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The Random <em>Star Wars</em> Pics &amp; GIFs Thread

SilverWook said:

Nice obscure reference. Technically it’s concept art Yoda as that’s all Marvel had to work with.
I scanned the purple Yoda pages out of a crumbling paperback edition of the Marvel ESB adaptation several years ago. The Yoda pages were redrawn by the time the regular monthly issues saw print.

IIRC there were THREE different editions of that comic with various stages of Yoda-ness.

Childhood Misconceptions (aka The Trap Thread, but misconceptions still welcome)

Tantive3+1 said:

When I was younger watching ANH for the first time, I really believed that Luke and Leia were going to end up together at the end of the film. Then in the TESB Han suddenly became the third wheel and because Luke was out of the picture on the MF, Leia eventually succumbed to his advances. In the scene when Luke is calling out to Leia I took it that the reason she was able to hear him was because deep down it was Luke who she truly loved not Han. Then it was revealed that they were brother and sister, which changed everything.

That’s a pretty accurate description of reality before ROTJ. “Younger” had nothing to do with it.

Adventures in Raising the Next Generation of Original Star Wars Fans

“8yo: Star Wars is serious! Everyone is dying!”

That’s awesome! Thank you!

Not ENTIRELY on topic, but my 8 year old will be seeing Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan with me in the cinema next month (the 7 year old says ‘no’ but he is waffling a little). She’s seen bits and pieces but never from end to end. Say what you want about JJ but Beyond is getting her interested in Trek. I can’t live blog it (cinema) but I’ll be watching with an even keener eye.

Adventures in Raising the Next Generation of Original Star Wars Fans

Brahmmuel L Jackson said:

Out of curiosity, have you guys ever watched this video?


Absolutely. It toes the line between parody and reality.

My kids have seen the OT (despecialized, of course), TFA, and Rogue One. They watch Rebels and sometimes Clone Wars. (My boy likes the clones a lot.)

Every once in a while I think about showing them the PT just because they know bits of the story. Then I remember Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith and Hayden and I just can’t do it.

We did watch the final battle between Obi-wan and Vader. That was back when my kids were 4 and 5. Even then they thought it was dumb. “Why isn’t Ob-wan picking up his friend and saving him from the lava?” “I don’t know. Ask George.”

4K restoration on Star Wars

Gunsmith Cat said:

A co worker in his 20s turned out to be a pretty big Star Wars fan who bought a Kylo Ren helmet for 800 Euros among other things. I asked him if he has the original OT and he replied he doesn’t and doesn’t care to see them. The whole notion even seemed strange to him, haha. He also thinks Kylo Ren is cooler than 'ol Darth Vader, and the EP7 Stormtrooper look better than the original ones. I said i prefer the originals and he asked me “Why?” as if i just said i like to smear Pinguin guano in my face. I don’t get this generation.

It’s like (and not necessarily in a good or bad way) the people who like “all Star Trek except the Shatner stuff.” Or who think it all makes sense as long as you get rid of the pre-Next Generation show.

I don’t get it because I grew up watching all kinds of “old” stuff.

OTOH, I realized today that when I watched Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959) in 1979 it was about as old as The Matrix or The Phantom Menace is now. (OK, Air Force One or Jurassic Park 2 if you want to be more exact.) The Wizard of Oz was newer when I saw it in 1973 than Star Wars is now.


A Star Wars USB Drive - <em>Box, Case, Tape, Tin, Frame, Figure &amp; Cover</em> Thread...

Those first covers have me missing my Definitive Edition laser disc box something fierce.

These are gorgeous. I’m not a Faces fan but even those are well done.

Edit: Oh, where did that Rogue One logo come from? (The one that looks like ESB.) I haven’t seen that anywhere.

<strong>Star Wars: Forces Of Destiny</strong> (animated shorts series) - general discussion thread

SilverWook said:

They’ve arguably played those parts longer than Hayden and Natalie did.

It’s really starting to bug me that there are hundreds of episodes set in the PT with all of the main characters. But seeing the OT characters is like an event or at least a treat, doled out sparingly and grudgingly.

I love Rebels, I do. But what I REALLY want is a weekly show set between Star Wars and Empire with LOTS of good old Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie!