and got them nominated for multiple awards. All of that would of course not be anywhere near so bad if the OUT was readily available but he has made it his mission to revise history instead and try to make the original masterpieces disappear from existence and memory. It is mainly for this reason that despite the respect I have for him as the creator and creative genius of the OT (of which I love the movies, not the franchise) that I personally find it very hard at times to still view him in a positive light.

Just because he created Star Wars does not absolve him from any and all criticism, especially if I consider him to have butchered and vandalised his own creation which I grew up with and came to love over many years. It would be akin to a artist coming back to one of their world famous paintings that’s been around for 20 years and graffiti tagging it with a spray can because they felt like it. Sure it’s within their rights to do so but you have to expect a lot of people to be upset about it and at some stage such a work becomes so culturally significant that it should be considered part of the public domain and preserved. That doesn’t even get into the height of hypocrisy shown by George in light of him standing in front of Congress in 1988 citing the very issue of preserving culturally significant films.


Thoughts on Star Wars Titles

John_ said:

I honestly don’t have a problem with the title for any Star Wars movie.


I also think they are all fitting and tie in well to what happens in the movie, at least for the OT and PT. The ST titles are not as obvious or entwined in the events of the movies they belong to:

The Phantom Menace
The events at Naboo happen and are resolved but you can feel there is some darker, menacing force at work behind the machinations that brought about the Naboo conflict and one wonders to what end (pretty easy to join the dots though if you’re older than 10 and have seen the OT 😉 ).

Attack of the Clones
A clone army attacks an army of droids (essentially clones as well) and thus begins the Clone Wars.

Revenge of the Sith
The Republic is under the control of a Sith Lord who executes order 66, wiping out the Jedi and the Jedi Order, claiming revenge on the Jedi and fulfilling the pre-shadowing by Darth Maul in TPM.

A New Hope
From the despair and dark times of the Empire’s reign springs fresh new hope in the form of Luke Skywalker. The Rebellion strike a major blow to the Empire and a new hope for the galaxy itself is ignited.

The Empire Strikes Back
After losing the Death Star and nearly Darth Vader himself, Vader and the Empire turn their full focus on hunting down the Rebels. Many losses are experienced by the Rebels as a result while they escape / flee, ending up a fleet adrift in space without a home, all our heroes take bit knocks and the flame of hope is nearly blown out by the end of the Empire’s retaliation against them.

Return of the Jedi
Luke returns as a Jedi in mind and skill and having constructed his own lightsaber (something of a right of passage to becoming a Jedi I believe - apart from needing one anyway 😉 ). He brings his father back to the light, returning the ex-Jedi to the Jedi way and therefore can become a force ghost. Their’s and the Rebel’s triumph over the Empire will also usher in a new Jedi order led by Luke and potentially Leia.

The Force Awakens
Rey learns that the Force is not a myth and finds it awakening in her as a result of the events she gets drawn into. It’s not really clear past this how the Force awakens, I mean you’ve still got Kylo, Snoke, Leia and Luke out there as Force users (though TLJ retcons that Luke has cut himself off from it). You could possibly attribute it to the Force re-awakening in the fandom as a result of this being the first new movie 13 years after ROTS.

The Last Jedi
Luke is the last Jedi with Rey potentially being the new last Jedi in XI after Luke dies (and therefore not the last Jedi as he says to Kylo). I can’t attribute the title to saying anything about Rey since I cannot consider her a Jedi after her not believing the Force was even real a week earlier…

OutboundFlight, please note that it was not intentional to copy your style of reply. I actually started writing this a couple of weeks ago when the thread first popped into existence but have only gotten round to finishing it now 😛


Star Wars <strong>Fan Films</strong> / Shorts - a general discussion thread

Thought it was pretty good in many aspects and a very commendable effort considering it’s a self funded fan film. The opening action was pretty good and the Emperor’s voice was almost spot on in this initial scene, Vader’s voice was pretty good as well. Both started to degrade in quality and believability when they later get into essentially an extended conversation which I think was a mistake as it quickly shows up the noticeable differences in voice and how one would expect each of them to say something (plus the both of them are never THAT chatty in any of the films).

The Emperor’s throne room also was a bit too simple, needing more greebles or dynamics in the design as it just looks like a plain room with some wall light scones and a window which is far too small. It needed probably a number of larger windows in which to help indicate the scale and bring the exterior inside more to help tie it all together.

Young Anakin and Padme were also pretty cringe but other than those few things it was pretty well done. It definitely felt like Star Wars and drew me in more than TLJ did, so on that alone it succeeds as a film (with a 100k budget though I think close to 200k was used in the end).


4k77 - shot by shot color grading (a WIP)

DrDre said:

Valheru_84 said:

Now that you mention it Catbus there does seem to be a noticeable shift to an overall pink tone felt in the images and you can see the white cloth Han is holding in that same shot has a slightly pink hue to it.

Overall the samples look great even though there is a subtle but noticeable pink cast to it all.


I don’t see any pink cast in the other frames, but the pink in the docking bay shot stems from the bluray:

Maybe it’s just my eyes playing tricks on me after staring at the frame mentioned by Catbus, probably not helped by some magenta in the window glare behind Obiwan’s head, and a magenta-ish section of the paneling to the right of Motti’s head and therefore I assumed it was affecting all the frames:

In your corrected frame Han’s cloth now looks white but Luke’s collar still seems pinkish, maybe it was just the lighting on set that day with the collar reflecting some pink light?


NJVC Custom Blu-ray Set of Harmy’s Despecialized Editions now available on Mega

Just popping in to say that you’re doing an awesome job Solkap in keeping this going and helping out those that have any trouble.

It’s great to see this amazing set getting out there freely as intended and hopefully helping to spread the word about it and other projects being freely available (instead of wrongly buying them from profiteers) and continuing to spread awareness on the issue of there being no official OUT.



I agree that the altered Sarlacc in the SE wasn’t all that intimidating, definitely more laughable with it’s obvious CGI beak.

For me though the original Sarlacc always did the trick just fine in seeing that gaping maw with backwards facing teeth that acted as barbs and tendrils trying to grab hold of anything that happened to tumble in. Though it was never the look of the beast that invoked fear and dread, it was the thought of accidentally walking over the edge of the pit (or worse, being directly thrown into the gaping maw by Jabba’s henchmen) and falling down the steep and unstable sides, sand giving way as you helplessly try to scramble from some kind of hold and slip literally into the dark stomach of a beast to eventually die as it begins digesting your body.

It was the thought of that ending as you looked into the bottom of the pit that was always more frightening that the little bit of the actual beast you get to see and the massive burp it makes as it swallows you whole. Much like how a black hole isn’t fearful to look at but the thought of the fate that awaited you if you fell into it was. The SE alterations definitely took away from this effect, almost becoming comical. In the case of the Sarlacc, less was always more.

Looking into some of the additional lore makes it even more of a undesirable end, apparently it would introduce neurotoxins into your body that would immobilise you while keeping you conscious and in constant pain. It’s even noted that some believe it absorbs it’s victim’s consciousness and is how it can inflict torment for millennia, much like C3PO alludes to in ROTJ.



Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

It continually amazes me how often the OT is shit on in defence of TLJ and people attempt to normalise the criticism of TLJ by trying to draw parallels with audience reactions to TESB.

Star Wars and its fandom is where it’s at because of TLJ, the ST at large and the powers that be handling of the situation. Nothing that came before has anything to do with the current predicament.


Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

SilverWook said:

Valheru_84 said:

SilverWook said:

Valheru_84 said:

DrDre said:

rodneyfaile said:

Han Solo, General Leia, and Master Skywalker are not losers.

Han went from a hero and General in the Rebellion, and being ready for a committed relationship with Leia to going back to smuggling, abandoning his wife and son, and then got stabbed go death by his son in a last ditch effort to save him. Luke went from being the last Jedi, who redeemed his father to falling from his faith completely, just wanting to die, abandoning his family, friends, and the galaxy as a whole, only to die from Force exhaustion in a last ditch effort to save the handful of remaining rebels. Leia went from being one of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance and of the New Republic, while starting a family to being a general of a band of rebels that can fit in the Millenium Falcon having lost her husband and son. In the context of where they were at the end of the OT, each of the big three lost in a major way, and worst of all after building a powerful friendship over the course of three films would not share a single scene together in the new trilogy with Luke only becoming aware of the death of his best friend after the fact.

