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Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

Octorox said:

I haven’t gotten all the way through yet, but here are my thoughts on the first half of the AOTC workprint. I think the overall pacing works really well and doesn’t need tweaking so all of my comments are specific nitpicks:

-There were some establishing shots I found a little wonky with the new scenes they were attached to. For example, The establishing shots of Sheev’s office and the senate building ought to be swapped in order to make sense with their respective scenes (I think this is a change Hal made in a late version of the Approaching Storm). There’s also an establishing shot of the Naboo palace that’s pulled from Phantom Menace and I don’t think it really works, since the scene it precedes doesn’t take place in the palace. I would consider maybe reshuffling the order of events so that the establishing shot isn’t needed.

-The cgi in some of the deleted scenes is very unfinished. I realize that you can’t do much about that, but I thought some other edits I’ve seen do a better job of at least cutting around it. For example, there are some pretty distracting shots of JarJar in the senate deleted scene, which I think could be easily cut around.

-There are a couple instances (from the original movie) where characters seem to talk “at” each other instead of actually holding a conversation. A good example is when Yoda tells Padme that “seeing (her) alive brings warm feeling to (his) heart” and Padme seemingly has no reaction, instead launching into talking about something else. Another example is when JarJar tells Anakin he’s happy to see him and Anakin launches into his own concerns about Padme. The latter can arguably be considered a character choice but the Yoda example I think is really jarring since we’re supposed to think of Padme as a kind and caring person. I think this is easily solved by cutting Yoda’s line

-I don’t think all the transitions between Anakin and Obi-Wan’s storylines work in this cut. Maybe it’s due to familiarity with the original movie or other edits, but there were a couple of moments where transitions felt jarring.

-I would cut Padme’s line in the family deleted scene “our relationship is strictly professional”. If she just said “Anakin is a…friend” it leaves more ambiguity about their relationship and it makes her quick falling from him feel more gradual and believable.

-When Lama Su gives Obi-Wan numbers of clone units, I think it is playing the reveal too early, and it detracts from the later scenes when we see more and more clones. I would cut out this mention of numbers.

-The goofy cgi villain roundtable when Obi-Wan is spying on Dooku has always bothered me, and I’ve seen other edits cut down each leader pledging their allegiance to the count. Similarly I’ve seen other edits cut Nute Gunray saying he wants Padme’s “head on (his) desk” to just “I want her head”. These are just moments of camp that I think go a little too far. Obviously it’s your decision to make based on taste, but they are little moments of friction with the movie for me.

Thanks, this is all really helpful!

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

hinventon said:

Sounds great! Are you going to wait to release them all at once or release them whenever they’re finished? I’d love to check them out.

I think I’m leaning toward all at once, as then I can keep tweaking each one as I work on the others. I’m open to making early versions available for feedback in a limited capacity, but the full release is going to be all together.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

here’s a rough cutlist for TPM:

