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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

yhwx said:


The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nation’s top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases — including “fetus” and “transgender” — in official documents being prepared for next year’s budget.

Policy analysts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta were told of the list of forbidden words at a meeting Thursday with senior CDC officials who oversee the budget, according to an analyst who took part in the 90-minute briefing. The forbidden words are “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”

In some instances, the analysts were given alternative phrases. Instead of “science-based” or ­“evidence-based,” the suggested phrase is “CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes,” the person said. In other cases, no replacement words were immediately offered.

The Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the CDC, “will continue to use the best scientific evidence available to improve the health of all Americans,” HHS spokesman Matt Lloyd told The Washington Post. “HHS also strongly encourages the use of outcome and evidence data in program evaluations and budget decisions.”

The question of how to address such issues as sexual orientation, gender identity and abortion rights — all of which received significant visibility under the Obama administration — has surfaced repeatedly in federal agencies since President Trump took office. Several key departments — including HHS, as well as Justice, Education, and Housing and Urban Development — have changed some federal policies and how they collect government information about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.

That idea sounds double-un-good.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

TV’s Frink said:

And here we go.


President Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, will plead guilty on Friday to lying to the F.B.I. about a conversation with the Russian ambassador last December.

The plea was the latest indication that Mr. Flynn was cooperating with the special counsel’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election. Mr. Flynn was scheduled to appear in federal court in Washington at 10:30 on Friday morning.

Popcorn shares are up.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Warbler said:

As far as I know, this guy hasn’t killed anyone or committed any acts of violence. Until he breaks some law, he has as much right to be a nazi someone does to be a member of BLM. That is the way America works.

Try to imagine the most deeply personal and offensive thing a person could do or say against you (up to but not including breaking the law), then imagine you are that person’s boss, then imagine you keep employing them.

Also, BLM =/= Nazis (“It ain’t even the same sport”) and it’s troubling that you think they are comparable.

Warbler said:

I support the 1st amendment. I support the idea of disapproving of what one has to say, but defending to the death that person’s right to say it.

sigh ™. Not this one again. He had the right so say what he wanted and a newspaper printed it for him, as per his rights. The 1st amendment (as I understand it) does not also protect his right to be listened to, to be agreed with, or not to elicit emotion in the listener to his vile idiocy.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

I’d guess Moore is gonna win. If credible evidence surfacing of your candidate molesting children didn’t immediately make you want to switch to the other candidate, I don’t think a couple of weeks further thought is going to make you less likely to switch. Not based on any evidence or polls, just that good old post-Brexit/Trump “Whatever is the worst possible result… will be the result” pessimism 😉.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

oojason said:

‘Trump retweets British far-right leader’s anti-Muslim videos’…


Even after all he has said and done. The US President supporting a fascist group, who had a member that assassinated one of my countries’ (UK) politicians is a new low. If Trump wants to support Nazis in his own country, that’s his right I suppose but don’t bring aid and comfort to enemies of my country please, if you still want to claim to be our ally.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Tom Arnold had better not being yanking people’s chains with this.

I find it impossible to believe that there isn’t something somewhere on Trump, given the way he proudly talks about creeping on women and young girls. I’m only surprised something beyond the p***y-gate tape hasn’t surfaced yet.

However, even if it’s as bad as Arnold is suggesting, are we sure Trump won’t just get away with it, like he has with everything else?

Doctor Who

SilverWook said:

It wasn’t the compression, it was those annoying jagged lines plaguing the video that makes me think somebody was asleep at the wheel when this was mastered for Region 1.

The UK blu-ray of Daleks had some odd looking jagged edges too (almost as if they’d not got the anti-aliasing switched on for some shots when they were rendered). Not sure if it’s to the same degree as what you are talking about though.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

yhwx said:

I don’t want the government tracking my Internet usage, just as I don’t want the government recording my phone calls.

Newsflash! Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the US Election has been closed. Turns out he didn’t actually have any evidence of anything because US Security wasn’t allowed to monitor internet traffic. Mueller was just making it all up. Trump and Putin were right after all! 😉

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

moviefreakedmind said:

I think that’s debatable. I value privacy more than almost anything. I hate being watched.

Option A: You can browse originaltrilogy.com as much as you like and discuss why the PT is soooo bad to your heart’s content but there is a small possibility that your originaltrilogy.com activity may be monitored… but in reality nobody actually gives a f**k.