Hi Dre,

Just thought I’d say that you’re still doing a great job in representing those that found TLJ to be an abhorrent (or at the very least distasteful) addition to the Star Wars saga and continuing to shine light on all the reasons it is by far the worst Star Wars movie to date if only due to the damage it has done to the Star Wars fandom and the franchise itself. You’ve got my full support in standing up for our perspective and I wish I could be half as involved in discussing it as you are but currently I just can’t be bothered (nor have the time) to get entrenched again in arguments about TLJ and Disney/Lucasfilm reactions to the criticism.

Just didn’t want you to think you are alone in your views on TLJ that you always so accurately and thoroughly express 😃


TLJ didn’t damage the fandom, that was self-inflicted.

Sorry but I strongly disagree. You only have to go actively looking for it and you will see the fallout everywhere. But that’s still a matter of opinion which we can courteously agree to disagree on.

The damage to my own enjoyment of Star Wars was certainly not self-inflicted, it was an adverse reaction to what I had to experience as a new official episode to a saga that up to that point I had loved every episode of (even the PT though my adult enjoyment of them are greatly enhanced now by fan edits).

I am a Star Wars fan through and through which makes me part of the fandom. To say all my grievances and issues with TLJ are self-inflicted is pretty nasty.


You don’t think there were some who overreacted a tad? Demonizing the director, harassing a certain actress online? Epic length youtube video rants on why the movie sucks? I’m surprised nobody made a bonfire of all their action figures and toys and posted the video.

Only replying to this one since it’s still an open matter directly involving me.

Of course there are those that massively overreacted, took things out of context and used it for ulterior motives. Demonising the director or harassing any actor or actress for their god awful character is clearly not on. These are all part of a fringe extreme minority of fans that do a massive disservice to the fandom and those that have legitimate and reasonable criticisms with the movie. When I talk about the aspect of the fandom that is damaged, I refer to many other people who feel the same as me to either the same extent or differing levels. People that are so disinterested in any future Star Wars because of TLJ and numerous other contributing factors that the franchise might as well be in hibernation again until someone else picks up the mantel to have another crack at making good Star Wars movies.

As to the epic length youtube videos…if they’re just an unbalanced frothing at the mouth rant, yeah not needed. I greatly enjoyed Mauler’s 5hr analysis series though of TLJ (which one might consider a rant if you’re of the view there’s nothing wrong with TLJ), much like one might enjoy RLM Plinkett analytical reviews of the PT. They’re cathartic in a way because they’re talking and delving into topics you are already in at least partial agreement on and can offer up a good laugh. You always take them with a grain of salt as well though. Mauler’s “unbridled rage” videos are definitely more on the rant side but good value for just blowing off some steam without having to say it all yourself and good for a laugh as well at the sheer outrage on display.

There is of course again a line when you watch this type of content for various reasons where on one side you’re enjoying some like minded discourse on everything you feel is wrong with the movie and then there’s taking it as gospel that it shows Rian and Kathleen are evil and deserve to die (that’s the extreme minority rearing its head again).

SilverWook said:
Grievances and issues are fine, when they are expressed in a mature intelligent way. There’s been too many people screaming bloody murder over a movie they didn’t like.

You’re not wrong, though the amount of people screaming bloody murder is not as many as their volume would lead you to believe.

SilverWook said:
And I’m speaking as an original old school since 1977 fan here. Even if I thought TLJ was the worst film since Beast of Yucca Flats, it would not affect my love of Star Wars very much, if at all.

And I was born in 1984 and grew up on countless viewings of the OT and even though I couldn’t attend the actual screenings I consider myself an original old school fan as the OUT will always be my one and only true Star Wars that I will always love and treasure my memories of growing up with.

When I say TLJ damaged the fandom and the franchise, I am not referring to it damaging my love of the OT or in general to what I still enjoy about Star Wars but it has killed any interest in Ep9 and has damaged my enjoyment of Star Wars in a broader sense. I refer to the actual fandom as a whole and the franchise’s continued success and status as one of the most iconic movie franchises of all time. TLJ, the drama, politics and issues surrounding it are seriously tarnishing that status in my view, to the point that it will only continue on as a success in mass marketing and the special magic that permeated it will have long since vanished, to be remembered only in it’s “golden age”. It will and has already become another victim of the Hollywood machine that is rebooting, restarting and remaking everything in sight ad nauseam. Despite people claiming TLJ went in new and different directions, it is really no more than a mish-mash of TESB and ROTJ and heavily relies on the OT characters to draw people in to watch these movies. TLJ tells us “forget the past, kill it if you have to” yet banks on the OT at every chance it can as a safety net because itself doesn’t trust in the story and new characters being able to make the money they want back from their investment.