  • Replaced 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm logos with the old 70’s versions (I do this on all my Star Wars edits)
  • Removed Nute’s "As you know, our blockade is perfectly legal)
  • Removed Nut’s first “WHAT?!” before “what did you say?!” to the protocol droid.
  • Removed some of Qui-Gon being brough tea for pacing.
  • Cut straight from Palpatine’s “Kill them immediately.” to the ship being attacked.
  • Removed some battle droid dialogue.
  • Removed some of Nute’s dialogue before the destroyer droids show up.
  • Removed some stilted dialogue from the Amidala video chat.
  • Cut straight to the army arriving after “a communications disruption can mean only one thing: Invasion”
  • Trimmed Jar-Jar’s introduction to make Qui-Gon purposefully tackle and knock Jar-Jar to the ground instead of Jar-Jar jumping on him and being ridiculous.
  • Removed “exsqueeeeze me”
  • Removed some of the business of getting to Gunga city.
  • Tidied up dialogue throughout Gunga City. No Boss Nass ticks save one irritated jowl shake, and no mention of the planet core.
  • Removed planet core sequence.
  • Move Jar-Jar’s explanation of being banished because of his clumsiness to just before they arrive at the city.
  • Generally removed all of the “now there are two of them!” “we shouldn’t have made this deal!” “A Sith, here?!” nonsense at the end of the Trade Federation scenes.
  • Removed Jar-Jar stepping in poop-eh and his ruckus in Watto’s shop.
  • Removed Anakin’s “all my life” response to being a pilot. Just always sounded silly to me. He’s 9.
  • All of the Anakin’s yippees, whoooahs, and oopses have been removed.
  • 3PO has been completely removed from this film, as with AOTC.
  • Toned down Jar-Jar’s reaction to Qui-Gon grabbing his tongue at the dinner table.
  • Removed the sequence where Anakin’s crappy friends come by to be crappy to him.
  • Cut straight from Watto and Qui-Gon’s chance cube scene to the racecourse.
  • Trimmed up the intros and pageantry at the podrace to get to the action faster.
  • Ben Quadrineros’ pod no longer stalls out in addition to Anakin’s.
  • Lots of little nips and tucks to the podrace for pacing, including adding a portion of one of the deleted scenes.
  • Inserted the scene where Anakin beats up Greedo, but removed the explicit mention that he is Greedo.
  • Created a new transition shot of Shmi’s door to get out of that scene.
  • Inserted the deleted probe droid sequence.
  • Removed "Master Qui-Gon, I’m tired.
  • Lots of small cuts to the Coruscant section of the film for pacing. It’s an important section of the plot, but it grinds the movie to a halt. Need to get in and out of there as quickly as possible.
  • Midichlorians are gone, obviously.
  • They no longer test Anakin by asking him what’s on their etch-a-sketch, which to me is a supremely stupid way to determine if someone should be a jedi.
  • Maul is not shown again until Duel of the Fates, so the audience can forget about him for a little while till that reveal.
  • Made everything Anakin and Jar Jar do a bit more deliberate throughout the ending so they’re not “accidentally heroes”
  • Used Hal’s structure of moving the Queen capturing the Viceroy to after the control ship is destroyed.

This is a high level list, there are small trims, lines removed, shots rearranged, etc. through every scene. Again, I’m not doing anything revolutionary with this one, as to me this is still the best and most functional of the prequels. Just trying to smooth it over and remove some annoyances. It’s about 90% done, which means its time to start on ROTS.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

StarkillerAG said:

When it comes to that scene, I remember Hal’s edit removed Jar Jar releasing the “big boomas” completely, but kept in Jar Jar landing on the droid tank with a couple trims. I think that would be the best solution: not only does it prevent you from having to recolor that one Gungan into Tarpals, but I think the droid tank works way better as a moment of levity than the “big boomas”.

I actually don’t want it to be a total “moment of levity” I’m trying to make it so Jar Jar releases the big ones on purpose, but underestimates the fact that they’re going to roll down hill at him. I’m trying to make him purposefully heroic in a clumsy way, as opposed to fumbling his way to heroics.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

I’m reaching out to see if anyone can assist me with a few shots. I’m trying to adjust the end of TPM so that after Jar-Jar releases the large bouncing balls, the Gungan that picks him up on the horse is actually Tarpals. That way, I can bypass the whole silliness of him juggling the bomb and hanging from the tank. However, the Gungan that picks him up is clearly a more yellow hue than Tarpals, who stands out because he’s purple.

I’m not sure what the best method of recoloring this one specific Gungan is, and my experience with effects and masking isn’t great.

So I’m seeing if anybody has any ideas or would otherwise be able to help me with this. I’m not looking for perfection or anything here, as there’s so much movement in the frame and characters that it doesn’t need to be a full replacement. I basically just need the yellow guy to be purple.

Here are the three shots that would need work done to them. Please let me know what you think!


