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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

DrDre said:

DominicCobb said:

NeverarGreat said:

From the article, talking about the ‘fans’:

They never call it “bad logic” when it’s something they like.

Or when it’s something that makes them feel good. This reveals everything. Because there are plenty of things I find objectionable in a given film and could apply a logic argument to, but I don’t. Because that’s not the point of storytelling, nor why I’d really find the given issue to be objectionable. It’s all about how characters grow, change and are in conflict in one another.

I feel like a creator should always have the intended audience in mind, so as best to know when they can get away with narrative cheats. For example, if the audience is invested in a familiarly textured story, such as the first third of TFA, you can have one coincidence after another and the audience will buy it because they want to be immersed in this world.

However, if you’re giving the audience something new, something difficult and perhaps uncomfortable to deal with, you want to make sure that your story logic is absolutely sound because the audience will be closely examining the rules of the world to make sure that the movie still ‘works’ for them.

In regards to TLJ, he’s saying there’s no bad logic in the first place, just people projecting it onto situations they don’t personally like. Are you just saying they needed to go the extra mile to make the logic of everything clear? Just seems like unnecessary hand holding to me, and I’m sure you’d still get people criticizing that aspect of the film anyway.

In general, I agree with him. Criticisms about logic and plot holes are some of the basest anyone could come up with. Rarely do they have much to deal with what’s actually important about the movie’s story. Most movies are not logic puzzles, Star Wars especially.

Yet logic used in stories is like grammar used in poetry. We can forgive poetic license, since it serves a purpose, but in general the words should adhere to some grammatical structure (logic) to make sense. The existence of poetic license should not be used as a free pass for a poor grasp of grammar.

This is an insanely apt analogy, actually.

The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - 35mm Re Creation (a WIP)

eBay has graced us with some high quality scans of the primary trailer:

While there is an obvious yellow fade over this particular print, we now have a clear idea of how the curves, exposure, and contrast of the digital animation looked when transferred over to a theatrical print. Based upon my own copy of this same trailer, and the scan uploaded to Paramount’s YouTube channel, a proper color timing can easily be reached.

Why hasn't Ian McDiarmid returned to Star Wars?

Save for maybe David Prowse, it seems that everyone even tangential to the Original Trilogy has made their reappearance in Disney’s new lineage of creations. Even Ewan McGregor had a line in TFA. I can understand holding off on Hayden Christensen, considering his shying away from the industry as a whole, but why not McDiarmid, someone who is a giant in the franchise’s legacy? James Earl Jones himself returned for Rebels, and yet Sam Witwer stayed on as Palpatine. Of all the chances given to legacy contributiors to reprise their roles, why not give one to him?

The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - 35mm Re Creation (a WIP)

The look I am aiming to recreate was very easily obtainable in After Effects. Essentially by adjusting curves/levels, compressing highlights, and adding gate weave/grain I was able to produce an authentic look that I imagine comes close to how the movie appeared in many theatres in 2004.


The Last Jedi - In Which I Cut Out Everything Except For The Scenes Concerning Luke, Rey, And Kylo Ren

Title is self explanatory, I s’pose.

Luke having a moment across the universe with Leia, as well as his final lesson to Rey, will be reinstated.

It will not in the slightest reach feature length, in fact it’s meant more to be an extended episode of a hypothetical miniseries. The resistance is being chased through hyperspace by the first order; that’s all we need to know about them. And of course the Finn/Rose plot is gone entirely.

Will post more updates as I go about the planning process. As a wise man once said, “Hopefully it’ll work”.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Here’s a new method to approaching these films.

I’m going tomorrow, and I’ve already spoiled myself rotten. Every twist, every story beat, every surprise cameo and reference. It’s all in my mind.

Now what my focus as a viewer is on is how well these events are executed and strung together in the composition of a film. Sure, I’m not that happy with where a few things went, but I’ll be more keen to just accepted as what it is - a movie - once I’m in the theater. I don’t know, maybe I’ll like it more.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Here it is: the full (albeit cut up in a few spaces) score for TLJ:


It feels like Star Wars purgatory set to music. Though I mean that in a positive connotation: it’s moody, subdued, and it pulls a plethora of cues from places I definitely never expected to hear again. Definitely evocative of early 70’s Williams in its style.

1997 Star Wars Special Edition 35mm Project (a WIP)

There is a certain level of detail naturally present in the SE prints that I just can’t find in some of the greatest of IB tech scans. I wouldn’t mind a ‘Cinema Despecialized’ edition that uses mostly SE 35mm footage, plugging in 77 35mm footage whenever necessary. Or if some technical genius could digitally average the two together, that would be fantastic.

The Prequels: Show, Don't Tell (A short film) (Workprint available)

SparkySywer said:

Any updates on this?

I’ve had a workprint sitting on my hard drive for some time now. Aside from a handful of low quality sources outside of ROTS, and one stray frame that was left in by mistake, it’s a pretty seamless first cut. When I find a sustainable domain to host it on, I could upload it, provided there’s interest.

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

I don’t know what’s worse; that we’ll never be seeing a Star Wars movie from Brad Bird, or that the endless debate over the validity of TFA has now artificially extended its lifespan.

I trust Abrams to do the ‘reboot’ entry; to set things up, and implement his world famous Mystery Box. I don’t trust him to wrap things up. It was obvious he didn’t really know who Snoke was, or who Rey’s parents were, or anything at all that happened in between his movie and Return of the Jedi; a film that saw the return of the original film’s director’s involvement, and suffered heavily in quality as a result.

Once I’ve seen Johnson’s entry, I strongly feel as if I will already be able to pinpoint every story beat in JJ’s part IX.