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The Abyss - Special Edition (1989) BluRay Project - see Page 2 (Released)

Funny how the Terminator’s origins is about the dangers of A.I. and now Cameron’s movies are being fuddled with even further specifically because of it, lol. Fans have been waiting for these 2 films to be put out on blu-ray for years and now I bet they’re wishing they were released sooner even more now, since the A.I technology didn’t exist 10 years ago or even 5 years ago lol.

Superman II: Ultimate Edition (WIP) (Workprint Released) (VFX NEEDED)

Slavicuss said:

Master Lawdog said:

I do have one big question. Why does Miss Teschmacher break Lex out of prison when (at least in the extended version) he tried to sacrifice her to their animals before Superman saved her. You’d think they’d be through by the events of the second film.

Perhaps because she’s hopelessly in love with him? Crazy girl. Lex, also tried to murder her mother (indirectly) - she lived in the same area the missiles would explode.

A bigger mystery is why the character vanishes from the film? Was there a reason, I’ve forgotten?

I think her last scene was using the ‘conveniences’ - a deleted moment, in the Fortress of Solitude?

I’m glad that buffoon, Otis, was cut loose from the film - but also sorry he didn’t hang around and have some scenes with the three super villains. I wonder what Ursa & Non would’ve made of him?

  • Short answer (outside the film): Like Brando and Hackman, she never shot anything for part 2 under Richard Lester’s direction.

  • Long answer: In the script, Lex leaves her behind to freeze to death. Yeah, that would’ve had to be re-written if Donner finished the film. Which would’ve meant paying another actor more money. And the Salkinds weren’t having it. Just another note to the never ending list of why part 2 (and the rest of the franchise for that matter) was never finished and turned out the way that it did.

I saw a recent re-union at a con (recent as in, probably about a decade ago) with most of the actors (before she died) and she sounded a little sad about why she never returned for part 2.

Also, in the alternate version of the Richard Donner cut that aired on either hulu or Vudu, when we hear Eve’s voice from afar at the FOS when she flushes the toilet, you hear a stock sound effect of a woman screaming and falling. Lex smiles devilishly, then says “She found it”. Guess Michael Thau figured using some stock sounds to cover the bases would’ve been an alternate way to remove Eve from the story. Glad it was cut. I grew up with the tv broadcast version of S2 and I always liked the additional scene of the 2 of them after they leave the FOS when Lex says tells her about the villains coming to Earth and that “Even when you lose, you win”.

South, Miss Teschmaker!!!

Superman II: Ultimate Edition (WIP) (Workprint Released) (VFX NEEDED)

Master Lawdog said:

Slavicuss said:

It’s fun trying to identify the changes in the three Kryptonian criminals’ appearance. In some of the additional R.I.C. shots, General Zod’s hair colour changes from greying to slick black. Sarah Douglas’s wig is another.

Honestly, Margot Kidder’s appearance stands out the most between both versions. Her different makeup and hairstyles make her look almost unrecognizable in Lester’s material. Marc McClure’s hair also looked different from both directors as well.

I think (and don’t quote me on this because I don’t even remember where I read this probably between 12-15 years ago) Sarah Douglass said in an interview that during one shoot her costume had her in high heels, but in another shoot, her shoes were wedges. I can’t remember which though.

Superman II: Ultimate Edition (WIP) (Workprint Released) (VFX NEEDED)

Master Lawdog said:

Slavicuss said:

Have you tried using any of the footage from the DC that is available to stream?

I’ve heard it may’ve been an earlier edit of the DONNER CUT, with additional deleted material ( boy gets killed by Non, etc).

Oh yeah. I definitely using that to help, along with the Restored International Cut. I’m almost done with my edit of the first film, but I’ll need someone talented in VFX to help out to get the second film done.

They even re-dubbed the kid when he gets on the horse. I think the original voice was better but in my copy of the RIC there’s a weird “echo” to his voice.

Superman II: Ultimate Edition (WIP) (Workprint Released) (VFX NEEDED)

I’ll have to go back and listen for comparisons. It’s just that these voice doubles are really noticeable at times. Also, wasn’t Sarah Douglas dubbed the entire film?