Here is the sequence as it will appear in the final edit (ignore the audio editing, it’s nowhere near final)


Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

Leovfz said:

SpenceEdit said:

I’m playing with the idea of removing Darth Maul from every scene after Tattooine until he shows up for the duel. I think it’s kind of a neat idea to sort of forget about him for a while and then those doors open. It makes him showing up a bit more epic. All he does in the other scenes is stand behind Nute Gunray anyway.

You could just cut those scenes all together. That’s what I did for my (vanity and amateurish) edit. They kind of diminish Sidious as well.

I’m keeping one, where they inform Sidious about the Gungan army. Pretty easy to cut around Maul in that one and I needed at least one scene away from the heroes for pacing.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

PsyGemini said:

SpenceEdit said:

I’m playing with the idea of removing Darth Maul from every scene after Tattooine until he shows up for the duel. I think it’s kind of a neat idea to sort of forget about him for a while and then those doors open. It makes him showing up a bit more epic. All he does in the other scenes is stand behind Nute Gunray anyway.

That’s… actually very interesting, might work really well. We don’t exactly forget about him for that long though, because Qui-Gon and the council do openly discuss him and the sith, or do you plan to cut all of that as well?

No I want to keep that. I just feel like seeing him stroll around with Nute sort of dilutes his scariness. I like the idea of only seeing him when he’s an immediate threat.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

Daiyus said:

SpenceEdit said:

Daiyus said:

I’m really interested to see your takes on these films as I really enjoyed your work on Kenobi. I’ve found the prequels the hardest to find edits of that I’d be happy to put into into my definitive collection, but your AotC sounds like it could be just what I’m looking for.

Out of interest, what’s your stance on multimedia, or inserting Clone Wars/Tales of the Jedi scenes? I know many find it jarring, but I feel some of Dooku’s scenes from TotJ could really add to the tone of TPM.

I’m a big fan of the animated series. But I don’t intend to integrate them into the movies. They’re always separate things to me.

That’s fair enough. I’ve seen a few edits that integrate, and a few that don’t, and to be honest, both can work really well. I’m undecided as to how I’d like my definitive collection to look, particularly surrounding Dooku’s TotJ arc as it works well stand alone or integrated. I look forward to viewing your edits; it might give me some much needed clarity on this topic.

It’s tempting to use some Dooku footage from Totj in conjunction with that deleted scene from AOTC, but I think the merging of the two mediums will just feel too fanedit-y.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

Daiyus said:

I’m really interested to see your takes on these films as I really enjoyed your work on Kenobi. I’ve found the prequels the hardest to find edits of that I’d be happy to put into into my definitive collection, but your AotC sounds like it could be just what I’m looking for.

Out of interest, what’s your stance on multimedia, or inserting Clone Wars/Tales of the Jedi scenes? I know many find it jarring, but I feel some of Dooku’s scenes from TotJ could really add to the tone of TPM.

I’m a big fan of the animated series. But I don’t intend to integrate them into the movies. They’re always separate things to me.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

I’ve reached Coruscant on TPM. Again, this is a lighter edit than Attack of the Clones, as I’ve always felt that TPM is an editing pass away from being genuinely good. So Nothing quite as drastic.

Some stuff I’m doing:

  • Similar to AOTC, lots of small nips and trims to conversations or dead space to keep the pace moving. This is happening in pretty much every scene.
  • I’m keeping a little more of the battle droid chatter than most editors, but still trimming the most egregiously annoying parts.
  • I’m keeping the visit to the Gungans at the beginning, with some heavy editing for pacing and silliness. I know that it’s popular to remove that sequence, but I feel like we need to see them and set up their antagonism with the Naboo for the later scenes to work. The planet core journey will be cut though.
  • I’m reinstating the usual deleted scenes (Anakin stuff on Tattooine, some of the extended podrace stuff)
  • 3PO is going to be cut from this film as well. This will be a little trickier to execute as he’s in more of the film with other characters than AOTC.
  • The podrace is getting some trims, especially to the opening of it. I feel like the festivities go on a bit too long before we actually get into the race itself. I’m doing some minor cuts for pacing but it’s largely the same sequence.
Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

EddieDean said:

Spence, if you’d like, I’ll do a scene-for-scene comparison of yours against Hal’s v8s, to highlight anything that worked for his that you might want to consider?

