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Top lingering questions you want answered in Sequel trilogy?

In all honesty, I think I'm excited for Ep. 7, for the following reasons:

1. The trilogy is based on a plot by George Lucas.  George Lucas is actually very good at plot and art design- it's the execution that can get screwed up.  George Lucas writing the plot gives it authenticity as a SW movie.

2. The script is written by Michael Arndt.  Michael Arndt has a stellar record and has lectured on why the original 1977 SW is so great.  Perfect choice because he is not just mediocre- he is good.  The script is the most important part and they got it right.

3. Harrison Ford is back. 

4. Although I did not like JJ's Star Trek, I think both he and Disney know that this is too important to screw up.  Especially as the 1st film of many under the Disney brand, Disney will not allow them to release garbage.  Much like 20th Century Fox in the original Star Wars, they will have their eye on how things are going and prevent major blunders from happening. 

Top lingering questions you want answered in Sequel trilogy?

That treatment page of Episodes 7-12 completely blank always cracks me up.  Good planning there, George. 

In all seriousness, I am sure he did actually come up with some ideas for those episodes. 

For instance, I remember him explaining that each trilogy was on a different philosophical theme. 

Episodes 1-3 was the POLITICAL TRILOGY.

Episodes 4-6 was the SELF-ACTUALIZATION TRILOGY (the hero's journey)

Episodes 7-12 I don't remember.

There was a comment made by somebody, though, who read the treatments for 7-9 back in the day and thought that they were the most exciting/dramatic movies of the entire series. 

Of course, that may have been the now-obsolete versions with Luke's other sister, the Emperor revealed, and etc.

Top lingering questions you want answered in Sequel trilogy?

zombie84 said:

Trooperman said:

How about: Why the prequels sucked. 

Some sort of expository scene 1/3 of the way through Episode 7, explaining that the original Episode 1-3 was a video game virtual reality meant to fool Luke of the real truth.  Kind of Matrix-like. 

Then Luke must again face the unknown.



What is funnier yet is that the more I think about it, the more sense this would make. 

The surreal CGI settings. 

The CGI characters: Jar-Jar, Watto, Grievous, etc. 

R2 flying, 3p0's head off, and all other crazy kinds of things that break physical laws. 

The wooden, trance-like acting. 

The lag time between when one character finishes speaking and the other one begins (caused by crappy editing)....

Random Thoughts

sean wookie said:

Well, I mean she has a job, an education, a car. I have none of these.

But don't you see man, you have already lost if you are thinking this way.  It's all attitude! So she has a job, education, car, etc.  That's a great thing but it doesn't make her an intrinsically better person or you a worse person. 

You may be overflowing with values and/or traits that she doesn't have any of or has very little of.  In fact, that is probably the case. 

What's the status of the Originals? (the theatrical cuts of the Original Trilogy)

This is why I believe the true version of a film SHOULD be the 4th generation theatrical print, because that is the version everybody saw and THAT is the format that everything, from the cinematography to the special effects work, was intended for. 

Plus, 4th generation negative although it may have the same resolution as a DVD or similar, looks nothing like a DVD blowup (looks much better, more contrasty, different grain structure). 

It is a disservice to old movies to display them from the O-neg where you can see wires on the ships, matte boxes, etc.  It's not just because they were "old" that you see these things- if the o-neg was the final viewing format, those directors back in the day would have found the effects just as off-putting as we do! 

Williams Says He ‘Hopes’ to Work on New Star Wars Trilogy

HotRod said:

Don't  me wrong, he still comes up with wonderful themes (duel of the fates, across the stars, flag parade, droid army,a couple from Sith) it's the in between stuff is where I think he's lost it!!


I think there was also just more testosterone behind the original SW scores- there is an aggression and energy there that is not present in the prequel scores (although I think Episode 1 definitely captured that energy again in large part.  Expectations were huge for Episode 1).

Everybody ages and not everybody can be at 100% all the time.  I still enjoy JW's music and I think that he is motivated by good material, it's just that he hasn't had many truly great movies to score lately. 

J.J. Abrams Will Direct, Now Who Will Score?

fishmanlee said:

It would be nice if Williams could atleast do like he did for Superman IV and write themes/music for Giacchino to work with.


That could work really well. Or could have John Williams in a supervisory capacity, kind of an apprenticeship for Giacchino.  "That cue is good, this one needs some work, let me rewrite these bars, etc." 

That way the new generation is being trained and you have Williams' brilliance combined with youthful energy like Giacchino.

J.J. Abrams Will Direct, Now Who Will Score?

I think it is important to remember that nobody including John Williams has ever matched John Williams from 1975-1984.  Every single score he did was brilliant-even for throwaway movies like Dracula and Jaws 2.  That was his creative peak and all 3 of the original SW movies fit into that time period. 

That said, I did think Ep. I was excellent.  Think of Duel of the Fates, The Flag Parade, Anakin's theme.  It was a very good score.  I think not nearly as much effort went into Ep. 2 and 3, but can we blame him? 

I thought "War Horse" had some welcome energy in it- I wholeheartedly believe that if JW is presented with an outstanding movie, he will rise to the occasion. 

Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

My feelings are mixed. I would have preferred Michael Vaughn or Spielberg.  I didn't care much for the new Trek- I thought it suffered from "modern movie syndrome". 

However, on a Star Wars movie it's not just the director- the script plays a big role and John Williams always plays a big role. 

I am hoping that Star Wars 7 has a very different feel from "Star Trek" and that it takes chances artistically. 

Tomorrow's showing of the original versions of the Star Wars trilogy in Chicago mysteriously cancelled

 Due to print availability issues, The Star Wars event scheduled for Friday January 18th has been postponed. We are working to resolve this issue and will announce a new date for this event as soon as possible. In place of the Star Wars trilogy we will be showing the Back To The Future trilogy. If you pre purchased tickets for Star Wars your tickets will be honored for Back To The Future AND your tickets will also be honored for the rescheduled date of the Star Wars event. You may also present your ticket for a full refund. If you purchase a ticket for the Back To The Future trilogy, the ticket will be honored for the rescheduled date of the Star Wars event as well. We apologize for any inconvenience and are working hard to resolve this matter and arrange a new event date for everyone to enjoy the Star Wars films as they were meant to be seen.