Option B: You aren’t allowed to browse originaltrilogy.com and are instead only allowed to browse theforce.net because it’s owned by somebody, who is owned by somebody, who is owned by somebody, who is owned by Disney. Any mention of the Prequels not being masterpieces will result in thread closures and bans… but nobody is monitoring you.

(theforce.net isn’t owned by Disney obviously. Just a joke)

Option A is the lesser of two evils for me.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Please America, do not let Net Neutrality go down. Once these companies and your politicians have f**ked you guys, they are sure to try to do it in Europe next.

I suppose one rare benefit of Brexit is that at least if the EU politicians (who are somewhat unaccountable) did kill NN, the UK parliament doesn’t have to go along with it now. I’d like to think that the UK Politicians are in touch with their voters enough that they wouldn’t dare. Plus the Government is currently too weak to force it past the opposition, if they did dare.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

TV’s Frink said:

oojason said:

I suggest we leave it there and get back onto politics again.

I lied, I’m going to post in here again, but not on the subject of the last several pages.

So with that said, enjoy…POLITICS!!!


Texas Congressman Joe Barton sent nudes and illicit text messages to a woman, and he’s apologizing for the graphic image first revealed by a Twitter user.

Barton, a Republican, sent the nude photo showing his penis. The Twitter user censored the image, and also revealed a sext that reads, “I want u soo bad. Right now.”

Ready? I’m spoilering this. You can’t actually see anything, in fact it’s covered up quite a bit…but just to be safe, because you can’t say I didn’t warn you.

Thanks for that Frink (Cleans vomit off keyboard).

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Tyrphanax said:


Sen. Jeff Flake(y), who is unelectable in the Great State of Arizona (quit race, anemic polls) was caught (purposely) on “mike” saying bad things about your favorite President.

I hope in light of recent revelations that this Mike guy feels brave enough to speak out about what happened to him.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

chyron8472 said:

I don’t know. I understand there is racial prejudice and inequality, but at the same time one would think a person on parole ought to learn to keep their head down.

I’m unsure you read that whole article above.

He’s been on probation for 8-years (I think… which is insane enough) and is being put in jail for 2-4 years for two counts of “being arrested” (not the same as actually doing anything wrong, or being convicted) for “popping a wheelie” in a music video and “after an altercation… video of what had actually happened was released, all charges were dropped against Meek”. He’s also performed concerts in areas that the Judge did not allow but again he’s a musician on parole for 8 frickin’ years! A clear case of willfully trying to obtain honest employment. This case is f**ked up.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Warbler said:

TM2YC said:

Warbler said:

TM2YC said:

Possessed said:

TM2YC said:

TV’s Frink said:

What if I’m 10 and she’s 38, and my parents are 38?

Technically possible with modern science (and one or more evil scientists).

It takes modern science to be a ten year year old with 38 year old parents?

True. Perhaps modern science can instead help me with my poor eye-sight and/or poor attention-skills that led me to misread what Frink said as “What if I’m 10 and she’s 38, and her parents are 38?”.

That would be impossible. I fail to see how science could make that possible.

Three test-tube babies are born in the same year. One of them is the genetic child of the other two. They’d all hit 38 in the same year.

I didn’t know they could do that.

Evil Scientists can do anything!

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Warbler said:

TM2YC said:

Possessed said:

TM2YC said:

TV’s Frink said:

What if I’m 10 and she’s 38, and my parents are 38?

Technically possible with modern science (and one or more evil scientists).

It takes modern science to be a ten year year old with 38 year old parents?

True. Perhaps modern science can instead help me with my poor eye-sight and/or poor attention-skills that led me to misread what Frink said as “What if I’m 10 and she’s 38, and her parents are 38?”.

That would be impossible. I fail to see how science could make that possible.

Three test-tube babies are born in the same year. One of them is the genetic child of the other two. They’d all hit 38 in the same year.

Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo

Possessed said:

TM2YC said:

TV’s Frink said:

What if I’m 10 and she’s 38, and my parents are 38?

Technically possible with modern science (and one or more evil scientists).

It takes modern science to be a ten year year old with 38 year old parents?

True. Perhaps modern science can instead help me with my poor eye-sight and/or poor attention-skills that led me to misread what Frink said as “What if I’m 10 and she’s 38, and her parents are 38?”.