If you’d like to do that, I’ll shoot you a link.

For those that got the workprint link, if you haven’t downloaded it yet, I’m uploading a newer version. Should be up later, I’ll send a new link out.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

StarkillerAG said:

Wow, that is so much better than the original! Anakin and Obi-Wan actually feel likeable with all the awkward pauses and pointless bickering removed.

I especially like how you rearranged Anakin’s “we will find out who’s trying to kill you” to be a direct response to Padme. It makes it feel like Anakin is actually worried about her safety, rather than just trying to get on Obi-Wan’s nerves after he said there wasn’t going to be an investigation.

Thanks! One of the most important goals for me on this is to make Anakin’s relationships with Kenobi and Padme stronger, so the downfall hits harder. So both are more pleasant throughout, but there’s still some tension with Kenobi. To me, it’s more important to enjoy spending time with the characters than to have a lot of drama between them. There’s plenty of that in the next movie.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

Last one for today, here are some pictures demonstrating how I cut 3PO out of the middle of a shot.

Here is the original shot in the theatrical version:

Here is the plate of just R2

And just Padme:

Combined so the horizon matches and the house doesn’t look weird. Missing a little sand in the middle…

And the final shot:

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

Here’s a little video I made that illustrates all the small changes I’m trying to make to get these scenes feeling more natural. I have notations on the video in the bottom left detailing what was done.


Here is the scene without the notes, if you’d like to see it clean:


This is partly why I don’t have a detailed cut-list. I just fidget with scenes until they feel right.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

Octorox said:

I apologize that I haven’t gotten the change to watch your workprint yet, but the changelist sounds excellent! My only reservation is that I think it would be much better to cut/down remove the Obi-Wan/Jango fistfight on the landing platform than the asteroid battle sequence. The original “Attack of the Phantom” actually removes both, but I generally find that I miss the space battle more. Just a thought.

I tried putting it back in, and it just doesn’t play right with the pacing based on how I’ve cut the stuff around it. We are just getting some momentum in the Anakin/Padme story so taking an unnecessary deviation for an action scene just feels weird.

It’s less about the scene itself and more about how everything is playing together.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

PsyGemini said:

An updated crawl would be very appreciated to properly introduce the state of the galaxy, what the Separatists are after exactly, what is this “army” the Senate is debating, why is Padmé being targeted, Dooku’s role, yada yada yada. Movie does an extremely poor job at that.

Also IMHO 3pO not being here and then appearing in Clone Wars is not a problem at all. It’s just a manufactured protocol droid we see every corner, it could have come from literally any place in the galaxy.


SpenceEdit said:

  • Removed the Jango/Kenobi space battle. I love the sonic bomb things as much as the next guy, but we really don’t need another action scene here given the way I’ve recut things.

oh no! needed or not, that is one of the coolest things in star wars ever! trim it down if you must, but please please leave it! even makes the slave I bombing in the mandalorian so much more nostalgic and impactful!

Also, will you be using the updated sound effect for Jango’s blaster?
sounds a millions times more badass!

SpenceEdit said:

  • Remove the scene with Yoda and the Younglings

I would argue against that. I know that the younglings scene is very… divisive and just not very good, but nowadays it’s just so part of the main lore (mandalorian, kenobi, clone wars) that not having this here makes them showing up later on very confusing and out of nowhere. Also, it’s the only time in the entire trilogy we see Yoda more relaxed and even cracking a couple of jokes, which IMO makes him more in line with what we see in the original trilogy.

Anyway, can’t wait to watch this!

I feel like the Senate deleted scene clears all of the crawl concerns up pretty well, and if I updated the crawl it would just repeat that information.

I don’t think the space battle with Jango is a particularly good or exciting sequence, or a necessary one, so the only reason to keep it is because it has bombs that sound cool, which honestly isn’t enough for me.

