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Info: Anyone wanna talk about preservation/fan edits on my podcast?

AntcuFaalb said:

UUpodcast said:

Also, as far as a second guest, I'd love to get someone involved in the preservation process to show the other side of this type of community.

I can speak, if you'd like. I'm involved in a few different preservation projects at the moment ranging from Laserdiscs to Film (16mm, 35mm).

I'm not at liberty to discuss a great many things, but there's enough I can say to make for an interesting 20 minutes.

 I'd love to hear about it. Shoot me an email at undressingunderground at gmail. 

Info: Anyone wanna talk about preservation/fan edits on my podcast?

Also, as far as a second guest, I'd love to get someone involved in the preservation process to show the other side of this type of community.

ETA - Maybe I could make them each closer to 20 mins and fit in someone that does "genuine" fan edits as well. Ones that are meant to present an idealized version of the film.

Info: Anyone wanna talk about preservation/fan edits on my podcast?

The person running the originaltrilogy twitter handle told me to post here but that the mods could move it if this is there’s a better place for this.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone might want to talk about the fan edit/preservation process, history, why they do it, etc on my podcast? I could potentially fit two people if both are kept under half an hour.

Also, I can guarantee anonymity if it is preferred. All one would need to do is create a burner gmail and IM me their responses while I talk to them over webcam, then I can just do a sorta text2talk thing like I did in my most recent episode. I could also distort someone’s voice if they didn’t mind talking–try and make them sound like Darth Vader or something.

Otherwise I can also talk over Skype, Facetime, or phone.

If you wanna check out my podcast first, it’s all at http://undressingunderground.tumblr.com

I focus on people “on the fringe of the underground.” Little niches I find interesting and would like to know more about.

Sorry if this is all insane and I’m wasting everyone’s time.