Anyway, getting a bit side tracked here. Essentially I feel your gross generalisation of the fandom that was negatively affected by this movie to be pretty distasteful and I felt personally insulted by it since in it’s broad stroke it includes me and other people that are genuinely upset about many of the decisions made by RJ in TLJ. Not trying to kick up a stink or anything but I think it was a pretty thoughtless comment.


Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

OutboundFlight said:
A “unification” between dark and light sounds equally disturbing. It isn’t like there are two extreme factions each bad in their own way. One is good and the other is bad. We see the First Order commit mass genocide on multiple occasions. We see the Resistance save the day on multiple occasions. Even if Kylo decides to merge with the Resistance, it will appear as if the First Order won, because the Resistance is already perfect and all they can do now is corrupt it.

Now that I’m thinkin about this, I don’t know if a solid conclusion to Episode 9 is even possible with the hole RJ dug us into.

This is why Rey having feelings for Ben and the whole “Reylo” thing is utterly stupid. He is the head of an organisation that has murdered billions of people. He has personally executed people and killed his own fellow jedi apprentices, even killed his own father in cold blood right in front of Rey. She constantly spits “monster!” in his face but suddenly starts to sympathise with him and have implications of sexual attraction?

The only way it could have made sense and actually been something new, interesting and different was if she actually did join Kylo in TLJ.


Edit: Damnit! I knew posting a reply in the first place was a bad idea. I’m out for now.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

SilverWook said:

Valheru_84 said:

DrDre said:

rodneyfaile said:

Han Solo, General Leia, and Master Skywalker are not losers.

Han went from a hero and General in the Rebellion, and being ready for a committed relationship with Leia to going back to smuggling, abandoning his wife and son, and then got stabbed go death by his son in a last ditch effort to save him. Luke went from being the last Jedi, who redeemed his father to falling from his faith completely, just wanting to die, abandoning his family, friends, and the galaxy as a whole, only to die from Force exhaustion in a last ditch effort to save the handful of remaining rebels. Leia went from being one of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance and of the New Republic, while starting a family to being a general of a band of rebels that can fit in the Millenium Falcon having lost her husband and son. In the context of where they were at the end of the OT, each of the big three lost in a major way, and worst of all after building a powerful friendship over the course of three films would not share a single scene together in the new trilogy with Luke only becoming aware of the death of his best friend after the fact.

Hi Dre,

Just thought I’d say that you’re still doing a great job in representing those that found TLJ to be an abhorrent (or at the very least distasteful) addition to the Star Wars saga and continuing to shine light on all the reasons it is by far the worst Star Wars movie to date if only due to the damage it has done to the Star Wars fandom and the franchise itself. You’ve got my full support in standing up for our perspective and I wish I could be half as involved in discussing it as you are but currently I just can’t be bothered (nor have the time) to get entrenched again in arguments about TLJ and Disney/Lucasfilm reactions to the criticism.

Just didn’t want you to think you are alone in your views on TLJ that you always so accurately and thoroughly express 😃


TLJ didn’t damage the fandom, that was self-inflicted.

Sorry but I strongly disagree. You only have to go actively looking for it and you will see the fallout everywhere. But that’s still a matter of opinion which we can courteously agree to disagree on.

The damage to my own enjoyment of Star Wars was certainly not self-inflicted, it was an adverse reaction to what I had to experience as a new official episode to a saga that up to that point I had loved every episode of (even the PT though my adult enjoyment of them are greatly enhanced now by fan edits).

I am a Star Wars fan through and through which makes me part of the fandom. To say all my grievances and issues with TLJ are self-inflicted is pretty nasty.


Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

yotsuya said:
This trilogy belongs wholly to the younger cast.

That’s what Disney wants but hasn’t achieved for many people. The younger characters are shallow and haven’t earned the right to supersede the old characters who are thrown under the bus to try and prop up the new 2D characters. Despite everything they did to the old characters, they are still deeper and more interesting than the new characters even if I object to what is done to them. Mark’s performance is a perfect example of this.


Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

rodneyfaile said:

OutboundFlight said:
Everything Luke, Leia, and Han fought for has been forgotten, undone, and now we are supposed to expect the new characters will somehow fix it permanently this time.

Nothing is ever permanent, especially across an entire galaxy. Just because there is a new conflict doesn’t mean the fighting for a previous victory is for nothing.

While what you’re saying is true, it does not line up with or nullify what OutboundFlight is getting at.


Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

OutboundFlight said:

rodneyfaile said:

There’s no such thing as happily ever after. Life goes on. New challenges arise. You don’t win once and never have to fight again. Just because WW2 came a little over 20 years after WW1 doesn’t mean all those that fought were losers.

I got to see beloved characters again and were introduced to great new characters too. The First Order is not like the Empire. They do not rule the galaxy. They are more like a terrorist organization that formed from the remains of an overthrown government.

I can’t speak for others, but I have a bit of a problem with this thinking.

For me it’s more about how they go back to pre-ANH with the Sequels, almost resetting the timeline. It’s as if after World War I established new order in Europe, the heir to the Kaiser was suddenly reinstated by a small terrorist organization and then proceeded to redo the World War almost exactly the same.

Of course, that’s not what happened. The Second World War was a direct result from the conclusion of the First World War, with the Germans angry over their defeat and turning to a horrible ideology. If you were to learn about the Franco-Prussian War and then jump to WW2, it wouldn’t make any sense.

Compare that with Star Wars. Imagine watching ROTS and then jumping to TFA. It… isn’t that hard. There’s a Republic mentioned but only shown in a destruction montage. Beyond that it could be reasoned the Empire has stood for 50 years. Everything Luke, Leia, and Han fought for has been forgotten, undone, and now we are supposed to expect the new characters will somehow fix it permanently this time.

I’d rather the Sequels have built upon what the Originals laid out. It can have higher stakes, but the Victory over Endor should of had a major impact on the galaxy the same way the Empire took over at the end of ROTS. One possibility that comes to mind is the Vong War from EU… it felt even more important than the Battle of Endor, but without Endor there wouldn’t have been a Republic in the first place. The OT feels important, as it should.

The First Order does not feel like a terrorist organization. They feel like the Empire, and they are by TLJ. Show us the Republic. Play up terrorism, because it’s more impactful than ever. Show them bombing senate buildings, put the galaxy on edge. That would make the saga feel much different. At the end of TLJ, they could fire on Starkiller and become a new Empire. But then we’d at least see the Republic in action holding off this radicals. By removing most of what the Rebel Alliance established, they made the OT’s impact on the saga redundant.

Well said.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

rodneyfaile said:
I sympathize though. I felt the same way during the prequels. I didn’t like them, but the look and feel of the prequels were taking over everything I saw that was Star Wars and I didn’t see an end in sight. It was a sad time for me, but now Disney has come along and in my opinion have brought Star Wars back in a big way with new movies and new series with much more to come.

Fair enough and it’s good that the ST was able to do that for you. Unfortunately it seems to be an ever widening problem with the fandom not split 2 major ways but 3 or 4 now, with some of those splits being chasms.

rodneyfaile said:
Maybe whatever the Game of Thrones producers are working on will be more to your liking, or even whatever Rian Johnson is working on. Maybe not having classic characters and it being a separate thing will be more acceptable to you?

Definitely interested to see what the GoT producers will come up with and I would have been far more interested in Rian’s completely separate trilogy if not for TLJ (and is where he should have done his experimentation with the franchise rather than part 8 of a 9 part saga). No chance of me watching them now and personally I don’t think they will ever happen, I now think it was just another way of Disney trying to play down / throw a blanket over the effects of criticism that they knew was coming and was already starting to make itself heard. It will eventually be “explained” as to why they are no longer getting made.

However it’s not simply a case of not having classic characters in the movies, I would have had no problem with them being in the ST had they been treated with the due care and respect deserved in their story treatments.

rodneyfaile said:
Me? I love it all.

A little contradictory seeing that you just said you hated the PT, no?


<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - Star Wars live action TV series : <strong>Non Spolier</strong> thread

oojason said:

Cast for The Mandalorian announced…


'Lucasfilm is pleased to announce the cast of the first-ever Star Wars live-action series — The Mandalorian.