I don’t plan on changing the blaster sounds in particular, but this is the first time I’ve ever heard that idea.

I don’t think I quite understand your concern about the youngling scene. It’s needed to… introduce the concept of younglings? I feel like there being children that are Jedi is pretty well set up in TPM and is kind of a logical conclusion.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

EddieDean said:

Changelog sounds great. Are you also making the common changes made by the current leading edits (Hal’s, L8WRTR’s, etc)? Do you have plans for an alternate opening crawl?

C-3PO’s removal from 1 & 2 is understandable - are you likely to make any other similar deviations from canon? I’m asking here more in the sense of other media which reference events of those movies, whose references might not make sense now. Coming at this from a Clone Wars angle (naturally), C-3PO appears in that as a previously known character, for example.

Speaking of C-3PO (but irrespective of my last paragraph), his inclusion in TPM does introduce a nice connection - if you cut the lines where one of Padmé’s aides (posing as Padmé) assigns Padmé (posing as an aide) to clean up R2-D2, it’s implied that she’s essentially assigned herself that task. And if Padmé’s just naturally interested in working with droids (or at least working with her hands) it makes sense that she’d be impressed that young Anakin has made his own droid - something that might add a nice first step in their relationship.

I always found the world shrinking to be much less noticeable/offensive when the movies are watched in chronological order, but I understand the objection, and the priority to keep these movies tight and ask fewer questions, which may override that.

I think that’s the only thing that could be considered a canon deviation, other than like Yoda not fighting Dooku and minor stuff like that. If people end up caring enough about this to have a “Canon version” I would consider doing that and keeping 3PO, but so far I can’t really gauge what the interest level is.

I’ll be honest, editing through these right now is the first time I’ve watched the theatrical versions in a while, so I likely am doing a lot of HAL’s cuts just naturally, but I didn’t watch any edits to prepare for this one as I wanted to go at it with the freshest eyes possible.

No changes to the opening crawls or titles of the films are planned right now.

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

G&G-Fan said:

An idea I’m using for my edit that I’d be honored if you stole: Anakin using Padme as bait is his idea. Makes him more bold and calculating like Vader, and using someone to lure someone else is basically also his plan in ESB, which makes him feel even more like a younger Vader.

So I actually debated that sequence quite a bit, and I’m actually cutting the whole “using as bait” bit all together. The only reason we know there are meant to be cameras watching her is because Obi-Wan mentions it, so her being monitored by R2 can just be one of those “star wars things.”

Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

EddieDean said:

Do you have a (tentative) changelog for AOTC? Very curious!

Uh, not really. I’m really bad at doing that. Here is a rough one, no timecodes or anything though:

Overall goals:

  • Make Anakin and Padme’s love story more natural and remove the heavy focus on the “forbidden romance” element. The whole story of the prequels hinges on their romance being believable.
  • Anakin is no longer creepy or leers at Padme, he’s just a little awkward but charming.
  • Anakin no longer whines about Obi-Wan or the council, but it’s still clear he is bothered by them.
  • Adjust the awkward editing throughout the film. Long silences, odd framing, or scenes that move at a slow or unnatural pace are all adjusted.
  • Tighten up the action editing for more thrilling sequences. Added a lot of zooms, crops, camera movement, and combined shots to accomplish this.

More scene specific stuff (this isn’t every change, barely two minutes go by without some sort of edit or effect, but this is the big noticeable stuff)