The REALLY noticeable difference in voices is Stamp/Zod. In the Lester scenes and the Donner scenes in the theatrical version, his voice was pitched a bitch lower to make him sound more menacing. When you watch the Donner Cut that has entirely new scenes with him, his normal voice is present and it’s clearly higher than what we’re used to hearing. This is just one of the many reasons I can never take Michael Thau seriously when he talks about putting the Donner Cut together. His main job is a sound designer, not a film editor, but even then he didn’t do his job right since he forgot to either go to the original dailies with Stamp’s original line readings, or to simply dub Stamp’s voice in the new Donner scenes so there’s consistency.

Say what you will about Lester, but at least him and his crew remembered the “little things” like, oh I dunno, the sound of police sirens and bedlam on the streets below after the Metropolis battle and they’re all talking in Perry’s office. In the theatrical cut, you hear all of it. In the Donner Cut? Nothing. It’s beyond obvious that they’re clearly in a soundstage/studio. Hell, you even hear something in the background FALL and hit the ground during the scene when Lois figures out Clark is Superman (when the 2 of them are in Perry’s office alone right before she jumps).

How does a professional miss these things, plus a million more I’m not gonna bother listing because I’ll get banned for spamming the page.

Terminator Countdown / Terminator 2: Zero Hour (a WIP)

Unfortunately, “Bad to the Bone”, and “Guitars, Cadillacs” ruins any idea that Arnold is the bad Terminator. They went with the obvious “Arnold humor” that he’s known for throughout his career, and played it up for yucks. I saw one fan edit someone made of T2 where they removed “Bad to the Bone” and put the Terminator ‘theme’ (the ambient, irregular heartbeat noise in the first film’s score) and it works quite well.

I decided to take that idea a step further. The videogame “Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon” has a soundtrack that is very much an homage to Brad Fiedel’s score to the first Terminator. So I decided to try out something. Have a look:


The Terminator - Color Regrade [No Longer Available]

Not sure if this contributes to the conversation but I’m gonna throw it to the air. I still have the terminator on vhs (recorded to dvd and then digital) and I noticed in the fullscreen version that the aspect ratio has a lot more headroom. When the “T” and “R” in “Terminator” cross at the beginning of the opening credits, you can actually see the top of the letters slide across each other, and THAT’S why you hear that metal scrapping noise. Not sure if the entire presentation has that extra headroom though, as it might just be only that part.

Terminator 2 JP SqueezeLD Laserdisc Rip - Different (possibly original?) Color Timing (Released)

YES!! For all things holy, I MUST have this. FINALLY a version of T2 without the pushed blue color timing (nothing against everyone who likes it. I understand it works for the movie, but T1 didn’t have a blue push, so I feel T2 shouldn’t either). It actually looks more like the trailer colors, which had a lot more neutral colors with a slight purple push for night scenes.

Terminator 2 Full Frame Color Correction (ON HIATUS)

YES!! I’m working on a T2 edit myself and I LOVE the color timing of the trailers. You can tell the blue filters hadn’t been added yet, and the night-time shots look more ‘purple’, while the daytime shots don’t have that ‘pink’ push. I have a German dvd that someone was nice enough to mail to me, and while the color timing is all over the place, there are a lot of scenes that look just like the trailer. I’d love to use this copy, but it’s a bad quality, non-amorphic presentation.

I have a full-frame copy as well with slightly better than VHS/DVD quality (576p instead of 480p), but it has a hard purple push to it, and it’s PAL format.

Also, someone over on another site is working on an edit that combines the full-frame with the widescreen (leaving black boxes in the four corners).

Anyway, yes I am eagerly awaiting to see what how this goes. Good luck!!

The Terminator (1984) - Original Theatrical Mono Preservation (Released)

Ugh, I wish I could remember which thread on which message board pointed out that there are 2 different door slam sounds. Who knows, maybe you’re right and they’re the ones that all got it confused. Considering the research you’ve put into this (and my faded memory), I’ll take your word for it. Actually makes me feel better to put a bit of closure on this. The real closure will be when they officially release the film with it’s proper original sound (I can dream, right?).

The Terminator (1984) - Original Theatrical Mono Preservation (Released)

crissrudd4554 said:

TylerDurden389 said:

…However. You’re missing the difference in the door clank sound at the police station
when The Terminator walks out (after saying “Ill be back”).

The door clang is the same in both monos.

Are you sure? I’ve read in other message boards that there’s a difference between the 2. Check out 0:47 of this version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVeBJw-EzVI

Then compare it to 0:26 in this version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxgkkJOEHS4

Notice how the first one is much louder. The 2nd one is lower, but sounds more 'correct".