Pedro Pascal (Narcos) has been cast in the title role as a lone Mandalorian gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy. He is joined by Gina Carano (Deadpool), Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad), Emily Swallow (Supernatural), Carl Weathers (Predator), Omid Abtahi (American Gods), Werner Herzog (Grizzly Man), and Nick Nolte (Affliction).

“We’re having a great time working with this incredibly talented group and excited for everyone to see what we’re up to,” says Executive Producer Jon Favreau.

Currently in production, The Mandalorian is written and executive produced by Jon Favreau, with Dave Filoni (Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels) directing the first episode and serving as executive producer alongside Kathleen Kennedy and Colin Wilson. Additional episodic directors include Deborah Chow (Jessica Jones), Rick Famuyiwa (Dope), Bryce Dallas Howard (Solemates), and Taika Waititi (Thor: Ragnarok).

Definitely sounding pretty interesting with a great cast, though when the multiple directors are put into list form as rodneyfaile has done, there looks like maybe a few too many chefs in the kitchen.

oojason said:

The highly-anticipated series will be exclusive to Disney+, The Walt Disney Company’s upcoming direct-to-consumer streaming service, which is set to launch in the U.S. in late 2019.’

And because of this I see The Mandalorian becoming the next biggest pirated series next to Game Of Thrones.


Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

rodneyfaile said:

If the Holiday Special and prequels didn’t ruin the Star Wars franchise, I highly doubt The Last Jedi will either. People are still talking about Star Wars, and one good trailer for Episode IX is all it will take for Star Wars fever to kick back in.

The Holiday Special is complete cringe and there’s lots of cringe in the prequels as well but neither attacked the fans, attempted to majorly alter in-universe rules or made you feel insulted for loving the original Star Wars and it’s characters. During my one and only viewing of TLJ at the cinemas I often felt as if there was an invisible middle finger from Rian Johnson directed at me through the cinema screen and many times I wondered if I was really watching a Star Wars movie and not some secret spoof of nu-Star Wars akin to Spaceballs. Leaving the cinema I felt assaulted and angry, an anger that stayed with me for 8 or more months and still surfaces today when I think about it.

I am not interested in the slightest in watching Ep9 and will not be going to see it. The usual Star Wars hype will of course kick up but a good portion of the usual fans will be missing from it. I’m not predicting the movie to flop or anything like that but I highly doubt it will surpass TLJ box office takes, instead likely to continue on the visible downward trend, if not accelerating due to TLJ, Solo (despite apparently being an “OK” movie) and the way Disney/Lucasfilm staff, directors and actors have been handling the criticism.

Despite the host of new animations and shows released and yet to come out, Star Wars is not currently in a good place.

Anyway, that’s all I’ll say for now as I can’t afford to get mixed up at the moment in a lengthy debate on the matter.


Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

DrDre said:

rodneyfaile said:

Han Solo, General Leia, and Master Skywalker are not losers.

Han went from a hero and General in the Rebellion, and being ready for a committed relationship with Leia to going back to smuggling, abandoning his wife and son, and then got stabbed go death by his son in a last ditch effort to save him. Luke went from being the last Jedi, who redeemed his father to falling from his faith completely, just wanting to die, abandoning his family, friends, and the galaxy as a whole, only to die from Force exhaustion in a last ditch effort to save the handful of remaining rebels. Leia went from being one of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance and of the New Republic, while starting a family to being a general of a band of rebels that can fit in the Millenium Falcon having lost her husband and son. In the context of where they were at the end of the OT, each of the big three lost in a major way, and worst of all after building a powerful friendship over the course of three films would not share a single scene together in the new trilogy with Luke only becoming aware of the death of his best friend after the fact.

Hi Dre,

Just thought I’d say that you’re still doing a great job in representing those that found TLJ to be an abhorrent (or at the very least distasteful) addition to the Star Wars saga and continuing to shine light on all the reasons it is by far the worst Star Wars movie to date if only due to the damage it has done to the Star Wars fandom and the franchise itself. You’ve got my full support in standing up for our perspective and I wish I could be half as involved in discussing it as you are but currently I just can’t be bothered (nor have the time) to get entrenched again in arguments about TLJ and Disney/Lucasfilm reactions to the criticism.

Just didn’t want you to think you are alone in your views on TLJ that you always so accurately and thoroughly express 😃