  • Speed up the landing platform sequence, removing unnecessary dialogue or shots. Also add zooms and camera movement to make the sequence more exciting and dangerous.
  • Add in the senate deleted scene, with some trims for pacing.
  • Add in the Anakin/Kenobi duel flashbacks from the Obi-Wan Kenobi series, with adjusted color timing and music to help it blend into the film better.
  • Many cuts made to Anakin and Padme meeting again, making it a less awkward exchanged. Oddly, this sequence has the most new VFX shots to get it to function correctly out of the whole thing, and it’s just people talking.
  • Remove Jango/Zam scene, so the first time we see Zam is when they load up the assassin droid.
  • Many cuts to Anakin and Kenobi’s dialogue while Padme is sleeping for pacing. Cut the odd “intoxicating” dialogue from Anakin.
  • Lots of action and pacing editing to the coruscant chase, slimming down the banter to the best parts.
  • Lots of trims to the Dexter’s Diner sequence.
  • Reordered a lot of the back and forth between Anakin’s story and Kenobi’s story to keep the focus where it needs to be longer.
  • Add in the dinner with Padme’s family, with some trims.
  • Remove the scene with Yoda and the Younglings and Yoda/Kenobi/Mace discussion in the temple before Kenobi leaves.
  • Replace that scene with an edited version of the Mace/Kenobi landing platform scene.
  • Removed the second half of the meadow scene and the fireside confession from the love story. The focus is now more on Padme slowly falling for Anakin as opposed to “we can’t be together!”
  • Padme no longer stops the kiss, and we now crossfade to Anakin standing on the balcony in the morning. It avoids an awkward transition back to Kamino and also insinuates that they may have had… aggressive negotiations.
  • Lots of cuts and trims to the Jango fight for pacing and intensity.
  • Removed the Jango/Kenobi space battle. I love the sonic bomb things as much as the next guy, but we really don’t need another action scene here given the way I’ve recut things.
  • 3PO is no longer in the film, and I intend to remove him from TPM as well so he doesn’t show up until he’s serving Padme in ROTS. Remove him with a combination of careful edits and cropping and some masking.
  • Cut Anakin and Padme’s dialogue as he’s leaving to find his mother. The moment feels a bit more epic without the dialogue.
  • Removed the iris in transition from Anakin killing the tuskens to Yoda, it now smash cuts to Yoda. It feels a bit more violent and upsetting.
  • HEAVY trims to the droid factory sequence. It’s not a particularly good action scene, but it feels a little awkward without it.
  • Reinstate the meeting with Dooku and the sentencing deleted scenes to slow things down for a second before we hit the last act of the movie, which is basically non-stop action. I also wanted to show Padme attempting to resolve things peacefully as I think that’s important to her overall character.
  • The “Across the stars” scene is heavily edited. It now goes:
    “Don’t be frightened”
    “I’m not afraid to die. I love you. I truly deeply love you, and before we die I want you to know”
    Kiss, then into the arena.
  • Basically from here on out it’s major cuts, zooms, extra camera movement, reordering of scene, etc. to get this action as exciting as possible.
  • I made a lot of alterations from when the Clones show up through to the Dooku fight so that we more or less stay with Anakin/Kenobi/Padme through most of it, keeping the focus a little tighter.
  • Lots of cuts to the Dooku duel, especially when he fights Anakin. It’s a lot shorter, but also a lot more intense, and Dooku comes off as a more serious threat.
  • Yoda no longer shows up at the end of this sequence. I had to mask him out of a couple of shots when Padme arrives.
  • After that it’s basically the same, except for removing 3PO and R2 from the wedding scene.
Spence's PT Edits Round 3 (V1 Released)

I’ve got AOTC in a fully working state, which will obviously be tweaked and perfected further.

I’ve started preliminary work on TPM. I don’t anticipate that one to be as drastic as the other two, as I think TPM largely functions well as it is. The pacing is off, but the action is much better edited and kinetic than in AOTC and ROTS. Also, I’m a firm believer in TPM being, at the end of the day, a kids movie. This is before things take a dark turn in AOTC, and it should be fun, light, and appropriate for children. I’m fine with some comic relief from Jar-Jar, and I’m fine with the “boys adventure” vibe for Anakin. I’d want to trim those elements to make them better, not remove them all together.

Some trims for pacing and line delivery are expected, and I’ll probably remove the whole planet core scene, but otherwise this won’t be as drastic of an edit, probably less drastic than HAL’s as far as what is kept vs. cut.

The question is, do I release these out of order as they’re completed, or do I wait and release them all together when I finish the trilogy? I’m leaning toward releasing them all together.